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prediction: RWZ season 1 champion team composition


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Sage Healer

Sage Healer

Sage dps

Sage dps



Guardian tank

Guardian tank


interesting, you appear to be the first to include sages as just dps. (aside from one having their sage healer switch to dps for vs offense)

Why/what do you think others are missing?

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interesting, you appear to be the first to include sages as just dps. (aside from one having their sage healer switch to dps for vs offense)

Why/what do you think others are missing?


based on what i saw on PTS, sage/sorc DPS is capable of some impressive and hard hitting damage in 2.0. iirc they have a auto-crit on thundering blast, which was hitting hard.


honestly, i am hoping to try out merc/mando in rwz again. the changes to it have increased our toughness to the point where if a team is going to assume i am an easy kill and focus me, i can make it very difficult for them to kill me. its kinda like playing possum; the enemy thinks they have an easy kill, and then ends up wasting time/leaving themselves vulnerable to my teammates while they are trying to kill me.

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2x healing operative, 1 for node guard, 1 for main fight

1x Sorc healer

1x carnage mara

1x sniper

1x tank jugg

1x smah

1x pyro pt




I'm not 100% on all the dps. For sure the carn mara, sniper, and tank jugg (I include the jugg because his role is still partly damage). I can see maybe putting in deception sin, a stabby op, or a sorc dps.

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2x healing operative, 1 for node guard, 1 for main fight

1x Sorc healer

1x carnage mara

1x sniper

1x tank jugg

1x smah

1x pyro pt




I'm not 100% on all the dps. For sure the carn mara, sniper, and tank jugg (I include the jugg because his role is still partly damage). I can see maybe putting in deception sin, a stabby op, or a sorc dps.


pyro PT is a big question mark. i dont think anyone was able to do a lot of thorough PvP testing after the nerfs on PTS. i have a feeling its not going to be able to keep up with the likes of sniper or mara/jugg, or maybe even sorc tbh.

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Tank jugg

Tankassin off node

Healing op

Healing sorc

Carnage Mara

Any spec sniper


Think those are the almost set in stone spots in my opinion.


Last 2 DPS spots a combo of the following:


Pyro pt(nerfed a little but still brings pull and taunts)

Tracer missile merc(electro net is a pretty much guarenteed kill every 90 seconds)

Lightning sorc(off heals and friendly pull utility)

Rage jugg(taunts and push)

Another sniper


DPS sins and ops seem the weakest at the moment but if played right could still work. Have to see how it all plays out when 55. Definitely going to see some more variation in comps though which will be refreshing.

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Since buble fest got nerfed, why bring sage/sorc healer? 2 operative/scoundrel healers are way better, speccialy since the buff..


Because sorc healing is still great (better IMO), sorc utility is still great and sorc healers and op healers work great together, better than op+op.

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1.) Bubble spec/balance hybrid sage

2.) Full telekinetic sage

3.) Bubble spec/balance hybrid sage

4.) Bubble spec/balance hybrid sage

5.) Bubble spec/balance hybrid sage

6.) Bubble spec/balance hybrid sage

7.) Full Telekinetic sage

8.) Stun bubble/seer hybrid sage (sucks though)


And you thought bubble stun was gone :rak_03:

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pyro PT is a big question mark. i dont think anyone was able to do a lot of thorough PvP testing after the nerfs on PTS. i have a feeling its not going to be able to keep up with the likes of sniper or mara/jugg, or maybe even sorc tbh.


Yeah it is a big question mark... Deception sin for replacement then?

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Tank jugg

Tankassin off node

Healing op

Healing sorc

Carnage Mara

Any spec sniper


Think those are the almost set in stone spots in my opinion.


Last 2 DPS spots a combo of the following:


Pyro pt(nerfed a little but still brings pull and taunts)

Tracer missile merc(electro net is a pretty much guarenteed kill every 90 seconds)

Lightning sorc(off heals and friendly pull utility)

Rage jugg(taunts and push)

Another sniper


DPS sins and ops seem the weakest at the moment but if played right could still work. Have to see how it all plays out when 55. Definitely going to see some more variation in comps though which will be refreshing.


Are you kidding? Did you see the buffs to deception? I was thinking about making my sin my main for 2.0 with how stupid the burst is going to be from them.


Spike(maul procs from it)> Maul(get another maul on separate cd)>Maul>(recklessness)discharge>shock>Assassinate> Restealth and do it on someone else?

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i thought deception sin was getting nerfed? there was massive amounts of QQ on the PTS forum. i dont play one tho, so i have no idea personally.


They made late changes to recklessness and the deception tree:



Whirling Edge has been replaced with Electric Ambush. Recklessness has a 50% chance per point to build 3 Static Charges. Additionally, exiting combat reduces the active cooldown of Recklessness by 30 seconds per point.

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i thought deception sin was getting nerfed? there was massive amounts of QQ on the PTS forum. i dont play one tho, so i have no idea personally.


That was a misconception by this guy, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602856, then he post a goodbye forever post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=610198.


I know Deception will hit like a truck, and in my honest opinion its the only counter to snipers.


Having a Deception in a party come 2.0 will be a good idea, maybe not all team comps but I honestly think it could work well.

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That was a misconception by this guy, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602856, then he post a goodbye forever post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=610198.


