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The BattleZone! Round 1 Match 03: Lord Vitiate vs. Darth Plagueis


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Welcome to another installment of The BattleZone! Before we get started, I would like to inform you all that the analysis section of this series is being revamped. It will be a longer read, but should provide all of the information necessary to come to a conclusion.


Our previous match-up pitted Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Malak against Dark Council member Darth Nyriss in the ancient ruins on Dantooine. In a furious engagement, Darth Malak was ultimately defeated by Darth Nyriss. But onto the next!


The epic battle in match two will be easily outdone by the epic confrontation between the Master of Life and the Ancient Sith Emperor.


Battlefield: Lodge of the Canted Circle


Lightsaber Skills:


Lord Vitiate:


The ancient Sith Emperor shows little to no skill in lightsaber combat.


Darth Plagueis:


Plagueis is a considerably skilled lightsaber duelist. He is skilled in the Jar'Kai method of dual wielding, and possesses incredible speed. However, he finds lightsaber duels to be tedious, which is interesting because he often relies on his skill with the blade and his unarmed skill.


Edge: It is fairly obvious who gets the edge here- Darth Plagueis.




Lord Vitiate: For the purpose of this analysis, we are to assume that the Vitiate we see in the Revan novel is the true Vitiate (as the novel gives a decent description of him), and not a Voice.


Lord Vitiate's body is ravaged by the Dark Side. Centuries of corruption from the Dark Side has severely damaged his body. The Sith Emperor would use Essence Transfer to move between hosts when his current body is no longer of use, but for the purpose of this match-up, the use of Essence Transfer is barred.


Vitiate is also not physically strong. Throughout his life, he spent much of his time studying the vast secrets of the Dark Side, leaving battles to be fought by warriors.


Darth Plagueis: For the purpose of this analysis, we are to assume that Plagueis is in his physical state after the attack on the Lodge of the Canted Circle.


Plagueis experiences some of the effects of the Dark Side. However, he is physically strong. He is trained in hand-to-hand combat and possesses skill in martial combat, despite preferring to be a scholar.


However, Plagueis has one major weakness: his transpirator. His face has been severely damaged after the assassination attempt at the Lodge of the Canted Circle, forcing him to wear a transpirator to survive.


Edge: Both of them are of scholarly nature, but Plagueis has martial training on his side, whereas Lord Vitiate's body has been severely damaged by the Dark Side. Despite this, Plagueis' transpirator remains a weakness that Vitiate can exploit if he so chooses, giving him the edge in physicality.




Lord Vitiate:


The ritual created by Lord Vitiate has destroyed his mind. He no longer experiences the normal feelings and desires that 'normal' people do. He no longer has the capacity to feel anything a normal person would feel. However, he no longer cares about such things. He now considers himself a god, and that everyone else is an ant waiting to be crushed under his boot. He cares nothing for the concerns of others. He only cares about maintaining his immortality and ruling the galaxy for all eternity.


However, Lord Vitiate still experiences fear. He fears death, forcing him to find a way to fully immortalize himself. His fear has been provoked into irrationality, he will stop at nothing to achieve his ultimate goal.


Darth Plagueis:


Plagueis possesses a logical and wise mind, which was attributed by Palpatine to be due to his inward sight. Plagueis disregarded the non-materialistic world, as well as the Essence Transfer technique, because he wished to preserve his current body through the study of midi-chlorian manipulation.


Plagueis also rejected common morality, but he did form a bond with his apprentice, Darth Sidious. He hoped to move away from Darth Bane's Rule of Two and rule the galaxy with his apprentice. A feeling not reciprocated by Darth Sidious.


During his study of midi-chlorians, Plagueis became a recluse, spending much time in laboratories, trying to find a way to manipulate life and death. He eventually did find immortality, at the cost of his precognitive abilities, which would lead to his demise.


However, Plagueis was also pathologically fearful of his own death, which led to his intense study of the midi-chlorian.


