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In Game, Don't Be A Jerk And Heal Mobs!


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While I do understand the OP's point of the situation is irritating, I would not go as far as to call it griefing. By all means, it's a douch-baggery thing to do, but wether to call it griefing or not is definitely contestable.


In all honesty, I think the OP got a little too worked up about this.

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I can say something harsher but when someone hasn't done anything to you and they are in an area where they are supposed to be to complete a quest and you are on the opposing faction, don't heal the bloody mob. That's called griefing and next time I see someone do it, I'll report them for griefing.


Edit: I realize that it's probably a F2P player and they can't read and post on the forum but still it's a very immature thing to do.


By the way. Your title read like someone should heal mobs or there a jerk.

What you want to say is: Don't be a jerk by healing mobs.

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Griefer from Wikipedia:

A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.[1] A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.[2]


Healing an NPC mob so that another player is unable to achieve a quest goal falls well within the definition. I have had this happen several times and now have a method that so far has worked 100% of the time as a deterrent. When they do it the first time I tab out and fire up Fraps. I then tell said player I am starting fraps and will be submitting the proof to Bioware with my complaint. Oddly enough, the griefing immediately stops.

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Not in the Gree event, was actually doing a particular quest area on Alderaan.


Ok.... Alderan is different, I'll admit that's just wrong.... But gree event? Hilarious :D

I'm not kidding, it's better than the event itself. I had this one assassin I did It to, and do note I only ever do it while flagged (let them have a shot at least) he combat stealthed, ran up the stairs and started calling me names in /say.... He then said how I, nor anyone on the republic side or in my guild could 1v1 him, a deception assassin.... He proceeded to stealth, then mauled me. My vanguard buddy managed to stop laughing his *** off long enough to grapple him and utterly destroy him, and to this day ill never stop doing it, for the lawlz....

I can always stealth out anyway.... :rolleyes:

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Remember guys. Its the opposing faction (your enemy) You are supposed to do harm to your enemy. Making them annoyed in the process is even better.


However I agree that on PVE server, when not flagged its at least very questionable. Its a clear loophole he was exploiding. Still I dont see it big of a deal, if it was just once and didnt continue to harass you more. Maybe the other guy wasnt thinking about it at all. Just thought it was fun thing to do.


On a PvP server, open world PvP, or as a flagged player on PvE server, you wouldn't do this, as you would probably get your butt jumped, at least that's what I would do. And changing instances isn't always the answer, because there isn't a 2nd instance. And the only place I could think of doing this on the Gree event would be in the PvP area and well, you'd get jumped. You do this on PvP server, you're just a *******.

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Griefer from Wikipedia:

A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.[1] A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.[2]


Healing an NPC mob so that another player is unable to achieve a quest goal falls well within the definition. I have had this happen several times and now have a method that so far has worked 100% of the time as a deterrent. When they do it the first time I tab out and fire up Fraps. I then tell said player I am starting fraps and will be submitting the proof to Bioware with my complaint. Oddly enough, the griefing immediately stops.


IMO just as it is, it doesn't fall within the definition unless u can prove motives of that person, which u can't. I could imagine myself doing that (I don't have healing class though), but for totally different reason than u mentioned... maybe because it's a galactic war beetween our 2 factions?

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Not griefing in my opinion. I'll admit to doing it when I was leveling up in Alderaan over a year ago (probably know the mob you are thinking about), keeping the ally alive as long as I could. On a PvP server so was I was obviously flagged, along with the 2 or 3 people that were grouped up to kill the elite. Was running around, doing my best to not get caught and fled after a couple minutes as they came hunting for me.


I can understand the frustration on a PvE server however. I would call it a bug. Healing any target under attack by opposite faction player should auto-flag you for PvP, simple as that.


From an RP and PVP perspective, totally legit to help and heal your faction NPCs. But it needs to be treated correctly as a PvP action. However, the argument that it is griefing because it doesn't benefit the healer at all holds little water. Why have open-world PvP at all then? There is nothing gained by ganking. Why have vanity items, or adaptive armor? There are a lot of things that have no "value" other than being "fun."


Until it is changed/bugfixed, just stop attacking the mob and go do something else. Or just wait, you are wasting their time just as much as he is wasting yours. Being not-flagged for PvP, not under threat of dying.

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Doesn't matter. People can take over enemy bases and kill off the NPC's. There's no griefing there. There's no rewards for doing so, no missions completed, but people can do it.


Hehehe see that's where I have actually done it. While questing on Tattooine on my Operative I had a 30 something Trooper roll up and try to start invading the outpost I was at killing off the NPC's so I just stood back and would occasionally toss a few heals onto said NPC's. I don't feel bad about it, I don't see it as briefing either, at least in that scenario as there is no quests to roll through actual enemy outposts. Now if I had been away from the base for example hitting the antennas for the Czerka quest where one is surrounded by a few Imp NPC's that a Pub toon will have to fight then yes I'll give you that argument. I think it depends on the situation though.

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LOL didn't even know you could do this in this game. You want to talk griefing though...Let me tell you a tale from the good ole days in Lineage II. See there was a dragon in L2 that took 200+ people usually 3 to 4 hours to kill. Now in L2 you could heal anything and any one...including mobs or bosses, it was after all an open PvP game. The tale includes two super alliances on a particular server. One day word got out to one of the alliances that their enemy was planning to kill the dragon. So they managed to sneak a bishop into the raid going into the dragons lair. Now bishops had a 90% heal...would heal 90% of the total health of their target. So this bishop took his time and helped out for about an hour and the raid had the dragon down to around 55%. Suddenly everyone attacking sees the dragons health go from 55% to 90%. Then they realized it was our bishop friend and promptly killed him. So our heroic bishop logged out. Waited about 2 and half hours or so and logged back in. Dragon was now around 30% health. He managed to get someone to rez him (how short some peoples memories were). As soon as he was rezed he targeted the dragon and boom dragon was now back to 90% health. Of course they killed him again but by that time he had managed to cause the enemy alliance almost 4 hours of their time and so they called off the raid. Which worked out for our bishops alliance because they went in a few hours later and got the kill for the week :)


Now that could be considered griefing but in L2...it was par for the course Muhahahaha

Edited by Datku
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A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game that purposely irritates and harasses other players..



