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No class story for Makeb = me unsub


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Hi there.


Just wanted to tell my point of view for you, fine BW people. To give you some feedback on the Makeb expansion and how it ties with my decision to unsubscribe. What I am writing is my and only my personal feelings toward this matter.


First off, let me tell you, that I appreciate the work you put in SWTOR so far, for me it has been the most fun in MMO since ever. The reason, why it was so much fun for me personally, was the class stories. Not just PvE grind, not just cycling the same warzones over and over. Class story was something I looked forward to, a reason to actually DO anything.


For me, the carrot of end-game grind is not something worth pursuing as all the work I put into it is gone after new release/patch with new gear. Discovering some new storyline is THE motivator for me. I was pretty exited for Makeb, as I hoped I would get more of the class story for each of my 8 lvl 50 alts. From what I understand, I will get 1 republic story, 1 imperial story..... and that's it. Something like Illum/section X/Belsavis. Don't get me wrong, I will play the expansion and I will go through the content. Twice. After that, there will be practically zero incentive for me to continue.


I do realise, that the class story is something, that is more costly, than anything. Writing, developing, testing - all that stuff for missions, that will serve just a fraction of player population. I am aware, that some, if not most of the player will skipp the story content to enter the carrot-chase of the endgame-grind. However, the story was (and in my eyes still is) The ONE thing, that sets SWTOR apart from any other MMO. The reason for me to choose SWTOR and not any of the other MMOs, that have better..... other things.


As I stated before, I am afraid, I will not have any incentive to play SWTOR after finishing the 2 storyline on Makeb. As a matter of fact, I logged in about one time for the whole previous week (after bringing my 8th char on 50). That is not something worth a subscription for me. I will stay around and propably renew the sub if new story content gets released, but thats about it. I doubt that I will actually be getting all my chars to 50 as the finish from around 46, when I finished the class stories to 50 was the most boring experience in the game.


I do realise, that I represent just a small minority of the MMO player-base, so I will definitely not go with bad feelings. On the contrary, I would like SWTOR to get more subscribers so all of you hardworking guys/gals can get their well-deserved dough.


So, best of luck.


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You may be a small minority of the MMO playerbase, but not the SW:TOR playerbase. :) EA hasn't clued in that the playerbase that plays WoW is playing WoW - they're not going to poach that playerbase. Edited by CelCawdro
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I'm sure they'll drop everything and churn out class story within the next three weeks for Makeb.




Oh, come off it. Can't someone write how they feel? Does it always need to have a clear, concise, attainable objective?

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I'll be pleasantly shocked if we ever see any class story ever again, TBH. :(


They have stated that there is more class story planned in future expansions. With all of the money they are raking in with the Cartel Market, I would be surprised not to see even more class story in the game after the already planned content.

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Oh, come off it. Can't someone write how they feel? Does it always need to have a clear, concise, attainable objective?


Not to mention how gracious and positive the OP was. Quite frankly, Vandy is usually a bit more tolerant than that. I was surprised. :rolleyes:

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They have stated that there is more class story planned in future expansions. With all of the money they are raking in with the Cartel Market, I would be surprised not to see even more class story in the game after the already planned content.

Actually, they stated the opposite today:

Where does the development team stand with regards to individual class stories? Are these still a priority for upcoming content?


Great question. The way you choose to overcome your own personal villains is a crucial part of what defines your character, and once you’ve gotten closure on your personal story, you’re ready to be a key player in the larger conflicts that threaten the Empire and the Republic. Moving forward, we’re focusing on those stories – conflicts that decide the fate of the entire Galaxy and demand the attention of other living legends like yourself. You can still put your personal touch on these stories, and you’ll develop relationships just like before, but now the stakes are higher, and the experience can be shared with your friends.

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Oh, come off it. Can't someone write how they feel? Does it always need to have a clear, concise, attainable objective?


I don't like ultimatums, especially ones that are ridiculous. There's a reasonable way to complain, criticize, or suggest, and then there's threatening to unsub if a particular feature is not implemented within a really tiny time frame. Its ridiculous, and I point it out as so.

