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Bioware should try and do a better job improving the overall PVP experience in SWTOR


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In my opinion, an MMOs PVP can either make or break a game. Of course the game needs to have a good PVE to compliment it. However, at the end of the day, when everyone is locked out of their raids, what will they do for filler time? I think this game has a decent PVP system in place already, but it still needs a lot of improvement. Why not give people an actual Planet that is all open world PVP, even on PVE servers? Why not give us quests on that plaent that reward us with warzone comms or other various PVP equipment? How about giving us a PVP raid, where your actually racing to get through an instance before the other team, but you're still able to attack the other team when you see them? Heck, how about just giving us some sort of reward for killing people out in the open world?


I hate comparing this game to other MMOs, but what do you guys think makes WoW and EVE such a great game? Yes, they have other amazing aspects that just aren't PVP related, but the PVP adds a lot more excitement to an MMO. I try to enjoy all aspects of MMOs, but the things that keep myself around and hooked to MMOs are fun raids, lots of them, and the PVP.


As of late, I've been getting really bored with the PVP in this game. There isn't really any fun in it when you play the same people over and over again, on the same maps over and over again. To make things even more borining, we hardly get any rewards what-so-ever for doing any form of PVP. We get the typical PVP gear, med packs, and other consumables that can be used in PVP matches.


So, my question to Bioware is, what else can you do to this game to make the PVP more exciting? Do you honestly feel throwing in a new Warzone every 3-4 months is going to keep me hooked on your game? I like some of the class changes, and I also like the new operation that's coming out. However, changes to this extent will only keep me interested in the game for so long. This game needs to have an overall PVP revamp.

Edited by Individual
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rewarding for killing in OWPVP was already there and people farmed Ilum.

How do you imagine pvp flashpoint? You go engage enemy group while they fight fp boss? You do 1 hour flashpoint and at the end it's decided who wins flashpoint by who skips more mobs/or ganks other team?

PVE people already complain that events forced them to go PVP areas, can you imagine the whole planet? PVE servers are so that people don't want to get ganked. Want to gank? go PVP server please.


In LineageII you did not have rewards for pvp, you even could loose items if going PK by accident, and lost a ton of exp for dying, yet people were fighting each other. There are plenty of open world pvp on pvp serwers, look up on forums (unless you plan on ganking 4 playes with 8 players, then it's not pvp), and even on pve serwers there are skirmishes by NMP.


But I agree we could use some more maps for warzones.. 2 more maps for huttball, 1 for voidstar, etc.

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rewarding for killing in OWPVP was already there and people farmed Ilum.

How do you imagine pvp flashpoint? You go engage enemy group while they fight fp boss? You do 1 hour flashpoint and at the end it's decided who wins flashpoint by who skips more mobs/or ganks other team?

PVE people already complain that events forced them to go PVP areas, can you imagine the whole planet? PVE servers are so that people don't want to get ganked. Want to gank? go PVP server please.


In LineageII you did not have rewards for pvp, you even could loose items if going PK by accident, and lost a ton of exp for dying, yet people were fighting each other. There are plenty of open world pvp on pvp serwers, look up on forums (unless you plan on ganking 4 playes with 8 players, then it's not pvp), and even on pve serwers there are skirmishes by NMP.


But I agree we could use some more maps for warzones.. 2 more maps for huttball, 1 for voidstar, etc.


PVP could use some flair beyond new wz's and the ability to scale better to larger encounters would be nice.


Closest thing to "PVP-FP" would probably be an arena-style PVP type.

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rewarding for killing in OWPVP was already there and people farmed Ilum.

How do you imagine pvp flashpoint? You go engage enemy group while they fight fp boss? You do 1 hour flashpoint and at the end it's decided who wins flashpoint by who skips more mobs/or ganks other team?

PVE people already complain that events forced them to go PVP areas, can you imagine the whole planet? PVE servers are so that people don't want to get ganked. Want to gank? go PVP server please.


In LineageII you did not have rewards for pvp, you even could loose items if going PK by accident, and lost a ton of exp for dying, yet people were fighting each other. There are plenty of open world pvp on pvp serwers, look up on forums (unless you plan on ganking 4 playes with 8 players, then it's not pvp), and even on pve serwers there are skirmishes by NMP.


But I agree we could use some more maps for warzones.. 2 more maps for huttball, 1 for voidstar, etc.


