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Power Tech is Unplayable in 2.0. Dev. Response Explaining Changes Needed


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From a PVP perspective overall damage means, nothing. PTs where brought to the table for one thing, BURST. They nerfed the only viable tree for pvp as it focused on what pvp is about, which is burst, sustained damage does nothing ( you're like a leg h****ing poodle with sustained damage).


You may not believe me but PTs where never actually OP they did what they where designed to, which funnily enough was, guess what, BURST, they had this insane damage for the lack of defensive abilities ( i mean come on, a 12 second shield which stops 25% damage on a cooldown over, or roughly around, 2 mins!?)


Now i wouldn't mind the nerfs because we had a extremely low skill cap, but by demolishing our damage below what other classes had before 2.0 while BUFFING others was a stupid mistake, and in return we didn't get any survivability with anything.


Instead we get a shoulder cannon ( sounds cool, really isn't though), which hits like a wet noodle, its only use is for defended a node when cced, which implies we should defend nodes, but we can't do that as we are too easy to take down now as we cannot burst them before they kill us.


I agree people still do good numbers but in the end it doesn't really mean a thing if you cant kill someone because you have no burst. Many may disagree and that's fine but that's my opinion.

RANT over.

Edited by fubse
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I know how important burst is in pvp. But a damage is still a damage. Will you deny that high overall damage won't help you win? Even if it's in the form of aoe, healers will still have a hard time keeping multiple targets up if they are all closing to 0 hp. Pyro still has its burst, just downgraded. And AP has SC now for burst, although in 1.5 sec CD.


Burst just makes killing a target easy. However, it does not indicate that non-burst cannot.

Edited by dijskykiller
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I have seen multiple, almost 100% of the time, the HPS is higher than the highest DPS by around 50-250 on average.


This is stupid with aoes and sustained we cannot theoretically kill anything, even with burst the variety of self heals and defensive cds available is-well as multiple healers where team ( yesh i see like 2 healers at least) make even burst classes weary of attacking healers.


What i was trying to say ( all be it not very well) is powertechs have now been unbalanced, we had burst because of low survivabillity, and literally needed a pocket healer to be anywhere near effective in anything but pugs in which it was where the majority of the PTs are OP NERF THEM NOW, came from. in a match where people have brains we could have been countered, EASILY.


But that's beside the point i agree damage overall will help although not lots, the only think the high damage total could be good for is aoe spamming and pressuring when defending points, but this thread isn't about winning matches, it was about the severity of the nerfs to the PT, in PVE he dmg has literally dropped massive amounts as CGC was 30% of our damage.


But in PVP non burst will only work if healers aren't healing themselves, and that's almost never the case because in a decent team they are almost ALWAYS guarded and that deducts a shed load of dmg, in the end burst was the only thing that made Pts viable for anything and still should be as lets face it the other trees are also sub-par.

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I know how important burst is in pvp. But a damage is still a damage. Will you deny that high overall damage won't help you win? Even if it's in the form of aoe, healers will still have a hard time keeping multiple targets up if they are all closing to 0 hp. Pyro still has its burst, just downgraded. And AP has SC now for burst, although in 1.5 sec CD.


Burst just makes killing a target easy. However, it does not indicate that non-burst cannot.


And you're ignoring the defenses they created for the healers. Lower burst + more defense-type abilities = less dead healers from PT's.

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And you're ignoring the defenses they created for the healers. Lower burst + more defense-type abilities = less dead healers from PT's.


YES. Glad to see ppl and the original poster putting 2+2 together and realizing the implications of PT being nerfed and BH in general turning into a joke class.


Healing is so OP right now I leave all WZ's that do not have two healers, period. As a PT pyrotech we have nothing to contribute but medium damage with no burst.

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I know how important burst is in pvp. But a damage is still a damage. Will you deny that high overall damage won't help you win?


i saw a pt do 900k dmg,

but he cant defend a point or take over a point,

that's useless in a WZ;

and i didn't see him win at any 1v1 combat,

that's useless in pvp.

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Powertech is viable. Pyros got nerfed because CGC is too OP. The cylinder is contributing too much damage making pyros pre-2.0 reach high damage as a single-target spec with low skill cap. Devs made it clear now that pyro is more of a dot spec than burst. AP is a better choice if you like instant damage that does not rely on dots.


About time for pyro players to get out of the box and use more keyboard keys.


silly comment like this just proves u weren't in any competetive RWZ team .... playing with bads in normal pvp matches and puging ops via gr finder is obv ur maximum at this game ...


when we talk about nerf and comlain about things.... we are refering to end game RWZ and PVE were we are useless now .....


it's time for u and others with similar comments to pull ur head out of sand and start tink about end game.. not some casual playing that u obv do !

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In 1:1 a PT can still be pretty good I think, but there are classes you won't have any chance. Sorcerer / Sage, Sniper / Gunslinger, for sure every healer - for example.


You won't kill them. A Sniper has so many CC's that it's quite impossible to reach him before being nuked down. Especially because of Grapple is not working. Only bad Snipers / Gunslingers will get killed by Melees today.


Healers... we musn't talk about them. They are just OP right now.

