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It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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Yellow and white numbers appear above a enemies head when you attack them.


I don't think you understood the term "optimize damage output" in his sentence. As without a way to record those numbers and then compare them to a period of time, it is impossible to determine DPS.

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Lemme guess, your Rain Man and just add them all in your head in real time? Maybe your just really good at writing them down as they pop up while you play?


Definitely Wapner.


If the intention is to "optimize" your damage output, then these numbers should be sufficient for a player to adjust his activity in order to do so. An aggregate graphical representation isn't necessary.

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The whole anti-meter crowd reminds me of a post on the old unofficial realm forums for my WoW server. There was this huge post made by one of the many players on the server under 18 complaining about how every raiding guild was "discriminating" against people who were not 18.

The second post of that thread was the GM of one of the major raiding guilds and simply read "Hey, why don't you gather up all the hot shot under 18 players and form a raiding guild and show us how wrong we are for excluding you"


The raiding guild of under 18 year old players never happened, because what the under 18 players wanted wasn't to raid period, it was to raid with a guild that already had all the bits and pieces in order so they could just walk into the raid.


This is relevant to the current topic, because it is possible to create a guild that has a voluntary or even a "no meter" position, yet nobody ever seems to do so. I've played in all kinds of guilds RP guilds, PvP guilds, casual PvE, Hardcore PvE and they are gatherings of players with similar mindsets, if you hate meters why do you insist on playing with people who like meters?

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This is so funny! All the kids here who think that their DPS, or HPS are the only things that matter for killing a boss. Here's a clue kids, there are often other roles in an encounter - people may be kiting, avoiding damage, switching to help a healer briefly, calling out tactics etc. If you're just some mindless drone who pops all his cooldowns at the start of an encounter to get the biggest damage spike, potentially pulling aggro, or you're targetting the wrong mob, you're an idiot. You're not helping anyone.


TL;DR DPS meters don't identify idiots.

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Definitely Wapner.


If the intention is to "optimize" your damage output, then these numbers should be sufficient for a player to adjust his activity in order to do so. An aggregate graphical representation isn't necessary.


How do you optimize by "eye-balling"?


By it's very definition, optimization REQUIRES extensive analysis of information.


I used to work in industrial air-movement, optimizing the balance of a fan wheel requires TWO computers running at the same time.


Optimization requires tons of info.

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Its gonna be fun to guess who's AFK watching their favorite T.V. Program while trying to down heroics raids :rolleyes:


Maybe don't do heroics with these kinds of players. I've never had a problem, but I'm very selective about who I do these things with.

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On one hand I like it, on the other it would be really nice to see my damage so I can optimize my ability usage, maybe just a meter that shows only your own damage with no way to post it?



I miss not being able to see why MY DPS numbers are.

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The whole anti-meter crowd reminds me of a post on the old unofficial realm forums for my WoW server. There was this huge post made by one of the many players on the server under 18 complaining about how every raiding guild was "discriminating" against people who were not 18.

The second post of that thread was the GM of one of the major raiding guilds and simply read "Hey, why don't you gather up all the hot shot under 18 players and form a raiding guild and show us how wrong we are for excluding you"


The raiding guild of under 18 year old players never happened, because what the under 18 players wanted wasn't to raid period, it was to raid with a guild that already had all the bits and pieces in order so they could just walk into the raid.


This is relevant to the current topic, because it is possible to create a guild that has a voluntary or even a "no meter" position, yet nobody ever seems to do so. I've played in all kinds of guilds RP guilds, PvP guilds, casual PvE, Hardcore PvE and they are gatherings of players with similar mindsets, if you hate meters why do you insist on playing with people who like meters?


I think a lot of the gripes are over PUG DPS/HPS spammers more than with guilds just wanting to improve. It would be nice if they had tools available to established raid leaders to monitor output. I think though they would make something available to all over that then you'd get the DPS/HPS score spammers. I guess /ignore would be the only solution for that if they persisted after being kindly asked to stop.