Edge: A difficult choice to make in this area. They both have an absolute fear of death, but Lord Vitiate has an incredibly strong will. The edge goes to Vitiate in this field.


Force Power:


Lord Vitiate:


Even at a young age, Lord Vitiate possessed incredible power. He was capable of stripping others of their connection to the Force, and could feed on the terror of others. After being dubbed 'Lord Vitiate,' he spent much of his time studying Sith Sorcery and creating powerful rituals. The culmination of this study resulted in the ritual on Nathema, where he absorbed the life essence and Force energy of the entire planet. This gave him unnatural power in the Dark Side.


During his time as Emperor, Lord Vitiate was able to imbue others with a portion of his power. Dubbed 'Children of the Emperor' these individuals were spread across the galaxy, their power shielded by the Emperor. At times, the Emperor was capable of taking control of these Children and use them as puppets. He was also capable of using his will to dominate the minds of others.


Lord Vitiate was capable of manipulating the environment with the Force, and use rituals to fundamentally change the atmosphere on Dromund Kaas. He could also summon storms of Force lightning, and protect himself with Force Barriers.


Darth Plagueis:


Darth Plagueis possessed immense power with the Dark Side, in accordance to the Rule of Two. Plagueis was capable of incredible Force Speed, making him seem like a thunderbolt.


Plagueis was also very skilled in Tutaminis, an ability that allowed him to absorb and redirect energy. He could absorb the energy of a blaster bolt and transform it into Force lightning, an ability he was skilled in.


Another notable skill is his powerful Force Waves. Plagueis' skill in this area was immense. He was capable of completely annihilating his foes. After the attack on the Canted Circle, investigators thought the assassins had been killed by explosives. Plagueis was also capable of powerful Force Bellows. These bellows could turn any object into a projectile with a clap of his hands.


He was also able to use Force shields to block attacks, even physical attacks. He also possessed advanced telepathic capabilities, using them as a child to trick one of his playmates into committing suicide. Plagueis is also capable of hiding himself in the Force, and can project Force Phantoms of himself.


Most notably, however, is Plagueis' skill in midi-chlorian manipulation. Through this ability, Plagueis was capable of maintaining life, or even creating new life, and even maintaining his own life. He was also capable of forcing the midi-chlorians to return to their source, basically willing a target to die. It seems that such an ability would require great concentration and is unlikely to be used here. However, if it Vitiate were to give him the time needed to do this, the battle would be over instantly.


Edge: The edge is very difficult to give here, as both are extremely powerful. Given time, Plagueis could kill Vitiate instantly, but this may be unlikely to happen. Given the sheer power that has been used by these two, the edge is too difficult to call in this area.


(Note that when I give the edge to someone it is my opinion)


So who will win? Who is truly superior?

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Just off the cusp here, I'm going to give the edge in Force Power to Vitiate, although Plagueis may have a more intimate knowledge of some aspects of the Dark Side, they will be focused on screwing around with midi-chlorians.


Vitiate is obsessed with rituals and so forth, and that was the focus of his study. Plagueis' lightsaber skills will probably never enter into this battle, since if he attempts to get into position to use them, he'll just leave himself open to attack via the Force. This battle will likely be fought entirely through the Force, and by manipulation.


A trap laid by either party is likely, although Plagueis' will probably rely on ambush whereas Vitiate's would be a structured trap that created a situation where he could use a ritual to mitigate Plagueis' strength or perhaps even open his mind up to domination.


I'm probably not going to be able to weigh in on this debate much since I'm sinking the bulk of my free time and creative thought into the next few chapters of my fanfic, but once other people have presented some debate, etc. I'll try to pop back over at least once.

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Just off the cusp here, I'm going to give the edge in Force Power to Vitiate, although Plagueis may have a more intimate knowledge of some aspects of the Dark Side, they will be focused on screwing around with midi-chlorians.


Vitiate is obsessed with rituals and so forth, and that was the focus of his study. Plagueis' lightsaber skills will probably never enter into this battle, since if he attempts to get into position to use them, he'll just leave himself open to attack via the Force. This battle will likely be fought entirely through the Force, and by manipulation.


