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Just got booted from my first FP ever!


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Level 50 Assualt Specced vanguard. DPSing Hardmode False Emperor. A Blackhole Generator drops with power and surge. It's a nice upgrade to both stats for me, so I need and win. A commando, also DPSing, then throws a complete fit because...


Commando: "Why would a tank need a generator?!?"


Me: "I'm not a tank, I'm DPS"


Commando: "You can use shields!!"


Me: "Uh, that would be stupid as I don't have any talents into any defensive skills"


Guardian Tank: "That's a healing piece. It's no good for DPS Vanguards anyway"


Me: "Surge and Power aren't good DPS stats? You should probably tell that to my Combat Tech DPS Columi gear"


Commando: "Well, I'll just start needing on defense then"


Me: "Go right ahead, again, I'm NOT a tank and I don't use defense"



The commando then initiates a vote kick because "I hate you".... lol. The saddest part is that the commando had commented earlier that they have a 5 month old baby that could wake up at any time. A 5 month old and the parent is throwing that kind of a tantrum based off shear ignorance? Well, all I can say is that I feel sorry for the kid...

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Which is why I don't pug.



To be honest, I normally have nothing but good experiences in pugs. Of course, I know my stuff and I never need on anything my PC can't use. Which has never been an issue before this particular pug.


Honestly though... how do players like this commando play through 50+ levels without learning anything about the game? Thinking that a DPS class should be using a shield? Good grief....


I should have started telling "Why are you shooting stuff when you should be healing everyone!?!?!!"

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I had been queing for the foundry for almost 3 nights in a row as a dps a few monthes ago, I finally got in the FP. So I said yes, finally I got into this for my last HK peice, and they vote-kicked me for typing 2 lines of text back to back. Saying I was annyoing.


I was FURIOUS.. :(

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You take the good, you take the bad, you take em both and there you have...The Facts of Life, The Facts of Life.


1. i feel for the OP.

2. thats normal behaviour of parents with a 5 month old. it means he hasnt actually slept in 5 months.

3. this post above i quoted is awesome. :cool:

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I had been queing for the foundry for almost 3 nights in a row as a dps a few monthes ago, I finally got in the FP. So I said yes, finally I got into this for my last HK peice, and they vote-kicked me for typing 2 lines of text back to back. Saying I was annyoing.


I was FURIOUS.. :(


The fact that the rest of the group typically agrees to these kind of vote kicks is the biggest issue. How about reading the reason and deciding instead of blindly clicking "yes"?

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Got kicked last week as well..


The guy needed a tank..My Sith assassin is a tank so i joined..


I told him i was a bit over levelled for the FP but would tank for them and let them have all the gear since i didn't need it.


Fp started..I tanked...he got mad because i was rushing the mobs and i guess taking away his moment in the sunshine.. I was doing my job as a tank and taking the hits while DPS and healers did their thing. I honestly don't think he actually knew what a tanks roll was..


but either way he got mad..Vote kicked me ...and then the rest of the group walked away shortly after because without a tank they couldn't get past the mobs now...lol. ..oone of the group members messaged me to apologize afterward


it was good for a laugh...

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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I got kicked yesterday for sucking... Thing is, I don't really think it was me, I was watching the tank, and he wasn't holding aggro at all. So I had to spam heal everyone , running me out of power very quickly. When i got attacked no one moved to get it off me. I was only level 16 and my first time ever rolling a healer. It's very disheartening the level of elite snobbery you run into in this game.. Especially when it seems so cruelly misdirected... and more especially at such low levels when I'm supposed to be a bit sucky as I learn to use my character. Edited by richiewww
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I should have started telling "Why are you shooting stuff when you should be healing everyone!?!?!!"


I've run into this alot and it's quite disconcerting. I don't do this on my merc, my job is to heal not rain Death From Above while the tank and dps dips below 50% health

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I've run into this alot and it's quite disconcerting. I don't do this on my merc, my job is to heal not rain Death From Above while the tank and dps dips below 50% health



Well, actually, the commando was DPSing, so they actually should have been shooting stuff.


That comment was just a joke playing off the commando's assumption that a DPS Vanguard should only be needing on tank gear. :)

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2 Teams today, 1 HM one Normal. Both were very well mannered. The normal Battle for Ilum we had the healer AND the sin tank drop, leaving me and the marauder alone to finish it. Pulled out our healing companions and trucked on through it after que didn't get us replacements.


I've only had one bad FP experience in my time being back, and it was lower level FP's. Darwin seems to weed them out in the higher levels. Just block people that are a-holes so you don't group with them again. Eventually they won't have anyone good to team with.

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To be honest, I normally have nothing but good experiences in pugs. Of course, I know my stuff and I never need on anything my PC can't use. Which has never been an issue before this particular pug.


Honestly though... how do players like this commando play through 50+ levels without learning anything about the game? Thinking that a DPS class should be using a shield? Good grief....


I should have started telling "Why are you shooting stuff when you should be healing everyone!?!?!!"


Actually if we were talkin about solo play a case could be made for using a shield on a DPS toon to give an alternative to full boom glass cannon. But as we're talkin about group play, you're right there's no reason for a DPS with a shield.

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I'd say about a third of the people that play this game are morons. At least people that know very little about the game or it's mechanics, how to play their class, how other classes work, what they should be doing in a group based on their role, killl orders in a trash pull, boss fights....etc. Not because they're new either, just because they are chronically clueless. Chances are when you're PUG'n you're going to have at least one of these people in your group.


My last HM PUG last night was a healer that seemed to try to do everything but heal. I, the tank, actually fell over dead a few times to some bosses in The False Emp that I've never died to in 1 year of playing this game. Simply because my health slowly chipped away until I was dead with. And yes, they were actually heal speced according to them. And also a few instances where they face pulled trash somehow.


I'd have to say though. Running HM's in a group finder PUG on 4 50's almost daily I generally run into decent-good players. It's just that 1/3 that makes you want to /facepalm

Edited by sumuji
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And people wonder why there aren't very many tanks. Too many little babies. If it was a healing thing, did the healer complain? But the one thing I always do when I'm tanking, when something drops, I always ask if I can have it if there is another class. For someone to have a total meltdown on something as trivial as a gear drop that just shows how childish some people are.
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Eveyone is a keyboard hero.


Dont take it too personally or anything. I am surprised you even argued with people.


I tank so I have to deal with all the whiners, you get used to it.


I just do my thing but occasionally I get people that think it's their way or no way.


I have been booted, yelled at and even had a healer refuse to heal me.


I would say 98% of the time though, things go pretty well and communication works wonders, but those 2% can be a real pain in the neck.


I just battle those people by acting the complete opposite, I always try to be helpful and also listen to people.


I can tell from the first fight in Black Talon if out DPS is too low for some of the bosses, i will usually ask the people if they want to fight them or skip. If they want to fight, we do it anyway....whats the worst that can happen; the boss enrages and we wipe.....Big deal... Just skip that boss or just try again.


People are so obsessed with gear and stuff, they forget to have fun with other people.

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