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If you thought Recruit Geared players were BAD, wait till you see level 30's in 30-54


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Guessing everyone overlooked this part in the latest article.


Higher leveled people will still have the advantage as they always have, but with the new bolster in place I think we'll be relatively fine. Stop fretting over something that hasn't even happened yet. :rolleyes:


that is in reference to the current way bolster works........

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you guys missed the point the bracket is 30-54 and 55 has it's own bracket so at 55 you will only go against level 55 people.


No, we know how it works. Feel free to read above. We were talking about a hypothetical here.

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No, we know how it works. Feel free to read above. We were talking about a hypothetical here.


If you now have your PvP gear maxed out, you will be able to farm the heck out of lower level players and their bolster will do nothing for them (to recruit levels LOLS!).


If you're mid-level...you're about to be assassinated for the benifit of current level 50 players. This is going to be worse than Jan 17th on Ilum.

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if someone has more skill than you, they will beat you whether theyre level 50, 55, or 15. Bolster is going to put everyone on the same stat level. so are you whining about gear disparity (which will be non-existent in lowbies) or skill gaps?


if youre crying about skill gaps, i really dont know what to say. work on improving your skills rather than crying about someone beating you? :rolleyes:




What a surprise you misunderstood me. I feel bad for the level 33 who gets que'd against my friends and I. Don't get me wrong I will reveal in pushing in the faces of a low levels a few days.It will bring back fond memories of the 10-50 bracket.


Its kind of cute you think bolster will help people not knowing how to play, Simply because I mean at level 30 they haven't been playing long enough to know. Which is why its stupid to put them in the bracket with people who have been pvp'ing a long time at this point. I know there is no other choice I'm not even arguing against it just that you are dumb enough to think it won't matter because of bolster.

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No, we know how it works. Feel free to read above. We were talking about a hypothetical here.

I know you just don't want it to seem that way but why would you be running these "Hypothetical" situations when you know they would never happen anyone who bothers to research the changes or has actually tested them on the pts can tell you that no matter how you cut it players that don't have full war hero gear before the update will be crushed by those who do in the 30-54 bracket it honestly is unfair to everyone.

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What a surprise you misunderstood me. I feel bad for the level 33 who gets que'd against my friends and I. Don't get me wrong I will reveal in pushing in the faces of a low levels a few days.It will bring back fond memories of the 10-50 bracket.


Its kind of cute you think bolster will help people not knowing how to play, Simply because I mean at level 30 they haven't been playing long enough to know. Which is why its stupid to put them in the bracket with people who have been pvp'ing a long time at this point. I know there is no other choice I'm not even arguing against it just that you are dumb enough to think it won't matter because of bolster.


i have never said it will help people that dont know how to play/are bad. bioware can do nothing to artificially increase player skill.


all i have been saying is that bolster is going to make gear significantly less of a factor in PvP, yet people are still whining about it (im assuming b/c they dont know/dont understand the bolster changes).


and how do you know that just b/c a person is level 30 means they dont know how to play? i have a level 11 gunslinger right now, and im fairly certain i know how to play it better than the vast majority of people in run across in lowbies. and its not like this game is overly complicated to begin with

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I know you just don't want it to seem that way but why would you be running these "Hypothetical" situations when you know they would never happen anyone who bothers to research the changes or has actually tested them on the pts can tell you that no matter how you cut it players that don't have full war hero gear before the update will be crushed by those who do in the 30-54 bracket it honestly is unfair to everyone.


Seriously, I recommend reading the thread. Here is the comment stream you replied to (spoiler tags for length):



If you thought Recruit Geared players were BAD, wait till you see level 30's in 30-54


Oh man will this be amazing.


On the bright side....bolster will give stats.

On the downside....half their abilitys are not yet available.


Meh. Lowbies don't matter, and it's better than the alternatives long-term. Better than 10-54 queue, better than lumping 50 to 54 in with 55s, better than a separate 50 to 54 bracket. Not a big deal.


I disagree. 50s havd gear. They can withstand being lumped with 55s a lot better tha a 30 will do against someone with 1000-2000 expertise. Looks to me like the 30s will just get two shotted by everybody. New PVP-centered players are just going to quit the game at 30. Not all of them will, but the dropout rate will definitely go up. I think Bioware is guessing that they will go out and level through PVE instead. Some will, but for players with a true PVP focus, they will just get pissed at the glaring oversight in design and quit the game for good.


People who can get over 1000 expertise should have their own bracket. SMH.


I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post.




But yeah, I clearly don't know how it works. My first post in this thread being an obvious response to how I think the way it will work is superior to the alternatives was all just a clever ruse designed to lead you astray.

Edited by ebado
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Seriously, I recommend reading the thread. Here is the comment stream you replied to (spoiler tags for length):













But yeah, I clearly don't know how it works. My first post in this thread being an obvious response to how I think the way it will work is superior to the alternatives was all just a clever ruse designed to lead you astray.


Wasn't a clever ruse but more a waste of time since the facts are out there about how it will work and in the end that is the only thing that matters because last I checked BW rarely listens to advice at all.