A trap laid by either party is likely, although Plagueis' will probably rely on ambush whereas Vitiate's would be a structured trap that created a situation where he could use a ritual to mitigate Plagueis' strength or perhaps even open his mind up to domination.


I'm probably not going to be able to weigh in on this debate much since I'm sinking the bulk of my free time and creative thought into the next few chapters of my fanfic, but once other people have presented some debate, etc. I'll try to pop back over at least once.


I agree that lightsabers are pretty meaningless here. Revan had a lightsaber and look where that got him ;)


I wonder if anyone will see the battle playing out as I have in my mind.

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I think we are overestimating the power of Plagueis Force wave here. Granted it was powerful enough to vaporize a large group of assassins, but these were non-Force sensitives and therefore had no form of protection against such an attack. Vitiate, and likely most powerful Force users, will have a natural and powerful Force barrier around themselves and Vitiate in particular can create a static barrier around himself. This pretty much makes him temporarily invulnerable to all Force based attacks.


Nonetheless, I still believe Plagueis would win. He is presumably faster and certainly more skilled with a blade. These talents combined make him able to bypass Vitiate's Force abilities - where his strengths lie - and force him into a close combat confrontation, a confrontation he will inevitably lose.

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I agree that lightsabers are pretty meaningless here. Revan had a lightsaber and look where that got him ;)


I wonder if anyone will see the battle playing out as I have in my mind.

Lightsabers will be meaningful once Plagueis has thrust one through Vitiate's chest. :D


But I really think it will be a case of, Plagueis trying to get in close and Vitiate attempting to push him away. If Plagueis can get in close Vitiate will be forced to draw his blade and be defeated. And if Vitiate keeps him away Plagueis will eventually succumb to Force based attacks. However Plagueis has the advantage of supernatural agility, he therefore wins.

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I think we are overestimating the power of Plagueis Force wave here. Granted it was powerful enough to vaporize a large group of assassins, but these were non-Force sensitives and therefore had no form of protection against such an attack. Vitiate, and likely most powerful Force users, will have a natural and powerful Force barrier around themselves and Vitiate in particular can create a static barrier around himself. This pretty much makes him temporarily invulnerable to all Force based attacks.


I never stated that the Force Wave was an insta-win in his favor. I merely described how powerful these waves were. I never said that the Force Waves would be super powerful against Force users. Again, let me reiterate. I was merely describing how powerful these waves were, not how effective they would be on other Force users. Just as I never implied how powerful Vitiate's lightning would be against Plagueis.


The only time I made a correlation between the two was when I was discussing midi-chlorian manipulation.


Nonetheless, I still believe Plagueis would win. He is presumably faster and certainly more skilled with a blade. These talents combined make him able to bypass Vitiate's Force abilities - where his strengths lie - and force him into a close combat confrontation, a confrontation he will inevitably lose.


You bring up an interesting point. I have thought long and hard about this match-up and I see plenty of victory scenarios for Plagueis (yours included). However, many of mine are very complex, but at the same time quite simple.

Edited by Aurbere
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Lightsabers will be meaningful once Plagueis has thrust one through Vitiate's chest. :D


But I really think it will be a case of, Plagueis trying to get in close and Vitiate attempting to push him away. If Plagueis can get in close Vitiate will be forced to draw his blade and be defeated. And if Vitiate keeps him away Plagueis will eventually succumb to Force based attacks. However Plagueis has the advantage of supernatural agility, he therefore wins.


It's a good point, but it may not be that simple. We shall see what others think. I expect this match-up to be very heated.

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This is a close one to call as both are extremely powerful individuals who dedicated their lives to discovering immortality. That being said lightsabers would be absolutely useless in this battle as Vitiate has many tools to make sure of this (force barrier, mind control). Plageus's midichlorian manipulation I feel would be useless against Vitiate due to Vitiate's mere corrupting influence (aka. mind control).