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The class is not unplayable. For one, Shieldtech is boss in PvP now that tanking stats apply to all damage. Some of us hoped this day would finally come, and opted for the Supercommando gear while others focused on DPS gear. While others are getting burned down in 3 GCD, I'm nearly invincible. No, you're not going to smoke everyone on the field as a Shieldtech, but it's hella fun to play. Pyro is still okay as well. The burst is mostly gone, but you can still put up huge damage numbers. AP still needs work IMHO.


The class is not unplayable. But it is clearly inferior. I'm glad you enjoy for Shieldtech toon. But no top ranked team will take a Shieldtech tank over a Jugg or an Assassin. Sorry, but the Assassin is your weak side guard and the Jugg is your Huttball king and middle node absorber/interdictor. Shieldtech doesn't do either of those jobs as well. Pyro is obsolete. It will continue to be used by a few die hard adherents who are really skilled on the platform. Thus Pyro meta averages will rise and they will get nerfed again in 2.1. AP is interesting. But Jugg dps does more damage and has more survivability. It's not that the PT subclasses are hopeless. They are just inferior.

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Have you seem the shield tech tree? Sure pyro was nerfed in to the ground but shield tech is incredible and AP works for what it needs too. Hopefully they revert CGS or thermal detonator back to what they were though. Not both of them, but one would be nice.
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Have you seem the shield tech tree? Sure pyro was nerfed in to the ground but shield tech is incredible and AP works for what it needs too. Hopefully they revert CGS or thermal detonator back to what they were though. Not both of them, but one would be nice.


Spec shield, still be the weakest of the 3 tanks. What's your point?

Edited by Natholomew
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The class is not unplayable. But it is clearly inferior. I'm glad you enjoy for Shieldtech toon. But no top ranked team will take a Shieldtech tank over a Jugg or an Assassin. Sorry, but the Assassin is your weak side guard and the Jugg is your Huttball king and middle node absorber/interdictor. Shieldtech doesn't do either of those jobs as well. Pyro is obsolete. It will continue to be used by a few die hard adherents who are really skilled on the platform. Thus Pyro meta averages will rise and they will get nerfed again in 2.1. AP is interesting. But Jugg dps does more damage and has more survivability. It's not that the PT subclasses are hopeless. They are just inferior.


I beg to differ. Shieldtech doesn't have the leap/push/leap of a Juggernaut, but I still score regularly in Huttball. We also have more utility now: grapple, AoE snares, and self-heals. Tankassins are still the kings of solo node guarding, I agree with you there. But...a Shieldtech can now actually stay alive long enough for backup to arrive. A PT tank shines at being in the middle of the fray doing AoE damage + snares, tossing around taunts and guard, and we still have decent damage potential.


Truth is, in my opinion, there just aren't a lot of Shieldtech PvPers, at least on my server. I suspect there will be more cropping up now with the 2.0 changes, but most rolled Pyro because of the push button receive DPS ease of the class. Tanks are officially viable in PvP now. As for rated? Who knows. It's still too early to tell what the new FOTM rated teams will look like.

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silly comment like this just proves u weren't in any competetive RWZ team .... playing with bads in normal pvp matches and puging ops via gr finder is obv ur maximum at this game ...


when we talk about nerf and comlain about things.... we are refering to end game RWZ and PVE were we are useless now .....


it's time for u and others with similar comments to pull ur head out of sand and start tink about end game.. not some casual playing that u obv do !


Sorry, but i played in the top rated guild on the imperial side on pot5 before i rejoined my rp guild. As a matter of fact i am a pyro. If you did not notice how OP the spec was, then you are doin something wrong. I've been here since launch and ive seen how unbalanced the skill to viability ratio of playing pyro was.

Edited by dijskykiller
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Sorry, but i played in the top rated guild on the imperial side on pot5 before i rejoined my rp guild. As a matter of fact i am a pyro. If you did not notice how OP the spec was, then you are doin something wrong. I've been here since launch and ive seen how unbalanced the skill to viability ratio of playing pyro is.


Not is, was.


The Powertech is in damage-ways now completely "erased". Try PvP, it's very... funny.

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Spec shield, still be the weakest of the 3 tanks. What's your point?


You have to be kidding me. We have can solo defend nodes better than the other 2 tanks, have 2 AoE slows and an awesome speed boost. We can shut stun lockers down better than the other tanks and can eat big hits. Heat blast is incredible now, Kolto overload is awesome and we can pack a punch with rocket punch + railshot. I hate to be "one of those guys" but if you are having trouble playing a shield tech or feel it is the weakest of the three tanks, you are doing something wrong.

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You have to be kidding me. We have can solo defend nodes better than the other 2 tanks, have 2 AoE slows and an awesome speed boost. We can shut stun lockers down better than the other tanks and can eat big hits. Heat blast is incredible now, Kolto overload is awesome and we can pack a punch with rocket punch + railshot. I hate to be "one of those guys" but if you are having trouble playing a shield tech or feel it is the weakest of the three tanks, you are doing something wrong.


We can?


What makes us superior solo node defenders? I'm being sincere, what makes you say this?



