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Boss's PvP solution?


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Hey yall, my name is "TheBoss"

alot of you know me, alot of you dont. I really dont give 2 *****.


*Spark Notes*

1. Ranked comms should be gained by doing RANKED warzones.

2. There should be no "bolster system" in max level play.

3. There should be no free "recruit" gear (obviously thats what the bolster system is)

4 .Remove expertise.

5. Remove "trauma" debuff.

6. Good job on making alacrity what it was in the beginning.

7. Hypergate sucks.


"The Meat"


1. Ranked comms should be gained by doing ranked warzones only, this is a huge issue and im sure alot of bad players are going to cry in the spaces below. But if we look at pve for example, you need 8 players to go into a raid and try to kill mobs to gain gear. you must KILL your opponent to acquire this gear. In pvp you can play with yourself all day (play on words) and still get the best gear in the game, it just takes time. In pve you have "lockouts" if you didnt get the chest piece tough ****, your healer got it. In pvp everyone gets their 141 comms and moves on.


(boss, are you saying you need gear to beat up on noobs?) nope, im going to win no matter what. we have done rated games in recruit gear before to prove points about how gear has nothing to do with winning/losing.


(boss, why do you want to screw the people that play solo?) I don't.. I want to get more people involved in rated play!


If by now you don't understand why im asking for this, its because there needs to be more sheep to the slaughter....im sure over time players will get better. I am also sure that the other 6 rated teams remaining would agree.



2. There should be no bolster system in max play. This is because it is max play.. I really shouldn't have to explain this in too much detail. having game mechanics cover your lack of skill is sad.


(boss gear =/= skill, you shouldn't need a gear advantage to win, noob!) I don't.. Gear in its self is a mini-game in all mmo's. Go ahead look around the fleet, you wont find too many people full BIS. because alot of people don't understand it, or are just simply not omnipotent enough to see it.



3. No free recruit gear, Being able to comm up before one gets to 50... that's recruit gear enough. Compared to how the original devs wanted this game, it is a farcry from "moderately difficult" to get pvp gear. If anyone remembers the "box rolls" lol. But im sure most of you don't.



4. IF you are going to keep this complete JOKE of bolster system, just go ahead and remove expertise. what is the point of having a pvp stat if everyone going into the *********** warzone has the same stat? What was the point of taking away the diminishing returns on it? by doing so you took away one more stat from the mini-game that is GEAR.


5. What is the point of trauma if it is a 30% reduction in heals... yet everyone entering the warzone has 35% increased healing in pvp... wise the **** up.



6. see #6 at the top of the page.


7. see #7 at the top of the page.

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Ha ha u want force ppl who play alone or with few friends to go Rated, stupid idea, everyone who play pvp deserve chance to get gear, its not WoW arena clustefuk to get rating, u say gear is not importand, so why u trying to keep this gear away from ppl, good or bad skill will decide, but everyone in pvp must have same chance to fight in fair way
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boss,Ha ha u want force ppl who play alone or with few friends to go Rated, stupid idea, everyone who play pvp deserve chance to get gear, its not WoW arena clustefuk to get rating,


Does everyone have a chance to "get gear" in pve? no... they need 7 other buddies to go into a raid and do some work. If they fail, they do not get gear. In pvp if you fail, you still get gear.


u say gear is not importand, so why u trying to keep this gear away from ppl, good or bad skill will decide, but everyone in pvp must have same chance to fight in fair way


My opinion is not to take it away from anyone...its trying to get people into a 8v8 match. if you lose the 8v8 match you still get 141 comms (8 medals +1 vote).

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Why the ranked thing will never happen. 5 slots (2 healers 2 tanks) are locked for ranked. The 5th is a carnage marauder to sprint the dps group around. 3 slots are up for grabs.


When you REQUIRE that half the team play a healer or tank to compete in ranked? It is doomed to never matter, and to never take off in popularity.


This isn't WoW arena where you need one healer per 2 dps. This is over HALF the team playing "support characters/specs" and being forced to wear support character gear (heal gear/tank gear in 2.0), with the exception of the marauder.


Add to that you don't have half the people playing tanks/healers in RAIDS and pve, which is where this game makes most of it's money (the raiders).


People would go back to WoW. I know I would. I am not going to sit there and force all my friends to play 5 pigeonholed classes just to do ranked, which would include myself playing a healer that I am bored to freakin tears on. Add to that? Good luck getting all the perfect specs on at the right time, and grinding ranked points in long sessions.


