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Heroic space missions are too hard


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Can't even beat Hypori Escort with rank 7 ship upgrades. Just can't do them theyre way too hard for me. These missions need to be taken down a couple notches in the difficulty settiing. An old fart like me gets left behind and left out.
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  • 3 months later...
I recently re-subbed with the 2x exp weekends. I bought all the grade 7 upgrades for a very hefty price. I can't finish a single heroic mission. So, Bioware gimped the rewards and still kept the missions near impossible to complete. I am really disappointed in this. I was looking forward to new space missions and now they are a waste. So difficult, they are NOT fun at all! :mad:
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The fact that they require some work and provide an adequate challenge is why they should never be changed. For starters they are on rails, the whole encounter is predictable and thus with practice and repetition you can beat them with very little drama. If they were dynamic I may understand your point of view but would still reject it.


Games used to provide a sense of achievement through overcoming difficult encounters or mechanics, games today including this one do nothing for core gamers because they are catering to the largest audience possible, which includes a majority of casual gamers who whinge when something is simply not handed to them or god forbid they have to spend more than two minutes on a particular encounter in order to beat it.


There is a market and I believe a significant market for games which do not treat their customers like children with hand holding and the dumbing down of game mechanics to pander to our ever growing casual gamer gaming base. Do not change a thing bioware, you may lose money by producing content which is too difficult for your average "i play for 2 hours a week and still expect to be able to beat top level content" type of player but you will gain more credibility in the long run. Bring on the challenge I say, leave story mode for the masses, give the rest of us something to strive for.

Edited by IdrianDave
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I kind of agree with OP in that I totally suck at space missions, but I haven't put the work in to them. The other posters are right - if some people can do them, they are achievable and we just have to try harder or YouTube it.
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I was able to complete Lorta. I have failed at Far Cradle 5 times so far, but have improved each time. I don't want to be given an answer in a you-tube video, I want to figure it out myself.


But, it seems the actual rewards are not worth the effort for these. Originally, the elite rewards justified the difficulty, but, Bioware has gimped them now. So, why not decrease the difficulty so players can actually have fun?

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I was able to complete Lorta. I have failed at Far Cradle 5 times so far, but have improved each time. I don't want to be given an answer in a you-tube video, I want to figure it out myself.


But, it seems the actual rewards are not worth the effort for these. Originally, the elite rewards justified the difficulty, but, Bioware has gimped them now. So, why not decrease the difficulty so players can actually have fun?


Totally agree, the rewards are not worth the time and energy required to complete any of the space missions

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Totally agree, the rewards are not worth the time and energy required to complete any of the space missions

Well, can't argue with that. Unless they add grade 10 exotic crafting mats to the vendor.


The Heroic missions really aren't that hard, except for Cha Raaba Assault/Thanium Disruption. There's one very important tip that the game won't tell you: not only can you steer with the mouse, but you can steer with the ASWD keys too. At the same time. Try it. You can fly in circles with the ASWD keys to dodge incoming fire while still tracking your targets with your mouse. I also find that it works better to hold the right mouse button and drag across an area to fire missiles rather than just clicking on a target.


Anyway, give it a shot. I guarantee the missions will become easier.

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I think they should be nerfed at least a little bit.. I don't mind hard, but to hard is simply a waste of time.. Nobody wants to spend an hour trying to do a 6 minute mission.. It wouldn't be so bad if they put save spots throughout the missing so you can start at middle points in the mission.. It sucks to play 4 minutes to get to the part you are having issue with just to die and have to do it again..


Please make the missions a little easier.. Or just make our hulls and shields work better.. They seem squishy.. :)

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Do your research, people. It's not like we don't have video guides readily available for free on youtube.

Personally it took me between two and five attempts after watching said tutorials to nail down each mission, and I haven't failed a single one since.

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I've tried a few and came up short - but I'm not complaining: Any fool can see there's a pattern to learn. I'm sure with time and effort I could work it out.


However, I'm not going to bother as there appears to be little reward for this effort. Why did they get the nerf?


