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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Restore the range on Electrodart for Mercenaries/Commandos.


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I hate the range nerf of electrodart to 10 meters.


In pvp, that makes us completely at the mercy of classes like the Vengenance Juggernaut or the Sniper.


In the past we could stop one of the sniper's attacks or get him out of cover so we could deal some ranged damage with it.


Now? We're out of luck. Considering the buffs to sniper, it wouldn't hurt to return mercenary/commando and perhaps the sage/sorc stun to 30 meter range. We're a ranged class and we need it to kill things that are 10-30 meter range, keep distance from those darn smashers, or vengeance jugs. We can only use it when they're already nearby, meaning they are very likely to use their cc break and completely negate our use of it.


Our class can't play the way it was intended because of changes like this, that hamper our ability to proactively fight as opposed to reactively fight.


Please, if things are still subject to change, change this.

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Melee Advanced classes shouldnt have a 30m range. The nerf was understandable BUT every ranged AC is the same base classe than a melee so they were colateral damage.


However I agree with you. Merc/mando and sorc/sage should have a 30m stun. Especialy Merc/mando.

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In the past we could stop one of the sniper's attacks or get him out of cover so we could deal some ranged damage with it.s.


i agree. there are two issues from my perspective:


before 1.4, it was a completely fair trade off. you could cryo the sniper -- only if he wasn't entrenched -- and then you could pull him off his otherwise inaccessible perch. how is that fair? it completely FILLED his resolve and cost the VG/PT 2 important cds.


I don't actually think this was the intended effect of the nerf. if you look at the other changes to CC abils (and the fact that it also inexplicably affected commandos/mercs), it looks like BW was just trying to limit CC use by cutting into its range. but oh! guess what? one class's range WASN'T nerfed. yep. sniper/gs. a mando or a sage (outside of balance) has to sit there and cast their mezz or burn a valuabe cd (in the case of the mando) to get the mezz off in a reasonable time frame. I don't much care that we're talking stun vs. mezz. the effect is the same. sniper unapproachable/moveable. same for a smart op. sniper can flash from range and, I think, root. and don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge them those abils. but why on earth don't the other ranged classes have that kind of toolbox? please tell me it has nothing to do with their absolutely worthless heals or their worthless (by comparison) cleanses.

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I agree. Not because of snipers and their flashbang, but because it's ridiculous that the class should be ranged can't use some important abilities from the same range that other abilities. I can live with tha fact that explosive probe forces snipers to keep 30m range instead of 35, but 10m range just isn't even ranged anymore. Imo they are pretty much the same as sniper's stun that has 4m range, only useful if a melee character jumps at you.
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It went from being an important strategic tool at 30m (especially given our mobility issues) to being a comparatively meaningless momentary reprieve from one person's damage that is already hitting you (I usually have 3 on me at any given time) that you have no hope of getting some distance from before it or they break it anyway. It's a melee class's range given to a relatively defenseless ranged class. No joke, my gunslinger has way more survability and tools (both defensive and CCs, in addition to the offensive ones of course) than my commando in a fraction of the gear. And that's leaving out what was for me the indispensable knockback I had in my preferred spec attached to stockstrike that was taken completely away and I've never gotten over, either. lol.

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Going to endorse this, not just for PvP utility but also as a PvEer. One of the really nice things about the DPS Commando is that we can peel for healers better than just about any other non-tank class (only Sentinels can really match us in that regard). Our range, burst, and survivability allows us to give the healer some breathing room from adds while the tank is dead or occupied, allowing us to salvage what might otherwise be a wipe. Cryo Grenade is quite useful in such a situation, but it definitely bites that we can't use it on adds unless we run into the thick of it all.
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just to play devil's advocate (i 100% agree with mathrim), sniper's hard CC is only 4m range, so the devs may have applied that line of logic; "snipers dont have a ranged hard CC, so other ranged classes shouldnt either". not saying that is a smart way to look at it, but it may have been their line of thought.


Sniper also has the most OP mez in the game, which is something hardly talked about. instant cast, 30m range, AOE mez with a 60s (talent to 45s) cooldown. the only thing that compares is the warrior/knight mez, which is only 6 seconds and is melee range.


Merc's mez is a joke. 2s cast time, single target. Sorc mez is going to be equally a joke, since they are losing the instant cast talent iirc. Mercs mez should be AOE and only a 1.5s cast. Sorcs mez should be instant.

