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Pvp hacks and cheats


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I find it intriguing that it is always the same people claiming cheats/hacks/exploits do not exist in PvP in this game. It is also the same people complaining about people being bad at the game. Then subsequently complaining about the lack of competitive PvP.


PvP will never be competitive in SWTOR. It will never be like an FPS, RTS, or to an extent Guild Wars 2 where skill dictates the victor. SWTOR is balanced around PvE, with PvP as an afterthought (which this afterthought usually breaks PvE). Why do you think the actual competitive PvP players in SWTOR have already moved on to other games, leaving behind the likes of yourself and and your cohorts.


Want confirmation of any of my statements, read the PTS forums in regards to how bolster currently works in 2.0.





Please keep your replies within the scope oroginally dictated by the OP, thanks.

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krazy's right

there's a reason why tranquility died, all of the serious pvpers realized they're playing the wrong game


All the real hardcore PvPers play DayZ... You'll never seen anyone post "can I have your stuff" there, because you can just kill them and take it off their bloody corpse. Now THAT's PvP ;)

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Olol, GW2. Four maps and all of them with the same bloody objective. Hell, don't even need to capture any points, just run around killing anything that moves and rack up the points. Since there are no real healing classes and everyone is a DPS, one gets to kill any random person they like. :D


Also, kite + kite + kite = profit.


At least GW2 keeps PVP and PVE skill templates separate, offers tournaments with nice rewards, no waiting for WZ pops, pretty sure cross server PVP, open world PVP with objectives and even rewards, and auto balance in WZs. Take the hint BW...


Just waiting for Elder Scrolls Online...

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I have never accused anyone of cheating. I don't think it's rampant, nor do I think every loss I suffer is because of hacks or exploits. I'm pretty easy-going about PVP in general.


That said... last night was the first time I started to feel something sketchy was going on.


We had a Huttball match against a 4-man Republic premade that shall remain nameless. They scored 2 points very early on in the match, but overall the game was running smoothly. We finally get the ball and start pushing towards their endzone. Just as we got to the last fire the game started to massively lag. I'm not talking about a hiccup or two... 10-15 seconds or more of unplayable lag. Couldn't pass or line up for anything. As soon as they got the ball back it cleared up.


Match ran smoothly until we again got near their endzone. Same horrible lag. Everyone on my team noticed it and were commenting on it. It happened a 3rd time later in the match, again right as we got to their endzone with the ball.


They beat us with a final score of 2-2. It was a fun match, but I gotta think had it not been for those mysterious waves of lag that my entire team experienced, we would have scored at least 1 of those 3 attempts and won the game.


That wasn't the end though. We went on to play another 2 or 3 really smooth matches until we landed in a Civil War against that same 4-man. We run into mid and wouldn't you know... lag city. Just as bad as the lag we experienced in the huttball. We went on to win that game, but my willingness to believe that it was a coincidence is strained to say the least.

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I have never accused anyone of cheating. I don't think it's rampant, nor do I think every loss I suffer is because of hacks or exploits. I'm pretty easy-going about PVP in general.


That said... last night was the first time I started to feel something sketchy was going on.


We had a Huttball match against a 4-man Republic premade that shall remain nameless. They scored 2 points very early on in the match, but overall the game was running smoothly. We finally get the ball and start pushing towards their endzone. Just as we got to the last fire the game started to massively lag. I'm not talking about a hiccup or two... 10-15 seconds or more of unplayable lag. Couldn't pass or line up for anything. As soon as they got the ball back it cleared up.


Match ran smoothly until we again got near their endzone. Same horrible lag. Everyone on my team noticed it and were commenting on it. It happened a 3rd time later in the match, again right as we got to their endzone with the ball.


They beat us with a final score of 2-2. It was a fun match, but I gotta think had it not been for those mysterious waves of lag that my entire team experienced, we would have scored at least 1 of those 3 attempts and won the game.


That wasn't the end though. We went on to play another 2 or 3 really smooth matches until we landed in a Civil War against that same 4-man. We run into mid and wouldn't you know... lag city. Just as bad as the lag we experienced in the huttball. We went on to win that game, but my willingness to believe that it was a coincidence is strained to say the least.


they were hitting print screen!! lol!!!

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So I just spent 10 minutes doing research and no... just no. A hex editor does absolutely nothing to a game (hint:mmo) that isn't stored directly on your drive. You need the source code for that which is only partially in the install file. So how do you get the source code? Apparently by trial and error of memory addresses of which there are billions. It also changes every time the game loads. So realistically anyone who wants to hack is looking at months to learn anything much less something meaningful and they would probably get banned in the process of mucking around.


Edited by wbtusmc
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Olol, GW2. Four maps and all of them with the same bloody objective. Hell, don't even need to capture any points, just run around killing anything that moves and rack up the points. Since there are no real healing classes and everyone is a DPS, one gets to kill any random person they like. :D


Also, kite + kite + kite = profit.


