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Hows PvP.?


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I gotta ask u guys, because me, myself and I either suck really bad, or do really good. I love Pvp but I was Pvp'ing with the New Expansion, and I did terrible, most of the time I sucked, or got some major kills. I remember a guy saying when our WZ was done, he said in Fleet that he had just been playing with some Tards, which of course really hurt because it was true. I failed, and I have a Commando, and have see a Commando in a 2.0 video on Youtube of him kicking some serious arse.


Me, I don't know how to use my skills well at all, pretty much a Newb, but I love PvP and love it's better armor. I'm a fresh lvl 50 from last week, and need to learn somehow, how to PvP right, because I feel like i'm the reason why we failed even though either I suck or I can get 34 kills with a good group, and It really does matter what type of group ur in with. But I just want to do better, and I love PvP, but I try and sometime I either suck, or do great, it's 50/50 percent.

I'm a Commando Gunner

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First thing is don't take it personally when people say crap like 'tards'. (And no it wasn't me, I haven't been on this server in about a week and I only have one toon here, Imp side. :p)


Secondly, keybind if you're not already. It helps tremendously. And lastly mind the objectives above all else.


Stop caps, CC for teammates attempting to cap, focus fire (hit opponents that your teammates are hitting), pass the huttball or if you don't have it move past a fire trap and set yourself up to receive a pass. If you're guarding a node, always call for help, early and often (something simple like; 1W or 3E) These are just the basics but if you get these things down everything else should start coming easier for you.


Also, check this thread. It's aimed at Imp players on this server (we're bad too hehe) but has some good general pvp tips.


Trooper/Bounty hunter is the one class I have no AC's for so I can't really help you with rotations and alike. You may want to go browse through your class forums for good pvp tips specifically for your class and how to counter other classes.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I gotta ask u guys, because me, myself and I either suck really bad, or do really good. I love Pvp but I was Pvp'ing with the New Expansion, and I did terrible, most of the time I sucked, or got some major kills. I remember a guy saying when our WZ was done, he said in Fleet that he had just been playing with some Tards, which of course really hurt because it was true. I failed, and I have a Commando, and have see a Commando in a 2.0 video on Youtube of him kicking some serious arse.


Me, I don't know how to use my skills well at all, pretty much a Newb, but I love PvP and love it's better armor. I'm a fresh lvl 50 from last week, and need to learn somehow, how to PvP right, because I feel like i'm the reason why we failed even though either I suck or I can get 34 kills with a good group, and It really does matter what type of group ur in with. But I just want to do better, and I love PvP, but I try and sometime I either suck, or do great, it's 50/50 percent.

I'm a Commando Gunner


People are going to call you terrible for every little thing you do until you start carrying in some aspect. Then, it'll switch people will praise you even for doing something stupid. The best advice I can give you is talk to someone who is good at your class. I have a 50 merc, he is primarily a healer but I was able to do 6-800 dps when played dps every once in awhile. I can offfer some advice but bear in mind it will be pretty basic advice I.E what tree to use rotation for this spec. This spec you should use these abilities for 3+ abilities this spec you need to auto shot a lot. Stuff like that anyway if you want some advice pm me I'd be more than happy to help.

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1 thing is that a lot of ppl love killing me, and I think it's because I named him after somebody, so it's easy for 4 players to kill my Commando, and i'm like, Really, did u really want to kill me that bad Lol.


I'm a Commando, and I love it, even if I lose 50% of the time. I've put more into his gear/armor than my Main. I looked at the Commando Class rotation thread, and I only know a cpl of abbreviations, which shows how much of a Newb I am. But I will log-in and try and find out what those abbreviations mean. The hardest part will be learning the rotation.


Unfortunately 1 huge reason I fail at such a rate is because I use my Mouse Cursor, instead of binding my skills, because I tried it a few times, even just around launch I wasn't able to bind the keys correctly. So what happens, and u guys will know that when u use ur Cursor, ur almost sure to be dead half the time because I either my cursor picks up an skill and move and I can't fire or Auto fire because i just moved the skill to nowhere on the screen, and I immediately try to use another skill and by that time i'm already dead lol.


