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Please nerf heal in BGs


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Pvp 2.0


1) Everyone but tanks die in 4 secs

2) Unless you have a healer then no one dies ever


BW doing what BW does best.


Breaking stuff.


pretty much this :) This is what happens when people think that 1 healer should neutralize 2 DPS.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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My solution is zero target break in 360 degrees under 10 ft for force user strength based melee combat. Unfair yes and no. With lag many people loose attacks and they are force users they know where u are. Any target engaged with same is at a speed disadvantage if targeted or engaged in combat unless using a special escape. Basically they are the brains and have spent time away from physical combat training to learn their skill. In a purely physical escape they should loose. Also a sniper using cover in close combat in plain sight should be immune to leap, but they should also not get the same advantage that being 15' away in real cover should afford. Or how about medals for engaging in combat against over whelming odds.


So you get kited often due to lag and that means bioware should nerf ranged characters?


Also you site realism as an indicator of what needs balancing in a game with lightsabers. Lolz.

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