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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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Well, it depends on level of raging and number of censored words included.

Besides people who throw guano in random directions while being at the bottom of the score board are different subject, there is a limit of how much one can take.

it starts with

please pass the ball/don't stand on edges/call incs

next time call incs/pass/don't stand on edges

why the hell you not call incs/pass/standing on edges

oh for (alot of starts) stop ^

' but, but, I was stunned, couldn't type' :rolleyes:

is a person being bullied, or being stupid.


School maybe a wrong example, kids are being kids (I wish I had class mates who would encourage good results - not bully the nerds), but while playing a group sport, like football, I can't even imagine an instance when I'm/some one is playing badly and not being shouted at for it.


I used to play football as well. I would have my good games, and bad games, I never took it out on someone else on my team. However, there was one guy that did, and he would take out his anger on us in practice.


When we lost one of our games, the same guy would tackle me in practice everytime i caught the ball and was already down. One day, when he was running to ball, i shoved him into a torn bush, and the rest of the team laughed while the coach tried to get him out. Lets just say he found other healthier ways to vent his anger afterwards.


The sad thing is, you cant do the same to selfish a holes on the internet, you have to just endure.

Edited by Tycoon
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I have one character at lvl 90 valor and working on two that are currently lvl 40 valor, so I've seen lots of fail in the past, but the stuff that I have been seeing lately has made my blood boil. I have chastised people this past weekend in lowbie pvp because:


- civil war. We had one node but had a big enough cushion to win if we held. I told the team just to stack up on the node, but what do they do? They leave me by myself on the node. I got ganked before people responded to my cries for help. This happened 2 more times. I started to yell at them to stop screwing around and help defend the node. One moron said that it was no fun and that he was going to try to Zerg the other nodes.

- huttball. People sitting on the edge of our end zone letting guardians jump up from the pit. Called out to people to watch out for that move. What happened? One moron sat on the edge and let the same guardian score three more times.

- civil war again. We had two nodes. I was stuck by myself AGAIN. I called out for help when 6 of them attacked. 2 people left mid to help me, but 3 vs 6 won't survive long. We called out 8 times for help but the 5 sitting at mid did not leave to help. We could see that they were not being attacked because their health wasn't going down but they still did nothing. This time we lost by 100. They could have supported us or attacked the other node but they sat there for a minute while we kept on dying.

- explosive coast. Had 6 people at mid and lost the node because everyone ran off to attack at the other team's spawn point. We kept yelling at them to defend the node but they kept on fighting at the elevator and we lost the node. We lost the match by 2%.

- huttball. Lvl 45 sniper constantly typing in chat that the other team was Hacking. We were up against a pre made of good pvpers so they didn't need to cheat. The guy spent the whole match complaining about the other team that he did a total of 2k damage in 10 minutes.


It's this kind of behavior that gets me pissed off. I wasn't calling people names, but the attitude that I was getting and the responses in chat made me want to scream at people to quit pvping. Quite honestly, I can't wait for the double XP weekends to end because there are a lot of people using pvp to level up and screw around instead of actually getting better. Pvp is team oriented. If people refuse to be good team mates, they should not waste everyone else's time by queuing up.

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I had a Voidstar last night. The Pub team was attacking first. All 8 of them went east and took up permanent positions. It was a great layout, it looked like someone had spent some time organizing and coordinating the deployment of which classes stand where. They utterly trounced the feeble attempts my Imp pug made to cap that door. Yet time and time again, when we were sure they had a free cap, we would drop out of the spawn room to discover that not a single one of them had broken formation. The round ended without them breaking through the first door.


Round 2 began. My team went right, I stealthed left. There was one guy jumping in circles around the pillar off to the left. I figured I'd be cheeky and just start planting while he was derping around out of los. When I was about 80% capped he finally noticed me. He came over and started jumping circles around me while I finished, and the entire time it counted down. None of his teammates arrived to try and disarm it. Round 2 ended in about 30 seconds.


Judging by the amount of effort, coordination, focus firing, and skill of the players involved, the enemy team certainly could have gotten through at least two of the doors. But they never once even attempted to. I am really at a loss to explain this. They were the best bad team I have ever played against.

Edited by Arlanon
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i can understand it if it's a close game and someone throws it away by some idiocy, like getting leapt at in huttball. However, most of the times it's someone throwing a tantrum when it was clear after 30 seconds that this match cannot be won no matter what. (or, maybe, if our whole team was korean pro gamers we might have a chance, but alas most of us are not)


i usually picture them like this, and immediately stop being annoyed ;-)



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I think it's completely unacceptable to speak to other people like that, there is simply no justification for abuse in an online game. After all, that's what it is, abuse.


