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Sith women unite!!!


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I don't know about you, but as a pure blood Sith female I am sick to death of the wretched sportsbra we are beings forced to wear.


Imy Mara is 25 now but for the last couple levels I've had probably the best armor I could get (60) but its a white sports bra- which drives me bonkers every time I see it.


So, I bought an upgrad ( 2 actually, one non movable and another moddable). I bought some really nice mods for the new armor bringing its level up to 72 ( which for me cost a fortune) I was very excited but lo and behold when i tried it on- IT WAS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE OLD ONE- ANOTHER SPORT BRA!!! ( the third armor looked more like a training bra than a sport bra- not exactly better.


Come on! Would it kill you debs to let women wear robes and a hood too? Has the feminist movement taken such a hit that we are being forced into volleyball attire to play this game??!


And no, I will not cook you a sandwich!

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i like the sports bra. y u no make me a samwich. :( sith women ftw!

i prefer the robes or heavy armors for myself, whatever you are wearing can't be worse than the lv 55 inquisitor/agent or jedi pvp gear.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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First - Try Ctrl Left Click before you buy to see what it looks like on your toon.

Second - Yes there are more modest robes you can wear that don't make you look like you are in your underwear.

Third - I would like a ham sandwich please. :p

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I Has the feminist movement taken such a hit that we are being forced into volleyball attire to play this game??!


And no, I will not cook you a sandwich!


1. The feminist movement died the minute pole dancing was considered a legitimate art form.


2. If you "cook" sandwiches I don't want you anywhere near my kitchen

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My one female Pureblood will have to pass. She's a Sorcerer. She wears a slave bikini, and she likes it.


See, she was once a slave (per the Inquisitor story). And during her training, everyone at the Academy just loved reminding her of it, rubbing her nose in it, constantly talking down to her and addressing her as "Slave" rather than by her name.


She came to realize she could use that snobbery to her advantage against her fellow Sith.


Imagine you're this high and mighty Sith Lord who likes to unwind by strutting around practicing his evil laugh after a long, hard day of kicking puppies and setting old ladies on fire... and then, out of the blue, this slave who somehow rose up from such lowly beginnings is there, in your face, challenging you. Threatening you. And she's even dressed like a slave! She's taunting you with that outfit, you know. And it's working. The nerve of her! Such presumption, for a slave to think she has any right, let alone ability, to take you down.


She thus learned to embrace her humble origins, and the Light Side along with them. Rage may give the Dark Siders power, but it's also a weakness. A weakness she can exploit, especially if she taps into the Light Side and keeps that whole "calm center" thing going.


Plus, the tiny bits of gold that make up the outfit look great against all that fire-engine red skin. See for yourself! http://imgur.com/PVb7W

Edited by nateslice
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Yeah, agreed. I think the game's generally okay when it comes to female armor, but I guess they felt like they had to give us the token belly-free armor as well.


For what it's worth, you can get a pretty cool one with a cape as a reward for a quest on Tatooine. It's a Heroic 2+ called 'Prison Labor' (I think). Not sure the armor's to your taste, of course, but I think it looks great.

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