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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tired of carrying scrubs.


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I should clarify, this post was never me whining about losing all the time, or that we have to have 8mans to troll, the point was im tired of bad players contributing nothing and ruining the fun im trying to have while being semi competitive, then getting recognition for a win they wouldn't have gotten had me or my guildies not been there in the first place. I'm a team player 100%, but it has to be a TEAM effort. I do understand some people are new and don't understand how PvP works, but when you tell them how to do it every match and they refuse to try to do things properly or learn or better themselves, i think they should be excluded if i have 7 other friends that do play properly.
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Because there is absolutely no possible way to end up with 2 premades from your own guild in a PVP match, right? ;)

You lose alot of actual time trying to get 2 teams of 4 to queue at the same time through a voice chat and be on the same team than actually playing. WoW has premades for lowbie PvP, and I only bring up that piece of filth to point out that premades do not ruin pvp at all, its as easy as saying "LFG for PvP" in any chat on any planet at any time.

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I think they need to implement individual rankings so elite Players like the OP can play with other elite players.

Crap Players (there is a lot) can play together and may be learn something!

and the rest of us average players, can continue to enjoy the game with out the crap and the the great I am's

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i feel that star wars the old republic needs to have the ability for full 8 man grouping in pre 50 pvp (and pre 55 after patch) . I am tired of losing hard fought games because one or two people refuse to play the objectives properly. I dont personally feel that carrying bad players through warzones is a good thing. I have personally tried on countless occasions to enlighten said scrubs on the tips for each different warzone, but no one listens. People that enjoy pvp shouldn't have to drag along people who don't deserve a win because we are limited to 4-man premades. If you can't play the objectives in a warzone why play at all?


get a life

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I feel that Star Wars The Old Republic needs to have the ability for full 8 man grouping in pre 50 PvP (and pre 55 after patch) . I am tired of losing hard fought games because one or two people refuse to play the objectives properly. I dont personally feel that carrying bad players through warzones is a good thing. I have personally tried on countless occasions to enlighten said scrubs on the tips for each different warzone, but no one listens. People that enjoy PvP shouldn't have to drag along people who don't deserve a win because we are limited to 4-man premades. If you can't play the objectives in a warzone why play at all?


What? That's ridiculous. Hell, 4-person groups in lowbies are completely ridiculous (assuming that the 4 people are good at PVP), because grouping is less common and they're unlikely to see a similar concentration of skill on the other team. If you're losing, get better at PVP. If you're winning, why does it matter that some contributed more to the victory than others?


Compensating for weaker teammates is as much a PVP skill as knowing your DPS rotation. You should always be aware of what's happening at each node, and the relative skill and suitability of the guards. You don't need ops chat to do that. If half your DPS hits like feathers, you need to be able to identify that as an issue and concentrate your hard-hitters at one node and your feathers as filler at the other as a distraction. A 4-man premade is enough to do that.


Anyway, pre-50s are important for people to learn how to PVP. No one is born knowing to avoid charges at top-mid in Huttball, or not to fill the resolve of the carrier and make him unpullable. (Well, I wasn't at least. Hell, I didn't learn how to not be terrible until I started grouping with people who actually were good at PVP who were able to socialize me into it.)

Edited by stringcat
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Why don't you just run Rated Warzones instead then? Problem solved.


This, 10000 times this

the rest is just random nonsense from people that forget they started as scrubs just like everyone else and get butthurt when everyone doesnt do everything their way

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The funny thing about "pre-made" 4's is the ego they usually come into Warzones with.

I had one pre-made 4's join and say "Time to do some carryin'!"


And then we lost.


So this is what I gather about most pre-made 4 groups:


When pre-mades win; it's because they carried the team.


When pre-mades lose; is because everyone else but the pre-made players didn't know how to play.


Nope. Can't be the other team was just better than you.


It's like those guys that join a warzone and start talking about how their team sucks as if they aren't on the same team.


At the same time, I understand there are players who do cost everyone the game such as:


People defending points on a class that dies in 2s.

People not calling for back-up.

People leaving points undefended.

People not reporting to back-up.

People continously attacking a point that is flooded with enemies.

People that can't look at their objective or see a person capping right in front of them.

People that seem to not understand stealth characters exist in the game.


This list can go on but my point is that when I go into a PvP match I personally don't expect my team to do their in game job properly so I stay on my game to make up for it.


If you can't do that in 50% pre-made game you are probably one of those 50% "Farm medal" pre-mades.

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The funny thing about "pre-made" 4's is the ego they usually come into Warzones with.

I had one pre-made 4's join and say "Time to do some carryin'!"


And then we lost.


So this is what I gather about most pre-made 4 groups:


When pre-mades win; it's because they carried the team.


When pre-mades lose; is because everyone else but the pre-made players didn't know how to play.


Nope. Can't be the other team was just better than you.


It's like those guys that join a warzone and start talking about how their team sucks as if they aren't on the same team.


At the same time, I understand there are players who do cost everyone the game such as:


People defending points on a class that dies in 2s.

People not calling for back-up.

People leaving points undefended.

People not reporting to back-up.

People continously attacking a point that is flooded with enemies.

People that can't look at their objective or see a person capping right in front of them.

People that seem to not understand stealth characters exist in the game.


This list can go on but my point is that when I go into a PvP match I personally don't expect my team to do their in game job properly so I stay on my game to make up for it.


If you can't do that in 50% pre-made game you are probably one of those 50% "Farm medal" pre-mades.


I applaud you for this. Very well thought out and absolute 100% truth. If you do not care, I am going to copy and paste this to my other thread, it absolutely applies.

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