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So I'm Capping Out On Classic Comms Today; Amber/Eric, Please, a Response?


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Ya I get that. I just like to spend them when I'm ready. I usually used these comms for alts. I'd spend them while leaving the alt to help them out. I'm not alting right now, but still forced to spend them. I'd rather just collect as much as I want and spend when ready.


What I did was buy high level mods and mail to my alt and put them in the bank so they are ready when I ready to lvl my alt. My 27 trooper has all the mods for him and his companion to 50 already. Planning ahead.

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What I did was buy high level mods and mail to my alt and put them in the bank so they are ready when I ready to lvl my alt. My 27 trooper has all the mods for him and his companion to 50 already. Planning ahead.


Ya I always just bought when needed. But looks like I'll have to change my approach. Insawnin another thread that I can use them on Makeb vendor for HK so I may do that.

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I'm capping out today on the classic comms during my daily runs. Numerous posts have talked about a lack of individuals in the group finder (potentially), people not wanting to run dailies, a pointless limit, etc., but it never actually bothered me until now. In fact, those of us who run dailies who were not capped out from the 2.0 transfer will undoubtedly run out today. I enjoy logging on daily and doing my 'rounds' of dailies. Now, at least until Sunday with Makeb, I don't really have a reason to log on since I don't PvP. After the Makeb content is finished for my toon(s) next week, I'm concerned that I will (almost) be done playing for the week on Thursday, even though there are other comms to obtain because it's what I like to do. Not to mention I like the campaign gear to rip out mods for alts/companions.


You've had a lot of angry people over these comms limits. You've had, honestly, a huge amount of immature posts that bash Bioware and EA for imposing what they consider a 'needless' limit, and I agree that the wording of some of the backlash is uncalled for and flat out rude. The real question I just want to ask is, "Why?". Why do we have this limit? Only running dailies for cash doesn't carry a point after you have so many credits and a wallet of Cartel Coins. Can we please, please, please, get this weekly cap removed? I'm fine with a 400 cap total for these. Because once I go near that cap I can spend the comms, go back, and start over. Now I can't.


Please, can you at least let me (or rather, us) know why this was imposed? I'll take a PM if that's required and won't re-post the message. I just really want to understand the logic behind this due to the fact it's hurting the gameplay experience for no apparent reason.



thank you for so well stating the same concern i have.

Instead of unlimited Comms i'd request a much more reasonable weekly limit. somewhere around 3x what it currently is as a starting point for discussion.

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I agree the weekly cap for classic com should be higher. I have no issues with the cap (max number you can have) being where it is. If you want to earn them you should be able to. Since it has no effect on end game. I don't agree with the hoarders out there that don't want any caps.
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Classic Comms should not be in any of the new content. Its outdated when we get it and is supposed to help 1-49 and 50s who do not have the expansion.


Just spend the comms on alts or buy and gtn them.


Pretty much. They are irrelevant. So a cap on them is irrelevant. It seems the fact there is a cap seems to stirs people up, but in truth Classic comms aren't worth much anyway.

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Though we may not get a response (I hope we do), I wanted to update you with my personal SWTOR activity changes when I hit the cap yesterday.


1) After hitting the cap, I immediately abandoned my Section X remaining quests. I'm not needing much more rep to hit legendary, so the money isn't enough to keep me there. BH was already finished; I can run through those in no time. That's now one less person in that area.


2) I made my way back to the fleet to drop off the daily quests. This is when (or I think this is when) I remembered that I had a planetary comm limit as well, so I abondoned an FP. Without being able to obtain planetary comms OR classic comms, I had virtually no reason to run an FP. As a tank, I feel as though this hurts the community. I now don't see a reason to run another FP until next week. This will inevitably affect the Group Finder queues, as I know I'm not the only one in this position.


3) Aside from point (2), I ran the Esselles and Mandalorian Raiders solo to get the backlog of achievements. Esselles ran fine, but Mandalorian Raiders had a bug with two of the bosses, so I stopped running the old FP's because of the achievement bugs.


