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How were there 55's minutes after servers went up?


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I don't see how this is any big deal. This game has never valued levelling, it's too easy... especially with all the exp bonuses and bonus xp weekends. You level quicker than the content that's there for you.


So, what difference does it really make if a few folks got insta-55 ? The rest of us will be 55 in under a week.


I love the game... but I think its levelling mechanics are a glaring example of the modern trend of pandering to the lowest common denominator... dumbing things down... handing everything to you on a silver platter, and instant gratification since today's generation seems to have no patience whatsoever ;)


Anyway, doesn't change the fact that I still enjoy the hell out of it... I just miss the good 'ol days when it took a year or more to max out on an mmo, not a month.

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I don't see how this is any big deal. This game has never valued levelling, it's too easy... especially with all the exp bonuses and bonus xp weekends. You level quicker than the content that's there for you.


So, what difference does it really make if a few folks got insta-55 ? The rest of us will be 55 in under a week.


I love the game... but I think its levelling mechanics are a glaring example of the modern trend of pandering to the lowest common denominator... dumbing things down... handing everything to you on a silver platter, and instant gratification since today's generation seems to have no patience whatsoever ;)

Anyway, doesn't change the fact that I still enjoy the hell out of it... I just miss the good 'ol days when it took a year or more to max out on an mmo, not a month.


It's really early in the morning for me, but which part does this pertain too, the people insta 55'ing or the people complaining? Again my brain hasn't started back up yet :cool:

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At first I thought, wait, what? But thinking about it more, who cares? They only cheat themselves out of the fun of new content. If they think they're better for it, let them think so. They aren't. If you cheat yourself, you're just an idiot. Not suitable for my company, but hey, it's your game, do what you want.


I will get to the S&V content and the 55 HM's by the end of the week, and frankly I could care less about world firsts or server firsts. Sheesh. I have a real life. Dishes that need to get done. Clothes that must be laundered. I have adult responsibilities and somehow, I get more gratification from taking care of myself and my life, and this is play. That is all. If folks want to cheat in their own play, well I just feel sorry for them. they must be very sad, pathetic people.


They're already paying by being who they are.



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Who frigging cares? If they want to flush their leveling experience down the drain, let them. The only setback this will bring is in the next 24 hours THEY will complain there is no content in the new expansion. Personally, I intend to take it easy and enjoy the new content. :)
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Not really. No. In the end, they are nolifers ... a minute of silence for them.


Lol :p

For those ppl, if they had jobs and real life (responsabilities, kids, etc) that never would be possible.

I happy to have real life and to gonna reach lv 55 maybe in 1 month. :)

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Fine by me. Less people on the planet to deal with. If they want to completely skip over the content and get an instant 55, whatever. I'll happily level like I planned on it.... legit and with some enjoyment. A lot of work has been put into the new planet, I don't want to rush to doing endless HMs, OPs and PvP only.
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Why does this matter?


It is an exploit. Just like hacks in PvP. If this doesn't matter, why should they?


It is an exploit, just like botting. If this doesn't matter, what should bots?


If you want an un-moderated game full of exploits, you are all off to a fine start.

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So, I am 50. Tonight I will start leveling. I really looking forward to do leveling. I will have fun.

So, even if it is possible or not, I do not care. So, if you are 55 you can get maybe server first kill in ops and fps. Ok, again I do not care.


I play a game and I want to be entertained. So, where is the problem? Maybe I hit 55 in 1 or 2 weeks. At this time, the first raid by my guild is organized.


So, why we are complaing for things who are not important. If gamers are cheating, ok, than there should be a ban. But I am pretty sure that wont happen.


So, lets enjoy playing, cos we playing a game.

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and then you'll see dozens of ppl complaining that expansion pack is boring and they have nothing to do after few days since release date. this is all about mmorpg - grinding and farming. and then calling this game boring.


but now is my turn. i have 5 days till my expansion starts and now im gonna grind and cumulate everything i can and going to post it on youtube seeking some comments :D


you want to ruin this game. you have just done it.

Edited by Mundek_Goldfarm
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Okay excuse me but why it is THAT important that some individuals reach 55 so fast (using some tools or exploits or whatever)? Why do you care? Serioulsy. It just means:


1- Less people for me to race on Makeb for mission objects.

2- Less lag.

3- They are missing a whole new planet with tons of new ways to enjoy the game.

4- Probably a very cool story too.

5- And besides, no one really gives you a medal for reaching 55 so fast.


So yeah, what am I missing here?

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It's really early in the morning for me, but which part does this pertain too, the people insta 55'ing or the people complaining? Again my brain hasn't started back up yet :cool:


The specific part you quoted was a reference in general to today's games being so much more insta-gratification based. I'd suggest there's no reason to moan about anyone that somehow insta-55'd on this game, simply because you can get 5 levels in a week (or even a full day) of normal play with the help of all these bonus exp methods ... so... what difference does it make.


People complaining may be doing so on the grounds that it is like an exploit or something - what these people allegedly did - and if so, fair enough... but in terms of simple game mechanics, 5 levels is nothing and whatever minuscule "advantage" these people may have gained won't matter in another couple of days when everyone is 55 anyway.

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I'll never understand why people do this. and then of course turn around and complain about lack of content and lack of people to play with.


what's the point of rushing through the game, cheesing experience to be the first? I'm not sure how its winning anything, on the contrary.

I just... people are weird.


I don't care if they are banned or not, I don't care if their levels are stripped or not, I mean its not even a rare achievement to get to 55 first per server. they already punished themselves, as far as I'm concerned.

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I'll never understand why people do this. and then of course turn around and complain about lack of content and lack of people to play with.


what's the point of rushing through the game, cheesing experience to be the first? I'm not sure how its winning anything, on the contrary.

I just... people are weird.


I don't care if they are banned or not, I don't care if their levels are stripped or not, I mean its not even a rare achievement to get to 55 first per server. they already punished themselves, as far as I'm concerned.


+1 to that.

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a) Person makes 55 in 30 minutes, after saving up many pending dailies over *weeks* of time, foregoing the rewards at the time.


b) Person queue for level 55 PvP - HA HA ! I am the Greatest!


c) (person sits for days waiting for enough 55s to make an opposing team)

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Apparently people found a way around the pending tab turn in by saving up daily fp turn ins over a long period of time. They held up to 150 turn ins until expac and turned them in getting lvl 55 instantly. Yet again people find a way around the blocks in place to abuse the system and gain...I wonder if bioware will actually do something about it this time.


That's a ton of work. I would think it would be much harder doing 150 FPs then leveling through missions! It took some forethought, as well. I don't know how you could complain about something like this.

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Quest stacking for weeks. Have around at least 100+ quests "saved" and turned them in----> L55.

--------->the people who will be making the first complaints that there's nothing to do at 55, lol

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Things like this "quest stacking" is, why I lost all kind of interest in "world first" on anything for a long time.


By all means, stack whatever you want, play however you want, unless your exploits stop my gaming experience (which is not the case here). But please shut up about being "first" with anything. This wasn't a race to begin with and it surely is nothing to be proud of, if you race with "unintended means"... and for sure, you cannot expect the crowd to cheer you for it.


Do your thing, but please stop bragging about something that reminds me of the "Tour the EPO".

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