So, things don't go your way, so what! By all means, let people know they could use some improvement. If you're so knowledgeable about the WZ in question, take them under your wing and shape them up a little. Shouting "****, you F***in' scrubs should kill yourselves" is a disgusting use of online communication. No matter how bad someone is, there is no, I repeat NO justification to tell them to end their own lives. Consider something for a moment, what if you found out they actually did? Oddly enough, words do have consequences. Just because it's over the Internet in the comfort of your own home, it does not mean those consequences magically vanish.


Also, there have been times when the person raging is completely wrong. Case in point, VS, we were defending first but we did not protect the datacore. In the 20 odd seconds wait in the respawn point for round 2, one team member shouted abuse at the whole team. All the usual choice words, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.


However, despite him putting down the team, we won. Just adds to the point that there is no room for such behavior, either online or offline.


Personally, I would like to call for everyone fed up with this kind of attitude to report each and every player who behaves like this. With luck, they will change their ways.

Edited by chimex
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I used to play football as well. I would have my good games, and bad games, I never took it out on someone else on my team. However, there was one guy that did, and he would take out his anger on us in practice.


When we lost one of our games, the same guy would tackle me in practice everytime i caught the ball and was already down. One day, when he was running to ball, i shoved him into a torn bush, and the rest of the team laughed while the coach tried to get him out. Lets just say he found other healthier ways to vent his anger afterwards.


The sad thing is, you cant do the same to selfish a holes on the internet, you have to just endure.


Well, what would you do if you had a player who sits on the grass, runs 10 meters, passes to random person no matter your or the other team, and worse of all, you can't kick them out of team and they refuse to try harder?

While playing team sports you usualy have a 'premade', I don't remember last time I saw a player rage swearing at his guildy in a premade pvp (actually saw it once, but after guy got told off twice, he atleast tried harder)

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I have, I'm ashamed to say, been that loudmouth in the past, but I've stopped doing it. I decided I am responsible ONLY for my performance PvP, and while I can suggest things, I can't make anyone do things. Wish I could, because there's plenty of dumbness going on, but alas.


Dumb things I've seen recently, just since hitting 50 with my sniper:


- My team deathmatching in Huttball while the other team set up a 4-man passing chain from mid to the endzone. 3 goals in less than a minute and a half. Needless to say I quit that WZ.

- Everyone huddling at mid in Hypergate when the explosions went off, then not going back to re-cap our node.

- All but 2 people in Novare Coast going east to try to take east and then west consecutively. Needless to say it did not go as planned. Unless you seriously outmatch the other team, trying to take the node near their spawn is never a good idea.

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Well, what would you do if you had a player who sits on the grass, runs 10 meters, passes to random person no matter your or the other team, and worse of all, you can't kick them out of team and they refuse to try harder?

While playing team sports you usualy have a 'premade', I don't remember last time I saw a player rage swearing at his guildy in a premade pvp (actually saw it once, but after guy got told off twice, he atleast tried harder)


Quite often it's not about trying harder, it's about not being experienced. I.e. Taking a football player from the top team and matching him in the same team with a 9 year old girl who started playing football last week. No matter how much you rage at that girl, she isn't going to be as good as the guy who usually plays at some top team. She may have to do a 100 horrible passes before she can make a good one.

Edited by Seireeni
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Quite often it's not about trying harder, it's about not being experienced. I.e. Taking a football player from the top team and matching him in the same team with a 9 year old girl who started playing football last week. No matter how much you rage at that girl, she isn't going to be as good as the guy who usually plays at some top team. She may have to do a 100 horrible passes before she can make a good one.


This is exactly how i feel about this, and like in football you shouldn't put a bunch of inexperienced players into a game vs very experienced players, it just makes no sense to me. And, at least for me, it doesn't matter which side i'm on, the match just sucks either way.

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Baptism by fire; it's just PvP nature. Comments in Ops chat shouldn't be taken "why so serious", but if you're entering a WZ you should have a vague sense of what to do. I have no qualms throwing a question/fit in Ops chat to the VG Tank who is not guarding anyone or the lolJedi hammering away at a tank while the Sorc is free-casting on the tank 5 meters away. If I am being raged at for doing something stupid, I don't take it personal, I try and figure out what it is I'm doing wrong and correct it. Players who PvP need to lighten up at times, no arguement here, but by the same token there is enough garbage play via WZ PvP that justifies the epic facepalm rages that go in chat as well. I prefer to win, not act like it's candyland and sit a node accepting failure or not getting better. This is PvP 101, and Baptism by fire is the norm and nothing unusual. Edited by Pistols
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The only time I yell or call someone a noob or baddie, is either:


1) They didn't call for help when guarding a node

- I especially yell at the idiots that say they couldn't call for help because they were stunlocked, as if the stuns in this game are so OP it stuns their chat functions as well.