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just to play devil's advocate (i 100% agree with mathrim), sniper's hard CC is only 4m range, so the devs may have applied that line of logic; "snipers dont have a ranged hard CC, so other ranged classes shouldnt either". not saying that is a smart way to look at it, but it may have been their line of thought.


Sniper also has the most OP mez in the game, which is something hardly talked about. instant cast, 30m range, AOE mez with a 60s (talent to 45s) cooldown. the only thing that compares is the warrior/knight mez, which is only 6 seconds and is melee range.


Merc's mez is a joke. 2s cast time, single target. Sorc mez is going to be equally a joke, since they are losing the instant cast talent iirc. Mercs mez should be AOE and only a 1.5s cast. Sorcs mez should be instant.


they said that they didnt want anyone to be able to hard stun anyone from so far away, into the fire pits, for example. they also said the instant mezz went "with the play style of the sniper," which is why they didn't change it.

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they said that they didnt want anyone to be able to hard stun anyone from so far away, into the fire pits, for example. they also said the instant mezz went "with the play style of the sniper," which is why they didn't change it.


i suppose that is why they are keeping the Merc mez the same then.


long cast time, easily interrupt, underwhelming end result for effort expended. yup, sounds like Merc's playstyle to me :D

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Sniper also has the most OP mez in the game, which is something hardly talked about. instant cast, 30m range, AOE mez with a 60s (talent to 45s) cooldown. the only thing that compares is the warrior/knight mez, which is only 6 seconds and is melee range.


Merc's mez is a joke. 2s cast time, single target. Sorc mez is going to be equally a joke, since they are losing the instant cast talent iirc. Mercs mez should be AOE and only a 1.5s cast. Sorcs mez should be instant.


^^this. this was what I was trying to say (in a convoluted way) with my second point.


also, even if a VG/PT doesn't get 30m cryo back, give it to the mando/merc. then we use this thing called "team work" where the ranged unit stuns the sniper in cover and the vg/shadow pulls him down. no. wait. let's leave him there. invulterable. unapproachable. god forbid we don't have 2-3 stealth in our RANDOM wz.

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Mez should be removed from game. Stuns should all be made 2 or 4 seconds and fill resolve (or allow a small amount for a root). Stun breaks should be removed. Right now, PvP is run by stuns/roots/mez and it's just not fun. Every other MMO I've played there's like 1 stun, it has chance to miss, and it's on a 2 minute + cooldown and lasts like 2 seconds. Stuns should only be there to give you a small advantage if your in a pinch, now the ability to take someone out of the game completely without them being able to do anything.
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Mez should be removed from game. Stuns should all be made 2 or 4 seconds and fill resolve (or allow a small amount for a root). Stun breaks should be removed. Right now, PvP is run by stuns/roots/mez and it's just not fun. Every other MMO I've played there's like 1 stun, it has chance to miss, and it's on a 2 minute + cooldown and lasts like 2 seconds. Stuns should only be there to give you a small advantage if your in a pinch, now the ability to take someone out of the game completely without them being able to do anything.


One 2 second stun + interrupt with 12 cd = solo killing healers would be almost impossible. Which, in too many pugs, would mean unkillable healers.

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Mez should be removed from game. Stuns should all be made 2 or 4 seconds and fill resolve (or allow a small amount for a root). Stun breaks should be removed. Right now, PvP is run by stuns/roots/mez and it's just not fun. Every other MMO I've played there's like 1 stun, it has chance to miss, and it's on a 2 minute + cooldown and lasts like 2 seconds. Stuns should only be there to give you a small advantage if your in a pinch, now the ability to take someone out of the game completely without them being able to do anything.


Have fun ever killing a sober healer.

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i suppose that is why they are keeping the Merc mez the same then.


long cast time, easily interrupt, underwhelming end result for effort expended. yup, sounds like Merc's playstyle to me :D


Yeah, probably the dev logic


seems legit

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Look at these Commandos, aren't they are adorable? They must think they're people coming up to our design desk and making suggestions. Well, if you guys want this, we're going to have to take something away to do something we adults call "balance". So you can use Cyro Grenade at 30m, but it only stuns people if you use it within 10m. Outside of that range, it just puts a cute little sweater on them so they don't get so cold. Now go run along and PvP like good weapon fodder.


