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No class story for Makeb = me unsub


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I haven't played through all of the class stories yet, but the ones I have leave little room for more story progression. I'm wondering what the people that want more class story are expecting when they ask for it.

Did Anakin's story end when he became a Darth? Did Han Solo disappear from the movies when his debt to the Rebellion was repaid? Did the Fett legacy die with Jango?


Granted, all these characters come together in a single storyline later on, but at least they maintained unique roles within that greater conflict (as we did before Chapter 3 ended, but apparently the development team thinks that insignificant, now).


Quite frankly, I can't see how they can leave some of these stories dangling. Some, such as the Agent and Warrior, pretty much demand continuation given where they left off. Others, like the Smuggler and Inquisitor, leave the player in an entirely new, unexplored role, rife for virtually any kind of expansion.


If you don't mind me asking, which storylines did you consider narratively wrapped up?

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If I were writing storyline, I would pick one major event, and then try to present that event through the different points of view. You might do some different things as an Agent than you would a Warrior, but everyone would "gather" at the conclusion, and there would be major plot points that everyone sees no matter what path they choose. They don't need to have 8 completely different paths anymore. Too time consuming if you want regular content updates.


If that would be the case, I would be actually the happies squirrel around. To have 8 intervening stories would be really, really nice. Some of the best parts in SWTOR is to see story lines meet. But from what I read and seen, it seems to me, that Makeb will be a lot like Illum, where the only differences are minor changes in start/end dialogues for one faction with exactly the same missions, plots and plot twists. That does not qualify as different stories for me.


Maybe I will be proven wrong, who knows?

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I haven't played through all of the class stories yet, but the ones I have leave little room for more story progression. I'm wondering what the people that want more class story are expecting when they ask for it.


It sounds, from the developer comment that was posted earlier, that instead of trying to write 8 individual stories, they're focusing on larger, big-picture stories that more than one class would want to deal with. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's not like Bounty Hunters and Sith live in a vacuum, always separated from each other. Sometimes the narrative has to weave together and both paths will join for a while before separating again.


If I were writing storyline, I would pick one major event, and then try to present that event through the different points of view. You might do some different things as an Agent than you would a Warrior, but everyone would "gather" at the conclusion, and there would be major plot points that everyone sees no matter what path they choose. They don't need to have 8 completely different paths anymore. Too time consuming if you want regular content updates.


While lots of people say the story is what they like most about the game, don't expect to see any more of it that's anything like what we have now.


Simply put, the story didn't "do its job". It didn't draw in millions and it certainly never kept many either. The only distinguishing feature of the game did nothing to sell it. Consider it a failed experiment that won't be replicated again in any MMO.

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They have a methodology when you unsub to capture your feedback. In addition, you can send PMs to your hearts content to the community staff here at the forums.


Oooooh, I did not know that. Not unsubbing that often ;) I will keep that in mind in case I am unsubbing again :D


I wish you well in your future MMO adventures, but personally, I really do not care why you choose to leave this MMO or any MMO. Not being snide... I am sincere in that statement. And I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.




Thanks :) I fully understand your point and I am not offended by it in any way. Good luck to you too :)

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Read the quote right beneath my comments, up there. That was all that was said on class story. Check the various sites if you'd like to see the original context.


I just asked if you had a link, since you said that you linked it and not that you quoted it so I got confused.

Edited by SilentKitty
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While lots of people say the story is what they like most about the game, don't expect to see any more of it that's anything like what we have now.


Simply put, the story didn't "do its job". It didn't draw in millions and it certainly never kept many either. The only distinguishing feature of the game did nothing to sell it. Consider it a failed experiment that won't be replicated again in any MMO.


If anything, the story content was and remains a key draw to the game. The failure was a lack of visible progression on expanding it, and a refusal to innovate in other areas. In the later stages of closed beta, the influence of EA became quite palpable. They were doing everything they could to WoW-ify the game close to release in hopes of poaching that playerbase.


Too bad for them, WoW does WoW better than any other game, and WoW players are playing WoW.


So the neutering of the modding system? EA's initiative to make this game more like WoW.

The focus on big bosses rather than big battles? EA's initiative to make this game more like WoW.

The unwavering focus on endgame in the early months of the game? EA's initiative to make this game more like WoW.


The list goes on. Even in the beta stages, the game was quite different from the status quo. It's just saddening that in the last stages, drastic changes were made to cater the game to a crowd that is already playing a different game.

Edited by CelCawdro
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I just asked if you had a link, since you said that you linked it and not that you quoted it so I got confused.


My bad. There are three interviews floating around right now, and I can't be bothered to dig through them on my phone. :) Apologies.

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My bad. There are three interviews floating around right now, and I can't be bothered to dig through them on my phone. :) Apologies.


No worries =) just drove me nuts scrolling over the text with my mouse trying to find the "missing link".


Edit: Found it

Q & A: Featuring Bruce Maclean


Will just have to see how it plays out in the game.