4) Since I don't PvP, I found myself literally circling around the fleet on my speeder. I then logged and went to bed.


The problem is that having these limits removes a primary purpose for maintaining a presence in various areas of the games (FP's, Dailies, etc.). I do have an alt, a healer, but I was using my main to send gear to this toon due to the fact the gear is so low I can't really run the dailies very well (it was a quick toon on the x2 xp wekends). Now, I'm out of comms, hit my weekly cap, and have an undergeared alt. I don't have a reason to play that toon (yet). Please understand this really does hurt a lot of the purpose of the game. I'm not gearing up to 55 [yet], I'm just trying to get my alts and companions up to par with the rest of the community at 50 and have fun doing it. I can't as of now, but I hope you change your mind. Sorry for the bumping.

Edited by skitzogreg
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Bumping this as well. Above posters story/exp is far from unique and actually getting common. More so as the week goes by.


You guy had a good thing going before with BH comma rewards and gear prices. I ran HM Gps and Ops all the time to gear comps and alts. This in turn helped newer players gear and learn the ropes. You've now destroyed this with the new limits. This really does hurt the game and players more than anything.


My last hiatus was triggered when you stopped letting us PVP while sitting in group finder. I'm thinking this is a worse mistake and a bigger issue.


In this particular case I would counsel "don't think about it, just do it.". DUMP THE WEEKLY CAPS.

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I'm in no danger of capping out, because my boyfriend has been on my case about playing too much and I can't get anything done with him harassing me.


Eric/Amber--can you please figure out a way to transfer people's excess comms to my account?


Love you thx!!!

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If I could Id donate all of my excess classic comms :(


I hit 200 by Tuesday night. I then have 4 pieces of gear to turn in for another 300 comms. I did KP HM last night, all those comms were wasted.


The stupid part, by the time I can actually turn those comms in, I am going to be level 55 and the gear will be worthless. The only time this gear was useful was the last week when I was stuck at 50 and unable to progress. By Monday Ill be able to get entirely new better gear, so what i was the point?


I guess my companions will all be happy to know that they will be wearing campaign gear.

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If I could Id donate all of my excess classic comms :(


I hit 200 by Tuesday night. I then have 4 pieces of gear to turn in for another 300 comms. I did KP HM last night, all those comms were wasted.


The stupid part, by the time I can actually turn those comms in, I am going to be level 55 and the gear will be worthless. The only time this gear was useful was the last week when I was stuck at 50 and unable to progress. By Monday Ill be able to get entirely new better gear, so what i was the point?


I guess my companions will all be happy to know that they will be wearing campaign gear.


I think it'll be nice for companions -- but it'll also be a benefit to alts, and people who haven't hit 50 yet.


Are all of the classic-comm purchaseble items BoP? If so -- a tad annoying. BoL would be a nice benefit :-D

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I'm in no danger of capping out, because my boyfriend has been on my case about playing too much and I can't get anything done with him harassing me.


Eric/Amber--can you please figure out a way to transfer people's excess comms to my account?


Love you thx!!!

The weekly cap has allowed me to stay under the girlfriend enrage timer all week. And the cap itself is like an aggro dump. :D


I took it slow and hit the weekly cap yesterday. Hopefully the post by Jesse is true and the weekly cap on classic comms is removed. The cap also makes the group finder utterly useless before the weekend even starts. I guess it could help lower level group finder if people are playing alts... unless they go play a different game.

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Weekly limit on classic comms needs to be, like, quadrupled, or left out completely.






The weekly cap on Classic Commendations will be removed in an upcoming patch.


Incidentally, there is currently a bug that causes the game to warn you that you've exceeded your weekly cap even when you are at 0 in your weekly progress (it's erroneously looking at your total commendations). Make sure you check the actual weekly progress value displayed in your currency tab.




Good news.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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