I'm not saying that Vitiate would be able to bring Plageus under his control (although keep in mind that he has dominated the mind of every force user that he has chosen to at least once excluding Meetra Surik and Lord Scourge but that was due to Revan (who had been controlled once) teaching them how to resist it and even then it was stated by Scourge that this defense was not foolproof when he told the JK that he could not go with him to face Vitiate due to his corrupting influence.)


However, I do think that Vitiate's mind control will be a struggle for Plageus to resist and it will slow him down and prevent him from being able to properly focus on midichorian manipulation or even lightsaber combat. With that threat removed it will have to come down to a force battle which i think Vitiate will win in a contest of lightning vs. tutamis.


Vitiate's ability to project force storms with a wave of his hand as well as much more powerful bursts and streams of lightning combined with Plageus being weighed down from mind control (however slight) and his skill with tutamis not proven to be able to absorb the quantity of lightning that Vitiate can pour out in my opinion gives Vitiate the victory.

Edited by Darkondo
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Lightsabers will be meaningful once Plagueis has thrust one through Vitiate's chest. :D


But I really think it will be a case of, Plagueis trying to get in close and Vitiate attempting to push him away. If Plagueis can get in close Vitiate will be forced to draw his blade and be defeated. And if Vitiate keeps him away Plagueis will eventually succumb to Force based attacks. However Plagueis has the advantage of supernatural agility, he therefore wins.


Even if this were the case you forget one thing that Vitiate has that could really hamper Plageus' chances. His ability to create illusions of himself and apparently teleport (im not sure if this is the case) but he can create lethal illusions of himself and the BIG factor: Plageus has no precognitive abilities to sense which Vitiate is the real Vitiate. So this doesnt just become a if Plageus can get close then he wins battle, it becomes a can Plageus get close and find out who the REAL Vitiate is before he is overwhelmed? In which case I think he cant.

Edited by Darkondo
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Well firstly Plagueis won't be affected by the weight of dark side energies surround Vitiate as the Emperor was, however mind control is a good point. However Vitiate only exerted this power once his attackers were unconscious so I do not believe it would be nearly as effective on a conscious Plagueis. We also have to consider that this power requires some measure of concentration, so the 'slowing' effect will be shared.


And personally, I do think lightsabers will come into it. Vitiate can throw up a static barrier but that will only hold for a certain amount of time, Plagueis will also be pushing for lightsaber confrontation once he realise the scope of Vitiate's force powers. I don't think Vitiate has enough tricks up his sleeve to prevent such a fight.


But lets say Plageuis does get caught in some kind of Tutaminis/force lightning lock - once Plagueis realises he cannot win a Force wave, or more likely, a Force bellow, will break the lock. And given Plagueis' skill in that field, he may be able to respond immediately in turn with powerful Force lightining, fuelled by Vitiate's attack. In fact given that Vitiate will likely be thrown to the floor by such an attack, the next attack could rip right past his defenses and kill him. If anything it would give him time to close the gap.


And concerning illusions - Force wave. If Vitiate starts making illusions i.e. copies of himself, Plageuis will dispel them with a massive Force wave/bellow. And chances are Vitiate's defenses will be down and won't have time to react, taking a significant portion of the blow.


P.S. Concerning precog, Plagueis still retains the ability of Force sense, its just the 'spidey-sense' department that no longer works. So he may be able to sense the real Vitiate if Vitiate were not clouding his presence.

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Well firstly Plagueis won't be affected by the weight of dark side energies surround Vitiate as the Emperor was, however mind control is a good point. However Vitiate only exerted this power once his attackers were unconscious so I do not believe it would be nearly as effective on a conscious Plagueis. We also have to consider that this power requires some measure of concentration, so the 'slowing' effect will be shared.


And personally, I do think lightsabers will come into it. Vitiate can throw up a static barrier but that will only hold for a certain amount of time, Plagueis will also be pushing for lightsaber confrontation once he realise the scope of Vitiate's force powers. I don't think Vitiate has enough tricks up his sleeve to prevent such a fight.