First of all, rewards via killing in Ilum was only rewarded with valor if I remember right. The valor at the time was important for obtaining the BM gear. At the time, I thought it was a great idea until people found ways to exploit it. Furthermore, the lag was so bad in one little clustered area, it made the game misserable to play. Putting an open world PVP planet in a game isn't going to force the PVE players to go play there unless the rewards for them was worth it. The event at Ilum was an example of this. PVE players wasn't found of it, but guess what? They still did it. Also, they had one mission only that was in the PVP area they could of passed on doing. Otherwise, they were free to not flag and do their quests as they please.


How do I envision a PVP raid? Two teams can start at opposite sides of a map and take care of their objects on the side the map first. Once completed, they can then work their way towards the middle where they have a number of routes to choose from. They can, go after the team and try to wipe them, or they can try to go after the objectives and try to score more objective points. I would assume that killing enemy players would also be worth objective points. I think this type of gameplay would appeal to those of us who enjoy both PVE and PVP. At the end of the match the team with the most objective points wins. Also, while killing mobs, give small chances to get good loot from some of the champion mobs that might be in the instance.


Overall, I want something other than queing for a warzoen either ranked or non ranked. The rewards for even playing ranked matches is pretty stiff if you ask me. There are going to be teams on every server that people will flat out not que against. Why does this happen? The rewards for lossing stink. I'm not saying the loosers should get as much as the winners, but there just isn't any motovation for the baddies to que up against they elite teams. They lose raiting, and the amount of ranked comms they get is almost as much as they could of gotten had they just qued up for a regular match, won, and exchanged those warzone comms for ranked warzone comes. Furthermore, besides the ranked warzone gear, what is there for them to look forward getting? A different color crystal that they can get from a raid? A lame pet that has been in the PVP vendor for how long? Nothing is there to encourage PVP gameplay besides the gear. No schematics hardly, no recipes for consumables, hardly anything.

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First of all, rewards via killing in Ilum was only rewarded with valor if I remember right. The valor at the time was important for obtaining the BM gear. At the time, I thought it was a great idea until people found ways to exploit it. Furthermore, the lag was so bad in one little clustered area, it made the game misserable to play. Putting an open world PVP planet in a game isn't going to force the PVE players to go play there unless the rewards for them was worth it. The event at Ilum was an example of this. PVE players wasn't found of it, but guess what? They still did it. Also, they had one mission only that was in the PVP area they could of passed on doing. Otherwise, they were free to not flag and do their quests as they please.


How do I envision a PVP raid? Two teams can start at opposite sides of a map and take care of their objects on the side the map first. Once completed, they can then work their way towards the middle where they have a number of routes to choose from. They can, go after the team and try to wipe them, or they can try to go after the objectives and try to score more objective points. I would assume that killing enemy players would also be worth objective points. I think this type of gameplay would appeal to those of us who enjoy both PVE and PVP. At the end of the match the team with the most objective points wins. Also, while killing mobs, give small chances to get good loot from some of the champion mobs that might be in the instance.


Overall, I want something other than queing for a warzone either ranked or non ranked. The rewards for even playing ranked matches is pretty stiff if you ask me. There are going to be teams on every server that people will flat out not que against. Why does this happen? The rewards for losing stink. I'm not saying the losers should get as much as the winners, but there just isn't any motivation for the baddies to que up against they elite teams. They lose rating, and the amount of ranked coms they get is almost as much as they could of gotten had they just que'ed up for a regular match, won, and exchanged those regular coms for ranked coms. Furthermore, besides the ranked gear, what is there for them to look forward getting? A different color crystal that they can get from a raid? A lame pet that has been in the PVP vendor for how long? Nothing is there to encourage PVP gameplay besides the gear. No schematics hardly, no recipes for consumables, hardly anything.


Sounds like a PVE raid that is a race, for the most part. I'd rather see something like AV (b4 it became zerg fest) or IoC from wow.

Part of what made SW epic was the scale of the battles - the encounters on Hoth and Endor wouldn't have been the same if each side only had 8 combatants.


and i like the idea of tying crafting/recipes into it - maybe make the lower tier of pvp gear craftable, using mats attained from re'ing the same gear tier. This could lower the barrier to entry by allowing multiple ways to gear the lower pvp tier and it would allow players w/ extra coms to buy something other than adrenals/medpacs.

