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How were there 55's minutes after servers went up?


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How can you be so ignorant? INSTANTLY being 55 gives you ridiculous advantages in the game, such as doing no work and receiving the same reward.


What advantage are u talking about, where is the competition here? I couldn't care less what lvl other people are.

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How can you be so ignorant? INSTANTLY being 55 gives you ridiculous advantages in the game, such as doing no work and receiving the same reward.


But they did the work. They did the quests, ran the flashpoints, etc. So they did it differently than you did. Who cares. If there were world first achievements in this game then ok maybe I would see your point. There isnt so get over it.

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How can you be so ignorant? INSTANTLY being 55 gives you ridiculous advantages in the game, such as doing no work and receiving the same reward.


This brings the term IRONY to a whole new level.


Please to dictate in detail said ridiculous advantages.


I'll wait. :)

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You see, forums is a way to get bug reports out, especially if it is a big enough deal to the public.


No, it's not.


1) it's not that big a deal to the "public"... just a handful of self-entitled complainers in the forum. So stop conflating. Got an issue with an "alleged exploit" in game.... /report it in game.


2) while the Bioware staff do read the forums... the proper process for bug reporting is-NOT posting complaint threads in general forum. Which brings us back to number 1 above.

Edited by Andryah
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You see, forums is a way to get bug reports out, especially if it is a big enough deal to the public. I know you always throw every post back in everyones face no matter how legit it is with the same sorry explanations so I always take you with a grain of salt nowadays.


"Calling it an exploit is an old and tired trick of the complaint crowd to passive aggressively attack other players for doing something they don't want them to do. " Or it is an exploit? I know if I happened upon obtaining more then 5 pending quests I would think there was something going on and report it. But people seeing it and continuing to save up purposefully is exploiting an obvious broken mechanic.


"What you don't do (IMO) is whine and cry about it in forum and stomp feet and demand it be declared an exploit and punished" The OP wasn't whining or crying. He was stating the issue. And I know everything shines little droplets of gold for you, and there can never be an issue worth a forum post. Oh, I wonder where Andryah would be if no one posted on here, because that's obviously what she wants...


Out of curiosity, did you notice that she was aiming her post at a post that WASN'T the OP?


She may agree with me, not sure on that as I don't speak for others -- the majority of people in this thread are either screaming about how wrong it is and how horrible BW is for allowing any bugs or exploits to slip past them -- or people belittling the opinions of others.


Bioware isn't as stupid as people think. OP was answered, and there was discussion about it -- and then it was quickly derailed into pointless debate.


It's obvious this was unintended. There's NO way that Bioware doesn't already know about this -- guarantee more than one employee noticed a lvl 55 in under an hour, and went searching for the problem. No amount of screaming on the forums will make them work faster at fixing it. Best thing is to come in, politely voice your opinion -- or just make sure the thread gets bumped, and then leave. Or, quit the game, report it as a bug 10+ times, etc. But the more hostile these posts become, the less ANYONE listens -- including BW.

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I do not understand why players are mad about this. We all are here to play our own game and to have fun. Jealousy and envy are distracting you from your own experience. Some may claim that it is an unfair advantage, but if one group of players could do it, everyone had the same capability of doing it, they just did not figure out how.


Actually no one else could do it, because you horded the information to yourselves. We didn't know about the exploit, because we accepted our quest rewards as soon as we finished them not knowing it was possible to do this. You hid the information so that BioWare wouldn't fix it, go ahead you can admit it.

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It's obvious this was unintended. There's NO way that Bioware doesn't already know about this -- guarantee more than one employee noticed a lvl 55 in under an hour, and went searching for the problem. No amount of screaming on the forums will make them work faster at fixing it. Best thing is to come in, politely voice your opinion -- or just make sure the thread gets bumped, and then leave. Or, quit the game, report it as a bug 10+ times, etc. But the more hostile these posts become, the less ANYONE listens -- including BW.




