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NERF Scoundrels!!


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I'm joking of course however I do think the class needs to be redesigned.


Besides the nerf to cd and burst how do any ops/scounds still playing DPS deal with...


WZ covered in random AoE

Bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles

Random players popping you out of stealth spamming knockbacks

WZ covered in stealth scans

DoTs that have no cd so they get applied during basic attacks

Horrible defenseive cd even though our dps burst is highly situational

Poor rescource control

lag preventing shoot first from activating ( based on the distance i am to the target not being the real distance)


Those are just a few points and even though I like playing the more difficult classes to master, in this case its more of a broken class. It seems unfinished or like something is missing, even on the 2.0 servers. Stealth classes are pretty much dead. Shadows do ok but don't depend on stealth nearly as much. I can still play merc and commandos pretty effectively but I just don't really see a place for the middle dps tree for scound/ops in PvE or PvP. Even as a support class the only thing you can do as a scrapper is 1v1 and even then you often have to choose classes wisely. I mean fix it or replace it with something else. I don't want it easy to play but I'd like to see it effective if you are putting in the work to learn it.

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Doesn't need a redesign, does have high skill cap. Would be perfect in 2.0 actually if crit hadn't been nerfed accross the board. You do have an answer for every small scale battle. Edited by Asunasan
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it's effective. Just really need to learn the class. It's learning curve is way higher than the others.


For effective team play think like dexter when choosing your targets. Class matters not.


Agreed, scoundrel/op is very difficult to master. Its a really fun class though once you get the hang of it.

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You should ask people on Po5 how they like myself and Busy milling around on our concealment operatives together. The one time I've had the opportunity to group with Hallow we managed to hold a node by ourselves while droves of enemies came in and immediately re-visited their spawn point. It's always nice to bring a friend if you want some real fun :D
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You should ask people on Po5 how they like myself and Busy milling around on our concealment operatives together. The one time I've had the opportunity to group with Hallow we managed to hold a node by ourselves while droves of enemies came in and immediately re-visited their spawn point. It's always nice to bring a friend if you want some real fun :D


everything must die, Always.

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You should ask people on Po5 how they like myself and Busy milling around on our concealment operatives together. The one time I've had the opportunity to group with Hallow we managed to hold a node by ourselves while droves of enemies came in and immediately re-visited their spawn point. It's always nice to bring a friend if you want some real fun :D


Those names...I recall a particularly painful CW grass node. Sleep dart and slicey-stab sounds are playing on a loop in my head.


This is true, most fun I've had so far with my leveling scrapper (and was with Op too) is pairing up and coordinating. Best results with voip but even without direct comms in PUGs can be good times.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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it's effective. Just really need to learn the class. It's learning curve is way higher than the others.


For effective team play think like dexter when choosing your targets. Class matters not.


What 50 centemeter short nerd kid with hot blond long legged sister,has to do with playing operative..:confused:


'ooo what dis batton dooo???!!!'



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Really Hallow made the best guide on how to properly play an operative, and the one thing that stuck out to me the most was to play matches while in stealth as least bit as possible. Sounds painful and at first it is but if you can get the hang of killing people while out of stealth WITHOUT using our opener it makes things absolutely 100 times easier when you do play the class the way it's intended to.
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Funny you mentioned attacking out of stealth. That was sort of the point of this post. It's not that I'm bad at the class but I find myself paying it far differently from the way it seems to be designed. Even the simple addition of sab charge in the rotation doesn't even seem intended when they designed the class. I've read the guide a while back which was helpful. Like the poster right before this stated I rarely use my opener because of the hectic nature of WZ it's easy to just not worry about unless the situation presents itself. I used to find myself forcing the issue. Most matches you spend cleansing the 50 DoTs that get applied every few seconds. My main issue over all is getting stuck in combat when your target is dead and you don't have DoTs up on anyone. I also which regular steath had no cd.
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The funny thing is, everyone crying about Snipers being OP have completely missed the fact that Operatives are the hidden godclass of 2.0 for PvP.



~Parses only a little lower than Snipers Lethality, less range that is true.

~No cooldown on roll tied with huge energy regains makes it perfect for kiting ANY class 100% of the time.

~Kolto infusion tied to roll which has a 30% chance to proc a free 4k~ heal + amazing HoT

~Escape Plan; Reduces shield probe cooldown by 60 seconds > up from 15 seconds. -haven't checked this one on PTS but it's on calculator.-

~New talent increasing amount absorbed by probe by +30%

~+50% speed buff for 4 seconds every 6 seconds.


Happy days, see you soon "FoTM" Snipers! :cool:

Edited by WaldoA
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1v1 isn't a problem in fact I often 2v1 people when I'm in control. This is a team game though. I guess it feels weird when on my sent, commando, guard, shadow or whatever I can feel productive. With my scrapper it honestly depends on who my teammates are and what WZ we are in. For example I put out over 300k dps in my sent in full recruit gear and barely break 200k with my scrapper working my *** off. Most comments are correct I have the most fun when it's me and a buddy both in scrappers or a shadow scrapper combo.
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Funny you mentioned attacking out of stealth. That was sort of the point of this post. It's not that I'm bad at the class but I find myself paying it far differently from the way it seems to be designed. Even the simple addition of sab charge in the rotation doesn't even seem intended when they designed the class. I've read the guide a while back which was helpful. Like the poster right before this stated I rarely use my opener because of the hectic nature of WZ it's easy to just not worry about unless the situation presents itself. I used to find myself forcing the issue. Most matches you spend cleansing the 50 DoTs that get applied every few seconds. My main issue over all is getting stuck in combat when your target is dead and you don't have DoTs up on anyone. I also which regular steath had no cd.


dot's? how many dots are you talking? I don't use Corrosive dart, simply because at the moment it's too low of dmg for the amount of energy it cost. That's why I don't want them to change infiltration. Simply because if I am transitioning and I lose combat but don't have stealth cd up yet I just pop infiltration for a quick stealth.

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The funny thing is, everyone crying about Snipers being OP have completely missed the fact that Operatives are the hidden godclass of 2.0 for PvP.



~Parses only a little lower than Snipers Lethality, less range that is true.



~No cooldown on roll tied with huge energy regains makes it perfect for kiting ANY class 100% of the time.


Kiting with scamper is vastly overrated, mostly from the time when players could get absurd bonuses to stats with broken bolster. The energy regen isn't all that great, and classes have gap closers of their own. Put a slow on a scoundrel, and the roll becomes much less effective.

~Kolto infusion tied to roll which has a 30% chance to proc a free 4k~ heal + amazing HoT


It's okay. There's cooldowns though. I think an escaping Sage can spam some heals out faster than a Scoundrel with Kolto Pack.


~Escape Plan; Reduces shield probe cooldown by 60 seconds > up from 15 seconds. -haven't checked this one on PTS but it's on calculator.-

~New talent increasing amount absorbed by probe by +30%


Shield Probe is still not powerful enough to absorb more than a hit or two. I'd rather have a flat damage reduction.


~+50% speed buff for 4 seconds every 6 seconds.


Only in melee range, which more helps you stay on a target rather than keep away.

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