What I do like to do is run interference when my team can't take a sit, then i'll do the run interference so ppl will kill me, while the others are given' another chance to take the hill or site again. But it really comes down to me trying to learn a good rotation and if ur in a good team to. Learning a good rotation will take awhile to learn, as I need to learn the abbreviations. :)


Thanx for the replies to. :)


1 thing I don't like is when i'm on a team, and they don't know where the hell to go, and only 3 ppl try to take another Flagged point, then there is nothing I can do, but just almost killl myself sometimes heheh.

Edited by MandFlurry
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People are going to call you terrible for every little thing you do until you start carrying in some aspect. Then, it'll switch people will praise you even for doing something stupid. The best advice I can give you is talk to someone who is good at your class. I have a 50 merc, he is primarily a healer but I was able to do 6-800 dps when played dps every once in awhile. I can offfer some advice but bear in mind it will be pretty basic advice I.E what tree to use rotation for this spec. This spec you should use these abilities for 3+ abilities this spec you need to auto shot a lot. Stuff like that anyway if you want some advice pm me I'd be more than happy to help.


Ok thanx, i'll gladly all the help I can get. My Guild is pretty much just PvE, but did some PvP and they were good Gunslinger and Scoundrel.

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Here 55 pvp imp side in a nut shell que wait 4 hr que pops to find your just one player over the wz shut auto shut down. Then you look at the republic team.


Full 8 man hardcore pvper players working as a team. When your imp you have 5 players to there 8 with 2 of those being heals. To the imp side having no heals and you can guess the out come. So it become a grind feast for new gear with most matches shutting down. As no one want to stick it out for comms. That how the 55 pvp is imp side early access has made what was fun fight to just plain steam roll.


Not a QQ post just stating fact the pubs are asking us to keep que as no que poping is no fun.


Side not bioware should of saw that and did a 51 to 55 bracket with the same bolster for 5 days to aleast give us some pvp in the 55 bracket.

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Here 55 pvp imp side in a nut shell que wait 4 hr que pops to find your just one player over the wz shut auto shut down. Then you look at the republic team.


Full 8 man hardcore pvper players working as a team. When your imp you have 5 players to there 8 with 2 of those being heals. To the imp side having no heals and you can guess the out come. So it become a grind feast for new gear with most matches shutting down. As no one want to stick it out for comms. That how the 55 pvp is imp side early access has made what was fun fight to just plain steam roll.


Not a QQ post just stating fact the pubs are asking us to keep que as no que poping is no fun.


Side not bioware should of saw that and did a 51 to 55 bracket with the same bolster for 5 days to aleast give us some pvp in the 55 bracket.


This sounds a lot like a QQ post...

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I will have to try to bind my real skills that I need binded some way through the User Interface, as it can almost impossible to bind my skills on the SWTOR Razer mouse, I never got my skills binded. So when I was Pvp'ing with a better knowledge of what skills to use, I actually was doing better, But a cpl WZs I was just pretty much a Target "Turkey Shoot", in which I had to leave the WZs, as we weren't doing things right as a team, and was pretty upset, so I just left the game because I don't like getting angry over a game.


I know Strict PvP'ers will damn me for saying that, but I got enough other stuff to keep me worried about heheh. :)


I was doing the set of skills that were listed, and I thought i'd try them out, and I find out that 2.0 is just as easy and hard to do things in combat kills. What it ultimately came down to, is that either ur going to have a good team, and the other times u won't have a Team and just do Suicide attacks and let the other side rack they're kills because ppl have no idea who they will be fighting alongside or against when ur doing WZs Solo.

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I will have to try to bind my real skills that I need binded some way through the User Interface, as it can almost impossible to bind my skills on the SWTOR Razer mouse, I never got my skills binded.


Whoa whoa whoa. Keybinding is pretty much a requirement for highlevel anything in this game, and if you already have a Razer then binding should be very very simple. What problems are you having with it?

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As no one want to stick it out for comms. That how the 55 pvp is imp side early access has made what was fun fight to just plain steam roll.



I totally respect you for queuing during that.


Everybody needs comms at this point and if other 55s are just dropping out in those, im sorry.

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I think most of pvp crowd generally get more upset with common sense mistakes. There are always going to be folks who still don't correctly gear themselves and stack the correct stats, and still don't have a solid rotation I can live with that, not everyone plays most days of the week like many of us do. Just the big errors that drive me insane, like calling "INC EAST" from the dead box. I think most people are just happy if you support the premade that is in your group providing you have one and play intelligently


OP here is a good keybind guide, between some smart keybinding and your Naga you will be set, I find many of the classes have similar skills so if you keep your keybinding consistent you will be able to swap toon's with ease and it will be like riding a bike



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I will have to try to bind my real skills that I need binded some way through the User Interface, as it can almost impossible to bind my skills on the SWTOR Razer mouse, I never got my skills binded.