The player base in MMOs is clever. They will find every path of least resistence in an MMO. Some people actually make a mini-game of it because they enjoy it. I'm sure this was not Bioware's intention, and I am equally sure they have learned from the experience. But since the only harm I can see from this clever use of stacking FP turn-ins is that a player cheats themselves out of the actual designed leveling experience of Makeb... I don't see a case for calling this an "exploit".


An exploit, in broad terms (since none of us is qualified to decide what is/is-not an exploit... only the game producer can make that ruling) is where a player is causing direct grief/harm on other players or upon the game itself. I really don't see how anyone is harmed here but the player who self-inflicted themselves out of leveling within Makeb itself.


To the OP, and others demanding this be an actionable exploit offense.....how about we go find some actual exploits in game instead of conflating unintended realization of cleverness of players to cheat themselves out of in game adventure.

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lol My guild runs operations on the weekends and we've got some scheduled for Sunday....


The only thing I disagree with on this 'headstart' is that it's artificial, everyone who starts on Makeb today is starting normally and the people people who purchased the expansion after Jan 7th get artificially delayed until Sunday.


This is the first large bit of official content that did not get released on a Tuesday since the game launched.

(does any of that really matter, nope..... just stating the fact is all)


Though I was surprised that the servers were up at 1am Eastern, 2 hours early!!




(This will teach me to not read the other 14 pages before posting, rofl)

Edited by FASARouge
noticed the amount of unread pages I missed
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No, it's not.


1) it's not that big a deal to the "public"... just a handful of self-entitled complainers in the forum. So stop conflating. Got an issue with an "alleged exploit" in game.... /report it in game.


2) while the Bioware staff do read the forums... the proper process for bug reporting is-NOT posting complaint threads in general forum. Which brings us back to number 1 above.


So the people probably did report it? Is that always enough? No. And self - entitlement where? You say that a lot too. So people who want exploiters to have action taken against them is self - entitlement? So in a broader view of things, you would have self - entitlement if your opinion was that people who go around the tax system shouldn't have consequences put on them?


So if BW comes out and says it is an exploit, what will be your view on that? Or will you simply not care like you always seem to say even though you post on these forums 24/7?

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Out of curiosity, did you notice that she was aiming her post at a post that WASN'T the OP?


She may agree with me, not sure on that as I don't speak for others -- the majority of people in this thread are either screaming about how wrong it is and how horrible BW is for allowing any bugs or exploits to slip past them -- or people belittling the opinions of others.


Bioware isn't as stupid as people think. OP was answered, and there was discussion about it -- and then it was quickly derailed into pointless debate.


It's obvious this was unintended. There's NO way that Bioware doesn't already know about this -- guarantee more than one employee noticed a lvl 55 in under an hour, and went searching for the problem. No amount of screaming on the forums will make them work faster at fixing it. Best thing is to come in, politely voice your opinion -- or just make sure the thread gets bumped, and then leave. Or, quit the game, report it as a bug 10+ times, etc. But the more hostile these posts become, the less ANYONE listens -- including BW.


One of the top belittlers on this forum is Andryah.

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So the people probably did report it? Is that always enough? No. And self - entitlement where? You say that a lot too. So people who want exploiters to have action taken against them is self - entitlement? So in a broader view of things, you would have self - entitlement if your opinion was that people who go around the tax system shouldn't have consequences put on them?


So if BW comes out and says it is an exploit, what will be your view on that? Or will you simply not care like you always seem to say even though you post on these forums 24/7?


You feel self-entitled to declare what is/is-not an exploit and demand punishment. You don't have that power. ;)


But hey.....keep taking shots at me and my comments if you wish. I can take it. :) OR, you could stay on topic and not make it personal. That would be a nice change of pace IMO. :p

Edited by Andryah
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I don't even know where to start with you.


