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It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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its posted a couple pages back I aint rewriting it


I'm just going to take your word for it and ignore the fact that every single top guild asks for a combat log of previous raids to be included in your application before even considering you.




I'm fine with damage meters, as long as you can only see your own damage and no one else's. If that isn't good enough for you you're only using it to grief. Also, if you can't tell who is asleep during an operation, then you have issues damage meters can't fix.


Sure, who's gonna watch that guy in the 16 man raid? People have to focus on their own characters not others. That guy could just as well spam normal attack + a random attack as a melee and noone would even notice, while doing 5 times less dps than the tank.

Edited by Skeelol
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Because we're not talking about 4man dungeons. This is about raids, the higher difficulty ones even.


yeah, the point still remains. Doing more damage doesn't = better. DPS need to know their roles, be active, be aware just like tanks and healers. Not just do their rotation and be done with it. It does = better for some encounters but not all.


I just see this all throughout the thread that if you are doing less damage that means you are less of a DPS. I just thoroughly disagree and i'm sure most tanks and healers would as well.


NOW if you are doing significantly less damage it's more likely the person just didn't build their character correctly or have bad gear. That doesn't even make them bad, it probably just means they don't understand how the game works and can be taught.

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yeah, the point still remains. Doing more damage doesn't = better. DPS need to know their roles, be active, be aware just like tanks and healers. Not just do their rotation and be done with it. It does = better for some encounters but not all.


I just see this all throughout the thread that if you are doing less damage that means you are less of a DPS. I just thoroughly disagree and i'm sure most tanks and healers would as well.


NOW if you are doing significantly less damage it's more likely the person just didn't build their character correctly or have bad gear. That doesn't even make them bad, it probably just means they don't understand how the game works and can be taught.


Thank you for educating me on what a DPS has to do. I clearly have no clue and was just taken along for the ride for over 3 years in my top 50 wow guild while getting plenty of server firsts.


Again, thank you.

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Thank you for educating me on what a DPS has to do. I clearly have no clue and was just taken along for the ride for over 3 years in my top 50 wow guild while getting plenty of server firsts.


Again, thank you.


^^ a Breed of WoW.


These type of players did not exist pre-WoW days.

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I think a lot of people here think damage meters only record damage, and that is ironically wrong.


Take a look at the addon recount for WoW, it tracks dps, damage, healing, hot/dot uptime, dispels, interrupts, damage taken, and more stats.


Damage meters are not only about damage, they provide invaluable information that can help a guild figure out why they are wiping.

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I'm just going to take your word for it and ignore the fact that every single top guild asks for a combat log of previous raids to be included in your application before even considering you.






Sure, who's gonna watch that guy in the 16 man raid? People have to focus on their own characters not others. That guy could just as well spam normal attack + a random attack as a melee and noone would even notice, while doing 5 times less dps than the tank.


again thats fine ( your sarcasm being overlooked) but that comes from logs and a parser. I Dont really care if the top guilds want that because being in one myself years ago, I know sacrifices are expected for the guild. BUT, i do not want the entire community to act as a top guild, which dmg meters tend to allow people to do.


If you CHOOSE a top guild then you pay whatever price that want. But If i join soandsos group in a pug or something people should not judge anyone with a dmg parser as though they WERE A TOP GUILD.

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Thank you for educating me on what a DPS has to do. I clearly have no clue and was just taken along for the ride for over 3 years in my top 50 wow guild while getting plenty of server firsts.


Again, thank you.


Did I say that was you?


Just this general consensus from the pro-meter side that doing more damage means elite, doing less damage = bad. Just look through this thread. I didn't single you out.


I really don't give a flip about WoW accomplishments either. Folk act like MMOs are hard, they are not hard. They just have a learning curve and take game experience but they are not hard.

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You're correct. There weren't many good MMO players out there before WoW because there was no need to improve.



see now your just being silly, you do know most of the players that make up some of the TOP guilds across games were created in EQ and I believe DAOC well before wow? Please tell you knew that.



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Did I say that was you?


Just this general consensus from the pro-meter side that doing more damage means elite, doing less damage = bad. Just look through this thread. I didn't single you out.


I really don't give a flip about WoW accomplishments either. Folk act like MMOs are hard, they are not hard. They just have a learning curve and take game experience but they are not hard.




"I've never done this 1 thing but it ain't hard. People who do it just have more experience than me but the thing they do isn't hard. I know it for a fact because...i've never done it"

Edited by Skeelol
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see now your just being silly, you do know most of the players that make up some of the TOP guilds across games were created in EQ and I believe DAOC well before wow? Please tell you knew that.




That's what I'm saying, these people have no place in these type of MMORPGs


Because once DPS meters come out, HE'S the type of player that will ridicule, insult and downright belittle other players.


That right there, is what's wrong with DPS meters.



Thanks for making yourself a fantastic example, Skeelol.