Also: Thanks for the guides, Sun Fall chap. I'll check them out.

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But, it seems the actual rewards are not worth the effort for these. Originally, the elite rewards justified the difficulty, but, Bioware has gimped them now. So, why not decrease the difficulty so players can actually have fun?


Decreasing difficulty would only futher destroy them, because difficulty is only thing they have to offer. Paired with fact that you have to camp on ship and pick up quest each day or be able to do only one mission without losing money on it, there is almost not reason at all to run them once you've learned how to beat them each time. Exp below 55, but it's not that good exp for quest you can do once per week. Money and comms rewards are below average. Only good thing are fleet comms, and outside grade7 space gear that most peopel need to complete those anyway, there is nothing valuable to buy with fleet comms.

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When you figure out the patterns it's dead easy.


Remember to use the arrow keys + space to dodge incoming fire WHILE aiming and shooting at a fixed point. That was surplus to requirement in lower missions but in the new ones you can't get away with just driving with the mouse.

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so you believe getting 70k xp in 5 minutes for doing a heroic mission is a waste of time? (double xp weekend!) 70 x 7 = 700k xp in about 40 minutes. maybe you don't think it's worth the trouble but I like getting my guys from 50-55 without leaving my ship. even without the double xp, it's still really good xp for the time spent on them.


I'm guessing most of you are staying in the middle of the screen getting blasted to atoms. because that's exactly how I started out. watch some youtube videos. you really have to use the keyboard and move around. I used to have the same problems, now I can do Cha Rabba with full health at the end. just takes practice.

Edited by Holinyx
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problem with heroic space missions is that normal space missions are all the same and have no jump in diffuclty curve.


then there are heroics one which are utter painful as if u miss one target game over :X

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When I started the heroic space missions, I had huge problems finishing them, even with grade 7 gear. But I continued and continued (without watching videos or reading tutorials) and nowadays, I fly through all missions and get all bonus obstacles done as well. My only problem is that the protone missiles (?) sometimes don't shoot and then I have to repeat the mission because of that, because you get so few chances for that.


These heroics are like computer games 25 years ago: You need to learn the pattern by trying and trying. Anyone remember R-Type? Extremely difficult - until you knew exactly when to be where on the screen and when to fire what where. ;)


But as also mentioned, the incentive to playing these missions is very low, especially after you hit level 55. However, I leveled one rep and one imp char solely via space missions from 50 to 55 and the rep char funded the imp char's ship armory and weaponry. I spent 0 CC for the grade 7s.


Nevertheless, now that my reputation is maxed out and my chars are 55 and geared and the prices for the mats are very low on my server, I see no point in running these missions anymore. A pity. They should at least add a random chance of some interesting drop like a pet or a crew mission.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I can beat the easiest two heroic missions no problem and could certainly beat a third; I just find them NOT FUN at all. Like beating myself over the head with a hammer. All work and no enjoyment.


I have multiple characters and run the normal space missions and still enjoy them. I get no such fun from the heroic missions.


Operations have multiple difficulty levels. Why not have normal mode versions of the heroic space missions with lesser rewards, so, everyone could actually enjoy them? :eek:

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Personally I'm kinda inclined to agree on some. I can beat the first four (Hypori, Regnant, New Cov, Ardis) practically 100% of the attempts now. But I tried Thanium Disruption and... I'm blasted to shreds. I tried several times and I got quite literally massacred. Even trying to use the upgrades, I get shot to pieces like a smuggler without shields in the middle of a Hutt blockade. Even makes me wonder if it's actually possible to do Thanium and Baros. They certainly seem impossible to me however I do. It took me every shred of dodging and using of upgrades to survive through Baros Ambush... And I didn't manage to fulfill a single objective then. Needless to say, after the initial attempts, I've just resigned to view them as impossible and not do them... lol :D
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When so many people suggest watching a training video in order to complete a mini-game within a game, I feel that people have lost a bit of connection with reality. If I am going to study for something, it will be for something that advances my education or skillset.
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