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2.0 Hardmode Flashpoints are not worth the payout.


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Bosses are easy, trash is harder (it was always like this in all wow clones and it will always remain so), but still pretty easy. Drops are fine, you can get 2 black market pieces per run (1 from bonus boss, 1 from last boss).
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I have'nt found the new FPs a challenge to be honest.


Cademimu is tricky because of the bug at the moment, but if you understand the bug it can be worked around.


Please remember that initially FPs will be harder, as not everyone is geared to the point that it can make up for a lack of skill, or familiarity with the boss encounter mechanics.


In the first few weeks of an expac, even a good player can struggle because of the gear check.


As for 'the payout', in my opinion it is about right:


All boss kills (including bonus) = 8 tokens

Completing the FP = 1 token

Daily Hardmode reward = 10 tokens

Total reward = 19 tokens


So, add that to the two chances for Elite gear drops AND the weekly HMFP mission rewards, and I think it really is quite rewarding, moreso than the pre 2.0 HMFP setup was.


The ONLY complaint I have is that we did'nt get a level 55 FP set on Makeb - but given the quality of this expac and the 2.0 update, that is me really reaching for something.



Edited by Farstrider
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Omg I love you .... I was gonna say all of that ... the new FPs actually require skill ... I LOVE IT ..... oh wait ... newbies are QQing ... I guess they will majorly nerf it now like Lost Island (original) .... sigh ... ppl make me sick.


They don't require any sort of skill. Just to memorize the boss mechanics during first couple of runs.

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Yup the diffuclty is way too much. You shouldn't need op level gear to do a 4-man hardmode or run around with friends and voice coms.


Bioware is essentially killing random groups from trying lvl 55 HM's and they don't need to sit around on their hands since thats a big part of the game. Regardless of people saying it's fine they're obviously not represnting someone using the random group finder or wearing Basic gear or equal gear at best. . There is no learning how to play. It's simply how hard things hit. They must have put a decimal point in the wrong place


I'm 0-8 right now trying random HM's and I've spent more than a couple of hours trying each as a tank. Stuff just hits insanely hard, even trash which is stupid, and some boss fights are totally impossible without having some kind of advantage. The problem isn't understanding boss mechanics, it's just trying to remain standing upright. Need to lower the damage on everything by probably 1/3 and then it'll still be harder than lvl 50 HM's used to be but will be a little more on par. The only problem I'm having is how hard everything hits. There's nothing you can do about since you need to run the same HM's in order to get better gear in a reasoable time frame. Or buy it for 1,000,000 credits a mod :rolleyes:

Edited by sumuji
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Jeez you guys are brutal huh?! I'm a Carnage Marauder ( Abaddon'nox - Jedi Covenant <Let The Wookie Win> )....started out with all 61/63 gear at first and I only use Group Finder for 55 HMs......never wiped once, had some toons runnin around with freakin' green gear on and it was challenging but FUN as a game should be. I knew the fights sometime....other times I didn't....but *GASP* I actually talked and communicated with my team of randoms and cut out the elitist BS that most of you spew and made sure my team was ready and prepared......we all ended up having fun with it...can you believe it FUN.....a word a lot of you don't seem to associate with a game...you treat it like it's your freakin' job......


Yeah repair costs are high...but that encourages you to craft gear to sell so you can make credits and run dailies so that you can contribute to the TOR community.....is that really so bad?


If you want easy gear thrown in your face go to a male strip club......:eek:

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come on..... boehoe trash mobs hits so hard, guess what you have cds if you click on them your def goes up ..... hmmmm they dont hit so hard anymore


learn your class and gear your character, your not gonna be carryed by overgeared player ( pre 2.0 ) you gotta use your skills

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Yup the diffuclty is way too much. You shouldn't need op level gear to do a 4-man hardmode or run around with friends and voice coms.


Bioware is essentially killing random groups from trying lvl 55 HM's and they don't need to sit around on their hands since thats a big part of the game. Regardless of people saying it's fine they're obviously not represnting someone using the random group finder or wearing Basic gear or equal gear at best. . There is no learning how to play. It's simply how hard things hit. They must have put a decimal point in the wrong place


I'm 0-8 right now trying random HM's and I've spent more than a couple of hours trying each as a tank. Stuff just hits insanely hard, even trash which is stupid, and some boss fights are totally impossible without having some kind of advantage. The problem isn't understanding boss mechanics, it's just trying to remain standing upright. Need to lower the damage on everything by probably 1/3 and then it'll still be harder than lvl 50 HM's used to be but will be a little more on par. The only problem I'm having is how hard everything hits. There's nothing you can do about since you need to run the same HM's in order to get better gear in a reasoable time frame. Or buy it for 1,000,000 credits a mod :rolleyes:


0-8 u mean 8 tries, 0 finished? I don't understand, because so far I finished every single FP I started and 95% of them were via groupfinder. I started in basic gear, now I have already couple of elite pieces. I remember only 1 group when we didn't do bonuss boss and that was clearly some healer/tank problem but there was never any danger of not finishing FP itself. Wipe here and there I take as normal thing.

Edited by zzoorrzz
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0-8 u mean 8 tries, 0 finished? I don't understand, because so far I finished every single FP I started and 95% of them were via groupfinder. I started in basic gear, now I have already couple of elite pieces. I remember only 1 group when we didn't do bonuss boss and that was clearly some healer/tank problem but there was never any danger of not finishing FP itself. Wipe here and there I take as normal thing.


Yeah. I mean I'm not new I know my Sin tank backwards and they are in all 66 mods except for the implants, earpiece, wrist, implants....all BH still. The healer seemed competant too each time.


