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Groups should not be allowed in Random Warzones


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QQ posts. Nothing addresses concerns or the the problems with pvp. Tough.


What are you doing except QQing? You haven't really suggested a viable alternative. Just said that you think it's unfair for premades to face full PUGs. How is that not QQ? You haven't said anything new. In fact your post is even more asinine than normal because apparently the only place to go if you wanna group with your friends is into ranked which has to be the absolute most garbage thing I've seen posted on these forums in awhile, and that's really an accomplishment.

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You haven't really suggested a viable alternative.
Everything I said is perfectly legitimate and I said this problem would be fixed by taking groups out of warzones. That is my solution, as asinine as you may find it. Regardless of what you may believe, it is not QQ to call an unfair situation unfair. Edited by IndridX
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Everything I said is perfectly legitimate and I said this problem would be fixed by taking groups out of warzones. That is my solution. However asinine you may find it.


If you researched there was a thread where it was mentioned that both teams have premades on them. Just to be honest you contradict yourself if you say since it is a random wz and there should be no groups because of it. Since it is random then you randomly get groups and you randomly don't get groups. That is still random. What you want is something that only suits you. You are not thinking for the greater good of the community. You are only thinking about what would make you happy.

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If you researched there was a thread where it was mentioned that both teams have premades on them. Just to be honest you contradict yourself if you say since it is a random wz and there should be no groups because of it. Since it is random then you randomly get groups and you randomly don't get groups. That is still random. What you want is something that only suits you. You are not thinking for the greater good of the community. You are only thinking about what would make you happy.
No contradiction at all. I want an equal playing field. Any team that "randomly" gets a premade group has an unfair advantage. I wouldn't want to play against that. I wouldn't want people to have to play against me if I was fortunate to get one. There is absolutely no contradiction I made AT ALL. "The greater good of the community' IS no groups in warzones with randomly assembled players. I do not understand what is so hard to comprehend about that concept to some people... Edited by IndridX
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To a degree it is, but the game allows up to 4 man groups, so it's not completely random.


So again, working as intended.

So you don't think 4 man groups can carry the other 4 randomly assembled players and annihilate the other team? Regardless if it is working as intended, it is unfair. Edited by IndridX
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So you don't think 4 man groups can carry the other 4 randomly assembled players and annihilate the other team? Regardless if it is working as intended, it is unfair.


No, you wanna know why? Are you ready for this?


Groups =/= Automatic WZ win.



Edited by Pistols
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Organized groups that queue against randomly assembled players creates scenarios where the coordinated group has an unfair advantage. In my opinion, it goes against the spirit and integrity of 'random' pvp. A normal warzone queue should be for players who jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. Random warzones should not be a place where organized groups can come in and stomp pugs for easy comms. I believe that this kind of queuing drives people away from pvp. Some people who play and see they are against premade groups simply quit right off the bat, while others like me suffer through it. I understand that people can only queue in groups of 4. Regardless, the place for organized groups to pvp should be rated warzones against other organized groups, not against pugs.


Read your quote. You call it random PVP and want it to be fair that is your contradiction. If it is random it will NEVER be fair.


Example: You could get grouped with 8 sage dps and other team has 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 dps. Is that fair?

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Read your quote. You call it random PVP and want it to be fair that is your contradiction. If it is random it will NEVER be fair.


Example: You could get grouped with 8 sage dps and other team has 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 dps. Is that fair?

I would take that kind of system over a system that practically gaurentees an unfair match. Hands down. There will never be a "perfect system" when it comes to pvp. I understand that and I also understand developers are constantly looking for new ways to improve it. The point is, the system as it stands NOW actually PROMOTES unfair matches.
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Groups oftentimes create unfair advantages..... Threads will continue. Sorry.


Why not ask on the fleet to group? Why not join a guild? Why not make a few friends and add them to the f-list? Why not ask the few peeps you just saw in your previous match, to group up? Why do you ONLY pug solo then cry foul to others who wish to work as a team? While a degree of randomness is indeed present in regular WZ's, the game was kind enough to allow each player to somewhat better their PvP experience with communication, group composition, etc to ensure a better gameplay option.


Yet, it is apparently "unfair" to you to allow those players to play together who wish to make the best of their gaming experience. FYI, even IF the queue into WZ's were "random solo'ers", this is in NO WAY a guarantee your time in WZ's will be more fun, let alone increase your winning percentage.


Welcome to MMO's sir, where you will endlessly bark at a brickwall never improving due to a low midichlorian count.

Edited by Pistols
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The fix is to stop calling it solo queue. Its not a solo queue if you can group. People are getting the wrong impression queuing by themselves and wondering why the other team is so coordinated. If you decided to truly solo queue like I do just expect to be disadvantaged. Sometimes you'll get lucky and queue against a true solo group too and it'll be more fun.


ps. I'm fully aug EWH geared on my main. WH geared on my Vanguard, Sage and Jugg and I'm a casual player, so its not keeping people from getting geared. It is just occasionally frustrating.

