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If you are so disgusted by EA and what they do, why do you continue to give them your money.


Yes they have issues, as do all companies, but clearly its not that much of a big deal to you or you'd be spending your money/time elsewhere.


Stop being butthurt that they're not the worlds greatest company, clearly you still enjoy the game they've made or you wouldn't be here.

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You have no idea.....this game.....its going to a dark place.....


Just as an aside:


I expect full pay-to-win within the year, maximum.


The day that those nominally level 50 Expertise crystals from the Cartel market that can be used at level 10 become Bind-on-Pickup will be the birth-scream of P2W here.


That seed, plus others are already here: Funny how some of the only gear that doesn't look like absolute crap is CM only, eh?


Discuss, we can haz, pls?

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As you can see people we don't have any right to complain because EA has been ranked the worst company in AMERICA 2 years in a row. Biggest issue is customer support and the lack of employees to fill the needs of there departments. They are not going to do anything about it unless we stop spending money. All of these complaints will do you no good because they don't really care unless money is to be made. They can say all they want, but what has EA done to fix any issues with this game. Also look at the fail they did on the sim city launch. I mean they were the worst company last year and still didn't change anything. Now they are the worst company again do you really think they would really spend time to fix anything about this game which is basically fail to them.


You know no one actually pays attention to the Consumerist...

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