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Everything posted by Loganmollie

  1. I want this patch, this isnt working as intended IMO, leveling is in the game for a reason, to learn your character, and I dont give a hoot who here thinks "I Know it allzor, I am l33t". If you want insta 50 then go play an FPS or another game with zero levelling. And this crap about people in WZ without the perfect gear, get a life, we ALL started somewhere in the game, once you too were a n00b, get over yourselves. This kind of bull is like saying "new players are not welcome, dont bother joining this game as you cant play with us!", I hate this moronic attitude towards other players. If you want people in decent gear to WZ with FORM A GROUP WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE! There's another issue some have though, grouping with strangers, something thats been getting worse with each MMO I play. Ive always hated power levelling, I think it takes away the grouping and social aspect of the game, I used to love MMOs for the fact a random group would form, kill or die trying and keep going until you achieved what you set out for. These days PLing means more players with good knowledge of the game, no longer want to teach of help new players to get into it. Personally I see it as something that kills new life in this genre. Bring on the nerf.
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