2) dumb EWH players that think they are the ***** yet they make dumb mistakes. Like the EWH shadows that always think trying to ninja the enemies node is a good idea, when they have 2-3 players guarding it. I have only seen a few players successfully do this. And even trying it once and failing it is fine by me, but the ones that repeatedly try it and fail piss me off. You already sucked once an failed, don't do it again and again.


I never yell at under geared players, I always try and offer them tips and suggestions... Unless they made the first mistake I mentioned. Regardless of gear, you can always call Inc in Ops chat.

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Look, I see some of the responses here, some intelligible and some just down right...well, huh? Thing is, you guys who are screaming at your team mates, wondering why they are not responding to your commands, need to think about something here...


I personally tend to place these people who like to bash their team on ignore the very instant they open their mouths. I did not used to do this, because when these people scream "INCOMING SNOW!!!" I would like to see it so I can respond. But after dealing with the mouths of people who want to act like they have no house training over and over time and again, I grow tired of it, even if it's not trained at me. So now, I /ignore them.


If I have personally grown tired of it over the past 10 years of MMOs, I wonder how quickly others get tired of it? I am willing to bet most players have a lower tolerance than I do when it comes to your mouth. I am willing to bet you were ignored by them a looooong time ago.


So ask yourself next time people are not responding to your demands...Does my whole team have me on ignore? If you have ever teamed with me and ran your mouth, you can bet your sweet butt that I sure as hell do...

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Look, I see some of the responses here, some intelligible and some just down right...well, huh? Thing is, you guys who are screaming at your team mates, wondering why they are not responding to your commands, need to think about something here...


I personally tend to place these people who like to bash their team on ignore the very instant they open their mouths. I did not used to do this, because when these people scream "INCOMING SNOW!!!" I would like to see it so I can respond. But after dealing with the mouths of people who want to act like they have no house training over and over time and again, I grow tired of it, even if it's not trained at me. So now, I /ignore them.


If I have personally grown tired of it over the past 10 years of MMOs, I wonder how quickly others get tired of it? I am willing to bet most players have a lower tolerance than I do when it comes to your mouth. I am willing to bet you were ignored by them a looooong time ago.


So ask yourself next time people are not responding to your demands...Does my whole team have me on ignore? If you have ever teamed with me and ran your mouth, you can bet your sweet butt that I sure as hell do...


Understand that you're simply gimping yourself as well. It's your $15 of course, but not in the least very effective way to PvP, and again it's the nature of the beast. I understand some circumstanes where this is warranted, but ignoring anyone and everyone who throws a little subtle rage here and there is neither productive nor "taking the high road".



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Baptism by fire; it's just PvP nature. Comments in Ops chat shouldn't be taken "why so serious", but if you're entering a WZ you should have a vague sense of what to do. I have no qualms throwing a question/fit in Ops chat to the VG Tank who is not guarding anyone or the lolJedi hammering away at a tank while the Sorc is free-casting on the tank 5 meters away. If I am being raged at for doing something stupid, I don't take it personal, I try and figure out what it is I'm doing wrong and correct it. Players who PvP need to lighten up at times, no arguement here, but by the same token there is enough garbage play via WZ PvP that justifies the epic facepalm rages that go in chat as well. I prefer to win, not act like it's candyland and sit a node accepting failure or not getting better. This is PvP 101, and Baptism by fire is the norm and nothing unusual.


No, it's not "PvP nature", PvP nature is combating against other players to accomplish a goal. It is not a free ticket to be vindictive toward another.


What if it's their first time in PvP (and MMO's altogether)? While I admit, seeing someone make foolish mistakes while dressed in full EWH does get frustrating, there are better ways to respond to this, instead of calling them F***ers and what not


I agree, looking at yourself is agood way to correct mistakes being made. However, just because you take insults with a pinch of salt (as do I) it does not mean everyone else feels so casually about it. Besides, would you speak to your partner like that (with the same force of aggression behind it) if he/she cooked your eggs wrong? I doubt it very much.


No, NOTHING justifies one person telling another to "F***ing kill yourself, worthless c***".

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What Pistols said.


If you want to do it 'right', you check your ignore list when you first enter a warzone. If you see someone on your list in your OPS, you quit the warzone prematch start.


Willfully ignoring someone on your team mid warzone ends up hurting the other 6 people

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No, it's not "PvP nature", PvP nature is combating against other players to accomplish a goal. It is not a free ticket to be vindictive toward another.


What if it's their first time in PvP (and MMO's altogether)? While I admit, seeing someone make foolish mistakes while dressed in full EWH does get frustrating, there are better ways to respond to this, instead of calling them F***ers and what not


I agree, looking at yourself is agood way to correct mistakes being made. However, just because you take insults with a pinch of salt (as do I) it does not mean everyone else feels so casually about it. Besides, would you speak to your partner like that (with the same force of aggression behind it) if he/she cooked your eggs wrong? I doubt it very much.