At least GW2 keeps PVP and PVE skill templates separate, offers tournaments with nice rewards, no waiting for WZ pops, pretty sure cross server PVP, open world PVP with objectives and even rewards, and auto balance in WZs. Take the hint BW...


Just waiting for Elder Scrolls Online...


I saw the gameplay trailer for ESO and it reminds me a lot of GW2, I'm going to try it but the zerg/derp fest that is GW2 bored me quick, and if the only pvp is RvRvR i won't last long.


I do like the no server thing they have though, very good step forward imo. They have still yet to announce a billing model either to my knowledge so we'll see. Like all not yet released MMOs I predict a ton of hype followed by a lot of disappointment, but they'll still probably get my money initially.


Back to thread topic, do cheats exist, probably. Are they widespread, doubtful. Most cheat accusations are bug/bad game engine related or player lack of mechanic knowledge related.

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I have never accused anyone of cheating. I don't think it's rampant, nor do I think every loss I suffer is because of hacks or exploits. I'm pretty easy-going about PVP in general.


That said... last night was the first time I started to feel something sketchy was going on.


We had a Huttball match against a 4-man Republic premade that shall remain nameless. They scored 2 points very early on in the match, but overall the game was running smoothly. We finally get the ball and start pushing towards their endzone. Just as we got to the last fire the game started to massively lag. I'm not talking about a hiccup or two... 10-15 seconds or more of unplayable lag. Couldn't pass or line up for anything. As soon as they got the ball back it cleared up.


Match ran smoothly until we again got near their endzone. Same horrible lag. Everyone on my team noticed it and were commenting on it. It happened a 3rd time later in the match, again right as we got to their endzone with the ball.


They beat us with a final score of 2-2. It was a fun match, but I gotta think had it not been for those mysterious waves of lag that my entire team experienced, we would have scored at least 1 of those 3 attempts and won the game.


That wasn't the end though. We went on to play another 2 or 3 really smooth matches until we landed in a Civil War against that same 4-man. We run into mid and wouldn't you know... lag city. Just as bad as the lag we experienced in the huttball. We went on to win that game, but my willingness to believe that it was a coincidence is strained to say the least.


Lag was simply bad last night for me. I was doing pre 50's and every game... especially the huttball was bad. At one point, I lost all ambient sound, announcers commentary, etc. Logging helped, at least for a little bit.


TBH, the lag has been real bad since the double xp weekends started. At one point I was disconnecting every hour on the nose. I've come to the conclusion that its an ISP problem, as my computer drops my ip address once an hour on the hour. I've checked everything on my end, its not my machine. Its also not the game, because my logs show it does it even when I'm not logged in.


I'm blaming North Korea officially.

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I saw the gameplay trailer for ESO and it reminds me a lot of GW2, I'm going to try it but the zerg/derp fest that is GW2 bored me quick, and if the only pvp is RvRvR i won't last long.


I do like the no server thing they have though, very good step forward imo. They have still yet to announce a billing model either to my knowledge so we'll see. Like all not yet released MMOs I predict a ton of hype followed by a lot of disappointment, but they'll still probably get my money initially.


Back to thread topic, do cheats exist, probably. Are they widespread, doubtful. Most cheat accusations are bug/bad game engine related or player lack of mechanic knowledge related.

I'd have to agree, lack of servers is a step forward. More specifically, lack of PVP and PVE servers with the inclusion of a massive open world PVP zone or even smaller zones is a good step forward. ESO is going to have a massive open world PVP zone with resources, dungeons to explore, and daily quests in each town. However, the guards in each town will be dependant on which faction controls the nearby fort. Also, there will be month long PVP campaigns with 7 areas for people to help out in that do come with rewards. Also, the faction that's winning the most gets benefits. As for WZs, well, I do hope they include them and hope they have plenty that are unique with different objectives.


I do remain sceptical though.


The main topic got boring though. : (

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  • 4 months later...
Im not a big pvper. I only do it occasionally if I feel like doing the daily. A few minutes ago I was in the pylon warzone and watched a lvl 14 powertech on my team stay invisible the whole match while capping, getting orbs, and fighting. How is this possible? Will it do any good to report this person?
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Im not a big pvper. I only do it occasionally if I feel like doing the daily. A few minutes ago I was in the pylon warzone and watched a lvl 14 powertech on my team stay invisible the whole match while capping, getting orbs, and fighting. How is this possible? Will it do any good to report this person?


why, why revive this

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just saw a dude in Huttball, on a Sith Assassin jump from the pit right below the goal line up to the goal line. He wasn't rescued and they sure as hell don't have a leap to location.


The reason Spurs is laughing AT you so hard because they sure as hell DO have a leap to location. it's called phase walk. oh and by the way shadows have it too, but don't tell the assassins they need to feel special about something.

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