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★ Riddle Me This...


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★ Riddle Me This...


Mercs/Commandos: What's the point of a knockback if they can just jump right back to you?


The slow doesn't even matter if they can instantly get right back on you with additional rage due to the leap, 10% dmg boost, or 3 second CC immunity.


If mercs/commandos are truly going to be the escape denial class in 2.0, their knockback should add a 2-3 second force leap denial, otherwise mercs/commandos have to wait till the warr/sent leaps, then use their knockback, which isn't how an "escape" should work. You cannot use it to escape if you have to wait till a leap is on cooldown, even if you pillar hug, because leap activates so quickly.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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What I really love is how they gave a knockback to some mobs, that also have a pull, so they knock you back, then pull you right back into melee combat, defeating the whole purpose of a knockback.


Or how they gave a knockback to some melee mobs, who use it, then run right back into melee with you.


I'm expecting combat mechanics in this game to make less & less sense over time.

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What I really love is how they gave a knockback to some mobs, that also have a pull, so they knock you back, then pull you right back into melee combat, defeating the whole purpose of a knockback.


Or how they gave a knockback to some melee mobs, who use it, then run right back into melee with you.


I'm expecting combat mechanics in this game to make less & less sense over time.


Yes, I farm those Kintan's in Section X for biochem mats. At times, if we sync our knockbacks properly, it looks like some bizarre space waltz.

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★ Riddle Me This...


Mercs/Commandos: What's the point of a knockback if they can just jump right back to you?


The slow doesn't even matter if they can instantly get right back on you with additional rage due to the leap, 10% dmg boost, or 3 second CC immunity.


If mercs/commandos are truly going to be the escape denial class in 2.0, their knockback should add a 2-3 second force leap denial, otherwise mercs/commandos have to wait till the warr/sent leaps, then use their knockback, which isn't how an "escape" should work. You cannot use it to escape if you have to wait till a leap is on cooldown, even if you pillar hug, because leap activates so quickly.


Are these pvp questions?


Wait for the knight/warr to leap to you first, then hit him with a knockback and a snare and he won't be able to attack you for 10 secs+ if you play your cards right.


Knockbacks (and snares) are good vs some other classes as well, not just leapers.


And they're great on maps with deathtraps or bridges or cliffs.

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It's an interupt, if your enemy is unleashing a powerful attack (or at least building up) your knockback interupts them, wasting the ability's use, so it then has to cool down before they can try again. This helps more against NPCs than players but it is useful.
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Uh, what...? Is he talking about Juggernauts? Find me a Juggernaut that is using Vigilance (and the 3 second cc immunity) in PvP. I thought CD on Force Charge was way too long to charge back right away, unless he used Force Push. Someone can't handle the heat?


I use vigilance in PvP. It ain't bad. :p

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★ Riddle Me This...


Mercs/Commandos: What's the point of a knockback if they can just jump right back to you?


The slow doesn't even matter if they can instantly get right back on you with additional rage due to the leap, 10% dmg boost, or 3 second CC immunity.


If mercs/commandos are truly going to be the escape denial class in 2.0, their knockback should add a 2-3 second force leap denial, otherwise mercs/commandos have to wait till the warr/sent leaps, then use their knockback, which isn't how an "escape" should work. You cannot use it to escape if you have to wait till a leap is on cooldown, even if you pillar hug, because leap activates so quickly.


knockback is perfect to throw them out of a bridge or cliff

wish vanguards have it also

vangs are so crap AC, no stealth, no 1 min cc, no pushpack

waiting for a pay to AC change to be mando and my self

Edited by Kissakias
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Yea it's really a design flaw that melee have gap closers.


God these angst filled 1.0 mercs/commandos, wishing back the glory days of missle/grav round domination are getting so tiresome.


You're a friggin turret class. Set up shop on a flipping cliff and unload. If you don't like it, it's not the class being broken, it's the universe beckoning you to reroll a slinger.

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Yea it's really a design flaw that melee have gap closers.


God these angst filled 1.0 mercs/commandos, wishing back the glory days of missle/grav round domination are getting so tiresome.


You're a friggin turret class. Set up shop on a flipping cliff and unload. If you don't like it, it's not the class being broken, it's the universe beckoning you to reroll a slinger.



My main's a 'Mando, love him to pieces...


My first alt is a 'Slinger... and oh dear lord do i love that class!

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★ Riddle Me This...


Mercs/Commandos: What's the point of a knockback if they can just jump right back to you?


The slow doesn't even matter if they can instantly get right back on you with additional rage due to the leap, 10% dmg boost, or 3 second CC immunity.


If mercs/commandos are truly going to be the escape denial class in 2.0, their knockback should add a 2-3 second force leap denial, otherwise mercs/commandos have to wait till the warr/sent leaps, then use their knockback, which isn't how an "escape" should work. You cannot use it to escape if you have to wait till a leap is on cooldown, even if you pillar hug, because leap activates so quickly.


With the slight exception being that when they leap in at me, and I fire off the concussion charge, they go flying backward, and can no longer use their monkey smash on me. Now I've got some additional time to open up the floodgates on them if they don't have a leap, or if they do, then I at least interrupted the smash...

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