I know Deception will hit like a truck, and in my honest opinion its the only counter to snipers.


Having a Deception in a party come 2.0 will be a good idea, maybe not all team comps but I honestly think it could work well.


The burst is still good. Great, even. The concern is what happens after your burst. Sustained damage has a lot of questions in a competent PvP setting in comparison to pre-2.0.

Edited by ebado
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The burst is still good. Great, even. The concern is what happens after your burst. Sustained damage has a lot of questions in a competent PvP setting in comparison to pre-2.0.


Have you played deception at all? After that it's all Voltaic Slash and your normal hit to build up for everything else. Deception will keep bursting and

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Have you played deception at all? After that it's all Voltaic Slash and your normal hit to build up for everything else. Deception will keep bursting and


This really shouldn't be derailed into a discussion on Assassin / Shadow changes, but my intent wasn't "OMG what do I possibly do after the opening burst I am so dumb I don't know what buttons to hit?" It was whether your sustained damage is effective in a PvP setting. The Voltaic / Clairvoyant (mainly no longer buffing Shock damage and make the spec over reliant on 3-stack discharge) make consistent sustained damage a question mark. There are much better threads to discuss mechanics in, however.


In relation to this thread, I think saying Deception is a question mark is more than fair.

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That was a misconception by this guy, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=602856, then he post a goodbye forever post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=610198.


I know Deception will hit like a truck, and in my honest opinion its the only counter to snipers.


Having a Deception in a party come 2.0 will be a good idea, maybe not all team comps but I honestly think it could work well.


Its not so much that Deception by itself was nerfed, its that Wakas 0/27/14 Deception/Madness hybrid was nerfed. Which sucks, because I loved that build too. it was a sweet 1v1 and off node capturing spec.


Full Deception, looking at the skill tree alone, appears to have been improved in 2.0. But I hated playing full deception so Im not too sure.


As for the winning composition - whatever Hey im mvp does is my bet.

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This would be my team comp




Powertech PT

Operative Concealment

Assassin hybrid tank

Jug tank

Operative healer

Sorcerer healer


Lolsmash double smashes the healer, PT attacks dps with Operative, healers defended by their tanks


In reality teams will be






assassin hybrid

assassin hybrid

operative healer

sorcerer healer

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The problem with assassin dps is that once the opener is over, we kinda suck. And typically in RWZs where it's one giant fight at the middle for the whole match, we will not be leaving combat very often, so not very many resets on Recklessness. Blowing our cloak just for Recklessness resets is typically a bad idea, we need it as an escape when we get focused. Snipers, smashers, carnage mara's, the newly buffed dps sorcs, and pyro PT's can almost match our opening burst, without all the suck in between. As someone who mains the class, I still do not see us wanted as anything other than node guards, but the fact that we are even having this conversation is giving me some hope.
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The problem with assassin dps is that once the opener is over, we kinda suck. And typically in RWZs where it's one giant fight at the middle for the whole match, we will not be leaving combat very often, so not very many resets on Recklessness. Blowing our cloak just for Recklessness resets is typically a bad idea, we need it as an escape when we get focused. Snipers, smashers, carnage mara's, the newly buffed dps sorcs, and pyro PT's can almost match our opening burst, without all the suck in between. As someone who mains the class, I still do not see us wanted as anything other than node guards, but the fact that we are even having this conversation is giving me some hope.


Thats exactly it. Especially with 0/27/14. Youve got that great Recklessness burst that will bring people down to 30% to 50% health, but after that it lacks burst until your next Recklessness (except for maul proc crits and executes, but those are situational and not always reliable or available).


Which is why its such a great 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 spec. In those small fights you can hit 1 person really hard really fast (below 50% with 3 abilities) , then you can easily get them down below 30% for the Execute and the quick kill. So the wait between Recklessness doesn't really come into play. But in larger group fights your DPS is much weaker in between those bursts. And when you get your burst on someone, if they get healed up quickly its harder to take them down. Which is why I prefer to attack off nodes in regs where you get those smaller fights rather than go with the main group, thats what the build is best suited for, not for larger fights.

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interesting, you appear to be the first to include sages as just dps. (aside from one having their sage healer switch to dps for vs offense)

Why/what do you think others are missing?


Well sages and GS are interchangeable so I throw them in to change it up.

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As for the winning composition - whatever Hey im mvp does is my bet.


You do understand there is other guilds doing different comps and succeeding as good or better than <Hey I am MVP> in pacific warzones.


Stop with the fanboy opinion, I can hear the slobber of drool a mile away.


On topic:


I think a comp would be worthy as a main group in 2.0 that goes like this,


Vanguard Tank

Shadow Tank

Sent Smash

Guardian Smash or Vigilance or Shadow Deception or Scoundrel Scrapper

Gunslinger Dirty Fighting

Sage Tek or Commando

Scoundrel Heals or Commando

Sage Healer


I think Vanguard Tank will be amazing in 2.0, smash for sent don't need to explain, and far as sage tek I think sage dps will be insane in 2.0.


I do think scrapper and deception will be the counter to the cluster of range, so puting them in a slot will be something some teams can't pass up on vs teams that stack range.


my 2 pennies

Edited by Caeliux
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