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mk-9 kits


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has anyone found a schematic that doesnt cost a ton of mats to get the mk-9 components from? I've been making some gloves, but they cost a lot to make. On top of that, most of the time your companions dont bring back the right mats for it (they'll bring back blue quality instead of the green quality i need >< )


any help would be appreciated!!

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I have all the crafts covered and looked at the materials required to r/e and get components for kits. All of the crafts have doubled, tripled and quadrupled the required materials to get the components except artifice shield and Bio implant, they are the cheapest/best resource atm. hopefully someone else can find something I may have missed but it looks like Armormech, Cybertech, and Synthweavers got the short straw this go around.
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The orange gloves that armormech gets from UT schematics have the lowest Mat to craft ratio I have so far. I was unable to see if they would RE into a kit part before the servers went derp. Other issue with said gloves is the fact they take blues to craft AND 20+ mins. As far as the sure thing for greens with the lowest combined cost that should no matter what give a kit part....I will give two hints. Most people think its a worthless crafting skill and Corso is its $^%&$.
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The orange gloves that armormech gets from UT schematics have the lowest Mat to craft ratio I have so far. I was unable to see if they would RE into a kit part before the servers went derp. Other issue with said gloves is the fact they take blues to craft AND 20+ mins. As far as the sure thing for greens with the lowest combined cost that should no matter what give a kit part....I will give two hints. Most people think its a worthless crafting skill and Corso is its $^%&$.

Can't RE the oranges you craft. So green gloves are the cheapest way for armormechs. So that's an average 80 compounds 100 metals and 20 of the new flux. Yeah they are going to cost a good 200k pet kit on the gtn

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Before the servers went down today for some people, these where the cheapest you could purchase the new kits.



  1. Mk-6 40k
  2. Mk-7 125k
  3. Mk-8 325k
  4. Mk-9 500k


New I should of leveled my crafter skills instead of leveling, however that said most of the stuff cybertechs, and artifaces could make you can purchase via plantary commendations far cheaper then it costs to make them (1-50 items).

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Yields from missions are significantly lower for the new grade, purple mats are substantially more rare, scavenging and archaeology both have a bunch of useless mats that are returned, all the while all the crafting schematics require more mats to craft.


All of this was reported on the PTS, so I'm assuming the increased mat costs coupled with the decreased mat yields is all intended.


IMO, Bioware did a great big FU to crafting with 2.0.

Edited by DawnAskham
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wait 2weeks after the 14th when 2.0 hits the rest of the player base, you will see the prices going way down, at this time nothing you can do needs the highers level of kits and augments


Doubtful the price will fall 'way down' anytime soon.


The more players at 55 with access to 55 gear, the higher the demand.


And the issue isn't that just a few players have early access, the issue is very poor yields on missions, garbage mats being returned on missions, and much higher mat requirements to create MK parts.


Now if Bioware increases the yields on gathering missions, removes the garbage mats from the yield tables, and or reduces the amount of mats required to create items to RE for MK parts, then the price will go way down.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Yields from missions are significantly lower for the new grade, purple mats are substantially more rare, scavenging and archaeology both have a bunch of useless mats that are returned, all the while all the crafting schematics require more mats to craft.


All of this was reported on the PTS, so I'm assuming the increased mat costs coupled with the decreased mat yields is all intended.


IMO, Bioware did a great big FU to crafting with 2.0.


And to the players. I'm a PvPer mostly. I have like maybe 7 million between my toons. It would cost me 10.2 million to buy aug kits and might augs for ONE of my toons. And from what I take from this thread, that would be cheap. No.


I'll just go without, and when I start getting owned by scrubs just because they have like 420 more str than me, then I just move on to another game.

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Armormech options are just terrible; hopefully this is an oversight otherwise, meh.


I hope so too! The mats required to make the gloves are outrageous! And why are oranges cheaper to make than a green? That makes no sense to me at all!


BioWare we would really like an answer if this is intented or not. Also with the return on missions bringing back blue quality items instead of green.

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I hope so too! The mats required to make the gloves are outrageous! And why are oranges cheaper to make than a green? That makes no sense to me at all!


BioWare we would really like an answer if this is intented or not. Also with the return on missions bringing back blue quality items instead of green.


I don't know, guess the devs just hate player crafting , seems that way too me.

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wait 2weeks after the 14th when 2.0 hits the rest of the player base, you will see the prices going way down, at this time nothing you can do needs the highers level of kits and augments


The problem is that this use to be the case and isn't anymore due to yields on missions.


