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ummm PvP in 2.0? Broken... Bloodbath Ensues...


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I don't want to be a regular hater, as per many of the new threads that appear, but I'm struggling with the idea that 50-54 are in warzones with players from L30 up.


So players who might have full elite war hero gear are up against level 30's? It was hard enough before as a new 50, and now you cop that hit at level 30? With vastly inferior gear?


The warzone I just did was a complete joke, with 50's cutting people up like they weren't even there.


Can anybody provide any strategies or ideas as to how to make warzones playable now?



EDIT: Apparently it's not about 50's, it's about a broken bolster system. I'm scratching my head about how that got through testing, and how being naked is the best strategy.... but anyway...

Edited by Kirjalax
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Within a day those people will be 55 and won't be queue against lowbies anymore. Further division of the brackets or special coding to deal with 50 pvp gear would not have been worth the development cost of what is going to be a very short-term issue.
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I don't want to be a regular hater, as per many of the new threads that appear, but I'm struggling with the idea that 50-54 are in warzones with players from L30 up.


So players who might have full elite war hero gear are up against level 30's? It was hard enough before as a new 50, and now you cop that hit at level 30? With vastly inferior gear?


The warzone I just did was a complete joke, with 50's cutting people up like they weren't even there.


Can anybody provide any strategies or ideas as to how to make warzones playable now?



I haven't played yet -- but WZs should be MORE playable now, because of the changes done to Bolster. Everyone is bolstered up to what is the equivalent of Recruit Gear (and on a slot-by-slot basis). Doesn't matter what gear you're wearing.

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I haven't played yet -- but WZs should be MORE playable now, because of the changes done to Bolster. Everyone is bolstered up to what is the equivalent of Recruit Gear (and on a slot-by-slot basis). Doesn't matter what gear you're wearing.


So there no point for me to take my recruit gear out of cargo since I don't have any better and I can stay in PvE outfit right?

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So there no point for me to take my recruit gear out of cargo since I don't have any better and I can stay in PvE outfit right?


You're actually better off being completely naked. As it stands now, if you're sub-50 and naked, you're going to hit harder and take less damage than a level 50 in Maxed ewh gear. However, everyone seems to be 2 shotting each other...but naked is your best bet.

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Lol I didn't actually realise the extent of the problem. I was being 2 shotted and assumed it was just a 50 with high expertise, which I suppose would have happened if they kept the old system and let the 50's in.


This is even worse.


It's not like this is a small issue. Did they not know how bad it would be because all the players testing were similar levels? (i.e. all 50-55)?

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Lol I didn't actually realise the extent of the problem. I was being 2 shotted and assumed it was just a 50 with high expertise, which I suppose would have happened if they kept the old system and let the 50's in.


This is even worse.


It's not like this is a small issue. Did they not know how bad it would be because all the players testing were similar levels? (i.e. all 50-55)?


There were countless posts on the PTS regarding this issue. It was so bad that the first page of PTS threads was nothing but; they actually started to delete them. This entire fiasco just shows that the PTS is s tool to generate buz, not a tool to gether feedback.

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There were countless posts on the PTS regarding this issue. It was so bad that the first page of PTS threads was nothing but; they actually started to delete them. This entire fiasco just shows that the PTS is s tool to generate buz, not a tool to gether feedback.


Seriously? Wow. I'm speechless. It was that bad?

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Seriously? Wow. I'm speechless. It was that bad?


What's funny is that one of the devs mentioned that they were squashing a ton of bugs, most notably the naked bolster bug...



What's funny is it's not just being naked...it's being lower level with lower level gear. If you are level 30, and you have green garbage gear, your stats in a WZ are far better than a level 50 with maxed out gear. It's even more so if your naked. The lvl 50 can go naked, but the bolster still works better for you.


Additionally, bolster mechanics are still in effect at level 55. Meaning that there is no reason for anyone at 55 to get geared.

Edited by Ossos
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The patch seems to suggest that all classes got a new ability at 51. This might unbalance PVP where level 50 characters are involved. In any case, by tomorrow most people with early access will likely be at least 51 and maybe things will go back to normal?
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The patch seems to suggest that all classes got a new ability at 51. This might unbalance PVP where level 50 characters are involved. In any case, by tomorrow most people with early access will likely be at least 51 and maybe things will go back to normal?


What? People are already at 55, incase you didn't know.