But lets say Plageuis does get caught in some kind of Tutaminis/force lightning lock - once Plagueis realises he cannot win a Force wave, or more likely, a Force bellow, will break the lock. And given Plagueis' skill in that field, he may be able to respond immediately in turn with powerful Force lightining, fuelled by Vitiate's attack. In fact given that Vitiate will likely be thrown to the floor by such an attack, the next attack could rip right past his defenses and kill him. If anything it would give him time to close the gap.


And concerning illusions - Force wave. If Vitiate starts making illusions i.e. copies of himself, Plageuis will dispel them with a massive Force wave/bellow. And chances are Vitiate's defenses will be down and won't have time to react, taking a significant portion of the blow.


P.S. Concerning precog, Plagueis still retains the ability of Force sense, its just the 'spidey-sense' department that no longer works. So he may be able to sense the real Vitiate if Vitiate were not clouding his presence.


Note, that he did use this ability on a conscious Revan and Malak and succeed as well as Scourge knowing that he would still be susceptible to mind control which he states is the reason why he did not go with the JK to face Vitiate. Ik Plageus is stronger than any of them but the point is that Vitiate can use it to those whom are conscious with the same effect, he just prefers to use it to unconscious minds (Revan even struggled to resist after he learned to defend vs. Vitiate's CI).


As for the force lightning lock thing, You make a good point on his force wave however there is one flaw to this. The time it takes for Plageus to change up from a lightning lock to a force wave could leave Plageus susceptible to huge bursts of lightning which may kill if not severely injure him, (or if not severe then injure him enough where he wont be able to immediately respond with his own counterattack)(ex. hands are out with lightning need to retract lightning before you can change up to a push.)


As for the wave yes that could get rid of the illusions quickly, however Vitiate can always make more with little to no effort at that, and since he can hide his presense i think Plageus would have a tough time seeing him coming

Edited by Darkondo
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Note, that he did use this ability on a conscious Revan and Malak and succeed as well as Scourge knowing that he would still be susceptible to mind control which he states is the reason why he did not go with the JK to face Vitiate. Ik Plageus is stronger than any of them but the point is that Vitiate can use it to those whom are conscious with the same effect, he just prefers to use it to unconscious minds (Revan even struggled to resist after he learned to defend vs. Vitiate's CI).


As for the force lightning lock thing, You make a good point on his force wave however there is one flaw to this. The time it takes for Plageus to change up from a lightning lock to a force wave could leave Plageus susceptible to huge bursts of lightning which may kill if not severely injure him, (or if not severe then injure him enough where he wont be able to immediately respond with his own counterattack)(ex. hands are out with lightning need to retract lightning before you can change up to a push.)


As for the wave yes that could get rid of the illusions quickly, however Vitiate can always make more with little to no effort at that, and since he can hide his presense i think Plageus would have a tough time seeing him coming

Good point about mind control... but it didn't slow down Revan considerably and I'd assume Plagueis would have greater resistance to such a power as 1. It seems partially to rely on the darkside to erode will and 2. Plagueis is, as you say, more powerful than Revan. For these reasons I don't think it will be enough to turn the tide.


Also concerning the lightning lock, I specifically mentioned Force bellow as this would not require use of hands, merely amplification of voice. And he was highly proficient in such an attack.


And concerning illusions, Plagueis can just as easily rinse and repeat, with each wave Vitiate is knocked down and becomes vulnerable. And each time he falls Plagueis has the opportunity to get in close.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Good point about mind control... but it didn't slow down Revan considerably and I'd assume Plagueis would have greater resistance to such a power as 1. It seems partially to rely on the darkside to erode will and 2. Plagueis is, as you say, more powerful than Revan. For these reasons I don't think it will be enough to turn the tide.


Also concerning the lightning lock, I specifically mentioned Force bellow as this would not require use of hands, merely amplification of voice. And he was highly proficient in such an attack.