No, NOTHING justifies one person telling another to "F***ing kill yourself, worthless c***".


Where is all this massive namecalling?


Seriously, I queue nightly, at least 3 matches. I've seen some PvP ragers, sure...but it's more along the lines of "Nice job calling inc (when they didn't), idiot/moron".


Outside of calling someone/everyone idiots, morons, or bads...seriously this is 95+% of the rage insults I see. People just have really, really thin skin and seem to think they are 'doing it right' when they really aren't.

Edited by islander
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Where is all this massive namecalling?


Seriously, I queue nightly, at least 3 matches. I've seen some PvP ragers, sure...but it's more along the lines of "Nice job calling inc (when they didn't), idiot/moron".


Outside of calling someone/everyone idiots, morons, or bads...seriously this is 95+% of the rage insults I see. People just have really, really thin skin and seem to think they are 'doing it right' when they really aren't.


Oh believe me, it's rather common to use much more than backhanded insults toward others. While I struggle to think of a particular time directed specifically at me (I hope that's a good sign) I have seen it in this game and others often enough to be apparent. Which server do you play? Sounds like a nice place :)


Edit: Just seen your sig. I'm not on that server lol

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Understand that you're simply gimping yourself as well. It's your $15 of course, but not in the least very effective way to PvP, and again it's the nature of the beast. I understand some circumstanes where this is warranted, but ignoring anyone and everyone who throws a little subtle rage here and there is neither productive nor "taking the high road".




There are certain levels of raging I can tolerate and I do indeed tolerate a certain level of rage. Sometimes the comments are just down right rude and deserve my ignore list. I understand this gimps my team, but to be honest, you have to draw the line, somewhere. People act like this because as to date, there is no consequence when they rage at another player. But give people an option that creates a consequence, such as, turning off their Megaphone, people will soon end their antics.


Do I rage when people do stupid crap in PvP? Sure I do...but in TS with my guild mates, where it is not directed at the player or trying to make that player look like a fool. The worst comments I will make in open chat will be things like, "Seriously?" or, "I was right in front of you, you seriously couldn't throw the ball?" or even, "Who in the hell left that node unguarded?!?!?"


Never will I straight up insult another player or attempt to berate that player. The only players I will troll, and this does not happen often, are the players who are raging my team mates, whoever they may be.

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No, it's not "PvP nature", PvP nature is combating against other players to accomplish a goal. It is not a free ticket to be vindictive toward another.


What if it's their first time in PvP (and MMO's altogether)? While I admit, seeing someone make foolish mistakes while dressed in full EWH does get frustrating, there are better ways to respond to this, instead of calling them F***ers and what not


I agree, looking at yourself is agood way to correct mistakes being made. However, just because you take insults with a pinch of salt (as do I) it does not mean everyone else feels so casually about it. Besides, would you speak to your partner like that (with the same force of aggression behind it) if he/she cooked your eggs wrong? I doubt it very much.


No, NOTHING justifies one person telling another to "F***ing kill yourself, worthless c***".


It is PvP nature, and I never said I condoned someone calling another *&$*$ kill yourself.


Nice colors though.

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Oh believe me, it's rather common to use much more than backhanded insults toward others. While I struggle to think of a particular time directed specifically at me (I hope that's a good sign) I have seen it in this game and others often enough to be apparent. Which server do you play? Sounds like a nice place :)


Edit: Just seen your sig. I'm not on that server lol


He also only plays 3 matches a night. I personally play close to 50 (just a guess) a day on several different characters. The odds of seeing that kind of chat with only 3 matches a day are slim compared to when you play all day and night.


And no, PoT5 is not a very nice place at all, I play that server and the people I have seen raging are the ones I play with on that server. It's no different than any other PvP server, I can assure you.

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It is PvP nature, and I never said I condoned someone calling another *&$*$ kill yourself.


Nice colors though.


If you are saying that people that do that are usually competative and play pvp, then you're right. However, you can't say that pvp makes them to act like jerks, since there are plenty of players that can be polite in pvp too. They act like jerks because they decide to act like jerks, not because of something forced them to it.

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Oh believe me, it's rather common to use much more than backhanded insults toward others. While I struggle to think of a particular time directed specifically at me (I hope that's a good sign) I have seen it in this game and others often enough to be apparent. Which server do you play? Sounds like a nice place :)


Edit: Just seen your sig. I'm not on that server lol


Yeah, come on over*


* when server transfers are implemented - soon™

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Never will I straight up insult another player or attempt to berate that player. The only players I will troll, and this does not happen often, are the players who are raging my team mates, whoever they may be.


Oh, I will do this too. This is my answer to anyone who just gets way out of control in a warzone. Instead of quitting the warzone, I'll just harass the harasser the rest of the warzone. Childish? Sure. Enjoyable nonetheless.

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