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Ability delay/misfires back with avengeance!


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Title says all. BW, this is broke again.


I've noticed this too. A lot with my Force in Balance. I'll hit my key bind, click where I want it to go and throw out FB and sever force and realize there's no stacks on the mob because FiB never activated. Same with force breach. ZzZzZz

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yea a few times the gcd started but no ablity cast its annoying and happens mostly when im spaming the next hit before its ready to cast:(
This should not even be an issue as to why i happens but I get the feeling it is. Edited by BurnedRemains
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I noticed the moment I hit the servers when the servers went live with the early realease patch. I thought it was just me and my own server lag but it never went away.


Im a sniper and series of shots doesnt animate smoothly when there is a misfire skill as well. It will fire off in spits and spurts. I use the sound of it firing to time my next cast rather than having to watch a castbar, and its messed up timing makes me miss my next cast, and what seems like a misfire of the GCD then cascades to ruin any rhythm I might have had.


I was concerned that the small amount of alacrity Ive added to my gear and specing additional alacrity in my skill trees was causing it. I hope they address this sooner rather than later as its definately affecting my play experience.

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I like when I go to shadow strike and then my character starts the animation then stops and pulls his saber down like "naww... I dunno If I dont want to to this.." then a few clicks later he finally does it. Hes getting a conscious!!


I just bypas it by spamming my keybinds until the ability goes off.

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Yes, this happens constantly on my Guardian. A lot of my attacks enter the animation, but stop halfway and then I'm hit with a GCD.


same with my Juggernaut. i'ts far more noticeable on a class that relies 98% on instant skills for procs, rotations, and damage. a single GCD can eat almost halfway into many of our short stuns and defensive abilities...Unstoppable is only 4 seconds long...one false GCD and its half gone. IMO this issue is severely game impacting


We all haz a sad Bio....fix or sad plx

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I noticed this hardcore. I have to hit my ability like 3 times to make sure that it actually activates, then if it actually does, theres like a 1 sec delay then it goes off. I haven't noticed it on my low level sniper because of the cast time, but all of my instant cast stuff on my marauder, sin and merc are way delayed.
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Well, on April 9 on Makeb every possible deformation of this game, i.e. lag/ability delay/rubberbanding/abysmal performance was present, then on April 14 they once again increased the number of instances, and for me it fixed many of the problems. It is quite sad seeing the core of the game unable to withstand the "pressure" of massive numbers, meaning that a planet like Makeb cannot have more than 50 people in one instance without the game causing so many problems it makes your head spin.


But back to the topic at hand, I have noticed that casting on my Operative healer has become frustrating at times. The long heal seems to simply not work from time to time, I "fondly" remember this happening up until recently. Sometimes I simply have to press an ability twice in order to really register, meaning that a "dummy animation", for lack of a better term, seems to supplant the actual cast of an ability - yes, bizarre stuff indeed. I am really aggravated when certain casts seem to be performing, but are just animations, so sometimes it can take up to two global cooldowns to actually use an ability ... Yes, you can imagine how fun it was healing S&V HM this week.

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I'm certainly not an expert on the system, but it seems to me that the issue lies in certain aspects of the skil action and queue are on the client side, and some are on the server side, and the lag between the two is causing the issue. it seems to me that the situations should actually be reversed for the benefit of the player....instead of the GCD always kicking in on our side, and sometimes the skill does not execute on their side, that the skill execution should be within the client, and the GCD tracked by the server.


I'm playing with concepts of how it works...i have no clue whats going on other then what I see in game. of coruse, pushing the actually execution of the skill to the client would increase mechanics load on the PC, and they may be trying to avoid that as we have too many issues with the game engine being clunky as it is. bleh...now im getting off track. it just needs to be fixed.


i think Quinn started crying earlier today because of it. or it may have been that my juggernaut was kicking him in the shins out of sheer frustration.

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The ability delay/lag/latency/etc. issues were never fixed. They were brought to tolerable (most of the time) but never actually fixed. I am not sure if a fix is possible.


In any case, work with what you have. Hit force leap, then spend some time with your spouse, pet your dog, go outside and stretch your legs, have a snack. You will be back in plenty of time to see if your JK has returned from meditating with the force as ot whether to leap or not to leap (that is the question(:


The mail is kind of messed up (slow slow slow) and don't try to load a character without a good book to occupy your mind.

Edited by asbalana
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