As long as I get a connection with my character while I'm playing it might work. But I cannot say that it doesn't make me sad if there is no more individual class story. I will try this version before doing anything else, if there are new companion-q's and convos later on that might be enough to win me over. Know that we won't see any companion-q's in Makeb but I hope that we will get more later on. That would give each class some individual material to make them feel different. Just bouncing ideas. Still have 5 classes that I haven't seen yet so I have some time before I run out story.

Edited by SilentKitty
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I am grateful that SWTOR did class stories the way they did. I love games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Mass Effect, and Arkham City. After playing games like the above, no MMO could keep me interested past lvl 20. SWTOR on the other hand was able to really keep my interest, and before I knew it I had my 1st max level character in a MMO.


With that said, I do not care if we ever see the class stories expanded. The story in SWTOR helped me stick around for 50 levels, but 50 levels in I realized that MMOs have so much more to offer than a great story. I will always love the AAA story driven games like Mass Effect and Uncharted, but MMOs offer a depth that those games cannot. Basically I came for the story, but I stuck around for the MMO.


I feel that my character's personal story has been told. I am now attached to my character, and because of that I will be happy with the new planet, raid, and world event stories that we will see in the future. Makeb may only have two story lines (Imp/Pub) but it will still be MY character that experiences this new story. The 1-50 story allowed all of us to give our characters context. It allowed us to form relationships with our companions. Because of this, any new content, even if it is not personalized, will still feel as if we are continuing our personal characters story.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, it will be so much easier to experience this new content with friends now that the story is not personalized for each class. Leveling with a group was terrible when the group would have to split off to go do class specific dialog. We will be able to play Makeb like one big flashpoint... /excited.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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I'm sure they'll drop everything and churn out class story within the next three weeks for Makeb.




I wouldn't expect the playerbase to care but this is such a typical response from that same oh so supportive playerbase. We love to blame the devs, the game bugs and everything else under the sun as to why people leave this game. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the snotty attitude of a huge chunk of players in the game is also a reason people leave. Grats to this guy and everyone else with the same attitude.


You don't have to agree with the guy but there's absolutely no reason to be a jerk about it either.

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I am grateful that SWTOR did class stories the way they did. I love games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Mass Effect, and Arkham City. After playing games like the above, no MMO could keep me interested past lvl 20. SWTOR on the other hand was able to really keep my interest, and before I knew it I had my 1st max level character in a MMO.


With that said, I do not care if we ever see the class stories expanded. The story in SWTOR helped me stick around for 50 levels, but 50 levels in I realized that MMOs have so much more to offer than a great story. I will always love the AAA story driven games like Mass Effect and Uncharted, but MMOs offer a depth that those games cannot. Basically I came for the story, but I stuck around for the MMO.


I feel that my character's personal story has been told. I am now attached to my character, and because of that I will be happy with the new planet, raid, and world event stories that we will see in the future. Makeb may only have two story lines (Imp/Pub) but it will still be MY character that experiences this new story. The 1-50 story allowed all of us to give our characters context. It allowed us to form relationships with our companions. Because of this, any new content, even if it is not personalized, will still feel as if we are continuing our personal characters story.


Just imagine if the game was really an MMO!


Then you would have realized that real MMO's manage to make the journey as much or more fun than the destination. Designing the 1-50 game as the prelude to the "real" game is the main reason MMO's are dying a slow and pitiful death.

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Just imagine if the game was really an MMO!


Then you would have realized that real MMO's manage to make the journey as much or more fun than the destination. Designing the 1-50 game as the prelude to the "real" game is the main reason MMO's are dying a slow and pitiful death.


I don't know, its all the level 50 stuff that I absolutely love. I love grinding rep and credits from dailes, WZs with ALL of my abilities and a well thought out talent build, HM FPs, World Bosses, farming mats to craft high end items, and without a question my most favorite thing to do in any video game is raiding.


I got none of the above while leveling. It was the story that was my journey, and that journey made all the level 50 content so much more meaningful. The story allowed me to raid as the

"Emperors Wrath"

and not as "Some character that did a bunch of fetch quests" Underneath it all the

"Emperors Wrath"

became so by doing a bunch of fetch quests, but the great story masked all tedious nonsense. You may not think that is very "MMO", but I sure as hell would not want it any other way.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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I'm sure they'll drop everything and churn out class story within the next three weeks for Makeb.




While blunt, this is the truth. Thing is that the expansion was probably first being developed last summer (as the F2P patch was being finished). EA/BW had a decision to make at that point - class stories or no? As others have said class stories take a lot of time and resources. So, I ask a general question - would you be OK if RotHC was delayed for six months so that class stories could be produced for that one planet? And that is probably an optimistic time frame.

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While lots of people say the story is what they like most about the game, don't expect to see any more of it that's anything like what we have now.


Simply put, the story didn't "do its job". It didn't draw in millions and it certainly never kept many either. The only distinguishing feature of the game did nothing to sell it. Consider it a failed experiment that won't be replicated again in any MMO.