Oh you can make the argument that people wouldn't stack perfect comps, but you would be wrong. People will take the path of least resistance. See all the FOTM rage/focus specs, bubble stunners pre 2.0.


Ranked in this game is simply there for 5 support classes to roll anyone else who tries to queue. It hardly takes skill, and it isn't even really fun. You rarely even die when playing another "good team" *cough perfect comp.

Edited by biowareftw
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Why the ranked thing will never happen. 5 slots (2 healers 2 tanks) are locked for ranked. The 5th is a carnage marauder to sprint the dps group around. 3 slots are up for grabs.


When you REQUIRE that half the team play a healer or tank to compete in ranked? It is doomed to never matter, and to never take off in popularity.


Try playing pve w/o 2 healers and a tank... alot of the new comps are actually running w/o a MT especially with the 2.0 changes.


This isn't WoW arena where you need one healer per 2 dps. This is over HALF the team playing "support characters/specs" and being forced to wear support character gear (heal gear/tank gear in 2.0), with the exception of the marauder.


Add to that you don't have half the people playing tanks/healers in RAIDS and pve, which is where this game makes most of it's money (the raiders). yes, you do.


People would go back to WoW. I know I would. I am not going to sit there and force all my friends to play 5 pigeonholed classes just to do ranked, which would include myself playing a healer that I am bored to freakin tears on. Add to that? Good luck getting all the perfect specs on at the right time, and grinding ranked points in long sessions.

just like anything else you have to have everyone on to do end game pve...regular wz's will still be there, hold on to your pants.


Oh you can make the argument that people wouldn't stack perfect comps, but you would be wrong. People will take the path of least resistance. See all the FOTM rage/focus specs, bubble stunners pre 2.0.

More teams ran double combat sents than smash towards the end, because everyone figured out for single target combat had higher damage output.


Ranked in this game is simply there for 5 support classes to roll anyone else who tries to queue. It hardly takes skill, and it isn't even really fun. You rarely even die when playing another "good team" *cough perfect comp.


I dont really know how to respond to this, but combat sent puts out a hell of alot of damage, I have SS but they never silence anyone... "hardly takes skill" right.... "rarely even die" if that was the case your team would still be queueing.

Edited by Roast-Beast
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Why the ranked thing will never happen. 5 slots (2 healers 2 tanks) are locked for ranked. The 5th is a carnage marauder to sprint the dps group around. 3 slots are up for grabs.


When you REQUIRE that half the team play a healer or tank to compete in ranked? It is doomed to never matter, and to never take off in popularity.


Try playing pve w/o 2 healers and a tank... alot of the new comps are actually running w/o a MT especially with the 2.0 changes.


This isn't WoW arena where you need one healer per 2 dps. This is over HALF the team playing "support characters/specs" and being forced to wear support character gear (heal gear/tank gear in 2.0), with the exception of the marauder.


Add to that you don't have half the people playing tanks/healers in RAIDS and pve, which is where this game makes most of it's money (the raiders). yes, you do.


People would go back to WoW. I know I would. I am not going to sit there and force all my friends to play 5 pigeonholed classes just to do ranked, which would include myself playing a healer that I am bored to freakin tears on. Add to that? Good luck getting all the perfect specs on at the right time, and grinding ranked points in long sessions.

just like anything else you have to have everyone on to do end game pve...regular wz's will still be there, hold on to your pants.


Oh you can make the argument that people wouldn't stack perfect comps, but you would be wrong. People will take the path of least resistance. See all the FOTM rage/focus specs, bubble stunners pre 2.0.

More teams ran double combat sents than smash towards the end, because everyone figured out for single target combat had higher damage output.


Ranked in this game is simply there for 5 support classes to roll anyone else who tries to queue. It hardly takes skill, and it isn't even really fun. You rarely even die when playing another "good team" *cough perfect comp.


I dont really know how to respond to this, but combat sent puts out a hell of alot of damage, I have SS but they never silence anyone... "hardly takes skill" right.... "rarely even die" if that was the case your team would still be queueing.


Goodluck with this becoming a e-sport there guy. I wonder why the circuit isn't picking this game up...


Oh yeah. Because everything I said was true lol.


