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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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I'd been finding it fun to play without the real time log, but last night I found myself wishing for one.


I've typically played healers and I agree that it's ultra-annoying when some e-peen flexing dps decides to boast about how amazing they are; especially while leveling and people are still learning. This time around I'm playing a sorcerer as a mage -- I figure it'll give me the option to swap to healing if I discover I dislike playing dps in this game -- and simply for my own information and to learn optimal rotation, where my dots are best utilized, which abilities work better on trash v. elite v. champion v. boss level mobs, if the damage I'm taking is from a likely avoidable or interruptible ability, if I broke my own crowd control, etc. I was wishing I could just peek at some numbers.


I can really care less about other people’s dps but some measure of my own so that I can compare it to, well, my own, would be terrific. Also a damage taken log would be lovely. I liked those little pie-graphs that recount would divvy up. A lot of times when reviewing them I'd find myself thinking "=( drat, I really did stand in that junk, I could have sworn I was out of it," or "doh! It was me that wiped the group," and "hrm, that ability is 0.3% of my output, I have 5 talent points utilized to boost that ability and I'm getting hardly any return on it. That other ability that I have no talents boosting is 30% of my output, perhaps I should boost that instead."


Yeah both people with high output, and individuals who want to finger point to those with low output, can be sometimes be jerks once you give them the ability to post numbers. But, for people who know how to use them, the self-improvement gained from a running log surpasses the cost of people with something to prove.

Edited by Lycaena
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You obviously completely missed the point of my post. Go practice and learn before speaking to me again.


You obviously think everyone who uses a meter is a"kid". (Adorable, by the way.)


Contrary to what you may think; a meter, when used properly, can assist in identifying under-performers. Or "idiots" as you called them.


You, like those "kids", seem to think the information from meters can't be applied to the greater context of the encounter, like the fact that smuggler was kiting, or that healer was mostly using shields to counter a fight mechanic. When used properly, a player can fill in the gaps themselves and correctly interpret the data.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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I want a damage meter. It has nothing to do with linking it so that everyone knows i'm the best, and everything to do with knowing who which of our 4 raid healers isn't healing, so we can teach him. Nightmare mode raiding will be rough :(


Except that never happens lol. Its alwaying flashing e-peen, or so some nerd who thinks he is the greatest gamer ever gives crap to casual players who aren't as "good"

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Except that never happens lol. Its alwaying flashing e-peen, or so some nerd who thinks he is the greatest gamer ever gives crap to casual players who aren't as "good"


Funny how good players like myself never happen to meet the people you're talking about.

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This is pointless though, it's already been confirmed they will be implemented. Why keep discussing it?


As far as I know it hasn't been stated what kind of meters they will implement. My suggestion is still:


* Add a personal meter keeping track of your own dps / overall damage / healing done and make it non-linkable.


* Add a raid-wide meter for the raid leader keeping track of each players level of activity, as in % of time in combat spent casting or "doing something useful". It should also display damage taken. (Even though I still think that an "all-knowing" meter for raid leaders is an invaluable asset I'll leave it like this for the sake of discussion)


* Add training droids that allow players to try out different specs and ability priorities without having to find out the hard way during a Flashpoint or Operation that "well, this sure didn't turn out well".




1) Everyone will have the ability to keep track on one's own performance and utilize the tool to improve ability priorities and try out different specs.


2) These tools won't play into the hands of the rude, immature PuG-runners who diss others over the internet in order to feel better about themselves.


3) The leader of a raid will be able to single out slackers and those who have a thing or five to learn about the concept of "don't stand in the fire".


4) Dps players won't know how the other dps players are performing while playing which reduces the amount of "things that are bad from a teamplay or raiding point of view" they pull just to get ahead on the meters.




1) The raid leader won't be able to fully analyze exactly WHAT someone is doing wrong and unfortunately the good leaders, those who actually use data to help people improve, will have a much harder time doing so.


This is a tough nut to crack for sure but in the end we do need some kind of combat log and monitoring or end game raiding, especially at higher difficulties, will be a Nightmare (yes, pun intended).

Edited by Meatrose
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Yeah, because without an auto-attack it is going to very hard to see who isn't AFK. :rolleyes:


Fun fact, I have two monitors and can watch Netflix and play TOR at the same time. Realistically, I could give just enough attention to follow the group, and then spam hit 1 for my basic attack while I give the rest of my attention to watching Deep Space Nine.

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for those who want to parse your dps you can always do it oldschool.


With a duel and a watch.


DPS vs a PvP target is usually not even remotely similar to DPS vs a PvE target.


Different resistances, different movement situations.


And what about threat meters?


I'm a tank, I'd like to maximize my threat output. I can't maximize it unless I can see it.

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Which is it? Optimize damage, or show slackers and baddies?


See? This is what I don't like about them.



His post was to let us know that he is neither a slacker or a baddie. It was an epeen boost, nothing more. There are probably a lot of them in this thread.

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I'd rather see an activity "meter" of sorts, there's no real need to see damage but it would be helpful to see a meter sliding between "Inactive" and "Active" status to actually monitor slackers.


This is a good idea. Or at least an in game damage meter that will show only your meter...one that cannot be shared so the people that truly want to improve can, but it wont turn into a tool to aggravate the people that just want to play. No outside customization imo.

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Fun fact, I have two monitors and can watch Netflix and play TOR at the same time. Realistically, I could give just enough attention to follow the group, and then spam hit 1 for my basic attack while I give the rest of my attention to watching Deep Space Nine.



What do you want, a pat on the back? Congratulations I guess.

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