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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game, Don't Be A Jerk And Heal Mobs!


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Yep, just goes to show it takes all kinds. I'm sure you would and I'm just as sure that you're a jerk and an @#$ for doing it too. Most likely because that's how you roll in RL as well I'll wager.


Yes, in RL if i was walking down the street and I seen someone in distress... you are GD right I would stop to help them and not just walk on like nothing was happening. To me if I was on an RP Server this would be the same principle. So if helping someone makes you a Jerk, then we should really come down hard on the Boy Scouts.

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Yes, in RL if i was walking down the street and I seen someone in distress... you are GD right I would stop to help them and not just walk on like nothing was happening. To me if I was on an RP Server this would be the same principle. So if helping someone makes you a Jerk, then we should really come down hard on the Boy Scouts.


I'd be all fine with it so long as it flagged you for PvP.


You get flagged for healing another player who is flagged for PvP and just standing around. Why shouldn't you be flagged for healing an NPC who is currently fighting a member of the opposing faction?


So long as you aren't flagged, you're not re-enacting some realistic event. You want it to be realistic: Flag yourself for PvP before starting to heal the NPC. No flag? Then you're just being a jerk.

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Not in the Gree event, was actually doing a particular quest area on Alderaan.


Was this particular quest in a PvP area? If it was, then I see no issue here... even if wasn't, then it sounds like the opposing faction out smarted you..

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As a roleplayer, do you often stand around RPing with NPCs? You don't. So you can quit using roleplay as an excuse for douchebaggery.


"Why should my mighty sith lord, member the dark council, even talk with imperial grunts doing their duty?


If said grunts are attacked by republic scum before my eyes, however, my duty towards the empire forces me to intervene and preserve the empire's interest in whichever way I see fit. How dare that the republic heretic thinks it has not to respect my AUTHORITAH?"


Enough roleplay for ya?

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"Why should my mighty sith lord, member the dark council, even talk with imperial grunts doing their duty?


If said grunts are attacked by republic scum before my eyes, however, my duty towards the empire forces me to intervene and preserve the empire's interest in whichever way I see fit. How dare that the republic heretic thinks it has not to respect my AUTHORITAH?"


Enough roleplay for ya?


Lol nice done XD

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As a roleplayer, do you often stand around RPing with NPCs? You don't. So you can quit using roleplay as an excuse for douchebaggery.


No excuses there. If I see enemy players attacking our base/cave/NPCs, I feel fully commited to defend it the way I can. It's RP.

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No excuses there. If I see enemy players attacking our base/cave/NPCs, I feel fully commited to defend it the way I can. It's RP.

What's your "Role Play" excuse for being completely invulnerable to damage or even being attacked at all as you stand there safely healing the NPC?


Or do you do the honorable thing and flag yourself first?

Edited by Khevar
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What's your "Role Play" excuse for being completely invulnerable to damage or even being attacked at all as you stand there safely healing the NPC?


Or do you do the honorable thing and flag yourself first?

Honorable? Lolwhat?


I'm sorry, did you kindly walk up to them and say, "I challenge you to a duel. Pistols at dawn?"


Most people simply come up and shank you from max range... nothing honorable about that.

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You CAN change istance and you CAN complete the quest, just 7 seconds cast... otherwise YOU ARE A NOOB!


Today I've been on Alderaan, Balmorra, Tatooine and Ilum. Whenever I looked at the map, there was only ever 1 instance available. 1. One. That's less than 2. That means it would've been impossible to change instance. Because there was no alternative. Am I a noob because only a single instance was available on each planet?


So no, you CAN'T always change instance. If you're magically able to spawn your own instances on demand then I envy you. I suspect a lot of other players does as well.

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"Why should my mighty sith lord, member the dark council, even talk with imperial grunts doing their duty?


If said grunts are attacked by republic scum before my eyes, however, my duty towards the empire forces me to intervene and preserve the empire's interest in whichever way I see fit. How dare that the republic heretic thinks it has not to respect my AUTHORITAH?"