I thought this was the case, in reality it is not. I an old school gamer that used point & click forever (20 plus years). However, I had to force myself to get away from that. I'm using a Razor Naga Epic and a Deathstalker keyboard now. Since I use my mouse all the time, I figured a way to use key binds to increase my efficiency.


For example, with my Sorcerer & Sage, I have all my keys bound in the same manner. All my lightning attacks are bound through 1 - 5, with 6 for WW and 8 for Polarity Shift. I use Q for interrupt (all toons), X for stun (all toons), R for force speed, B for shield, F for Affliction, G for Crushing Darkness, C for Purge, E for Force Slow, H for Dark Infusion, Shift-H for Dark Heal, and Shift V for Force Storm, and I've assigned F1 thru F5 for utility skills. I still use W,A,D, & S for movement...yes I sometimes will keyboard turn or back up if the situation requires it.


Before I went into a WZ with these key binds, I had to overcome pointing and clicking. I spent 2 week doing dailies, FPs, and Ops forcing myself to use my key binds and my mouse. thank goodness my guild mates were understanding. When I finally went into a WZ I had to keep reminding myself to use the binds. Before long, probably 3 weeks, I had broken my habit of pointing and clicking. It takes roughly 21 days to break a habit with a new one, this is what happened. In doing so, it made a huge difference increasing my performance and output.


I shared this so you could see that this may work for you. You just have to reprogram yourself, but do it in PvE for a few weeks then it should become second nature. Razor gives us those clear rubber training nodes to put on your mouse, use them to help you remember what numbers are where on your mouse and the skill assigned to them. Before long, you'll not need them anymore.

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Whoa whoa whoa. Keybinding is pretty much a requirement for highlevel anything in this game, and if you already have a Razer then binding should be very very simple. What problems are you having with it?


When i opened the program to bind the skills from TOR to the Mouse, I tried over and over with trying 1 way to bind the keys, but instead the keys would only bind to other features of the game, like it would toggle the Camera around instead of going and binding the skills to my Razer SWTOR Mouse. I could bind just about anything but the Skills to my Mouse.


Yeah useing my cursor to activate is a big problem and definitely slows me down quite a bit.


Oh and I was useing the TOR Interface to try and bind the skills.

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I thought this was the case, in reality it is not. I an old school gamer that used point & click forever (20 plus years). However, I had to force myself to get away from that. I'm using a Razor Naga Epic and a Deathstalker keyboard now. Since I use my mouse all the time, I figured a way to use key binds to increase my efficiency.


For example, with my Sorcerer & Sage, I have all my keys bound in the same manner. All my lightning attacks are bound through 1 - 5, with 6 for WW and 8 for Polarity Shift. I use Q for interrupt (all toons), X for stun (all toons), R for force speed, B for shield, F for Affliction, G for Crushing Darkness, C for Purge, E for Force Slow, H for Dark Infusion, Shift-H for Dark Heal, and Shift V for Force Storm, and I've assigned F1 thru F5 for utility skills. I still use W,A,D, & S for movement...yes I sometimes will keyboard turn or back up if the situation requires it.


Before I went into a WZ with these key binds, I had to overcome pointing and clicking. I spent 2 week doing dailies, FPs, and Ops forcing myself to use my key binds and my mouse. thank goodness my guild mates were understanding. When I finally went into a WZ I had to keep reminding myself to use the binds. Before long, probably 3 weeks, I had broken my habit of pointing and clicking. It takes roughly 21 days to break a habit with a new one, this is what happened. In doing so, it made a huge difference increasing my performance and output.


I shared this so you could see that this may work for you. You just have to reprogram yourself, but do it in PvE for a few weeks then it should become second nature. Razor gives us those clear rubber training nodes to put on your mouse, use them to help you remember what numbers are where on your mouse and the skill assigned to them. Before long, you'll not need them anymore.