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Wasn't a clever ruse but more a waste of time since the facts are out there about how it will work and in the end that is the only thing that matters because last I checked BW rarely listens to advice at all.


OK :). I'm sorry your assumptions were wrong. I mentioned in my first reply to you to read the thread to correct yourself. Would have saved you a bit of time if you did. Now all you've done is waste some time. Sad, all that time going to waste. Have a good night.

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OK :). I'm sorry your assumptions were wrong. I mentioned in my first reply to you to read the thread to correct yourself. Would have saved you a bit of time if you did. Now all you've done is waste some time. Sad, all that time going to waste. Have a good night.


Lol would only be a waste of time if I had anything to do at this time and in the end I was still correct in the end since the post I had replied to "I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post." which you were incorrect since you were concerned about max levels being grouped with low levels which isn't the case since in 2.0 they are not.

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Lol would only be a waste of time if I had anything to do at this time and in the end I was still correct in the end since the post I had replied to "I don't care about it from a 50s perspective. I care about it from a 55 perspective. Max levels being randomly grouped with those lower to them is dumb. We tried this. It was dumb.


Further, educate yourself using the handy dev blogs they post." which you were incorrect since you were concerned about max levels being grouped with low levels which isn't the case since in 2.0 they are not.


Haha, you are a character. I like that you still can't understand that post. Have fun, Kai. :cool:

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Haha, you are a character. I like that you still can't understand that post. Have fun, Kai. :cool:


No I understand but it's sad you don't understand the peoples you have replied to concerns because as it stands 2.0 brackets the 30-54 will be a cluster f of people quitting matches because to the 50's with full expertise gear will see them as a handicap which will just end up being frustration as those people randomly quit while I know you don't care but you are the minority on this.

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No I understand but it's sad you don't understand the peoples you have replied to concerns because as it stands 2.0 brackets the 30-54 will be a cluster f of people quitting matches because to the 50's with full expertise gear will see them as a handicap which will just end up being frustration as those people randomly quit while I know you don't care but you are the minority on this.


You are great. We don't get this level of fun on the forums much anymore. Favorite poster of the night. :)

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Ah now you are just going into defensive mode and saying random things to avoid talking about the subject.

What particularly did you want me to address? Don't want to waste any more time. Precious time. :)

No I understand

OK :)

but it's sad you don't understand the peoples you have replied to concerns

I understand what they think will happen, and the supposed gravity such a change has.

because as it stands 2.0 brackets the 30-54 will be a cluster f of people quitting matches

This is what you think will happen. Won't be any different than normal long term.

because to the 50's with full expertise gear will see them as a handicap which will just end up being frustration as those people randomly quit

Maybe initially. Won't be any different than normal long term.

while I know you don't care

Very low level of caring.

but you are the minority on this.

Low level of caring on this, too.


Anything else?

Edited by ebado
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You mean pre pre 1.1 pvp where lvl 10's were queued with battlemaster players


Ah, I remember it well. I fully expect 30-54 to be flashback to those days.


I also bet a 100 cartel coins that the "World best PVP developers" have never played a single 30-54 warzone.


Metrics baby, metrics! ;)

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What particularly did you want me to address? Don't want to waste any more time. Precious time. :)


OK :)


I understand what they think will happen, and the supposed gravity such a change has.


This is what you think will happen. Won't be any different than normal long term.


Maybe initially. Won't be any different than normal long term.


Very low level of caring.


Low level of caring on this, too.


Anything else?


If you had bothered to take the time to really test these things on the PTS you would know there was rampant match quitting in the 30-54 bracket and that the low level were getting slaughtered right and left against 50's with full warhero gear so that is not what I think is going to happen it is what is going to happen based on what happened on the PTS as a example.

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I dont understand the uproar over this. I dont know many current 50's who are planning to level to 55 in pvp. Its get 55 FAST, and then pvp with all your new toys. In the end the 30-54 bracket is going to end up being a good thing. It will not be full of current BIS pvp geared people. It will be the people actually leveling up for the first time or at least on new toons. If you are not 50 and com capped right now your making a mistake.
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This will only be a problem until all the current level 50s hit max level. Some 50s will do mainly pve leveling to see the new content, however quite a few will level on nothing but warzones, but it will not last forever. As time goes on, it will thin out, and you will not have very many WH or min/maxed current 50s left in the bracket at all. I'm sure there will always be a couple around randomly (people do have alts afterall), but you will not find full teams of them like you are going to see when the expansion first hits. The hardcore pvp crowd will be at max level, just like they are now.
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Just to bust this myth, yesterday I had a almost full day of pvping on my lvl 35 operative healer against 90% of players who were lvl 50-54 and was pretty successful. the bolster works darn well IMO I had just over 2000 expertise (which I think is the cap) and 2000 cunning. Yes, I did more than occasionally get raped by a good assassin or PT and I'm not claiming to be the best etc but it was more than viable and fun. Kudos to BW for getting this right :)
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