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Personally I would absolutely love a world warzone scenario. Picture a planet where you actually go to take it over or if you presently own it, defend it. The planet would have multi phase objectives spread out across the planet and you would have to slowly push through and conquer each objective to push into the next phase. You could come and go as you please. The rewards you receive would match your participation. The only downside is that I think queue times for warzones would drop significantly because it would just be too much fun to compete in.
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I'm in the mindset where I get tired of the same matches over and over again. I just don't have any suggestions if there isn't going to be any regular open world PvP. I have these phases though; where I just decide I will just finish class stories, then I wind up getting an itch for PvP again at a later time. Problem there is I'm almost out of class stories.
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I'm in the mindset where I get tired of the same matches over and over again. I just don't have any suggestions if there isn't going to be any regular open world PvP. I have these phases though; where I just decide I will just finish class stories, then I wind up getting an itch for PvP again at a later time. Problem there is I'm almost out of class stories.


Same here. Went L 1-44 with a toon during double xp weekends, and at 44 had Valor L 20. Normally I wouldn't consider doing such a thing, and always keep valor synced. This time though I was way too bored with PVP repetition to care.


More WZs, more objs, more variety please.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Guys check out my post 7 considerations in the suggestion BOX I spoke on warzones Tell me what you think ,The pvp community does have pull , If we stick to a goal and push for it they will have to answer and do something,
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If people are right that are on the PTS.. Bioware has addressed the class imbalances thats about it.. no new warzones.. no new open world PVP just the same old grind all over again at 55. new gear.. and back to the community complaining about how PVP is still broken.. PVP is not a Bioware priority apparently.. But this is all subject to peoples assessment being accurate.
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If people are right that are on the PTS.. Bioware has addressed the class imbalances thats about it.. no new warzones.. no new open world PVP just the same old grind all over again at 55. new gear.. and back to the community complaining about how PVP is still broken.. PVP is not a Bioware priority apparently.. But this is all subject to peoples assessment being accurate.


"What?" Addressed doesn't mean solved. They have in no way solved the imbalances. Balance is just as bad on the pts as it is on live. Mercenary healers will not be taken to rateds, nor will mercenary dps. Operative healers and sorcerer healers still outperform by larger margins now actually. Smash is still a strong spec, even stronger relatively since autocrit is more potent on the pts. It marginalizes the shield/absorb buff to tanks in fact since it completely bypasses shield when it crits.


They only have one developer doing balance, which is why balance is so biased and lopsided. He inadvertantly gives backhanded nerfs, and maintains status quo because he doesn't understand all 8 classes. Which is really really sad.

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More WZs, more objs, more variety please.


^ This, pretty much.


Been over a year now and SWTOR PvP is still pretty much where it was when we started in 12/11. I've stuck with BW through the thick and thin, but am very disappointed with the current state of PvP in this game. I'm particularly annoyed at the complete lack of new PvP content in the RotHC.


The following are just a few of the things PvP in SWTOR really needs right now:


#1- OPvP alternative methods to gear progression (OPvP dailies/weeklies). It sux that the only way to grind PvP gear is via WZs.


#2- Better matchmaking system, mainly for Rateds. After that, RWZs need a ladder system and XServer-style queuing capability so the best teams in the world can actually play each other.


#3- More WZs with different varieties of team compositions: 10v10, 12v12, 15v15.


#4- A persistent contested area for OPvP with guild-based offensive and defensive objectives. The Gree Event was a nice step in this direction, but needs more work and isn't always available.


The above would go a long way to making PvP better. The interesting thing is that we have had some of these things already in game, but they were removed/scrapped at some point. Used to have #1 and #3 in the old Ilum, #3 actually happened during Beta with WZ stress-testing, and XServer RWZs sort of happened during the last PTS run.


Point being, we aren't that far from having a lot of what we need, and BW is more than capable of doing what is necessary. I still contend that 1.1.5 was the best PvP this game has seen. Nothing has changed my opinion since that time.