I can't figure out what is worse: the fact you listen to a bunch if crybabies on the Internet who whined about this game since day 1 or the fact that you don't have the backbone to simply enjoy to game and make an adult decision.


The game is FINE. It's more than fine. It's the second most played MMO outside of WoW. How exactly is that bad? If you just want to play the story and leave, that's fine. Don't pretend like you hate yourself for playing the game. That makes you look like a fool who can't make adult decisions.


What exactly proves this team has no clue? They have a successful game AFTER the initial sub dropout looked like it was going to crush it?


Where do you get that this is the second most played MMO after WOW? I have seen you make that claim before, but I don't see where you can get that. The only independent game time tracker that I know of, that actually lists game times for the the community is X-Fire, and they have WOW in 4th place, Guild Wars 2 in 5th and SWTOR in 13th place among all PC games.


Granted for the rest of your post I agree with you that people need to look at any game they play and make an individual assessment of the game, instead of acting like sheep and following the flock.

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The player base in MMOs is clever. They will find every path of least resistence in an MMO. Some people actually make a mini-game of it because they enjoy it. I'm sure this was not Bioware's intention, and I am equally sure they have learned from the experience. But since the only harm I can see from this clever use of stacking FP turn-ins is that a player cheats themselves out of the actual designed leveling experience of Makeb... I don't see a case for calling this an "exploit".


An exploit, in broad terms (since none of us is qualified to decide what is/is-not an exploit... only the game producer can make that ruling) is where a player is causing direct grief/harm on other players or upon the game itself. I really don't see how anyone is harmed here but the player who self-inflicted themselves out of leveling within Makeb itself.


To the OP, and others demanding this be an actionable exploit offense.....how about we go find some actual exploits in game instead of conflating unintended realization of cleverness of players to cheat themselves out of in game adventure.


I agree with all you said here. Especially the last part.


My personal opinion:

"So what if people found a way to be level 55 on Day 1 or if they got it on Day 101. It does not bother me one bit as it does not affect my gaming experience. I'll keep playing the game and enjoying it at my own pace. Those that are level 55 already will not change that. They can just go about there business. I will just look at them and say they are clever. Then I will move on."

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I really doesn't matter how they did it, EAware is not going to take it away from them.


Why do/did they do it? Simple really this is a MMO to many the live breathe and eat it. This game is who they are. They have to be at the top; top lvl, top gear, top toys.

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As the OP of this thread. I could care less that there are already 55's. My intention of the post was seeking explanation of how it happened, not to ask for bans or rollbacks. The fact that there are 55's takes absolutely nothing away from my leveling experience anymore from the fact that I had early access at launch and it took me far longer than most to hit 50 because of school and work. There were 50's before me, there are 55's before me, there will be 60's and 70's and 80's before me.


I was just curious how it happened, and frankly it still doesn't make sense. Even if one cleared a quest out of their log and had 25 quests waiting to accept the reward, that shouldn't have equaled 2.5 mill xp as that would have been 1 mill xp per quest. So I still don't understand how they did it.


In the end, it doesn't affect me, so who cares.

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They're doing it on purpose - this selfish attitude already got Korrealis mounts removed. Why they do it? Because they can't stand watching players who are better off in-game because they're able to dedicate more time / are able to think out of the box.


Actually, some of us simply do not like cheaters. That's all there is to it. I hope BW has the stones to actually take a stand and at the very least rollback everyone who cheated to 50, if not ban them for exploiting.

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"cool kids"


man, we are not in high school, i have no need to be one of the "cool kids" nor am i dense.



everyone knew other players was holding 25+ plus quests



everyone knew those quests was gonna to give exp


everyone knew those players was gonna to level alot, now most thought it was gonna be 2 - 3 level, apparently they were wrong. if BW didnt wanted ppl to this, they


1.should have reseted all quest (and if they did then well, BW mess up and it STILL isnt the players fault


2. made it damn clear, that if you do this, you exploiting the system, which they didnt.


your problem is that you dont like how other players leveling fast, which again, has nothing to do with you ands isnt a real problem.


unlike the ilum power leveling exploits, which was actually a exploit, this wasnt something the devs didnt intended nor couldnt foresee. in fact, this "exploit" was plastered all over the forums for week by others players putting this info out there and constantly asking for BW word. BW said nothing.


