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lol bolster


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Yeah, what Cash said essentially. The problem is not with the top tiers of pvp gear at 55 (unless they've changed that again). The bug affects gear prior to that.


So all those PvEers chortling that they have better stats than EWH will still get utterly facerolled at 55, don't worry. And prior to 55, go naked I guess. :confused:

Edited by Jherad
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yes we do...... :rolleyes:


why are people acting as if the PTS never happened? bolster is functioning exactly as it did on PTS, which was broken then and still broken now.


as far as 55 PvP goes, we know how PvP v PvE gear plays out. PvP gear dominates PvE gear still, having ~30% more offensive bonus from expertise.


Thx. So PvP gear is better than pve gear at 55. So I still don't see the problem. Maybe this smart poster can explain it to me.

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"PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis. "
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2 shots and this naked thing needa go , getting ridiculous, maybe its bearable now give it a week at most this will be the fastest all servers get to light call that speed !


PS I honestly want people to be able to stay alive longer ,lower levels shouldn't be better than higherlevels not that the diferance needs to be drastic just balanced,

Edited by Rabios
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Thx. So PvP gear is better than pve gear at 55. So I still don't see the problem. Maybe this smart poster can explain it to me.


I suppose it is fine if you ignore leveling prior to level 55; and the people who will always remain level 50 being stuck in that borked system.

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Thx. So PvP gear is better than pve gear at 55. So I still don't see the problem. Maybe this smart poster can explain it to me.


the issue is with the lower brackets.


i havent been able to get on yet, but based on the PTS i think what is happening is that you are having stats added for each piece of gear you are deficient in, but it does not respect the "cap" of the "recruit" level you are supposed to get to.


so taking off all of your gear gives you maximum Bolster to make up for your 100% deficiency in each gear slot, which gives you more stats than bioware is actually intending you to gain through normal usage. basically, its yet another example of bioware massively underestimating the intelligence/cleverness of the player community.


they should be able to code in a "if greater than X, set to Y" to cap what you can gain from bolster.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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I suppose it is fine if you ignore leveling prior to level 55; and the people who will always remain level 50 being stuck in that borked system.


From what I understand all they have to do is change their gear with no grinding involved, plus it eliminated losers from twinkling their low level toons and getting a huge advantage.

Edited by Boch
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Stop complaining. You all wanted gear progression. Here it is.


1. Go in with your full min-maxed EWH Gear

2. take off your helmet

3. take off your gloves

4. take off your bracers

5. take off your boots

6. take off your belt

7. take off your chest piece

8. take out your relics, earpiece and adrenals

9. take off your pants (and if you are leet, you do a sexy dance at the same time.

10. pwn


There you go. 10 steps worth of progression.


Epic lulz! haha



This doesn't look good for the future of the game; can they come back from this?


I've lost every ounce of respect I had for this PvP Dev Team. They just have no clue whatsoever, especially after all the feedback about this very issue on the PTS. I'm stunned at the level of incompetence.



EDIT - i quoted the wrong person. Forum noob.


I luvz me a Jaiyne!!!



At least we have a lot of fun thanks to this lolster.


True that. It's a total circus.



PS: didn't play on live server yet after 2.0 release, but according to what I've seen on PTS, I guess state of live pvp atm is noticably worse then it was on PTS. :(


It actually is worse. After participating on the PTS and giving all that feedback, I can't believe it. The Dev team really has no clue.



Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!


Why bother? They already knew. We told them about this for weeks/months on the PTS. They really just don't know what they are doing.



As promised:



So Commandos did get buffed after all! lol


Thanks for documenting this.

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I suppose it is fine if you ignore leveling prior to level 55; and the people who will always remain level 50 being stuck in that borked system.


It's one hell of a way to get people that were on the fence to buy the expansion.


'Hey guys, new class balance! But only if you have bought the expansion. Oh, and we've fubared all your PvP gear, but don't worry, if you buy the expansion you can save up for a set that doesn't screw you over later.'

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From what I understand all they have to do is change their gear with no grinding involved, plus it eliminated losers from twinkling their low level toons and getting a huge advantage.


BW can't code there way out of a closet, something we all have known since Soa. But the beauty of this is everyone can go naked no problem, or gear with no mods. All I see is everyone can easily be geared somewhat evenly and PvP for just PvP. No gear gaps and no gear grind. And if there is no real gear gap at 55 PvP can be balanced with out having to worry about class stat scaling. But then again this is BW

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It's one hell of a way to get people that were on the fence to buy the expansion.


'Hey guys, new class balance! But only if you have bought the expansion. Oh, and we've fubared all your PvP gear, but don't worry, if you buy the expansion you can save up for a set that doesn't screw you over later.'


lol Brilliant!


In all seriousness though. I looked at the one guys video where he took all his armor off. main stat and expertise went up a bit, but it looked like bonus damage and crit multipliers, etc went down. Maybe I am miss-reading that though, and I wonder how actual armor mitigation is adjusted to be completely naked, or if that is bolstered as well. (armor mitigation always was kind of crap anyway)


I can live with it, I guess. But I do like some gear progression; even if slight, at least at level 55. Otherwise; from what I hear, a game like GW2 has more to offer as far as PvP content when gear progression is completely void. Hear Planetside 2 is pretty good as well.