Enough roleplay for ya?

LOL, if that is what fun RP is to you then that is what it is. But, it doesn't negate the level of douchebaggery involved.

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LOL, if that is what fun RP is to you then that is what it is. But, it doesn't negate the level of douchebaggery involved.


So, the galaxy is basicially on the brink of an open war (again) between the Empire and the Republic. Countless soldiers on both sides are already dying.


But you should just ignore the other faction who is attacking allied npcs? Because making it difficult for the enemy to kill your allied npc is "douchebaggery"?


Great. Must be some type of PVE server mindset then. Luckily, this would play out rather differently on a PVP server.

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Today I've been on Alderaan, Balmorra, Tatooine and Ilum. Whenever I looked at the map, there was only ever 1 instance available. 1. One. That's less than 2. That means it would've been impossible to change instance. Because there was no alternative. Am I a noob because only a single instance was available on each planet?


So no, you CAN'T always change instance. If you're magically able to spawn your own instances on demand then I envy you. I suspect a lot of other players does as well.


On Tatooine and Alderan wich is you maximum repair cost? 1K? You will never be able to afford it! You're entire life is ruined.

On Ilum (as full 63) you may spend the tremendous amount of 7/8k, you will need a loan shark for sure.


PS: 12 pages of tread and you are still unable to take a laugh on it, this is sad, for you, for the ones of us that still remember that you should take a game less seriously your overeaction is really quite fun.

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On Tatooine and Alderan wich is you maximum repair cost? 1K? You will never be able to afford it! You're entire life is ruined.

On Ilum (as full 63) you may spend the tremendous amount of 7/8k, you will need a loan shark for sure.


PS: 12 pages of tread and you are still unable to take a laugh on it, this is sad, for you, for the ones of us that still remember that you should take a game less seriously your overeaction is really quite fun.


I never said anything about repair costs. Or being killed in this manner. I picked up on the incredibly wrong statement that "looool, you can just chaeng instance!!11!" as that isn't neccessarily correct at all. I haven't "overreacted" to anything at all. If you're referring to my "CAN'T" that was a mirroring of the "CAN" I quoted. Feel free to read again.

Edited by Pscyon
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So, the galaxy is basicially on the brink of an open war (again) between the Empire and the Republic. Countless soldiers on both sides are already dying.


But you should just ignore the other faction who is attacking allied npcs? Because making it difficult for the enemy to kill your allied npc is "douchebaggery"?


Great. Must be some type of PVE server mindset then. Luckily, this would play out rather differently on a PVP server.


Well seeing as this happened on a PvE server... Makes sense right?

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Honorable? Lolwhat?


I'm sorry, did you kindly walk up to them and say, "I challenge you to a duel. Pistols at dawn?"


Most people simply come up and shank you from max range... nothing honorable about that.

Heh. I was referring to the absurdity of zzoorrzz using "RP" as an excuse for the mob-healing.


Don't get me wrong, I don't really give two c**ps if anyone gets their jollies off of healing a mob I'm trying to kill. I'll either work harder to kill the mob anyway, or move on to something else.


But using "RP" to explain how they're sitting there, unflagged, completely invulnerable, preventing another player from killing a mob by healing it? That's just ridiculous. Hey, if someone wants to PvP, then PvP.


Mob-healing without being flagged is "PvP for chickensh*ts." Don't hide behind "I'm just RPing." Flag yourself and go to town!

Edited by Khevar
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I never said anything about repair costs. Or being killed in this manner. I picked up on the incredibly wrong statement that "looool, you can just chaeng instance!!11!" as that isn't neccessarily correct at all. I haven't "overreacted" to anything at all. If you're referring to my "CAN'T" that was a mirroring of the "CAN" I quoted. Feel free to read again.