Edited by Ybini
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Sith Warrior:"You reek of fear."


The fear against premades.


I have been in games where a full PUG rocked and rolled double premades. I enjoy PUGing against premades and destroying them, so I can put them to shame.


Get better at the game.

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Why not ask on the fleet to group? Why not join a guild? Why not make a few friends and add them to the f-list? Why not ask the few peeps you just saw in your previous match, to group up? Why do you ONLY pug solo then cry foul to others who wish to work as a team? While a degree of randomness is indeed present in regular WZ's, the game was kind enough to allow each player to somewhat better their PvP experience with communication, group composition, etc to ensure a better gameplay option.


Yet, it is apparently "unfair" to you to allow those players to play together who wish to make the best of their gaming experience. FYI, even IF the queue into WZ's were "random solo'ers", this is in NO WAY a guarantee your time in WZ's will be more fun, let alone increase your winning percentage.


Welcome to MMO's sir, where you will endlessly bark at a brickwall never improving due to a low midichlorian count.

There is a place for everything. If I were to do what you described and got a group together, I would go do 'rated' warzones. The place for organized pre-made vs. pre-made play is rated warzones, not against PuGs. It is unreasonable to expect every single solo player to go get into a group just to be able to compete in what should be randomly assembled warzones. It's absolutely unreasonable. All premade vs. PuG warzones do is serve to discourage and frustrate the PuG team. This isn't "true PvP"...
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Sith Warrior:"You reek of fear."


The fear against premades.


I have been in games where a full PUG rocked and rolled double premades. I enjoy PUGing against premades and destroying them, so I can put them to shame.


Get better at the game.


Yeah sometimes you get a good random to go with you too so its not too bad just frustrating when you queue with a bunch of sub 15s against premades. Manage your expectations.

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No, you wanna know why? Are you ready for this?


Groups =/= Automatic WZ win.




this, so much this. Queued on my level 12 commando the other day, ended up in a civil war, there was a full premade in there with me. Thought "cool, this should be an easy win." Nope. Had more dps and more objectives than their top two combined. They were terrible, and we lost.


A bad premade can guarantee a loss as surely as a good one can guarantee a win. and there are just as many bad ones as good ones.

Edited by Jimvinny
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Because in the other threads I read, nobody in my opinion constructively addressed the actual issues this brings. A lot are just QQ posts.


Bahaha. Bro, you have got to be kidding me if you are saying you think your OP adds anything new to the discussion. It is the same old QQ.


Not sure if trolling

or just egomaniac.


Also, nice job editing out the sentence at the beginning of your OP that nobody needs to read past.

Edited by LarryRow
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There is a place for everything. If I were to do what you described and got a group together, I would go do 'rated' warzones. The place for organized pre-made vs. pre-made play is rated warzones, not against PuGs. It is unreasonable to expect every single solo player to go get into a group just to be able to compete in what should be randomly assembled warzones. It's absolutely unreasonable. All premade vs. PuG warzones do is serve to discourage and frustrate the PuG team. This isn't "true PvP"...


Rankeds require 8 players; so you would have the other smaller groups disband in order to fill your solo midichlorian ways.



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Everything I said is perfectly legitimate and I said this problem would be fixed by taking groups out of warzones. That is my solution, as asinine as you may find it. Regardless of what you may believe, it is not QQ to call an unfair situation unfair.


Right right, When OTHERS say that it's unfair somehow that other people take advantage of a system built into the game that anyone can access and take advantage of, it's unfair. When YOU do it, it's perfectly legit. Get over yourself dude.



edit: or are we just being epically trolled? Methinks the latter. No one can be this stupid and still have the requisite brain power to instruct their lungs to work.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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When YOU do it, it's perfectly legit. Get over yourself dude.
I have literally never done that and never said that. Thank you for putting words in my mouth. I'm sure you walked out of this thread feeling like a wise guy lol
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I would take that kind of system over a system that practically gaurentees an unfair match. Hands down. There will never be a "perfect system" when it comes to pvp. I understand that and I also understand developers are constantly looking for new ways to improve it. The point is, the system as it stands NOW actually PROMOTES unfair matches.


How does it promote unfair matches when everybody has the same options to find people to play with. EVERYONE can group up. It is not limited to only a certain few. What you want is something to benefit you. Not the community.

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I have literally never done that and never said that. Thank you for putting words in my mouth. I'm sure you walked out of this thread feeling like a wise guy lol


Organized groups that queue against randomly assembled players creates scenarios where the coordinated group has an unfair advantage.



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Group up yourself if it's this big of an issue for you. Why should those of us who play with people we enjoy, be penalized by those who are socially inept? I play with 2-3 guys almost every night - seldom do we have 4, never do we have 8.
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