WoW was a E-sport for awhile and still is to some extent IN ARENA ONLY, because the entry isn't as high. 1 healer per 2 dps.


No one gives a damn about ranked battlegrounds in WoW for a reason. Everyone stacks healers, for the same reason people would stack taunting/aoe taunt dps and heals/tanks.


You actually think ranked is even popular or that a lot of GOOD players are even doing it. They aren't. Why? Because it is stupid in this game. Tanks/heals are even more stupidly OP as "support classes" then WoW.


Hell half the realms in this game probably don't have more then 1 team even queuing half the time lol, so you are the "boss of nothing".


I can just see them televising this game as an esport. Here we have the assassin camera. He is of course hybrid specced. Oh look someone is heading towards his node, he might have to call for help and randomly press buttons for 30 seconds until support arrives from the carnage marauder sprinting everyone!


99 percent of the time the assassin cam would be the same as the blood dk cam was in WoW rated. Standing on a node doing nothing.


Sounds AWESOME. Maybe with Disney owning SW now, ESPN will pick it up brah.

Edited by biowareftw
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1. Ranked comms should be gained by doing RANKED warzones. Agree

2. There should be no "bolster system" in max level play. Agree

3. There should be no free "recruit" gear (obviously thats what the bolster system is) Agree

4 .Remove expertise. It don't matter, either way gear would be the problem

5. Remove "trauma" debuff. LOL

6. Good job on making alacrity what it was in the beginning. Agree

7. Hypergate sucks. I hope you are not serious



All my answers in Red.

Edited by Caeliux
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Goodluck with this becoming a e-sport there guy. I wonder why the circuit isn't picking this game up...


I didnt say anything about e-sport.. I would go back to CS if I wanted an e-sport.


Oh yeah. Because everything I said was true lol.

you are sooo smart, healers are needed in wz's homg.


WoW was a E-sport for awhile and still is to some extent IN ARENA ONLY, because the entry isn't as high. 1 healer per 2 dps.

who cares?

No one gives a damn about ranked battlegrounds in WoW for a reason. Everyone stacks healers, for the same reason people would stack taunting/aoe taunt dps and heals/tanks.

its the coordination that makes the taunting effective.


You actually think ranked is even popular or that a lot of GOOD players are even doing it. They aren't. Why? Because it is stupid in this game. Tanks/heals are even more stupidly OP as "support classes" then WoW.

Only the good players that are left are doing it...if your not on a ranked team you are simply just not good.


Hell half the realms in this game probably don't have more then 1 team even queuing half the time lol, so you are .


as stated above, thats what I am trying to fix.


the "boss of nothing"

I am Theboss of bad company.

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Goodluck with this becoming a e-sport there guy. I wonder why the circuit isn't picking this game up...


I didnt say anything about e-sport.. I would go back to CS if I wanted an e-sport.


Oh yeah. Because everything I said was true lol.

you are sooo smart, healers are needed in wz's homg.


WoW was a E-sport for awhile and still is to some extent IN ARENA ONLY, because the entry isn't as high. 1 healer per 2 dps.

who cares?

No one gives a damn about ranked battlegrounds in WoW for a reason. Everyone stacks healers, for the same reason people would stack taunting/aoe taunt dps and heals/tanks.

its the coordination that makes the taunting effective.


You actually think ranked is even popular or that a lot of GOOD players are even doing it. They aren't. Why? Because it is stupid in this game. Tanks/heals are even more stupidly OP as "support classes" then WoW.

Only the good players that are left are doing it...if your not on a ranked team you are simply just not good.


Hell half the realms in this game probably don't have more then 1 team even queuing half the time lol, so you are .


as stated above, thats what I am trying to fix.


the "boss of nothing"

I am Theboss of bad company.


A) this game has a niche atm. It allows an average joe to get good gear, while being able to raid (raiding is the one thing this game seems to do very well). They can have a life and sitll compete in pvp and raiding. THAT is what this game has going for it. You can also gear alts. This is fantastic and is another reason people like this game.


B) Even WoW is now laughed at due to support classes and endless nerf/buffs fotm classes. Top money players like Reckful say the game is trash


C) Unless the game is developed from the ground up to not have stupidly OP "support classes" *cough* Guild Wars 2, no one cares about it as far as ranked.


Trying to make this game GW2 (when it isn't designed that way), would only alienate the people who sub to this game, BECAUSE it is not WoW (have no life if raiding and pvp'ing) or GW2 (you can be an average player and make a healer, and team with an average player tank, and a average dps and steamroll kids in non rated).


