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Server shutdown just before double XP


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Watching people's reactions to this whole scenario it makes me realise how very much like drug addiction MMORPGs are...seriously so many people who sound exactly like crack heads it's scary!


Also I would add that people moaning that they are trying to fix the ilum exploit (or whatever you like to call it)... people saying it doesnt affect us so why moan....well I for one who run HM etc every day and OPs etc with a bunch of level 50s (that were levelled correctly) and I was close to jacking it in earlier this week because of all the brain-dead people who dont know how to play there character properly or even have never run any of the FPs....has been very very trying. I have had countless hours of my precious time wasted and at least some of that is down to this Ilum exploit.


So YES it does affect us and their exploit (and it IS an exploit...taking advantage of an intended mechanic) is peeing an awful lot of people off....ive lost count of all the people rolling "Need" on everything in HMs this last week. The game is well and truly over if they let that carry on...anyone in their right mind would leave SWTOR for something else (and i love swtor).

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Well, just look at this as a chance to go get some lunch and take a shower. That's what I did. :p


I grabbed lunch. Pizza! Now I have time to check online where the datacrons are on Nar Shaddaa.


Yes, the servers being down is inconvenient. But it's not the end of the world. They'll be back up.


Now if I ran out of coffee...that would be both inconvenient and a disaster. :p

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you said they didnt say it wasnt an exploit, but they did actually say it wasnt an exploit. Maybe if you read.


Re-read the quote you posted and my post.


From Musco "First, we are not considering this an exploit "


What I said "bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit."


So, again, how does that change anything that I stated?

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Honestly, while not an active exploit, powerleveling on the scale that Ilum allowed was a bit much, Being oped all the way through playing out stories just make them boring and lacking in both challenge and xp. The double xp on it's own is plenty to maintain said challenge while leveling through class story and still get xp and a few extra levels while doing it. While it may not have been an exploit in the technical terms, it was still taking the quick and easy way out to get quantity over quality of play. In short, good for BW for taking the initiative on this, I can live with a short break and a quick shower anyway before double xp sucks my brain into the comp for the next 48 hours.
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It is 1:30pm. So if all goes as planned, you will be back in within 2 minutes.


whether intentional or not, I find that very funny. I believe the whole issue revolves around things really not going as planned :)

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50 cents by their self praised 2 million new players is 1 million dollars. just putting it in perspective.

2 million players ≠ 2 million subs. This game lost over 75% of their subs throughout last year. 2 million players... and the subscribers are probably the minority.

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...powerleveling on the scale that Ilum allowed was a bit much, Being oped all the way through playing out stories just make them boring and lacking in both challenge and xp. The double xp on it's own is plenty to maintain said challenge ....


Entirely subjective. My fun is not your fun. My fun in this case does not effect your fun. Its like saying your religion is the only proper one, or your sexuality, or your nationality, or your taste in ****, or taste in ice cream. How could anyone possibly like cookie dough, chocolate is where the fun is at!

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Re-read the quote you posted and my post.


From Musco "First, we are not considering this an exploit "


What I said "bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit."


So, again, how does that change anything that I stated?


you said "They did not say that it wasn't."


When actually, they DID say that it wasnt. you dont recall what you typed?

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2 million players ≠ 2 million subs. This game lost over 75% of their subs throughout last year. 2 million players... and the subscribers are probably the minority.


true, but they arent advertising how many subs they have anymore.

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you said "They did not say that it wasn't."


When actually, they DID say that it wasnt. you dont recall what you typed?


Again, no they did not say that it wasn't an exploit. They said they aren't considering it an exploit. All that this means is that they will not be taking action against peoples accounts for doing it. By definition, it is very clearly an exploit.

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