And concerning illusions, Plagueis can just as easily rinse and repeat, repeatable with each wave Vitiate is knocked down and becomes vulnerable


Yes he was proficient in force bellow, however he would have to redirect his energy to using that and while it may not break a lightning lock, it certainly will weaken his stream to where that bellow needs to be strong enough to knock him back and break his stream, else Plagueis will be fried by lightning.


It requires some speculation in exactly how powerful his force bellow is as it just states that it would be as powerful as any sonic weapon which i could concieve it to possibly disoriente Vitiate but not sure if it would knock him back.

Edited by Darkondo
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Plagueis can also hide his presence.


Yes that is true, however unlike Plagueis, Vitiate doesnt need to see his opposition to implement at least some form of mind control (Revan resisting him for 300yrs with Meetra Surik's help proves this). And hel be able to find out where Plagueis is simply by tracing where he's struggling. (IK thats a bit of speculation however do you think hel be able to conceal himself for long if hes trying to resist Vitiate attempting to dominate his mind).


I dont think Plagueis will be able to trace Vitiate back to the source either again due to no spidey-sence precognition that force users tend to have.

Edited by Darkondo
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Yes that is true, however unlike Plagueis, Vitiate doesnt need to see his opposition to implement at least some form of mind control (Revan resisting him for 300yrs with Meetra Surik's help proves this). And hel be able to find out where Plagueis is simply by tracing where he's struggling. (IK thats a bit of speculation however do you think hel be able to conceal himself for long if hes trying to resist Vitiate attempting to dominate his mind).


I dont think Plagueis will be able to trace Vitiate back to the source either again due to no spidey-sence precognition that force users tend to have.


No, Plagueis has force sense, just no precog, or seeing the future. He could sense Vitiate, but could not see if an attack was coming, or ambush etc.


I also think Plagueis may be able to resist Vitiate's mind control for a little, or not have it effect him very much. Plagueis was also very, very strong in mind control. As a child with no training, he made other children fight, and even had one kill himself. After training, he must have some strong defenses to mind control.

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Yes he was proficient in force bellow, however he would have to redirect his energy to using that and while it may not break a lightning lock, it certainly will weaken his stream to where that bellow needs to be strong enough to knock him back and break his stream, else Plagueis will be fried by lightning.


It requires some speculation in exactly how powerful his force bellow is as it just states that it would be as powerful as any sonic weapon which i could concieve it to possibly disoriente Vitiate but not sure if it would knock him back.

Force bellow is more or less instantaneous, and while it would involve a surge of energy Plagueis possesses enough strength to pull it of instantly. In such a way the block would be broken immediately and Plagueis would not need to worry about being fried. And while it may not knock him back a sonic weapon would be enough to break the lock - stunning him would be a be a bonus. What's more, using tutanimis against Vitiate would mean he could effectively channel that lightning into a bellow or follow up with a Force wave.
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Just watched one of Jensaarai's excellent vs videos -

And In light of that I'd like to raise a couple of additional points:



  • Darth Plagueis was highly proficient, much like Vitiate, in Force illusions. So if possible that Plagueis could use them against Vitiate, perhaps even as a counter, or at least would make him better equipped in dispelling and sensing Vitiate's illusions.
  • Plagueis' respirator is a vulnerable point and if broken he will basically suffocate and die. So it may very well become a target for Vitiate, though whether he'd be able to exploit this weakness and break his defenses is debatable.


I think the battle will pan out like this: the opening will involve a impressive display of Force abilities, with lots of dodging, deflecting and countering - neither opponent will score an effective hit. At some point Vitiate will score a hit, and Plagueis will be forced to absorb the attack via Tutaminis and eventually disengage with a Force bellow.


At this point the battle changes, Plageuis realizes he cannot win through Force abilities alone and draws his lightsaber, attempting to close the gap, a gap Vitiate will likely attempt to keep wide through Force illusions among others. However their is nothing Vitiate can throw at Plageuis that he cannot counter, and with bolstered agility Plagueis will inevitably close the gap and cut Vitiate down in a fierce but brief lightsaber duel. The only way I see Vitiate succeeding is by targeting that respirator.