There is a huge difference between filling your quest log with 25 quests, waiting to turn them in til after the xpac, and doing weeks worth of dailies, turning them in and letting the rewards sit pending til after the xpac. The first is working AS intended, the second is an exploit, since there is an intended cap on the number of pending rewards you are supposed to be able to stack. Stacking 100+ quest rewards exceeds this intended limit, meaning that it is an exploit or cheating to do so.

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Enough overflowing care cups to fill an ocean in here.


I think the saddest people by far are the ones posting to the tune of "I don't care because I have a life and I'm not cheating myself out of the content like a loser blah blah blah".


If you had a "life" (in the completely arbitrary sense that you define it) you wouldn't be in this thread trying to tell everyone about it.

Edited by Aurojiin
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Now, I only had 27 quests completed and I was able to hit 51 in 10 minutes. That was it though, no more than that. So I could assume that they had every area quest from 45-50 tacked onto a maxed out quest log. I am not sure what the total number of those area quests are, but because they can add on top of your quest log even if it is already full, one could assume they had them all completed.


Now, plowing to 55 that way, is pretty lame. But it has no bearing on me and I don't know where that falls to in regards to exploitation. It was mechanically possible, which could have been prevented if someone had figured it out internally.


Oh well, Bioware will address it if they see a problem. Otherwise it shouldn't really matter to the rest of us.

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Now, I only had 27 quests completed and I was able to hit 51 in 10 minutes. That was it though, no more than that. So I could assume that they had every area quest from 45-50 tacked onto a maxed out quest log. I am not sure what the total number of those area quests are, but because they can add on top of your quest log even if it is already full, one could assume they had them all completed.


Now, plowing to 55 that way, is pretty lame. But it has no bearing on me and I don't know where that falls to in regards to exploitation. It was mechanically possible, which could have been prevented if someone had figured it out internally.


Oh well, Bioware will address it if they see a problem. Otherwise it shouldn't really matter to the rest of us.


Bioware checks bank account in incoming funds.... What problems??? Closes door on money counting in the back room... "Do you want to buy this cartel market item??"

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Since there are no Server Firsts (which is good), this is really not that big deal, and it just diminishes the game for these people, who will be screaming that there is not endgame content. Well guess what guys, you burned through the content at rapid speed, so stop whining.


On a side not,e it is not difficult to get 55 in one day. I started playing maybe hour after servers got back online, and I got 55 maybe 2 hours ago, just by running entire Makeb, the weekly after the main story, and few Makeb GSI with using 3 Major XP boosts and playing through the entire story with a guildmate.

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I don't mind people skipped all the makeb as I'm not into that race and plan to enjoy but this is becoming a worrisome trend for BW and at some stage they're gonna have to do something about all these "clever uses of code" cos it's directly harmfull in the long term.


I mean why report anything isn't working as intended in this game if you know you can probably cheese it and get away with it? Valor, REing and now this cherry on the top of the cake. Message is if you do naughty things and are quiet for long enough so that it becomes rampant enough before BW catches it you're safe.


Don't tell me circumventing the quest log cap by factor of 4-6 would fly with blizzard lol. They took away levels/world firsts at max level for "clever use of mechanic" a lot more sophisticated and requiring proper teamwork to pull off. With this it's obvious it's not working as designed you can hardly claim plausible deniability. It's not even a moral grey area, its massive abuse of an obviously broken thing.


It's mostly lol-material this but tbh at some stage BW has got to be thinking to themselves that they're too soft on the whole meta game of cheating the system cos it's getting ridiculous.

Edited by aeterno
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