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You may be a small minority of the MMO playerbase, but not the SW:TOR playerbase. :) EA hasn't clued in that the playerbase that plays WoW is playing WoW - they're not going to poach that playerbase.


That's exactly how I feel. If it wasn't for the storylines I would have left this game a long time ago. Gear grinding is for the birds. KOTOR online is why I picked this game up the first time, not to play another boring version of WOW endgame.

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I don't like ultimatums, especially ones that are ridiculous. There's a reasonable way to complain, criticize, or suggest, and then there's threatening to unsub if a particular feature is not implemented within a really tiny time frame. Its ridiculous, and I point it out as so.


This wasn't an ultimatum. :)

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This wasn't an ultimatum. :)


I view the title as one. The rest of the post is fine, and I don't have anything against negative feedback, even emotional negative feedback(which this isn't generally). Opening with a promise to unsub if impossible demands are not met though comes off as being completely unwilling to discuss or compromise with the devs in the first place(which is the alleged goal of feedback threads).

Edited by Vandicus
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I don't like ultimatums, especially ones that are ridiculous. There's a reasonable way to complain, criticize, or suggest, and then there's threatening to unsub if a particular feature is not implemented within a really tiny time frame. Its ridiculous, and I point it out as so.


Again, I am not demanding anything. I accept, that things are the way they are. But I also know, that the answer to a question "What people like/dont like in our game, why they do/dont stick around" is pretty important for the developers. I understand, that my post can be seen as whining, demanding and maybe even threatening. It is not meant in such a way. It is just feedback for BW, nothing more, nothing less.

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I view the title as one. The rest of the post is fine, and I don't have anything against negative feedback, even emotional negative feedback(which this isn't generally). Opening with a promise to unsub if impossible demands are not met though comes off as being completely unwilling to discuss or compromise with the devs in the first place(which is the alleged goal of feedback threads).


He was simply stating the logical progression of events. You chose to interpret that as a threat. Taken in context with the rest of the OP, the correct interpretation should have been obvious, particularly for someone usually as level-headed as yourself.

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I view the title as one. The rest of the post is fine, and I don't have anything against negative feedback, even emotional negative feedback(which this isn't generally). Opening with a promise to unsub if impossible demands are not met though comes off as being completely unwilling to discuss or compromise with the devs in the first place(which is the alleged goal of feedback threads).


I guess the title could be better written. Well..... whats done is done. But I really cant see a ground for me to discuss things with the devs. I am just 1 player, just 1 consumer of their product. If I don't like a product, I will not buy it. And maybe I will tell the producer why I don't like it. If they decide to change the product the way I like to see, I will buy it again. I really see no reason for me to get emotional over this any more than I get emotional over buying bread or a new car :)

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He was simply stating the logical progression of events. You chose to interpret that as a threat. Taken in context with the rest of the OP, the correct interpretation should have been obvious, particularly for someone usually as level-headed as yourself.


Perhaps I overreacted.

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I haven't played through all of the class stories yet, but the ones I have leave little room for more story progression. I'm wondering what the people that want more class story are expecting when they ask for it.


It sounds, from the developer comment that was posted earlier, that instead of trying to write 8 individual stories, they're focusing on larger, big-picture stories that more than one class would want to deal with. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's not like Bounty Hunters and Sith live in a vacuum, always separated from each other. Sometimes the narrative has to weave together and both paths will join for a while before separating again.


If I were writing storyline, I would pick one major event, and then try to present that event through the different points of view. You might do some different things as an Agent than you would a Warrior, but everyone would "gather" at the conclusion, and there would be major plot points that everyone sees no matter what path they choose. They don't need to have 8 completely different paths anymore. Too time consuming if you want regular content updates.

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They have a methodology when you unsub to capture your feedback. In addition, you can send PMs to your hearts content to the community staff here at the forums.


What you do not need to do is to write an epistle to Bioware and post it in general forum. UNLESS of course you are seeking validation from other players for your stance. ;) That is why you get some negative reactions by some forum members who are generally fairly evenly balanced on their comments.


I wish you well in your future MMO adventures, but personally, I really do not care why you choose to leave this MMO or any MMO. Not being snide... I am sincere in that statement. And I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way.



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