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Pugs VS Premades


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Can anything be done bioware..to make it so wz's can be fair?...i play casual..dont have time to grp up and pvp..not expecting to win all the time...but at least have some fun...but all it is now is a zerg fest. Maybe match grps with gear levels..or dont allow ranked teams to pvp against pugs? Not hateing on premades..more power to ya..im sure you all have fun wih instant wins.
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My bad..didnt see the other posts..but it must be a problem if alot of bads are not happy. Happy players means a good game.


Fixed it for you.


Sorry but as a full time solo queu player I think the 1/2 premades have their place in the normal WZs.


They are not all on voice chat, they are not all good AND at least half the time you have those premades in YOUR team while the other team is a 8 pugs group.


The only reason to think you dont have them half the time is because, like I said they are NOT all good and having a bad team of 4 is like 4 bad pugs.

Edited by Philelectric
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Yep..your right..we are all bad cause we cant beat premades.


Do you complain when you get a premade on your team as well? Wait that never happens to these op's when they post, always facing one with a pure random pug on their side...every...single...game.

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Do you complain when you get a premade on your team as well? Wait that never happens to these op's when they post, always facing one with a pure random pug on their side...every...single...game.


Lol this. I stopped arguing with these people, cause you just can't fix drooling man.

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Do you complain when you get a premade on your team as well? Wait that never happens to these op's when they post, always facing one with a pure random pug on their side...every...single...game.


LoL..the real problem is..you know that if they did away with premade against non premade..you'd have to face real competition..cause you'll have to either pvp against preamades or pugs which we know you really dont want to do. You'll just face off against the weaker everytime cause its the kind of person your are

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LoL..the real problem is..you know that if they did away with premade against non premade..you'd have to face real competition..cause you'll have to either pvp against preamades or pugs which we know you really dont want to do. You'll just face off against the weaker everytime cause its the kind of person your are


Random dude with no toon name not guild name says Cycao is a coward. In other new Rhodman says north korea has golden toilets.

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Random dude with no toon name not guild name says Cycao is a coward. In other new Rhodman says north korea has golden toilets.


Didnt call him a coward..said he'd rather take the easy win over having to work for it against real competition.

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LoL..the real problem is..you know that if they did away with premade against non premade..you'd have to face real competition..cause you'll have to either pvp against preamades or pugs which we know you really dont want to do. You'll just face off against the weaker everytime cause its the kind of person your are










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Yep..your right..we are all bad cause we cant beat premades.


Sorry but I've not seen any good player complaining about pugs vs premades. So right now 100% of the players ive seen crying about it on the forum are not good players. So ,in my case,yeah, 100% of the premade vs pugs are bad.


I could also add that I've not seen any good player on the forum or ingame crying about premades in normal WZs.


I wish you were there when there was no Ranked WZs. You know, when those Top pvpers where all in Normal WZs.

When Battlemaster was the top gear and when It was not a one week deal to get a fully competitive gear.


Also, if you loose 100% of the time when you face a premade, yeah you are probably bad because like I said, they are not all good or on voice chat. On top of that, they are not all geared.


I dont have the exact numbers but I'm pretty sure around 70% of the said premades are only a group of 4 players (real life or in game friends/guildmates) forming a group to be in the same WZ because they dont want to fight their friends. In other words, they are a group of 4 pugs queuing together.


But hey! The people agains premade in Normal WZs have the right to call the premades a bunch or geared bads who like to Pwn the pugs but when the people in favor of premades are defending the idea, we dont have the right to call you bad. Even if the said defender is a full time solo pvpers.

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I'ts MMO. Making premades is what's MMO's are all about. People who socialize and communicate are rewarded, that's how it works. PVP in a MMO is not designed to be fair for all, you need to work together to get better.


Unfortunately you don't have time to do premades, I undestand that, but looks like a lot of people do.

And like someone before said, when I do premades with guildies we often lose, because we're just casual pvp'ers with average pvp gear.

Edited by Bastila-chan
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LoL..the real problem is..you know that if they did away with premade against non premade..you'd have to face real competition..cause you'll have to either pvp against preamades or pugs which we know you really dont want to do. You'll just face off against the weaker everytime cause its the kind of person your are


I might be wrong but I think Cycao participated in at least one of the 1v1 tournament on PoT5 so...if going in a tourney is a way to fight the weaker then yeah he fight the weaks only.


Sorry he might like to group with friends to pvp,


Dont blame Cycao, he was just smart enough to understand the meaning of MASSIVE and MULTIPLAYER written in front of online role play game.




All im asking for is balance..but all you guys see it as QQ...but in reality..you dont want balance...you want easy kills and no competition.


Actually, YOU are the one QQing and you dont want a competitive premade in the other team because all you want is easy kills and fight the weaks only.


You want to remove the premades from Normal WZ (or give them a different queu) because you dont want to fight an organized group able to give a fight.

Edited by Philelectric
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I'ts MMO. Making premades is what's MMO's are all about. People who socialize and communicate are rewarded, that's how it works. PVP in a MMO is not designed to be fair for all, you need to work together to get better.


Unfortunately you don't have time to do premades, I undestand that, but looks like a lot of people do.

And like someone before said, when I do premades with guildies we often lose, because we're just casual pvp'ers with average pvp gear.


Thank you..nice post and reply..i agree..not saying to do away with all premades....but to have elite premades against pugs all the time is wrong...have premades against other premades.

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Didnt call him a coward..said he'd rather take the easy win over having to work for it against real competition.


If you define real competition as fighting a bunch of randoms which could easily be a bunch of full geared toons vs a bunch of full geared recruits than thats fine and dandy. Just about every time I group I am faced up against another. Very rarely do we face a team of pure pugs. And I do also solo queue and the experience can be everything but fair when going up a complete random group. 8 players with their own personal agenda in a warzone never works out. At least I give the 4 other players a chance a win than trying it with 7.

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The path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked. I will agree. This game does not have the population for split ques. If you dont believe me wait till 2.0 35-54 or whatever the hell it is is going to be deadsville. They may have to rethink that idea totally.
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If you define real competition as fighting a bunch of randoms which could easily be a bunch of full geared toons vs a bunch of full geared recruits than thats fine and dandy. Just about every time I group I am faced up against another. Very rarely do we face a team of pure pugs. And I do also solo queue and the experience can be everything but fair when going up a complete random group. 8 players with their own personal agenda in a warzone never works out. At least I give the 4 other players a chance a win than trying it with 7.


Good point...all im saying is have premades vs premades ..i played on my sniper on JC full wh gear..but havent been on that server for awhile..went 0-15...and 90% of the wz's were against premades...yes my grp had some random guild members queing togther..thats not a premade. Big difference if 2 or 3 guild mates que together and a full ranked team premade

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Thank you..nice post and reply..i agree..not saying to do away with all premades....but to have elite premades against pugs all the time is wrong...have premades against other premades.


We do fight each other.... almost every warzone. The matchmaking system is based on simplicity and speed of building 8v8, and the easiest way to do that is to start with 4 on each side. Besides, how exactly would the guy who doesn't have time to premade know about what type of matches premades get into?

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I know from experience that that simply isn't true. I solo queued at least twice last week, got put on teams with premades, and got summarily roflstomped. Bad players are bad players no matter how many of them are on a team. And I'm not even that good! But I know bad when I see it.
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