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[Daily] Big Red


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Has anyone completed it? THis is the worse mission ever. Chasing a gaint f'in tuna across Aderaan. Everytime I see it its out of range for the Macrobinoculars. I can't zoom in on it. I've been to all 4 spots and nothing. Is there something I'm doign wrong or is this just broken and poorly design and I should quit wasting my time with it.
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I know this and the one you have to scan has yellow taint to it like everything else does with the Macrobinoculars that has to be scanned. I've been camping the same spot for 30 min and no tuna. Its poorly design quest and never going to waste another sec on it. Whoever design it clearly is retarded.
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I am pretty sure camping the same spot won't help. From what I have read it is on a 24 hour clock (per instance) for where it spawns. Also fairly sure there are more then 4 spots.


One issue I will agree with. There should be more information on how exactly it spawns. And once you check an area it should no longer be on your map (until he resets).


But Bioware is clearly experimenting with different ideas with many of these dailies.

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I had to look on a guide for this quest. Out of all the spots it sits in one spot for 24 hours and then changes location. So i just went to all the spots and of course i find it on the last one. but it supposedly changes every 24 hours.
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I had to look on a guide for this quest. Out of all the spots it sits in one spot for 24 hours and then changes location. So i just went to all the spots and of course i find it on the last one. but it supposedly changes every 24 hours.


That is my understanding. However I have not been able to find any information on 2 critical details:

1. What time is this 24 hour clock on. I would assume 7am with the rest of the resets.

2. Is this a server or instance based location.

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I've finished this quest in about 15 minutes. went to 2 spots, then I was too lazy to go to the third so I just climbed to a high spot and gazed at the direction of the next spot. Found him across a zone :p


There is no range limit for the binoculars, unless it's too far for the draw distance. If you see it you can scan it.

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Ok...so I've been having alot of trouble with this daily as well. Spent an hour looking yesterday and never found him (visited all 5 locations).


I tried again today and searched all 5 locations over a 30 min period and he wasn't at any of them, so I completely give up on this daily, because this is just total BS. :mad:

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That's why it's a side quest, dude. You can just skip, same as with some annoying datacrons or getting the HK droid. Either bite it with your friends or skip it and go do whatever you find easy and rewarding.


Sidequest or not it doesn't excuse poor design or the fact that its boring, just saying.

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I had to look up a guide to realize he can be at any of these sites, after i spend 20 minutes scanning one site.

He is stationary object that is easily detectable once you are at the right location. It is pretty easy, it just depends how lucky you are with your selected order of visiting his spawn points

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I don't buy that ******** for a second im no tard and i can't find it.

I have just finished my second circuit of all 5 sights and nothing.

Ive seen alot of thranta in the upper atmosphere but i am guessing that's what matey was trying to scan as there not scannable


And as a further note i have looked up the quest on Dulfy and i will agree from the screen shots its not hard to spot but for me it was not at any of the 5 spawns after 2 circuits

So there is a problem with the quest not just down to ******* tho i would probably jump to that conclusion myself given that alot of people i have spoke to have said its very easy

Edited by ZeniousD
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I don't buy that ******** for a second im no tard and i can't find it.


Good, cause we aren't selling it. It's the truth, plain and simple, I've done this quest at least 10 times now and have never once had trouble finding him. Although that stupid fish always seems to be at the last location I check, he's always at one of them.

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If your stood on the spot its asking you to use big red is freaking massive and easily in range of the binos, there are others that are no where near as big that glow orange and cant be tracked to show you are looking in the right direction.


If you are being lazy as soon as you land on aldy just ask in chat where big red is or group with others and split up across the map as no matter who scans what or digs up the quest items it counts for all in the group.

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I think it might bug out after moving occasionally. I've done the quest before, but today I couldn't find him. I even asked in alderaan chat, and everyone's been saying they just gave up cuz they couldn't find him. The time I did it he was just a huge red flappy thranta sitting in place, but I'm not seeing him this time at any location. I'm scnning with binocs at all the spots he's supposed to be, even changing location in case there were some visual clipping problems, and scanning just the air in case for whatever reason i just couldn't see him and still nothing.
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I think it might bug out after moving occasionally. I've done the quest before, but today I couldn't find him. I even asked in alderaan chat, and everyone's been saying they just gave up cuz they couldn't find him. The time I did it he was just a huge red flappy thranta sitting in place, but I'm not seeing him this time at any location. I'm scnning with binocs at all the spots he's supposed to be, even changing location in case there were some visual clipping problems, and scanning just the air in case for whatever reason i just couldn't see him and still nothing.


Today, me and another in my guild went all over, twice looking for Big Red. There was nothing. The other person went to instance 2 on the planet, and I checked the last spot for the second time. I go to instance 2, and Big Red was there - but several on instance 1 were saying in chat that he was not there. (The Shadowlands server).


So something could be problematic with Big Red.

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I completed it yesterday. It was at the 3rd place I went to. Didn't seem overly complicated. Just go to the spots on the map that show it could be there and see if he is. He's quite visible without the binoculars. If you see him, use the binoculars on him.


Won't do it again though. Daily quests suck.

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Today, me and several other players were unable to find the Big Red in any of the five marked locations. I went to forums for tips/advices and found this:

Today, me and another in my guild went all over, twice looking for Big Red. There was nothing. The other person went to instance 2 on the planet, and I checked the last spot for the second time. I go to instance 2, and Big Red was there - but several on instance 1 were saying in chat that he was not there. (The Shadowlands server).

Upon switching back to the game, I realized that we all (who did the daily) are in instance 2 of Alderaan. I switched to instance 1, and the Big Red was indeed there.


I submitted a bug report. For now, if you have trouble finding the Big Red, switching instances should be the workaround, as it seems the Big Red is always in only one of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Definitely an annoying quest, but I did find BIG RED on the 3rd location. One thing to know: He hovers in one spot, not flying around. At least that's how I found him. Hope that helps anyone else having a hard time with this silly quest.:rolleyes:
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