That would be anyone of an opposing faction in an MMO. So... a little broad in your use of the definition IMO.


Also, griefing generally in MMOs is when someone repeatedly interupts your gameplay and you have no alternatives to avoid it (like corpse camping).... which is not true in this game.. just switch instances... and move on.


You are making too big a deal about this IMO. If you think you were griefed.... /report in game and move on. There is not need to create a vent thread in forum IMO.

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Griefer from Wikipedia:

A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.[1] A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming communities, since griefers often cannot be deterred by penalties related to in-game goals.[2]


Healing an NPC mob so that another player is unable to achieve a quest goal falls well within the definition. I have had this happen several times and now have a method that so far has worked 100% of the time as a deterrent. When they do it the first time I tab out and fire up Fraps. I then tell said player I am starting fraps and will be submitting the proof to Bioware with my complaint. Oddly enough, the griefing immediately stops.

How do you know that they are "using aspects of the game in unintended ways." Maybe BW same-based mobs to be healable. If that's true, then it's not unintended, therefore, it's not griefing.

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I've seen this done. Never been tempted to do it, but it had me chuckling a bit.


In my opinion, doing so should flag you for PVP.


Well we never healed...but we did equip all the Orcs in Crushbone Mountain in EQ1 with Fine steal weapons once. But that was part of being an Ogre and and a Dark Elf.


Or there was the good ol'..Lowbies find me and i'll give you 10 platinum...catch : it was all in copper pieces and 10000 copper pieces weighed about 200lbs and you could barley move, and it would be in an area swarming with mobs.


Or the drunken noobie race in the treetop village..that was always good for a laugh.


Edit: On a serious note it can be a grey area..


On a PVP if someone did this..the players could resolve this issue themselves

On an RP server, is healing your own factions NPC's griefing..after all you are providing medical assistance in an RP format

On a PvE server, it can be classified as griefing, as you cant engage the other person if they're not flagged, and RP is not the norm. Even though RP does happen on PvE servers


See the dilema?

Edited by Jinsali
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You are making too big a deal about this IMO. If you think you were griefed.... /report in game and move on. There is not need to create a vent thread in forum IMO.


Exactly!! Reporting players like this is sooo funny because they get booted and suspended from play! Without the need to grip!! :D


It's funny to send a /whisper to say, "You still there!??!" and them not responding!! or seeing "That Player Doesn't Exist." :eek:

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Never done this myself, but have had it done to me in the past. In the one instance where it was being done to me the player failed and I still killed the mob {I also had a player put guard on a mob once, but that failed also}. In my personal opinion it is not griefing. While it can be annoying, if a player can heal his faction NPC or put guard on them etc maybe you should argue for this ability to be removed.


By all means I encourage you to waste your time and try and report the player. But as long as they are not in anyway saying anything to you or being crude in their language there is nothing you can do. I have not seen this behavior since I was on Corellian Run...where there was virtually never more than 1 instance per planet etc. As another suggested you can always change instances. If they then follow you...perhaps you will have more of a case...because then they are stalking you in my opinion.


All in all I do agree it is lame, but it is not "illegal".

Edited by Urantia
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Ahahahahahahaha! I've done this sooooo many times. Me and my guildies love ganking lowbies too, it's just hilarious fun :jawa_biggrin:


We do make a point though that we kill you once and that's it, unless you try and kill us upon respawn. At that point it's just self defense. ;) And if that doesn't make you feel any better, well all my chars are in my sig and you can feel free to hunt me down :jawa_angel:

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Ahahahahahahaha! I've done this sooooo many times. Me and my guildies love ganking lowbies too, it's just hilarious fun :jawa_biggrin:


We do make a point though that we kill you once and that's it, unless you try and kill us upon respawn. At that point it's just self defense. ;) And if that doesn't make you feel any better, well all my chars are in my sig and you can feel free to hunt me down :jawa_angel:


I don't like to gank...


But belive me go to the gree ship, when you are grouping for xeno with your mates, and heal all the mob around is very funny. You can see people that don't understand and keep trying to kill them!! You can see so many noobs!!

Even people that try to attack you... and 16 people that come to nuke... man one of the best time ever on this game!


So many noobs!!!

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Sorry but I don't see what's wrong with this. Suppose I'm playing a jedi and, while exploring a planet, I come across a sith player attacking some jedi NPCs. Why wouldn't I try to help my "fellow jedi" if I could? Maybe for some people it's done to annoy other players, but personally I'd see it as a form of RPing. In-character, I would hope that it would teach the PC of the opposing faction that my faction isn't to be messed with but has a strong network of allies.


As for the argument that this would prevent players from completing quests, as a RPing exercise I tried completing the imperial agent's chapter two without killing a single Republic enemy and if memory serves I was successful in all cases but one mission out of the whole chapter. So playing doesn't necessarily involve killing NPCs of the opposite faction.


I would understand that my perspective on this might seem a bit odd, but it's not malicious.

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I don't see this as griefing but it should definitely flag the player doing it as pvp.


They are intentionally engaging themselves in a battle involving an opposing faction player by helping an NPC that is under attack by one, therefore they have consented to pvp and should be flagged as such.

Edited by Avatarless
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