Moral of the story: Take Commando's Mass Accelerator (I am unfamiliar with the Mercenary mirror, but it applies as well) that expands the range of Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique by 20m and add Cyro Grenade to it.

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Look at these Commandos, aren't they are adorable? They must think they're people coming up to our design desk and making suggestions. Well, if you guys want this, we're going to have to take something away to do something we adults call "balance". So you can use Cyro Grenade at 30m, but it only stuns people if you use it within 10m. Outside of that range, it just puts a cute little sweater on them so they don't get so cold. Now go run along and PvP like good weapon fodder.


Moral of the story: Take Commando's Mass Accelerator (I am unfamiliar with the Mercenary mirror, but it applies as well) that expands the range of Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique by 20m and add Cyro Grenade to it.


I agree with this suggestion. Our 30m stun was actually useful until it was nerfed. I can't tell you how many times I've had to run to get within range to use it, (which coincidentally makes me extremely vulnerable to EVERYTHING,) and then have like 4 Guardian/Sents all leap to me because I had to get into the middle of the fight.


Other classes have ranged snares that are used to snag people in firepits, but mercs are probably one of the only classes that do not have an on-demand way to plug someone in the fire pits. Sents/Guardians use their leap to get in range and then stun/root anyway (which makes them way more useful, and probably is a reason they rose up to their current power level) because Merc/Mando lost their ability to effectively control from 30m.


If you take this quoted change to add 20m to our electro-dart/cryo-grenade, plus the recent additions, I think this is exactly the boost needed to make Mercs useful/desired in Rateds.

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Not to mention, how many huttballs I could've salvaged, and how I could've stayed out of the melee fight. Forcing Merc/mando into the melee fight is what has gimped us since this change. Forcing us to play like the PT/Vanguard versions.
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Merc pyro's are gonna be dead for pvp in 2.0. Mercenaries as it is pretty much suck backdoor now. The developer who has made the mercenary changes is a moron.


I will say it since no one else will. He is so obtuse. Has never played a mercenary. You cannot play arsenal in pvp cause you get shut down. Now you will not be able to play pyro merc. The nerfs they are making to Powertech pyro tree affect Mercenary pyro. BUT they are so retarded they don't even know that. They do not even know how the trees or classes work much less balance.


I do not know what else to say.

Edited by anfo
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Merc pyro's are gonna be dead for pvp in 2.0. Mercenaries as it is pretty much suck backdoor now. The developer who has made the mercenary changes is a moron.


I will say it since no one else will. He is so obtuse. Has never played a mercenary. You cannot play arsenal in pvp cause you get shut down. Now you will not be able to play pyro merc. The nerfs they are making to Powertech pyro tree affect Mercenary pyro. BUT they are so retarded they don't even know that. They do not even know how the trees or classes work much less balance.


I do not know what else to say.



and /cry :(

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Merc pyro's are gonna be dead for pvp in 2.0. Mercenaries as it is pretty much suck backdoor now. The developer who has made the mercenary changes is a moron.


I will say it since no one else will. He is so obtuse. Has never played a mercenary. You cannot play arsenal in pvp cause you get shut down. Now you will not be able to play pyro merc. The nerfs they are making to Powertech pyro tree affect Mercenary pyro. BUT they are so retarded they don't even know that. They do not even know how the trees or classes work much less balance.


I do not know what else to say.


Austin Peckenpaugh is pretty clueless about merc pyro. Forcing them to do the same thing that powertechs do, except MUCH worse is terrible on his part. Ever since 1.2, he's been lumping merc pyro in with PT pyro and they've just been getting shat on ever since. 1.2 nerfed the accuracy from advanced targeting, 1.4 nerfed the only viable stun which we have to run 20m into the fight now to use it (with no speed boost/range closer)


They need to wake up and play it. Hell I'll even give them my account info so he can play on my toon so he can realize the amount of skill I've had to develop to compensate.

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Merc pyro's are gonna be dead for pvp in 2.0. Mercenaries as it is pretty much suck backdoor now. The developer who has made the mercenary changes is a moron.


I will say it since no one else will. He is so obtuse. Has never played a mercenary. You cannot play arsenal in pvp cause you get shut down. Now you will not be able to play pyro merc. The nerfs they are making to Powertech pyro tree affect Mercenary pyro. BUT they are so retarded they don't even know that. They do not even know how the trees or classes work much less balance.


Feels bad, man. :sul_frown:

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