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APAC server communities explode with rage


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Why has there been no feedback from bioware/ea in that thread?


You say the reason you chose that particular decision is to give us the optimal playing experience.


The entire community is telling you you are wrong, and if that is the only reason you have chosen this particular route, then the solution is simple, reverse the decision and merge the 3 apac servers into 1.


Is there something you aren't telling us about the motivation for this terrible decision which has so angered the community?


Please explain to us why you really have made this decision, its clearly not in the best interests of your APAC customers.


Ignoring us will make us go away.. all of us.

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Why has there been no feedback from bioware/ea in that thread?


You say the reason you chose that particular decision is to give us the optimal playing experience.


The entire community is telling you you are wrong, and if that is the only reason you have chosen this particular route, then the solution is simple, reverse the decision and merge the 3 apac servers into 1.


Is there something you aren't telling us about the motivation for this terrible decision which has so angered the community?


Please explain to us why you really have made this decision, its clearly not in the best interests of your APAC customers.


Ignoring us will make us go away.. all of us.


Prob because they dont' plan to change their course of action.

Don't speak for everyone, myself and a number of my friends don't plan on unsubscribing anytime soon.


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Hey everyone,


To clarify a bit more about this decision. We did previously ask what folks on the forums would like to do as an APAC solution and some, but not all, offered up the solution of merging all APAC into one. The other option on the table was to merge APAC into the NA servers. When we discussed the options internally we looked to address everyone’s primary issues with APAC, low populations were creating a less than optimal game experience.


We went and looked at what current server populations looked like across all of APAC and to put it simply, even merging all of APAC together into one server would not solve the population problems. Even with that solution you would still see long queue times for things like Warzones and Group Finder. It was because of this that we decided that moving APAC into the NA servers was the best option.


One thing to note is that there is no catchall solution here. If we move APAC to NA some folks will see increased latency, but they will have healthy server populations and can remain on their chosen server types. If we merge everyone into one APAC server, latency will remain in place but the current population issues will exist and players will lose their preferred server type. Leaving things as they are leaves all of the current issues in place without a solution at all. This is one of the reasons getting the plan out to you folks took so long, we had to think long and hard about all of the implications of our decision.




This is the reason why...

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Prob because they dont' plan to change their course of action.

Don't speak for everyone, myself and a number of my friends don't plan on unsubscribing anytime soon.



Because you're not apart of the majority of the APAC community....

Edited by PseudoScience
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We went and looked at what current server populations looked like across all of APAC and to put it simply, even merging all of APAC together into one server would not solve the population problems.


This is the most important sentence from the Bioware post. Even putting all the APAC server into one would still leave them underpopulated and if the population drops off even further then they'd be right back where they are now with the same issues.

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This is the most important sentence from the Bioware post. Even putting all the APAC server into one would still leave them underpopulated and if the population drops off even further then they'd be right back where they are now with the same issues.


Except that it isn't TRUE. We have zero problem with the population on Dalborra, I read that the other 2 servers are low. Add 2 x "low" to 1 x "healthy", and I don't see how they conclude "underpopulated".

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This is the reason why...


Honestly that post is mostly BS the wait times on Dab. are fine or were, so I fail to see how adding the other two underpopulated servers on top of that would make things worse.


This was a way to save money, look at EA's financials this game is a massive failure revenue wise and this is an easy way to save money. The vast majority of people wanted a merge and they could have offered transfers to the RP and PVP players who would have rather played on US servers.

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