Edited by Technohic
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I love how people are still calling this a QQ thread, ignorant of what we're really trying to say. Nobody expected to be the biggest kids on the block with their PvP gear, but they didn't expect to have to take it all off to have better stats. Honestly, I'm used to my gear getting replaced more often than this because I was a WoW player for years. Seasons changed every several months and then the expansions would come out, making gear outdated, but it was still better than going naked.


I just don't think wearing ****** greens as a 38 sorc should give you better stats than even a naked (with bolster) 50. It's just silly!


That being said, I PvPed naked last night and it was pretty funny. I've never heard the phrase "At this point, if you're wearing armour, you're a handicap to the team" before in PvP in all my life until then. XD

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No gear gaps and no gear grind. And if there is no real gear gap at 55 PvP can be balanced with out having to worry about class stat scaling.


Do you really think that many people would play a MMORPG with a monthly subscription fee for a long time without any possibility character progression after reaching max level?




Do you really think that people would spent hours doing the same 5 Warzones over and over again if all they ever got would be a screen in the end which says "DEFEAT" or VICTORY".


Or do you really think that people would spent hours every week farming the same OPS bosses if all they get would be repair costs?


Do you really believe that?


Remove meaningful endame gear progression from an MMORPG = remove all endgame character progression = slowly remove you customer base.

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lol Brilliant!


In all seriousness though. I looked at the one guys video where he took all his armor off. main stat and expertise went up a bit, but it looked like bonus damage and crit multipliers, etc went down. Maybe I am miss-reading that though, and I wonder how actual armor mitigation is adjusted to be completely naked, or if that is bolstered as well. (armor mitigation always was kind of crap anyway)


I can live with it, I guess. But I do like some gear progression; even if slight, at least at level 55. Otherwise; from what I hear, a game like GW2 has more to offer as far as PvP content when gear progression is completely void. Hear Planetside 2 is pretty good as well.


That was me heheh. Bonus damage was down very slightly. Aim, End and Expertise all went up and Alacrity went waaay up (I gained an extra 3.3% naked). I could get crit higher by playing with combinations of naked and gear.


I'd like to see someone's stats at the low end of the new +/- lvl 50 bracket. Do you gain even more from bolster at the low end?

Edited by Jherad
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I agree 100%, it is not a matter of beating up low geared people it is simply a matter of respect for your subscribers.. I have spent 100's of hours getting my EWH, as of today it is useless.. That is unacceptable, the starter 55 gear has better stats than my EWH. I actually have better stats going in with my PVE gear than my EWH gear. So what Bioware is saying is they have absolutely no respect for the time players put into building their toon.. What incentive is there to rebuild it when you know the company that runs the game will reduce all you have spent 100's of hours on to trash in the next expansion. I don't mind building my gear up and working to get better gear when it comes out, but they did not do that, they destroyed the old gear and basically did a start over.. A new 11lvl player is as gear in PVP now as a EWH 50.. That is irresponsible and just bad business.




Nobody cared about it being fair really, it was a gear grind and something for you to do to keep you busy. Now there is no point .. you go in you can 7k crit somebody easily (even naked btw)2 shot them, and then you get 2 shot and you are back out there again. IT isn't working and the devs are stupid if this is gonna keep people entertained.


What is the point of buying any augs or gearing your toon up in this game anymore if you can go in the warzone naked and raped people. There is nothing to be had.. I beat the game already I am done.

Edited by TheXiaChang
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I agree 100%, it is not a matter of beating up low geared people it is simply a matter of respect for your subscribers.. I have spent 100's of hours getting my EWH, as of today it is useless.. That is unacceptable and the starter 55 gear is better stats wise than my EWH. I actually had better stats going in with my PVE gear than my EWH gear. So what Bioware is saying is they have absolutely no respect for the time players put into building their toon.. What incentive is there to rebuild it when you know the company that runs the game will reduce all you have spent 100's of hours on to trash in the next expansion. I don't mind building my gear up and working to get better gear that comes out, but they did not do that, they destroyed the old gear.. A new 11lvl player is as gear in PVP now as a EWH 50.. That is irresponsible and just bad business.


Such bad business, Blizzard's been doing it for 6-7 years now.

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I agree 100%, it is not a matter of beating up low geared people it is simply a matter of respect for your subscribers.. I have spent 100's of hours getting my EWH, as of today it is useless.. That is unacceptable and the starter 55 gear is better stats wise than my EWH. I actually had better stats going in with my PVE gear than my EWH gear. So what Bioware is saying is they have absolutely no respect for the time players put into building their toon...


I agree. And if this does not stop, I see no reason to be a subscriber.

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Blizzard does not abandon gear on upgrades..you can still use it and compete.. EWH gear is trash as of today.. there is not even a trade in program to upgrade to the newer gear.. Why cant we trade EWH in for the low level 55 gear at least.. It has better stats..


Such bad business, Blizzard's been doing it for 6-7 years now.
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