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Most Fun Classes Pre-2.0


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How about a positive thread. Since were saying goodbye to the current state of things pretty soon, I may as well ask:


What are your favorite and least favorite classes to PVP with pre-2.0? And do you thing this will change for you in 2.0?


For me, from most fun to least:

1. Juggernaut

2. Assassin

3. Sorc

4. Powertech

5. Marauder

6. Sniper

7. Operative

(didnt play Mercenary, I dont think I have to explain why not).


In 2.0, havent played on the PTS, but I hear Vengeance Jugg and Sorc dps will be better, which are already among my favorite specs to play. Gonna have to say goodbye to Deception/Madness sin but my main spec was tank (in tank gear) anyway. Looking forward to 2.0 Juggernaut, all 3 specs really.

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Balance Shadow > All

I seriously think that is the most difficult spec to play ingame and be successful at it.


I barely played Madness but its the spec I got my highest damage games with my Assassin ;)

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How about a positive thread. Since were saying goodbye to the current state of things pretty soon, I may as well ask:


What are your favorite and least favorite classes to PVP with pre-2.0? And do you thing this will change for you in 2.0?


For me, from most fun to least:

1. Juggernaut

2. Assassin

3. Sorc

4. Powertech

5. Marauder

6. Sniper

7. Operative

(didnt play Mercenary, I dont think I have to explain why not).


In 2.0, havent played on the PTS, but I hear Vengeance Jugg and Sorc dps will be better, which are already among my favorite specs to play. Gonna have to say goodbye to Deception/Madness sin but my main spec was tank (in tank gear) anyway. Looking forward to 2.0 Juggernaut, all 3 specs really.


My favourites are for sure (since it's imperial terminology):

1. Juggernaut (tanking role, current 18/23/0 hybrid), Sorcerer (madness) and Marauder (carnage).

2. A bit behind - assassin and operative.

3. Sniper and powertech trailing.


Didn't play commando for quite long time, but i guess i would put him somewhere between 2nd and 3rd.


I believe the sorcerer is the most favourite though. Played almost exclusively sorc until last double xp weekends (got 50 on marauder just today).


Still I believe favourites will be different depending even on player's mood. Different play styles, for example:


Madness sorcerer is catty: never engaging direct combat and able to do hilarious kills with near 100% hp left. Decent class/spec when you want to tease/enrage your opponents :D


Carnage marauder: I feel myself a predator when I play him (wouldn't like the idea of facing a good madness sorcerer though :D ). Able to kill everything in mere seconds, still sometimes able to kite (yeah, i like it) baddies shortly with deadly throw -> 4-10m -> scream / vicious throw :D


Tanking style is like field commander - while responsible for lives of your group mates you control the flow of the battle by appropriate tanking and ccs. Also an exciting experience.

Edited by glocklB
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Gunslinger ;)


smashmonkey. Press 3 buttons and let the bodies hit the floor :>


Simply for the look on the Smash Monkey's face when you kill him before he gets into range because he can't leap at you :D

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Gunslinger ;)




Simply for the look on the Smash Monkey's face when you kill him before he gets into range because he can't leap at you :D


Ye that is the hardest part for me as a smashmonkey, at those moments i actually have to use both of braincells ;>

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1.Commando (i just love healing with this class)

2.Vanguard (guarding heals, playing only objective is awesome)

3.Gunslinger (awesome dps, dont really like to play anymore on it since i leveled the commando)

4.scoundrel (great healing, definitly more output then the commando but feels boring atleast for me)

5.assassin (i dont even know why i leveled this toon)


thats how i would rank my 50s for most fun in pvp

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Scrapper Scoundrel. So much so that I even levelled a Concealment Ops, but scoundrel wins for Dirty Kick and the shotgun. Plus the wisecracking storyline.


Tried Smash out to see how it played, was very effective but very dull. Wasn't tempted to level a PT in over a year of playing. Carnage has a lot of buttons, but having to choose which of many options to pick isn't as much of a challenge as desperately trying to stay alive and do your job too.


Tried sorc, didn't like it. Shadow was like easymode scrapper. Merc was fun and hard, but mainly because functioning against good opposition was difficult, not the mechanics of the class itself.


I've only done dps classes and avoided heals or tanks, being a misanthrope who wants to the kill people who so richly deserve it rather than keep them alive, and as a result I've no valid opinion on those guys. The rest just my subjective view.

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My favorite will always be watchman sentinel/annihilation marauder it was always the most fun spec to play for me even though it wasn't really viable for rwz, it was really fun in normals. I don't mind combat but watchman was always the one i found most fun. It used to be near god mode against pugs pre self heals nerf (and still very strong after self heals nerf). Very few played it after the smash buffs but i was stubborn :p

Other classes i found fun are scrapper scoundrel and 20/21 hybrid sorc was very fun spec with loads of cc that we won't be able to get anymore really. Also really enjoyed full heals sorcerer especially with a good team behind you offering peels, guards etc.

And while i was too lazy to get it to 50 over the last weekend i've been working on a jug who's in his 40s and really enjoy vengeance spec plus with the buffs in 2.0 i might lvl this one after my marauder. Nothing beats force pushing a sniper/slinger out of cover and making him eat a ravage! The 5 seconds of immunity and force push is just so fun after having a sent as my first char :D (sents get stunned sooo much)

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