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Just watched one of Jensaarai's excellent vs videos -
And In light of that I'd like to raise a couple of additional points:



  • Darth Plagueis was highly proficient, much like Vitiate, in Force illusions. So if possible that Plagueis could use them against Vitiate, perhaps even as a counter, or at least would make him better equipped in dispelling and sensing Vitiate's illusions.
  • Plagueis' respirator is a vulnerable point and if broken he will basically suffocate and die. So it may very well become a target for Vitiate, though whether he'd be able to exploit this weakness and break his defenses is debatable.


I think the battle will pan out like this: the opening will involve a impressive display of Force abilities, with lots of dodging, deflecting and countering - neither opponent will score an effective hit. At some point Vitiate will score a hit, and Plagueis will be forced to absorb the attack via Tutaminis and eventually disengage with a Force bellow.


At this point the battle changes, Plageuis realizes he cannot win through Force abilities alone and draws his lightsaber, attempting to close the gap, a gap Vitiate will likely attempt to keep wide through Force illusions among others. However their is nothing Vitiate can throw at Plageuis that he cannot counter, and with bolstered agility Plagueis will inevitably close the gap and cut Vitiate down in a fierce but brief lightsaber duel. The only way I see Vitiate succeeding is by targeting that respirator.


Jensaari raises interesting points about Plagueis (of course I have already considered them). Plagueis' transpirator is a major weakness, which is why I gave Vitiate the edge in physicality, despite Plagueis being physical superiority.

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Something we need to make sure is considered is Vitiate's reliance on rituals. He was powerful without them, true, but the majority of his power comes through rituals. Rituals take time, and need concentration. Plagueis could easily break Vitiate's concentration or simply begin attacking the Emperor to disrupt any rituals. Plagueis could also use the time to help himself. Perhaps hide his presence in the force, then channel his force power to unleash into an attack on the midichorlians of Vitiate. I doubt this would work perfectly, but it should be considered.
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Something we need to make sure is considered is Vitiate's reliance on rituals. He was powerful without them, true, but the majority of his power comes through rituals. Rituals take time, and need concentration. Plagueis could easily break Vitiate's concentration or simply begin attacking the Emperor to disrupt any rituals. Plagueis could also use the time to help himself. Perhaps hide his presence in the force, then channel his force power to unleash into an attack on the midichorlians of Vitiate. I doubt this would work perfectly, but it should be considered.

Your comparisons are out of place.

The things Vitiate did using rituals... are done by rituals.If Plagueis consumes an entire planet or the galaxy he would need rituals too.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Something we need to make sure is considered is Vitiate's reliance on rituals. He was powerful without them, true, but the majority of his power comes through rituals. Rituals take time, and need concentration. Plagueis could easily break Vitiate's concentration or simply begin attacking the Emperor to disrupt any rituals. Plagueis could also use the time to help himself. Perhaps hide his presence in the force, then channel his force power to unleash into an attack on the midichorlians of Vitiate. I doubt this would work perfectly, but it should be considered.


That's actually a strategy that I had considered. Basically, Plagueis could kill Vitiate by hiding his presence in the Force, and then force Vitiate's midi-chlorians to return to their source. He could will Vitiate to die.


However, there is one question here. Can Plagueis hide himself in the Force while using his manipulations? We should also note that it is unlikely that Vitiate would decide to use a ritual in this battle.

Edited by Aurbere
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Your comparisons are out of place.

The things Vitiate did using rituals... are done by rituals.If Plagueis consumes an entire planet or the galaxy he would need rituals too.


I don't understand what your saying. Is Vitiate not powerful without the rituals? Is Plagueis nothing compared to him? Can you please clarify a little for me? Your answer (to me) seemed a bit vague. Maybe I'm just tired or out of it, I don't know...

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