The PvP bracket goes from 10-29, and 30-54. So no, nothing will be changing.

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You lot are kidding right?


I mean surely they wouldn't have been so short sighted as to allow 50-54 being included in the mid bracket.


Jesus H Christ i'm joining in the fun tonight and already i'm worried that this will kill my enjoyment with my latest alt.

Edited by Mogsey
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You lot are kidding right?


I mean surely they wouldn't have been so short sighted as to allow 50-54 being included in the mid bracket.


Jesus H Christ i'm joining in the fun tonight and already i'm worried that this will kill my enjoyment with my latest alt.


No worries, just go into WZs naked. If you have EWH gear that's totally maxed, and you go up against lets say a level 32 who is naked except for a green, level 27 weapon...thanks to bolster, that level 32 has higher stats than you do, and will continue to have higher stats, all the way to 55.


All of the hard earned PvP now is actually putting players in a worse position. People are asking people in WZs to get naked or to "LeaveWZpls!"

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I sometimes really wonder how these decisions are made. I would love to sit in on a couple of their development meetings and actually see how they come about these ideas and decide to put them into the game.


The bolster idea, when working as intended, is not an issue. If anyone in this forum is skilled enough to write an entirely new chunk of code, plop it into the MASSIVE codebase that is SWTOR, and not have a SINGLE issue -- well, you should make a game by yourself.


That doesn't excuse them for "fixing" the issue, and having it pop back up -- but it also isn't the same exact issue as PTS. It seems much more like remnants of the issue.

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No it is definitely not more playable. The wz i was in was appalling. The match actually cut off part way in due to people just not being able to bear how unbalanced it was


yeah, that was actually a first, I had people on my team ragequitting....when we were winning.

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I sometimes really wonder how these decisions are made. I would love to sit in on a couple of their development meetings and actually see how they come about these ideas and decide to put them into the game.


I , too , would like to know how these decisions come about... Why didn't they just stick with what they had to begin with? now the pvp is so unplayable it is absurd.... Everyone 2 shotting everyone, naked ppl running around with better stats than you. It is outlandish.. How could this have made it through the testing stages is well beyond me.

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No worries, just go into WZs naked. If you have EWH gear that's totally maxed, and you go up against lets say a level 32 who is naked except for a green, level 27 weapon...thanks to bolster, that level 32 has higher stats than you do, and will continue to have higher stats, all the way to 55.


All of the hard earned PvP now is actually putting players in a worse position. People are asking people in WZs to get naked or to "LeaveWZpls!"


And here we have the real complaint I sense. How dare they make sub-cap level PvP a level playing field! :)


If everyone is equal in a naked footing via the bolseter... how is that a problem for PvP UNLESS your complaint is "hey I worked hard for my PvP gear and now with the expansion it's obsolete and any nuub 30 with no clothes on can spank me."


Sounds to me like a good motivation to get yourself up to the 55 cap bracket.. where real PvP takes place. ;)


Or I guess you could just keep PvPing the forums about it. :p

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And here we have the real complaint I sense. How dare they make sub-cap level PvP a level playing field! :)


If everyone is equal in a naked footing via the bolseter... how is that a problem for PvP UNLESS your complaint is "hey I worked hard for my PvP gear and now with the expansion it's obsolete and any nuub 30 with no clothes on can spank me."


Sounds to me like a good motivation to get yourself up to the 55 cap bracket.. where real PvP takes place. ;)


Or I guess you could just keep PvPing the forums about it. :p


This is a smug assumption. First off, the player in the lower level gear will be more effective. The naked player even more so...the naked LOWER LEVEL player even MORE.


As for level 55 where it all pans out...it doesn't. The bolster mechanic is still in effect at 55. This means that if you have the super duper level 55 pvp gear, and I am a new 55 with a clown affro and a pink t-shirt that reads "I can haz pvpeez", I am in better shape because the bolster mechanic will ensure that my stats are raised...unfortunately for you, that raise exceeds your stats (as you have the best equipment available).


Thus it is most beneficial for us at 55 to both be naked.


For sub 55 pvp, who ever is both naked and the lower level player has the greater stats.

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I'm actually laughing out loud at the fact that being naked is better than ewh gear. In fairness i think it could be an unintended fix pre 55 to encourage fully geared pvpers to hit the level cap rather than stomping on everyone else, but at55 there really shouldn't be a bolster at all
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