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This is so funny! All the kids here who think that their DPS, or HPS are the only things that matter for killing a boss. Here's a clue kids, there are often other roles in an encounter - people may be kiting, avoiding damage, switching to help a healer briefly, calling out tactics etc. If you're just some mindless drone who pops all his cooldowns at the start of an encounter to get the biggest damage spike, potentially pulling aggro, or you're targetting the wrong mob, you're an idiot. You're not helping anyone.


TL;DR DPS meters don't identify idiots.


If you think that's how people "correctly" use meters, you're just as wrong as the douchebags who spam their mediocre DPS everytime they hit no.1 in PuGs.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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A recount type addon would do more good than bad.



Sure you'd get the immatures that link meters every 20 seconds in trade/general/party chat. But you also get an extremely powerful tool that breaks down damage, shows you who's doing what right, and who's doing what wrong.


Can't tell you how many times I've spotted errors in people's rotations/playstyle just by glancing over their recount breakdowns.

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NO dmg meters please, they alter the game forever into number crunching. someone on the forums yesterday had a good idea for this, put a mission summary at the end of the flashpoints (like what u get after a warzone) that way u can see who was afk and who was a superstar, WITHOUT being forced into an exact rotation for every single fight.
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Definitely Wapner.


If the intention is to "optimize" your damage output, then these numbers should be sufficient for a player to adjust his activity in order to do so. An aggregate graphical representation isn't necessary.


Completely untrue, just watching the numbers without any reference to time stamps or frequency just leaves you still guessing. You couldn't know if you made a mistake and you certainly couldn't sense small adjustments. Your lost on this one rain man, guessing numbers you saw for a second in a moving marquis is equal to static graphical representation? FAIL.

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I'd rather see an activity "meter" of sorts, there's no real need to see damage but it would be helpful to see a meter sliding between "Inactive" and "Active" status to actually monitor slackers.


THIS i like... how about even a percentage of time during the fight, the player was casting/attacking. So you could see what kind of downtime they had, possibly deciding what to do next. None of this matter to me really, as i try my best all the time. no tv in my computer room, just a wayward cat or two.

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...This is relevant to the current topic, because it is possible to create a guild that has a voluntary or even a "no meter" position, yet nobody ever seems to do so.


I think the issue is not whether meters should exist - they do have their place within a raid team where everyone wants to use every tool to progress. The issue is with people being able to see everyone elses stats in dungeons etc as well, and then bragging about how many dps their level 11 BH can do in a flashpoint, and causing arguments (which is exactly what happens in WoW). I was an officer in a large raiding guild in WoW - we cleared all the raid content, and only one person at most would ever run a combat log and dps/hps meter. The results would be uploaded and analysed after each raid. This made raiding far more successful and fun for everyone, as the DPS didn't feel pressured to "top the chart", potentially pulling aggro and wiping everyone. Healers could just do their job with less pressure and people had a good time.


People don't NEED meters, they're a tool that should be used to collect data for use outside of the realtime game.

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If you think that's how people "correctly" use meters, you're just as wrong as the douchebags who spam their mediocre DPS everytime they hit no.1 in PuGs.


You obviously completely missed the point of my post. Go practice and learn before speaking to me again.

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I've got no clue what you're talking about. Combat logs have been disabled since beta since they weren't working properly and still needed to have work done on them, but will be added once they fixed the issues.


It was a known fact they weren't going to make it on release just like many other things.




Please do enlighten me how you can tell the difference between some guy doing 200 dps and another doing 6k without an actual meter. Obviously not talking about being totally afk, but one spamming random skills.


In a 16-people raid environment. Please i'll be waiting.


So was "match color to chest" and that is not comeing back so soo...

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It has everything to do with guild control freaks kicking people for not being up to snuff instead of teaching them. Name one guild that actually taught people instead of just g-kicking them and removing them from the raid.


What's that? No response? It's ok.


Deathrow Dynasty on the Dawnbringer server. How do I know? I'm the one whose done some of the teaching.


Show us on the dummy where the bad dps meter touched you.

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