Currently, if you're lucky, you can get the mats to make 1 mk-9 aug kit for about 144k. For that much of a investment from the crafter let alone the time it will take waiting and sending your companions out continuously to get the amount of mats needed and RE-ing for the mk-9 parts, I would not expect the prices for these to fall below 200k.


I dont even want to sell mine for less then 250k because I think 100k profit is fair due to the amount of time and initial investment I have to make to even create them. If prices fall below 200k without bioware fixing the returns on crew missions then I will no longer craft them as they will not be worth the time nor investment to craft for other people. I will only take orders from people on a "Mats plus 20k tip" basis.


That being said...I've been crafting them on my server for a little bit now (Early access) and none have sold. (I'm assuming because of the price, but hoping its because not many are lvl 55 yet and the demand isn't quite there yet).


Currently with most advanced crafting, you will make more credits per time spent doing all the dailies/weeklies then crafting. It appears that elder crafting is no longer a viable way to fund your in game adventures..... Sad day.

To be more specific, Cybertech is currently viable, along with biochem due to being able to scavenge (for free) in the new lvl 55 FP's as with Athiss there are a ton of elite creatures and the other FPs have a large amount of elite droids to scavenge making the cost of 28 grade armorings and mods pretty low along with crafting times giving the ability to post affordable prices. (suggesting a demand stays for the items, supply will be pretty easy and cost effective to keep up on)


Everyone else....screwed.

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I agree with all on this one. I think the worst by far is how hard slicing got hit.... I've been sending out my minions for days to get the purple level 9 mats to make the best augments.... and I have 6. SIX frigging mats after 6 days. Its not even enough to make 2 augments.


My best guess is that this is a calculated move. I think a few folks out there are sitting on a LOT of credits. Devs know this and are trying to find a way to spread that around or at least reduce the huge piles people have. Making resources scarce will actually help this to some degree. The few folks with tons of $ will pay high prices for those first few augments and kits. I've probably made a little bit of $ at this point just selling the MK-9 kits and a few 28 Guardian Hilts (I haven't tracked how much I have spent on getting the mats.... I doubt I'm ahead by much at all). On the whole, its a pretty effective credit sink.... it costs a lot of $ to farm the mats, and then people with TONS of credits end up covering it. After a few weeks or so, I suspect there will be a change and it will be easier to gather and craft these things. Prices will go down and more folks will be able to buy.

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Sorry guys, but a big boo hoo to the whiners out there. A few days into the new update and folks are saying where's my easy button? To the pvp guy, realy? I don’t want to craft, I don’t want to pay, I just want the best, and I want it handed to me. Life ain’t that kind. Rare items can and should be just that. It should take time, and talent to become the best or folks get bored and leave. Now for each challenge you have an opportunity. Rarer mats mean higher value. Instead of Molecular Stabilizers for 150 to 200k each to raid guildies only, we now have a new system where any moderate crafter can send their companions out for that will be worth 60 to 80k per unit. I for one think this is an improvement, moves some of the wealth from folks who make gaming a job to quiet crafters who can operate independently.


I like that we can craft level 28 items where the average crafter couldn't make better than 22 in the past without a guild funneling you REable gear and mats. For the average gamer to get a better barrel or hilt took 5 million+ to get a 27, and outfitting to a full 27 set took over 30 million. Now I am giving purple 28s to my guildies for free right now (yeah, yeah, I am just another greedy crafter). I like that there is something more challenging to collect and work for. I have three mk-9 augs on my primary toon. With a mix of purple 26, 27, and 28 gear, he made it through a level 55 HM flashpoint this weekend just fine. The purple 69 gear that dropped is sooo much better than the craftables, that the 66s will just be a stepping stone for the raid, ops, and pvp folks in the next few weeks to months. The mk-9 augs will be the where crafters make their lunch money.


Just like Darwin said, those that can rapidly adapt to changing environments thrive and reproduce, while those that cannot become extinct.

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It takes me around an hour to farm the 100 turadium and 80 mythra, on makeb, so far I've only made 14 kits, if there is a faster way to make these, please share!

Side note: Does anyone one know if scavenging 450s are worth sending my companions out on, or do they also give hollinium...?

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Making kits at this point is simple not feasible. The amount of mats needed to make a Green and then RE it for a component are astronomically high compared to 1.7. By the time you get 10 components to make a kit, how many missions have you run? How many credits have you wasted? No wonder the mk-9 kits are selling for 500,000.


PLEASE address this and make the mats cost more in line with 1.7. I wouldn't mind if it was 3 or 4 of each, instead of the 2/2/2 that was before. Crafting and crew skills right now are a complete mess.

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