No one is EVER going to care about the pvp in this game outside the players themselves. The only really cool thing this game has is huttball.


Why the hell would EA/Bioware tick off the playerbase by forcing them to play FOTM classes, and pigeonholed roles (that everyone would figure out and copy within a month), just to get top pvp gear? Then you are WoW, without arena, which gives 3 friends the option to skip the bloated requirement, cluster@$#%@ ranked and out skill people 3 v 3.


This game wasn't designed around 3 v 3 or PvP. This is a PVE game with one dude in charge of PvP changes (lol).


Now go take that Boss attitude to GW2. You are playing against keyboard turners in ranked here...

Edited by biowareftw
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Getting rid of expertise will make raiders stomp people then casuals wont be able to pvp and be put off more because they won't get recruit so they will be facing min maxed raiders who are leaps and bounds ahead of them. The gear issue will always be there unless the do horizontal scaling with no stat based gear or you will see people in pvp who might get 1 drop from a raid a week and be behind. Gear at this stage cannot be resolved.

Also how is hypergate awful and voidstar good?

Also "only good players do ranked" you mean it takes skill to roll a specific class for a op comp such as lol smasher pre 2.0 and the 2 button pt then get a inherent advantage against new ranked teams due to gear gap. So playing fotm makes you a good player and out gearing players. A good player is not defined on how their team perform nor is it shown through rolling a op fotm class and doing well. So am i bad if i play the class i want or because i don't have the time to do ranked? Or due to servers not having any ranked teams? Also if you make ranked comms for ranked only people will either A. Not que and gear with warzone only B. Get smashed by those uber good gear carried players who have all the armor.

Edited by ripamorame
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Getting rid of expertise will make raiders stomp people then casuals wont be able to pvp and be put off more because they won't get recruit so they will be facing min maxed raiders who are leaps and bounds ahead of them. The gear issue will always be there unless the do horizontal scaling with no stat based gear or you will see people in pvp who might get 1 drop from a raid a week and be behind. Gear at this stage cannot be resolved.

Also how is hypergate awful and voidstar good?


Make raid gear="pvp" gear is what i was getting at...might as *********** well right?

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Expertise is required so that PvE guys dont come in to PvP and run the show..


All issues with Bolster are just the result of a bug. This is a known issue and is being worked on by the devs. They posted and said so yesterday. So if you include Bolster on your list, you are just highlighting a temporary bug and not something that will be applicable for very long.


And I like hypergates. I feel it requires more strategy than the other maps, and the game isn't over until its over. Unlike all other maps which can practically be determined in the first 5 mins with no hope for a comeback.

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Getting rid of expertise will make raiders stomp people then casuals wont be able to pvp and be put off more because they won't get recruit so they will be facing min maxed raiders who are leaps and bounds ahead of them. The gear issue will always be there unless the do horizontal scaling with no stat based gear or you will see people in pvp who might get 1 drop from a raid a week and be behind. Gear at this stage cannot be resolved.

Also how is hypergate awful and voidstar good?


Make raid gear="pvp" gear is what i was getting at...might as *********** well right?

You said remove expertise so whats that entail making another pve set? That just raiding gear so removing a pvp stat and replacing it with nothing isn't making it pve gear who knew.

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And I believe the reason for the Trauma debuff is the same as for having Expertise. Its so PvE people can't come in and be fully effective in their gear.


They ratcheted down ALL healing, and then boost it back up to normal with PvP gear (expertise). This makes it so only PvP geared healers are healing for the appropriate amount.


If there was no expertise and no trauma, PvE toons could heal just as good as PvP toons in a warzone.

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And I believe the reason for the Trauma debuff is the same as for having Expertise. Its so PvE people can't come in and be fully effective in their gear.


They ratcheted down ALL healing, and then boost it back up to normal with PvP gear (expertise). This makes it so only PvP geared healers are healing for the appropriate amount.


If there was no expertise and no trauma, PvE toons could heal just as good as PvP toons in a warzone.


MY point being with the new bolster system there is no pvp gear.... everyone gets 2000 expertise if you go into a warzone with pve gear or not... I am using a white gun right now, it has 51 tech, thats all i am wearing, i have 2k expertise.. its the same for 55 war zones as well.

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