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I mainly PVE but I would love to see a little more variety as well. I think they should definitely add variations of Huttball and voidstar and I think that there should be warzones for 4 player and 16 player groups. The 4 player groups could be restricted to premade 4 player teams so that you dont get some terrible class combination and make it more challenging for 4 player premade team to go up against other premade teams. I would also like to see 16 man warzones with larger scale objectives. I think a huttball map with 2 balls would work great for this and would also likely promote more scoring making it interesting for more players. I think most people dislike huttball cause the games go on for 15 mins and no scores.
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I would figure creating 2 new graphics for each map would bring a nice refresh to all the WZ. A new void start that both teams race to the end and then have to battle to get the last com would be cool. A altrec valley type map would be cool and a wsg type map.
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^ This, pretty much.


Been over a year now and SWTOR PvP is still pretty much where it was when we started in 12/11. I've stuck with BW through the thick and thin, but am very disappointed with the current state of PvP in this game. I'm particularly annoyed at the complete lack of new PvP content in the RotHC.


The following are just a few of the things PvP in SWTOR really needs right now:


#1- OPvP alternative methods to gear progression (OPvP dailies/weeklies). It sux that the only way to grind PvP gear is via WZs.


#2- Better matchmaking system, mainly for Rateds. After that, RWZs need a ladder system and XServer-style queuing capability so the best teams in the world can actually play each other.


#3- More WZs with different varieties of team compositions: 10v10, 12v12, 15v15.


#4- A persistent contested area for OPvP with guild-based offensive and defensive objectives. The Gree Event was a nice step in this direction, but needs more work and isn't always available.


The above would go a long way to making PvP better. The interesting thing is that we have had some of these things already in game, but they were removed/scrapped at some point. Used to have #1 and #3 in the old Ilum, #3 actually happened during Beta with WZ stress-testing, and XServer RWZs sort of happened during the last PTS run.


Point being, we aren't that far from having a lot of what we need, and BW is more than capable of doing what is necessary. I still contend that 1.1.5 was the best PvP this game has seen. Nothing has changed my opinion since that time.


This is a really, really good post, and I agree with everything you said here. And I totally agree, 1.1.5 was probably the best PvP we've had.

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How about giving us a PVP raid, where your actually racing to get through an instance before the other team, but you're still able to attack the other team when you see them?


PvPvE Battleground


Basically, imagine VS where both teams are attackers. Teams would earn obj points for blowing doors, extending bridges, disarming enemy bombs, killing enemy players and DLing the datacore (as it is now), except they would be racing to the datacore, while trying to delay the other team as much as possible. The winner would be the team with the most obj points. In addition, the mobs in the instance would be the crew composed of elite and champion mobs with a boss defending the datacore. Maybe these mobs could drop wz comms, pvp mods, barrels, etc. while the boss could drop gear pieces.

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Came back after nearly a 6 month hiatus to see what's changed/improved. Not a damn thing.


Played a few matches in my undergeared 50's...out damaged, out medaled, and frankly out played my entire team. Hopped on my 23 Gunsliner, same thing. Apparently the only thing that has changed with F2P is the quality of PvP. Either that or anyone who was worth a crap has already left.

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^ This, pretty much.


Been over a year now and SWTOR PvP is still pretty much where it was when we started in 12/11. I've stuck with BW through the thick and thin, but am very disappointed with the current state of PvP in this game. I'm particularly annoyed at the complete lack of new PvP content in the RotHC.


The following are just a few of the things PvP in SWTOR really needs right now:


#1- OPvP alternative methods to gear progression (OPvP dailies/weeklies). It sux that the only way to grind PvP gear is via WZs.


#2- Better matchmaking system, mainly for Rateds. After that, RWZs need a ladder system and XServer-style queuing capability so the best teams in the world can actually play each other.


#3- More WZs with different varieties of team compositions: 10v10, 12v12, 15v15.


#4- A persistent contested area for OPvP with guild-based offensive and defensive objectives. The Gree Event was a nice step in this direction, but needs more work and isn't always available.


The above would go a long way to making PvP better. The interesting thing is that we have had some of these things already in game, but they were removed/scrapped at some point. Used to have #1 and #3 in the old Ilum, #3 actually happened during Beta with WZ stress-testing, and XServer RWZs sort of happened during the last PTS run.


Point being, we aren't that far from having a lot of what we need, and BW is more than capable of doing what is necessary. I still contend that 1.1.5 was the best PvP this game has seen. Nothing has changed my opinion since that time.


I like your ideas. I wish more people would give more feedback here. I don't really know how to motivate people to post their ideas, but I'd like to see more feedback like this in the thread. If anyone else has some great ideas, please post them.

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