Thanx, in SWG, it was very easy to bind skills. On this game I don't really know when I tried a cpl years ago to bind the skills in like the keys of F1-F12, as I also saw the numbers on the keyboard might help to, but when I got to the UI, I found that binding keys was a bit different, as some of those keys were also for bound to other things in the game, so that got me confused, and didn't want to mess up the game by trying to bind the keys I said above because I was afraid those keys would default back to the TOR original UI.


Right now, i want to do PvP also for grinding to 55, but I know I will have to try to bind my skills again very soon.

It seems like all of the Pvp'ers have left maybe to Makeb, which i want to go there after i hit 55.

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I think most of pvp crowd generally get more upset with common sense mistakes. There are always going to be folks who still don't correctly gear themselves and stack the correct stats, and still don't have a solid rotation I can live with that, not everyone plays most days of the week like many of us do. Just the big errors that drive me insane, like calling "INC EAST" from the dead box. I think most people are just happy if you support the premade that is in your group providing you have one and play intelligently


OP here is a good keybind guide, between some smart keybinding and your Naga you will be set, I find many of the classes have similar skills so if you keep your keybinding consistent you will be able to swap toon's with ease and it will be like riding a bike




Yeah, I know how ppl just will sometimes leave me, a Commando and No one else to help incoming threats, and got sick of it, so now I check the places instead of sitting on them waiting for enemy to ambush me, even the scanner can see 360 degrees. sometimes if they just leave me to rot which i don't allow now I just wait for a Shadow to come and take my place, or just leave the place til' they get it in their heads that an SA can Shadow me a lot then kill me off, so now I just try to stay away from staying 1 place, and not rotting anymore because i want to Pvp.

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Thanx, in SWG, it was very easy to bind skills. On this game I don't really know when I tried a cpl years ago to bind the skills in like the keys of F1-F12, as I also saw the numbers on the keyboard might help to, but when I got to the UI, I found that binding keys was a bit different, as some of those keys were also for bound to other things in the game, so that got me confused, and didn't want to mess up the game by trying to bind the keys I said above because I was afraid those keys would default back to the TOR original UI.


Right now, i want to do PvP also for grinding to 55, but I know I will have to try to bind my skills again very soon.

It seems like all of the Pvp'ers have left maybe to Makeb, which i want to go there after i hit 55.


Yes some of those keys are bound to certain functions like 'inventory,' or 'cover;' however, those can be ignored and will allow you to change their binding. Even the "F1" keys are bound, but I've changed them too. Even some of those keys that are bound to other functions can be changed to reflect the same key but just use 'shift' + the key. Anyway, just remember that it will take you almost 3 weeks to get to a point where you use your keys and mouse become second nature.

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Yeah, it will be hard to to the bindings again, I haven't done that for 5 years, and when I got to play this game, I thought that it would be easier to just use my mouse and cursor. I'll have to see what I can I can do with bindings later today.


Of course it might make a difference if I had my other lens for my glasses, as that can strain my eyes to, along with what's going on. Right now i'm just 1 Eyed Jack Lol.


I think the biggest problem for me and others that have to solo WZs, is finding a good team, which can be hard to find for each WZ. Sometimes now i'll just leave because most ppl don't know how to be a good Team player/ players. But timing ur rotations right and getting them binded is hard to, but will see about binding them tomorrow, thanx guys. :)

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Thanx, in SWG, it was very easy to bind skills. On this game I don't really know when I tried a cpl years ago to bind the skills in like the keys of F1-F12, as I also saw the numbers on the keyboard might help to, but when I got to the UI, I found that binding keys was a bit different, as some of those keys were also for bound to other things in the game, so that got me confused, and didn't want to mess up the game by trying to bind the keys I said above because I was afraid those keys would default back to the TOR original UI.


Right now, i want to do PvP also for grinding to 55, but I know I will have to try to bind my skills again very soon.

It seems like all of the Pvp'ers have left maybe to Makeb, which i want to go there after i hit 55.


Man, bindings in SWG were epic. You could create macros for everything!

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What spec are you running? Middle tree or right? I am pretty good and both. The main thing is to get your keys down and learn your rotation and procs. I personally prefer pyro. There isn't as many procs to worry about just a good rotation. Seems like you got the idea of not sitting in 1 spot thing down. As a ranged commando you want to stay at a distance, and never just chill in 1 spot. The longer you just stand there and the more of a target you become. I'm always on the move on my Merc. If you have any more questions just hit me up if you have an imp toon.
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