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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Speedless speeders


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As most if not all of you noticed... the Speeders are all but just that: Speeders.

Actually, they are Slowers.


How ridiculous is it that a taxi has somewaht decent speed, and our 'bikes' became tricycles?

Have the Speeder companies forgot to put in the right fuel?

Dirty spark plugs?

Something else???


Please DO increase the speeder speed to that of the taxi please.

Having a slower is just not that... AT ALL...


While we're at it, increase it's Jump Height/Distance as well...

Speeders are flight capable, but ours 'jump' like a brick...

And IF I am not mistaken, bricks don't really jump.

Neither do our Speeders...


Thank you.

Edited by Arandariel
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As most if not all of you noticed... the Speeders are all but just that: Speeders.

Actually, they are Slowers.


How ridiculous is it that a taxi has somewaht decent speed, and our 'bikes' became tricycles?

Have the Speeder companies forgot to put in the right fuel?

Dirty spark plugs?

Something else???


Please DO increase the speeder speed to that of the taxi please.

Having a slower is just not that... AT ALL...


While we're at it, increase it's Jump Height/Distance as well...

Speeders are flight capable, but ours 'jump' like a brick...

And IF I am not mistaken, bricks don't really jump.

Neither do our Speeders...


Thank you.


Speeders increase your speed by more than 90%..... Why are you complaining about how they should be called "slowers"?

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These are silly complaints. Speeders are already really fast. Taxi speeds only work out because you don't have to worry about mobs or steering while you're travelling in them. Going at taxi speeds on a speeder would just be an unpleasant experience. You would have trouble avoiding any mobs along the way and you would be going so fast that you would probably run into a lot of walls. If you want to go at taxi speeds, then use taxis. There's not exactly a shortage of them.


Using speeders to increase jumping heights would also completely unbalance the jumping aspect of the game. Players would just use it to climb mountains that weren't meant to be climbed and to take the difficulty out of getting datacrons.

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These are silly complaints. Speeders are already really fast. Taxi speeds only work out because you don't have to worry about mobs or steering while you're travelling in them. Going at taxi speeds on a speeder would just be an unpleasant experience. You would have trouble avoiding any mobs along the way and you would be going so fast that you would probably run into a lot of walls. If you want to go at taxi speeds, then use taxis. There's not exactly a shortage of them.


Using speeders to increase jumping heights would also completely unbalance the jumping aspect of the game. Players would just use it to climb mountains that weren't meant to be climbed and to take the difficulty out of getting datacrons.


This a good point, but still speeders could be a little faster to avoid enemies by passing them away 125%-130% looks good to me.

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1) I NEVER said that they had to be able to jump over the Eifel Tower. But an increase in both jump height and -distance is a must: on a bike you simply jump further than on foot!

2) Whomever that crashes into walls at taxi speed, would make me think he cannot use a trackball (or mouse, I use a trackball) correctly. It's no different than a race game really!

3) Speeders go a miserable 40 clicks an hour... not very fast IMHO? If you saw Luke speeding, that was 'slightly' over 40KMPH!!!!


I do not believe that the increase in Speeder speed would unbalance anything.

It will add to realism, as it is ATM, it seems almost more than a tricycle more than it looks like the super fast machine we saw in the movies.

Again, I do not ask for stupid high changes, but an increase would not be bad.

At all.

Edited by Arandariel
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An idea might be to make for instance Purple bikes to have increased speed.

This way, not everyone "has" to drive with high speeds, one can choose.

If one cannot handle 700MPH I can agree to have them have a lower-speed bike, but do add at least one or two decent-speed bikes.

This way, those that CAN handle some speed have an option as well.

It's not fair to punish us speed-lovers because a few happened to smack into walls!!!

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As most if not all of you noticed... the Speeders are all but just that: Speeders.

Actually, they are Slowers.


How ridiculous is it that a taxi has somewaht decent speed, and our 'bikes' became tricycles?

Have the Speeder companies forgot to put in the right fuel?

Dirty spark plugs?

Something else???


Please DO increase the speeder speed to that of the taxi please.

Having a slower is just not that... AT ALL...


While we're at it, increase it's Jump Height/Distance as well...

Speeders are flight capable, but ours 'jump' like a brick...

And IF I am not mistaken, bricks don't really jump.

Neither do our Speeders...


Thank you.




Thank god there is someone with some initiative besides me lol.

Now with the new Galactic Scanning quests you need to cover significantly larger areas I'd love to see faster speeders. I would prefer having all speeders' speed increased by 50%.


Additionally :


Why does a taxi spawn out of the thin air every time you travel somewhere and then you just jump into it? - a lack of reality. Why not instead, make it so that when you travel via a NON-SPEEDER BIKE taxi (such as the ones found in more civil areas,) that a proper cut-scene occurs where you and your companion walk to a nearby taxi, then get into it, then take off! - like mass effect. Their speed can be increased to compensate for lost time on the cut-scene for example. ALL SPEEDER BIKE taxis such as the ones commonly found in war afflicted areas should automatically allow you to ride YOUR OWN MECHANICAL MOUNT on the taxi route if you are currently mounted on one.

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