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Getting tired of Cartel Market


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Nearly every patch/update New thing to come, is 80% Cartel related in some way or another.

I understand this from a business point of view, but ur starting to neglect the ppl who have been here from day dot.

U see the posts on forums of ppl whining they have spent $1250 on cartel coins and got nothing, all the time ppl like this continue to spend, that amount of money on it. EA will focus more on that than the free content that subscribers loyalty deserves. Personally i love the game and wont be leaving anytime soon. But beware the path u take.

Whinge over

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I haven't spent a dime on cartel market. I even save those 500 cc i get every month (don't know why). I do dailies and and just play game without thinking of cash shop and yet able to buy anything i want from GTN. (talking about cartel packs and items).


Life is very simple...stop complicating it with useless worries and enjoy the game. No one is forced to use cartel market but people willingly do so.


I have no sympathy for those who spend 1200 cash on cartel packs and then cry about it. Even though it is clearly mentioned that there is a 'chance' of rare items and nothing is 100% guaranteed..

Edited by Gorrdan
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I dont buy coins either, but the ppl that do spend fortunes on it, and fuel EA's obsession with it as it generates massive revenue for them. Hence the cycle will continue and the cartel market will outgrow the actual games its-self.

Guessing ppl dont think long term adn wont worry till its too late. Just saying thats all

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The cartel market is a rip off, you can spend $100s and not get anything. Than when you finally do get something "rare" they put it on a vendor for everyone to buy. But hey, it's a good way to get a bunch of useless stuff you can't sell!
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I think its time that players accept responsibility of their own actions and stop blaming others for their lack of self control. Unless, game companies force me to buy stuff from their cash shop i have no problem with how they want to generate more revenue. if i feel forced i will simple walk away.
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How clever ppl do it:


1. buy CC for $, buy packs

2. sell packs on GTN to gamblers for milions

3. buy what you want from CM on GTN

4. still PROFIT


And addicted to game ppl can just skip to 3. and buy what they want for credits from dailies, crafting without spending even one real cent.


Really no reason to cry over CM for anybody.

Edited by RixoFutu
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How clever ppl do it:


1. buy CC for $, buy packs

2. sell packs on GTN to gamblers for milions

3. buy GRADE 27 ITEMS

4. still PROFIT


And addicted to game ppl can just skip to 3. and buy what they want for credits from dailies, crafting without spending even one real cent.


Really no reason to cry over CM for anybody.



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Wonder if TOR will eventually become this: ... There will be a small crowd of people who actually play the game, have gear drops from bosses and are at max level. Then there will be a 2nd group of players who congregate at starting worlds with best in show appearance items and constantly brag to each other about how bad *** their **** is. Hmm. It's consumerism!!!!
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Wonder if TOR will eventually become this: ... There will be a small crowd of people who actually play the game, have gear drops from bosses and are at max level. Then there will be a 2nd group of players who congregate at starting worlds with best in show appearance items and constantly brag to each other about how bad *** their **** is. Hmm. It's consumerism!!!!


Interesting. I think that would be ok. The world of an mmo is largely what the players make of it.

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It actually is inflamatory and discriminatory. It has no place here.


As I stated in my post! Inflammatory I will agree with you on... discriminatory is starting to stretch it and just flat out being over sensitive and the poster that called it hateful is just flat out absurd.


That is all I will be saying on the subject.


Have a great weekend :)

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i just wish there was something worth buying :(


I like the balmorran hand cannons on my smug and BH, the bunker buster on my commando and Rusk, the cartel speeders on all my toons, the adaptive pants on my male consular, the efficiency scanner on my smug, the purple crystal for my SI's saber, the peacemaker for my rifle-using comps, and the head hunter for Zenith.


Interestingly, most of these items are dirt cheap on the GTN because they just debris to the cartel gamblers.

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Nearly every patch/update New thing to come, is 80% Cartel related in some way or another.

I understand this from a business point of view, but ur starting to neglect the ppl who have been here from day dot.

U see the posts on forums of ppl whining they have spent $1250 on cartel coins and got nothing, all the time ppl like this continue to spend, that amount of money on it. EA will focus more on that than the free content that subscribers loyalty deserves. Personally i love the game and wont be leaving anytime soon. But beware the path u take.

Whinge over


I'm getting tired of people getting tired of the cartel market and ranting about it over and over and over and over. At least be constructive and give an idea on how to fix what you see as being 'off.' The cartel market doesn't hurt the game at all, it doesn't slow down development of 'free' content at all-if you can't see how the cartel market actually HELPS speed up content development, then I suggest taking a business class on how real life finances work. You should be glad people are willing to spend money on the cartel market, it helps us get the 'free' content we are hoping for at a faster pace.

On another note, remember the cartel market is still fairly new, and already bioware is introducing new ways to get rare items from the older packs to more people (although you can get just about anything from the packs on the gtn or thru trading). With that said, I will make a suggestion I think would help.....the new reputation tokens should not be bound but should be able to be sold on the gtn. I'm not huge on the reputation thing and would be happy to sell the tokens I have to those who feel this is somehow a 'game breaking' issue.

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I dont buy coins either, but the ppl that do spend fortunes on it, and fuel EA's obsession with it as it generates massive revenue for them. Hence the cycle will continue and the cartel market will outgrow the actual games its-self.

Guessing ppl dont think long term adn wont worry till its too late. Just saying thats all


Uh, unless you can see the future, I'd chill on worries like this; usually a company is able to think long term about staying in business better than you seem to be doing (as a small business owner I have experience with this). Most companies invest a good portion of the revenue they generate to making their product better. In the case of SWTOR, that would include both making the cartel market better and adding more content; the two are connected. If they don't do that, then yes it'll fail, but we're by no means at a point where your 'worry' has any weight.

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Most of the things that cartel market packs have are a bit lacking. Color crystals aren't bad, but the rest of gear and weapons are really lacking in terms of creativity. If the cartel market is going to remain a money maker for EAware, they might want to make the pack items more appealing.
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