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Do NOT Remove Ilum Boosting! I Am Against It!


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I see no reason for this to go away. This gave players that don't want to quest another option. Once rested XP ran out, it wasn't that far ahead of normal questing experience. The fact is that in most Eastern MMO's this is exactly how you would level. You would get in a huge group and just stand in one spot and pull higher level mobs for hours. Sometimes this is enjoyable for a lot of us. It was really the most fun I had leveling in some time. Too bad :(
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There are more than just people who "don't want to level an 8th or 9th toon". Stop being so narrow minded. There ARE people using this like an exploit to get to 50, where they have no business being there. Sorry, I'd rather not have people running around in Level 40+ end game content without a clue about how things work. Not EVERYONE knows what they are doing in an MMO and some are just using this to level for the hell of it. It's not right and it should be patched.


Except that double XP is doing this anyway. I got a brand new toon from 1 to 27 on the first day of double xp, probably would have been in the mid-30's except that I finished out sidequests and bonuses even after they had grayed out. Then I left it off to do other stuff.


Are you really claiming that the few hours difference in hitting 50 between Ilum Boosters and people just using the Double XP makes all the difference between 'doesn't know their class' and 'l337 endgame master'? Nevermind that there are plenty of people who hit 50 without Ilum or Double XP who still don't know their classes.

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The whole point of Double XP weekends is to get people to 50 in preparation for the expansion, so that argument falls a bit flat.


So it is basically whiners saying, "I don't like doing things with other people, but it's not fair that people who do work with others have an advantage! Fix this Bioware!!"


To that end, in keeping with this "fix", I think they should introduce a patch where grouping with others causes all enemies hitpoints, damage and resistances to multiply by the number of players in the group.


Similarly, all players will have their hitpoints, damage and resistances divided by the number of players in the group.


That way it's "fair".


I haven't heard one single complaint about people grouping to run FP's during the double xp weekend or people grouping to do content on level appropriate planets, or even people grouping to grind mobs on level appropriate planets.


I have heard complaints about people using an unintended game mechanic to go to a level 50 zone as a level 1 and grind level 50 mobs as a level 1 in an ops group.


It seems to me that it had little to do with people grouping, and more to do with the exploiting of an unintended game mechanic.

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The only thing was the ops group pvp it created was pretty fun, we had two lowbie ops fighting over there grinding pylon last weekend and it was fun as hell, the imps even added geared 50s to there's which made it an even more fun challenge. Getting stuff like that to happen on the spare of the moment is few and far between and no where near the fun when its organised.


I would like to add that i understand why it would upset some as all pylons taken up be people not actually doing the missions would be frustrating for people actually playing the event.


So add two to outlaws den, make it take ops groups and let us have at it. :D

Edited by Tankerson
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I'm sure there will be a lot of selfish lazy people sad to see it go like with every exploit. And yes, it was a exploit. BW just doesn't call it that because they would have to punish as was confirmed by the same dev the OP list quoting. They just swept it under the rug. Consider yourself fortunant you got a weekend of it but actually asking that it remain? Mind = blown there's people like this walking around the real world and making decisions that might effect others. Edited by sumuji
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I want this patch, this isnt working as intended IMO, leveling is in the game for a reason, to learn your character, and I dont give a hoot who here thinks "I Know it allzor, I am l33t". If you want insta 50 then go play an FPS or another game with zero levelling.


And this crap about people in WZ without the perfect gear, get a life, we ALL started somewhere in the game, once you too were a n00b, get over yourselves. This kind of bull is like saying "new players are not welcome, dont bother joining this game as you cant play with us!", I hate this moronic attitude towards other players. If you want people in decent gear to WZ with FORM A GROUP WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE! There's another issue some have though, grouping with strangers, something thats been getting worse with each MMO I play.


Ive always hated power levelling, I think it takes away the grouping and social aspect of the game, I used to love MMOs for the fact a random group would form, kill or die trying and keep going until you achieved what you set out for. These days PLing means more players with good knowledge of the game, no longer want to teach of help new players to get into it. Personally I see it as something that kills new life in this genre.


Bring on the nerf.

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Oh, yes! Patch it! Patch it! The main appeal of this game is the story. If you skip most of it, even the side quests, you're missing over half the game. If it wasn't intended they want to remove it because it wasn't intended. How does that not make sense to you?


I don't understand the logic of people boosting. Play the game and skip through it, then complain about no end-game stuff. If you don't want to play the majority of the game why play at all?


Class stories doesn't give enough XP even with doubled and with class mission legacy perk.


Honestly I'm totally sick of planet quests because they are boring and repetitive. A few hours of Gree questing also boring and repetitive however it is a faster way.


I'm playing with a few classes just because of the class story: I don't care about planet quests (for the 4th time), I just want the class stories. Making some class missions and going to the Gree event for a few hours is just enough to achieve new levels and go back to quickly do the class missions again.


I've another character also: a Jedi Shadow. My main character is a Jedi Sage and I finished his class quests long time ago. I want to play with a Jedi Shadow also - and I have to level her up on the exact same class story. Which was not the top story amongst the SWTOR stories. Ilum bolstering seemed a good way to quickly level up my Shadow to an appropriate level.

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I'm sure there will be a lot of selfish lazy people sad to see it go ...
Selfish? I think you just described yourself. We are in groups of 24 sharing it all.

i am fully for this patch if your to lazy to level your alts the right way then dont make an alt simple as that

^ too lazy to use grammar

... However, LOW levels are using this to boost their characters all the way to 50 just because they are too lazy to level through the right way. Not just low levels, ...



TO ALL OF THE ABOVE quoted posts, I Disagree.

I think it's the other way around,

Lazy players are the ones who can't bring themselves to take advantage of bolster, group up, sit in a 24 man group to earn all their levels at once, in long stretches of time. Lazy, short attention span players need the click and action variety in flashpoints, warzones and other leveling venues to keep their short attention span satisfied.


The lazy one's are the ones who can't convince their brains to do it.

And because their brain won't let them do it. They, as a whole person, do not want anyone else to power level this way. Playground mentality equivalent, "NO! it's my toy, I make da wules, you can't play."



Lazy and need to get their head's checked.

"oh right, I save how much of my time by power leveling this way?? wut, so many hours saved? WOW I can't believe it. an mmo MUST MAKE players waste HUNDreds of hours to reach max level. MY BRAIN does not compute.THESE PEOPLE MUST DIE. Every single power-leveler is now an enemy of the Republic.. execute order 66, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE."

Edited by Falensawino
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Selfish? I think you just described yourself. We are in groups of 24 sharing it all.

^ too lazy to use grammar




TO ALL OF THE ABOVE quoted posts, I Disagree.

I think it's the other way around,

Lazy players are the ones who can't bring themselves to take advantage of bolster, group up, sit in a 24 man group to earn all their levels at once, in long stretches of time. Lazy, short attention span players need the click and action variety in flashpoints, warzones and other leveling venues to keep their short attention span satisfied.


The lazy one's are the ones who can't convince their brains to do it.

And because their brain won't let them do it. They, as a whole person, do not want anyone else to power level this way. Playground mentality equivalent, "NO! it's my toy, I make da wules, you can't play."



Lazy and need to get their head's checked.

"oh right, I save how much of my time by power leveling this way?? wut, so many hours saved? WOW I can't believe it. an mmo MUST MAKE players waste HUNDreds of hours to reach max level. MY BRAIN does not compute.THESE PEOPLE MUST DIE. Every single power-leveler is now an enemy of the Republic.. execute order 66, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE."

Logic?! On MMO forums?! :eek:


Some people, just want to watch the world burn... :p

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