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Dear Bioware, dont ever do early access for a expansion again


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I agree with early access because it weeds out bugs. We know Bioware releases products with bugs, it's unavoidable, so early access means that they can find and quickly fix bugs before it goes out to the general public. I do though have a problem with all the snotty posts about those who "didn't want to spend the money". There are reasons behind this. Some people can't afford it, we have kids, houses to pay for etc. Some of us subscribed in mid January, too late for early access yet we still get the "you were too cheap to buy it then" troll posts. I'd like to say to all the nasty posters, please keep your responses mature and understand that there is a real world out there where the price of gas is outrageous, food costs a lot, mortgages, car repairs, etc can prohibit people from spending that extra bit of money.
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Lot of Paid Trolls lately,

Not a surprise

But look at many of the compliant threads

They tend to have no avatar, little to no previous post history, and make a general statement, often never to be seen again.


Im no raving fanboi, but paid trolls are not anything new to TOR

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I agree with early access because it weeds out bugs. We know Bioware releases products with bugs, it's unavoidable, so early access means that they can find and quickly fix bugs before it goes out to the general public. I do though have a problem with all the snotty posts about those who "didn't want to spend the money". There are reasons behind this. Some people can't afford it, we have kids, houses to pay for etc. Some of us subscribed in mid January, too late for early access yet we still get the "you were too cheap to buy it then" troll posts. I'd like to say to all the nasty posters, please keep your responses mature and understand that there is a real world out there where the price of gas is outrageous, food costs a lot, mortgages, car repairs, etc can prohibit people from spending that extra bit of money.


And in that case, there is more to worry about than getting 5 days of access to content that other people were able to afford. As someone else said a few pages ago - you wouldn't go in to complain about a sale that ended a month or two ago at your local store if you couldn't afford the product then. And if you did, the store has every right to call the men in white coats to come take you away.

Edited by BJWyler
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I guess other people having 5 days early access is just too much for you to handle? Your still going to get to play it, so what's the problem?


The pre-order has been out for MONTHS. You really have no one to blame but yourself....but instead you'd rather act like an entitled 2 yr old.


If you didn't pre-order in time, you don;t deserve it. End of line.

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I believe Early Access is a great reward for those who do buy it early, but for 5 levels, please cut down on the days (5-3), or if you want to do the full 5, allow those who pre ordered later a rolling start on day 4, similar to how EGA happened.


IMO, 5 days for 5 levels is insanely long. I know, pre order when it goes on sale, but sadly, some of us couldn't do that, but still pre ordered.

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I appreciate that you bothered to articulate what was bugging you, unlike the OP, but have to disagree, we who bought the expansion early have been waiting for nearly four months, and are essentially bug finders, we get early access, find most of the bugs, and are enjoying it, when you get it you will have less bugs, don't hate us, love us.


This is incorrect. Those bugs will still be there. We will see an update next Tuesday. The expansion will be active on Sunday. So you guys have actually done nothing and deserve every bit of jealousy. :rolleyes:


Doesn't really matter. I'll play whenever. Unfortunately there isn't much to do beyond being 1 tnl currently. :p


The pre-order has been out for MONTHS. You really have no one to blame but yourself....but instead you'd rather act like an entitled 2 yr old.


If you didn't pre-order in time, you don;t deserve it. End of line.


That is correct, however usually most companies will offer a pre-order but not discriminate on the date of when. When you think it out. It is really kinda backwards. We want you to pre-order but ONLY if you do it before this date do you get early access. When the norm has always been: If you pre-order you get early access as a benefit for preordering.


I did preorder the game. But I don't deserve it because... it wasn't before a certain date? Wat?

Edited by Zeghrem
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Sad. I was hoping for a well stated thread.


Personally, I agree with the OP.


I think Early Access causes nothing but issues. Here we have a situation now, where people without RotHC will log into the game, see all the adverts for it, buy it, but be unable to actually use that content until 5 days from now. We have these new Advanced Skill training, that everyone can see, but only Early Access can buy. But there's no indication that Advanced Skills require RotHC.


Honestly, I've never seen a game do early access for an Expansion before. It's always been "You buy it, you can play it". Bioware seems to love setting bizarre precedents in MMOs, and I'm really not sure if that's for the better.


It says "Launching April 14th..." ... so if they rush out to buy it right now and expect to get immediate access, they're probably used to living with the disappointment and chaos that comes without being able to read English.

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