You're gnawing level about this thread it's over 9000! Yeah i know it's a bit old, but it still make me laugh. What's make me laugh even more it's that (i'm not refering to you in particular) people talk about being immature when obviously their acting like a child. 12 pages of thread because some bad bad boy is healing your mob? Should i call his mommy and tell her he has to stop to be bad at you?

Come on! Really you can't get over it with a fu***** laugh?

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I'm on a pvp server. It's my duty to take out the enemy faction if I see them. I think healing mobs is quite an ingenious way of doing this haha! Quit crying about it.


I would not camp the dead body and repeatedly do it but if I see a member of the enemy faction I am duty bound to do all in my power to kill em.


Deal with it.

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Most other MMOs that I play promptly flag the player for PvP if they heal a mob that is in combat with another player. I do not see why this isn't the case in ToR.


A player is actively and directly assisting another entity (even an artificial one) in combat against another player. Let them heal the mobs, but not with impunity.

I'm on a pvp server. It's my duty to take out the enemy faction if I see them. I think healing mobs is quite an ingenious way of doing this haha! Quit crying about it.


I would not camp the dead body and repeatedly do it but if I see a member of the enemy faction I am duty bound to do all in my power to kill em.


Deal with it.

For PvP servers, I agree. Frankly, I can smack them down because they're flagged by default.


Problem is, if it's a PvE server, there is no way to directly punish the enemy for that. They remain untouchable because their flag does not rise when they heal mobs that are friendly to their faction and hostile to enemy faction.

Edited by Helig
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I wouldn't do this, it's griefing imo. I have, however, been on the receiving end a few times:


1. A sorceror healing the mobs on dailies on Ilum. I simply waited for my cooldowns to finish and aoe'd the f*ck out of the group, which he couldn't heal through. He followed me to the next group and then got a guild mate to join him (double healing). I managed to drag them close enough to a group of rep NPCs which promptly killed them. I laughed.


2. Three imps in a group healing mobs on Ilum dailies. At least they were flagged for PvP though and they crashed hard when word went out on general chat and a dozen more reps turned up to deal with them.


3. Gree event, someone healing the end droid you fight in the ship. Its damage output is so pitiful that I simply stopped attacking, healed myself and waited for him to get bored and leave.


4. Ilum (again) on the heroic 2. This was the worst. An imp assassin was running into aoe, flagging people for PvP, stealthing out and then grappling (?) people into near-by mob packs. He was doing that to everyone in the area and, with the elites, people were dying constantly. We killed him a few times too but, in the end, I just gave up on it for the day (there aren't always multiple instances!).

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Problem is, if it's a PvE server, there is no way to directly punish the enemy for that. They remain untouchable because their flag does not rise when they heal mobs that are friendly to their faction and hostile to enemy faction.


Ah, right... OK.

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Would healing mobs be against any of the games rules?




I refer you to Section 11 of the Terms of Service, and I quote:


"You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:"



"- Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users. "


and (another redaction)


"- “Role–playing” is not an excuse for violating this or any other policy. "


Pure and simple, and a by-letter violation of the ToS. Report and move on.

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The sad part of all of this, is that those who call this griefing, find everything to be griefing.


Player on the team rolled NEED for something their class can't use, they're griefing! Nevermind they probably roll NEED any any item that their class can use, even if they don't NEED it. :p


Nothing in the rules says "Don't heal your fractions NPCs" so it's not griefing. If you don't like it, move on, alt characters, change instances, call in some friends to out DPS those heals.

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I refer you to Section 11 of the Terms of Service, and I quote:


"You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:"



"- Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users. "


and (another redaction)


"- “Role–playing” is not an excuse for violating this or any other policy. "


Pure and simple, and a by-letter violation of the ToS. Report and move on.


By this wording, one can report every single person in the game for causing another player grief for ANYTHING.


You can't spell! You've just ruined my enjoyment!


You rolled NEED! You've just ruined my enjoyment!


You named your character MYLITTLESITHY! You've just ruined my enjoyment!


Your costume is an eyesore! You've ruined my enjoyment!


So easy to upset players for anything. :p

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