You and I have different ideas of packing a punch though. Rocket Punch + Railshot is only moderately noteworthy in the grand scheme of heals vs bursts.

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We can?


What makes us superior solo node defenders? I'm being sincere, what makes you say this?



You and I have different ideas of packing a punch though. Rocket Punch + Railshot is only moderately noteworthy in the grand scheme of heals vs bursts.


We are great node defenders because if we are paying attention we can't be stealth capped. If we get put to sleep and the operative tries to cap we shoulder missile him (or her). Hydrolic override makes us immune to CC and helps kite. Our 2 stuns buy us more time for help to arrive. On my PT I have 1v1ed every class but a sniper/gun slinger (because let's be honest, they are broken as heck). And we don't pack quite the punch of a dps but we can hold our own is all I meant.

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Or the sleeper just puts you to sleep and caps from the other side of the LoS node :p hehe.


Yea, I've used shoulder cannon to stop that kind of cap a few times, but it's hardly a game changer in my mind. Those charges only last so long, even if you ration them out. Then you what, CFH and now you have 2 people defending a node from 1 person again. I at best, delay someone and often not long enough for help to get to me in time. :(




I feel utterly impotent solo on my tanking Vanguard. I don't survive all that much longer, my cooldowns don't really save me and I can't impact anyone actually coming to my node.



Really.. I feel impotent all around on my VG, I don't apply pressure, I don't really save anyone from death, I'm not really changing the flow of a match with my presence at all. I feel like I am wasting a slot for my team every time I queue up with my VG. I feel like I belong on the shortbus, running around in circles flailing my arms wildly while shouting "IM HALPING IM HALPING".



Like I actually got pity MVP votes my last game, because I volunteered to guard grass even though this operative repeatedly had her way with me and I constantly, CONSTANTLY needed someone else to come rescue me and recap the dang node.



I was not having fun, and I rarely do on my tanking VG in regards to pvp these days.

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Sorry, but i played in the top rated guild on the imperial side on pot5 before i rejoined my rp guild. As a matter of fact i am a pyro. If you did not notice how OP the spec was, then you are doin something wrong. I've been here since launch and ive seen how unbalanced the skill to viability ratio of playing pyro was.


¸judgeing by ur post man it's clear as a day that u havent played serious endgame pvp.


yes we had burst dmg ... big numbers.. but we are made of glass.... in RWZ 90% of time we are targets#1 ... if u don't get guarded .... ur fuked.... so like i sad .... we compensate our high numbers with VERY LOW surv.


now.... we are still made of glass.. and we lost our burst ... tell me oh great player who has been here since launch and was in top rated guild.... do u have a spot in RWZ now... i will tell u ... NO ... U DON'T ... cuz no1 takes PT's anymore cuz they are to weak

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We are great node defenders because if we are paying attention we can't be stealth capped. If we get put to sleep and the operative tries to cap we shoulder missile him (or her). Hydrolic override makes us immune to CC and helps kite. Our 2 stuns buy us more time for help to arrive. On my PT I have 1v1ed every class but a sniper/gun slinger (because let's be honest, they are broken as heck). And we don't pack quite the punch of a dps but we can hold our own is all I meant.


We make great node guards but any rated team with half a brain is gonna take a shadow since they can stealth and delay far longer than we can lol

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We make great node guards but any rated team with half a brain is gonna take a shadow since they can stealth and delay far longer than we can lol


And they can double up with another stealth teammate to make that Hail Mary, leave your side node naked and send two stealthers to the enemy node attack to try and pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Shieldtech just doesn't have the flexibility that Assassin tanks do and the Jugg tank is a better Huttball player and chokepoint interdictor.

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And they can double up with another stealth teammate to make that Hail Mary, leave your side node naked and send two stealthers to the enemy node attack to try and pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Shieldtech just doesn't have the flexibility that Assassin tanks do and the Jugg tank is a better Huttball player and chokepoint interdictor.


Agreed. Whoever earlier said that Shieldtechs are the best solo node guards...meh. Assassin is still king there. Shieldtech performs better in the thick of things, tossing guard around and using AoE damage, slows, and taunts.

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It's been a rough ride for Bounty Hunters, I think the only class who can complain as much as as us Inquisitors.


They've been slowly nerfing the powertech over time though, it isn't viable, it doesn't do the damage it used to, it doesn't have the defensive coolodowns of a jug or sin, and NO utility. Except a 2.5 second aoe stun. Which is not worth a s*** in pve, in pvp you can get it to last 3 seconds, but still doesn't make up for the no cc/gap closer/defensive abilities (cuz they're always on coolodown)

Instead of nerfing the smash monkeys whose rotation a child could do, and is even simpler than pyro, they nerf the shquishiest class, and seemingly buff the warrior. I've seen smashes hit upwards of 9k. And oh yeah, they get an auto crit on it, every time. Meanwhile we got s*** on in almost every spec. They gave us shoulder cannon instead of another defensive or a cc, which was stupid. That aoe damage reduc/heat vent only works well for tanks also. At least to my knowledge.


Thanks BW, always fixing stuff that needs fixing.

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