Like my first one was Manalorian raiders. I think we wiped on the first boss one time then beat it the second only cause I kept the boss entertained and sprinting around. Then we go to the 4 people at a time fight. Wiped 4 times I think. Almost a 5th but the last two standing managed to kill the 4th barely. Then the last boss we couldn't find a way to beat him. Him plus the addition of the turrets banging on me was too much damage to keep up with. We didn't even make it past the first turret cluster much less get the boss down. Most kinda went down the same way except for Cad when the shackles were hitting everyone at once on the last boss which would be a bug.


I mean I figure if the healer and tank know their class pretty well and are in mostly r66 gear you shouldn't be getting your face planted so easily.When people were doing the 50 HM's back in the day they used to be a little difficult. The stuff was certainy doable in Tionese and nothing even close to the dumptruck hitting stuff in the 55 HM's. If you can't reaonably PUG this stuff in basic gear then we have a big problem. I don't havbe to wonder why there's still a lot of 55's running lvl 50 HM still because 55 HM are a huuuuuuuuugggggggeeee headache and even more so in a random group.

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I've done every FP and Bonus boss at 55 with no issues on my Guardian tank and Slinger without issue.


Nearly all the groups were pugs and most of my gear is BH with a few dreadguard bits here and there.


I've not bought a single piece of basic gear as I cba to grind dailies for the comms.


It's really not that hard.

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Yeah. I mean I'm not new I know my Sin tank backwards and they are in all 66 mods except for the implants, earpiece, wrist, implants....all BH still. The healer seemed competant too each time.


Like my first one was Manalorian raiders. I think we wiped on the first boss one time then beat it the second only cause I kept the boss entertained and sprinting around. Then we go to the 4 people at a time fight. Wiped 4 times I think. Almost a 5th but the last two standing managed to kill the 4th barely. Then the last boss we couldn't find a way to beat him. Him plus the addition of the turrets banging on me was too much damage to keep up with. We didn't even make it past the first turret cluster much less get the boss down. Most kinda went down the same way except for Cad when the shackles were hitting everyone at once on the last boss which would be a bug.


I mean I figure if the healer and tank know their class pretty well and are in mostly r66 gear you shouldn't be getting your face planted so easily.When people were doing the 50 HM's back in the day they used to be a little difficult. The stuff was certainy doable in Tionese and nothing even close to the dumptruck hitting stuff in the 55 HM's. If you can't reaonably PUG this stuff in basic gear then we have a big problem. I don't havbe to wonder why there's still a lot of 55's running lvl 50 HM still because 55 HM are a huuuuuuuuugggggggeeee headache and even more so in a random group.


lol, a healer in 66 gear doesnt make it he knows his class, the turret problem you gotta let the dps burn them 1 at the time, if you pop you cooldowns you shouldnt get that much damage at all ( sin tank aswell ), your groups only shows lack of skill, gear is on lvl cause its doable in campaigne/dread gear ( wont be easy but doable )

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Then the last boss we couldn't find a way to beat him. Him plus the addition of the turrets banging on me was too much damage to keep up with. We didn't even make it past the first turret cluster much less get the boss down. Most kinda went down the same way except for Cad when the shackles were hitting everyone at once on the last boss which would be a bug.


From what you have wrote, I think you're losing the fight mainly your group not knowing the mechanics of the fight. All your team members shouldn't be shackled at once if they are spread out evenly in Cad. And the additional turret shouldn't spawn if turrets are taken down on time, easily doable with dps in 61s, and not dps the boss while turret is up.


Edit: I remembered people used to wipe heavily on the cyborg boss in MP HM. When people learned the mechanics, the runs became smooth and fast.

Edited by XuShaBi
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The mechanics are the same as normal mode they just hit harder. They were trying to burn the turret down one at a time but me standing there taking hits from the 2 turrets and the boss at the same time was too much for the healer to handle even when trying to keep some kind of defensive buff up. That was just my experience with that run and I had a feeling there was no way we would have been able to finsih it with the current group.


I've since then finished my first HM a little while ago. This time it was Hammer Station and things went a little better than my first attempt at it so maybe it really does come down to the healer being able to keep up. I should be geared ok for a lvl 55 HM.


I still think things are a bit too much though looking from the random group aspect. They can't really afford to wait around for months and months for people to get geared up with basic or elite just do to 4-man stuff. It's all a lot of people have to do if they're not into operations or living in warzones. I think wearing basic gear should be about as comfortable as wearing Tionese was with lvl 50 HM. But it feels more like you're half naked if you happen to be the tank with how insanely hard things hit. Needs to have like a 25% reduction to still make it challenging but not something that would wipe PUGS 10 times a run.

Edited by sumuji
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I still think things are a bit too much though looking from the random group aspect. They can't really afford to wait around for months and months for people to get geared up with basic or elite just do to 4-man stuff. It's all a lot of people have to do if they're not into operations or living in warzones. I think wearing basic gear should be about as comfortable as wearing Tionese was with lvl 50 HM. But it feels more like you're half naked if you happen to be the tank with how insanely hard things hit. Needs to have like a 25% reduction to still make it challenging but not something that would wipe PUGS 10 times a run.


From my experience, healing and dpsing are both easily doable in lvl 55 HM with 61/63s. This also applies to tanking.

What I did realise was that many pugs didn't really understand their new changed skill trees.


I mean you often see shadow tanks not aware that battle readiness can increase your armor and don't bother to pop shadow shelter when healing is low. You even see scoundrel healers not understanding how the new pugnacity works. Some still think constantly popping is a good idea, like in pre-2.0, without realising it now meant for emergencies. This issue of not understanding the changes is a more likely reason to why pug may get difficult.


Taking on those turrets can easily be done with a shadow tank if you manage your shadow shelter, battle readiness and resilience well with decent execution of self-healing.


So again, I think you need to realise it may not be the new FP are hard but people are re-learning their rotations and mechanic causing the difficulties.

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