I disagree, I think it did a great job, Ive heard so many say the came back etc to do class storylines they hadnt done yet, I have done that as well. Take out class stories and I never wouldve stuck around as long as I did nor come back after a break to do 4 classes I hadnt touched yet, and its been worth my time and money since ive enjoyed those stories a lot.


I think a compromise in the future is called for, the VA is really great but the cost to VA everything is a bit of a stretch, its a captain hindsight moment but think about the boring generic quests having been mission terminals or simply area quests, would also encourage exploration. If the VA stayed with only the class and planet quests I think a tonne of resources could have been saved and applied elsewhere.


Its a work in progress, how things get implemented will change, with all the complaints about the game Ive never heard ppl say the class stories were what they hated, someone just needs to figure out how to do it cheaper so the rest of the game that isnt the stories can be better attended to.


There are no failed experiments, stuff was learned for sure, a failed "instant mega wealth button" for sure, but that wasnt everyones goal, I am glad the original dev team put so much into the 1-50 stories, the humour and plot twists and VA was all great stuff. What happened after that... well no artform ever gets a bottomless pit of money, such is life.

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While lots of people say the story is what they like most about the game, don't expect to see any more of it that's anything like what we have now.


Simply put, the story didn't "do its job". It didn't draw in millions and it certainly never kept many either. The only distinguishing feature of the game did nothing to sell it. Consider it a failed experiment that won't be replicated again in any MMO.


Couldn't of said it better myself. Having one quest every level or two and then grinding a bunch of repeat side quests is awful. Would have much preferred them just coming out with KotOR 3 than this trash heap.

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I don't know, its all the level 50 stuff that I absolutely love. I love grinding rep and credits from dailes, WZs with ALL of my abilities and a well thought out talent build, HM FPs, World Bosses, farming mats to craft high end items, and without a question my most favorite thing to do in any video game is raiding.


I got none of the above while leveling. It was the story that was my journey, and that journey made all the level 50 content so much more meaningful. The story allowed me to raid as the

"Emperors Wrath"

and not as "Some character that did a bunch of fetch quests" Underneath it all the

"Emperors Wrath"

became so by doing a bunch of fetch quests, but the great story masked all tedious nonsense. You may not think that is very "MMO", but I sure as hell would not want it any other way.


That's exactly it.


MMO's used to be challenging and used to require skill (as much as any game can require skill) from the get-go. They used to keep customers by being interesting and fun from creation to endgame. You didn't care if you never reached level 50 because from about 10-15th level onward, it was always challenging and hard and thus levelling was fun and not just a boring exercise to get done with as soon as possible. Apparently though, the pesky habit of people staying subscribed and playing for years does not mesh with the current MMO philosophy.

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Couldn't of said it better myself. Having one quest every level or two and then grinding a bunch of repeat side quests is awful. Would have much preferred them just coming out with KotOR 3 than this trash heap.


The fine folks at BW appreciate your continued paid subscription for this 'trash heap'.

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Let me say I completely understand how you feel and were you're coming from. For me the class stories were the staple of what pulled me from other MMO's because they didn't have anything like it in this sense!! I knew they wouldn't continue them with Makeb after the hints and such they left behind while this approached and that saddens me greatly. :(


That said, I still plan to stay subbed until I finish all class stories. If BW doesn't come out with some amazing new staple that can keep me glued here rather than any other better MMO then I'll leave for these said better MMO's. Maybe you're already past that point? If so then I don't blame you for leaving tbh, I would in your shoes.


BW should really look at what attracts people to this game besides it just being Star Wars. They should look and what they can/can't do better than their competition and play their strong points while strengthening their weak points. Even learning lessons from past MMO's


Good luck in your future adventures.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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That's exactly it.


MMO's used to be challenging and used to require skill (as much as any game can require skill) from the get-go. They used to keep customers by being interesting and fun from creation to endgame. You didn't care if you never reached level 50 because from about 10-15th level onward, it was always challenging and hard and thus levelling was fun and not just a boring exercise to get done with as soon as possible. Apparently though, the pesky habit of people staying subscribed and playing for years does not mesh with the current MMO philosophy.


I never played any of the super old MMOs like Eve, but every other MMO I have played like Tera, Rift, GW2, WoW, LotRO, and Warhammer all were super easy and featured mostly fetch quests. Even if the leveling content was challenging, it would still be boring if it did not have a good story. That is why I think SWTOR did it perfect with its 1-50 story. I was entertained as hell for 50 lvls, and then I was able to do the more heavy content. plus the story gave my toon context, and I think that is way more important than giving me difficult content from 1-50.


Also, "the pesky habit of people staying subscribed", is what keeps the bills paid. It like saying "I do not watch TV because there are too many commercials" Well if not for commercials then there would be no money to fund the programming.

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Also, "the pesky habit of people staying subscribed", is what keeps the bills paid. It like saying "I do not watch TV because there are too many commercials" Well if not for commercials then there would be no money to fund the programming.


I was being sarcastic about the pesky habit.


Developers are designing games that can be "finished" in a month and wondering why they can't keep subscribers.

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