Edited by Neeseek
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That's what I'm saying, these people have no place in these type of MMORPGs


Because once DPS meters come out, HE'S the type of player that will ridicule, insult and downright belittle other players.


That right there, is what's wrong with DPS meters.



Thanks for making yourself a fantastic example, Skeelol.


Actually you're 100% wrong. I never even bothered pugging in WoW. You don't need to when you're in a top guild. So i never ridiculed anyone.


But yeah sure assume whatever you want.

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Actually you're 100% wrong. I never even bothered pugging in WoW. You don't need to when you're in a top guild. So i never ridiculed anyone.


But yeah sure assume whatever you want.


You will however, Pug in this game.


Unless you're "top" guild is already playing it, and judging by how much you hold your guilds reputation at stake, you don't need DPS meters in this game then, do you?

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"I've never done this 1 thing but it ain't hard. People who do it just have more experience than me but the thing they do isn't hard. I know it for a fact because..."


Too bad I never said that, but nice try.


MMO is like art class in middle school. Just put in some effort and you'll pass.


Do you know how to do math? Good job you now have half the skill that is required of a MMO.


Do you know how to play games? Congrats, you now have the other skill required to be a successful MMO player. Keep on thinking you have some special talent that only a few can achieve lol.


The truth is if one puts in the time they can also achieve it...

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That's what I'm saying, these people have no place in these type of MMORPGs


Because once DPS meters come out, HE'S the type of player that will ridicule, insult and downright belittle other players.


That right there, is what's wrong with DPS meters.



Thanks for making yourself a fantastic example, Skeelol.


Now see Ill disagree with you right there. All people should enjoy the game and the way a guild runs is the way it runs, you as a player have a CHOICE not to join ect. But when that attitude permeates the community as a whole then you have a problem. And I feel, right or wrong, that dmg meters and addons of this sort allows people that have NO BUSINESS acting that way to do so.

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You will however, Pug in this game.


Unless you're "top" guild is already playing it, and judging by how much you hold your guilds reputation at stake, you don't need DPS meters in this game then, do you?


How does them guildies being good at WoW reflect into being good at SWTOR?


They might play a healer in WoW and chose a DPS here. Maybe they got no clue what to do and the class simply doesn't fit them no matter how much research they do and how hard they try to play it. Yet noone can figure out their performance with the new class.


Too bad I never said that, but nice try.


MMO is like art class in middle school. Just put in some effort and you'll pass.


Do you know how to do math? Good job you now have half the skill that is required of a MMO.


Do you know how to play games? Congrats, you now have the other skill required to be a successful MMO player. Keep on thinking you have some special talent that only a few can achieve lol.


The truth is if one puts in the time they can also achieve it...


You sure did say that. If it's so easy then go ahead and do it yourself. It's always easy to talk about things you don't really know.

Edited by Skeelol
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i want a combat log to track my dmg and apply buff accordingly, or change my rotation, or upgrade my item/weapon or even respec.


bioware, can we have a combat log please?


"Like" if you agree.


why was op so concern about bragging? ignore ftw. we should be more concern when people insult each other families, their colors, their countries, their religions and etc...

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i want a combat log to track my dmg and apply buff accordingly, or change my rotation, or upgrade my item/weapon or even respec.


bioware, can we have a combat log please?


"Like" if you agree.


Combat log was already confirmed since beta. They will implement it soon after launch but they had some things to fix first on the way it was working.


No need to ask for it.

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Too bad I never said that, but nice try.


MMO is like art class in middle school. Just put in some effort and you'll pass.


Do you know how to do math? Good job you now have half the skill that is required of a MMO.


Do you know how to play games? Congrats, you now have the other skill required to be a successful MMO player. Keep on thinking you have some special talent that only a few can achieve lol.


The truth is if one puts in the time they can also achieve it...


well here is the deal, top raiding guilds are not just after the kill but to be the first to kill it. Im not saying you, but a lot of people forget all the raid strats that they read and duplicate to down said boss were created by these top guilds. They are playing to not only kill the guys but in competition with other guilds so it is a little different on the hard core guilds

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I want a combat log to answer the question "WTH just killed me?"


Frantic combat and the tiny non re sizable target cast bar makes it awkward to determine what might have caused a character death or group wipe in flashpoints.


Disable player info if need be but it's useful to see how npc's are hurting you.

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well here is the deal, top raiding guilds are not just after the kill but to be the first to kill it. Im not saying you, but a lot of people forget all the raid strats that they read and duplicate to down said boss were created by these top guilds. They are playing to not only kill the guys but in competition with other guilds so it is a little different on the hard core guilds


These folks are usually no different than the folks that spend tons of time mastering Street Fighter or Starcraft. With video games it usually is about how much time one spends with a game. It's not a actual skill if mostly anyone can do it given the time.


No matter how hard I try I could never master painting or playing the piano like a pro. NOW that is an actual skill and talent.


Also a lot of these people just copy/paste their builds and rotations making it even less of a skill. The people who are theory crafting are using skills...but they are using math and not some game skill.

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