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Hypothetical "canon" advanced classes


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Which advanced specialization from each class do you think Bioware would make cannon down the road, supposing they had to include the actions of the players in a novel or something similar? Here is my opinions on the republic classes. I don't have as much experience with the imperial classes.


Jedi Knight: Guardian. Jedi Knight story was patterned after a Luke Skywalker fantasy, and the Guardian is closer to the archetypal jedi.


Jedi Consular: Sage. The Consular storyline deals with you being a healer in the first part of the storyline repeatedly. Also, some of the cut-scene use of force powers seems more similar to sage abilities.


Trooper: Vanguard. This one is more difficult and subjective. The trooper seems to play in the story as more of a special forces delta force. The commando specialization has always felt somewhat less "special forces" and more "mobile artillery main army" to me.


Smuggler: Scoundrel. Like the Jedi Knight, Bioware stated during development the smuggler story was the Han Solo fantasy. Not much more to say on that.



I'd love to hear other opinions or thoughts on the imperial classes.

Edited by Aristeed
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Warrior: Juggernaut. Darth Vader, anyone?


Inquisitor: Sorcerer. Sidious was supposedly the inspiration for the class as a whole, but the UNLIMITED POWWWWERR aspect of it still exists with the lightning idea.


Bounty Hunter: Probably Mercenary. I can't say for sure, but mercenary seems more bounty hunter-like


Agent: Operative. It's a spy class. 'Nuff said.

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Any Dual Wielding classes, not being properly reflected, automatically fail in class stories due to the fact your cinematic kills do not properly reflect you actually use two weapons.


Sage: I don't approve of the actual storyline, but the Sage's powers feel the most appropriate here. Better for Light Side due to more healing cinematics.

Shadow: For the Dark Side Consular, considering they use more kill scenes, the Shadow is better.

Sorcerer: Generally you will either use Lightning or a Lightsaber for most kill scenes, so the class is at least reasonably balanced. Generally the more arcane elements of the story reflect a Sorcerer's personality better.

Assassin: Of course, for those who just like stabbing and slashing anyone for any reason, the Sith Assassin is the more preferable choice.

Trooper: Since Rifles and Cannons are not properly animated, this class fails in that when you could pull out... I don't know... AN ASSAULT CANNON, which is the equivalent of a Minigun- You instead use a puny pistol...

Guardian: This could follow the Anakin Skywalker fantasy pretty reasonably considering... I mean, Anakin could dual wield every now and again, but except for an actual conversion to the Empire, this is very accurate to movies 1-3.

Juggernaut: Okay, I'm just going to say you wanna roll Dark Side as a Sith Warrior, because they have way more fun, and they have the best killing spree cinematics in the entire game. It accurately replicates the Darth Vader fantasy people might have when they watch Star Wars movies 4-6.

Imperial Agent: Either class is appropriate, although the Operative is generally the best advised since there are scenes you may use some form of either stealth field generator, or technical cloak disguising your true face. The class fails somewhat in that the actual rifle is not used as much as it could be (Most kill scenes are still pistol shots, when I think it would be better if they used either the rifle on their back, or a vibroknife.)

Scoundrel: If you want a Han Solo fantasy you could probably tell your kids about, Light Side Scoundrel is the best way to emulate it. All scenes properly reflect their cunning, charm, and ability to get in tight places, along with a fun personality.

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Jedi Guardian: Luke Skywalker

Jedi Sential: ?

Jedi Sage: Yoda

Jedi Shadow: ?

Scoundrel: Han Solo

Gunslinger: Dash Rendar

Vanguard: Commander Cody

Commando: Random clone trooper


Juggernaught: Vader/Bane

Marauder: ?

Sorcerer: Palpatine

Assassin: Maul

Powertech: Boba Fett[minus the blaster rifle]

Merc: Jango Fett

Operative: James bond

Sniper: Agent 47 from hitman.

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Jedi Guardian: Luke Skywalker

Jedi Sential: ?

Jedi Sage: Yoda

Jedi Shadow: ?

Scoundrel: Han Solo

Gunslinger: Dash Rendar

Vanguard: Commander Cody

Commando: Random clone trooper


Juggernaught: Vader/Bane

Marauder: ?

Sorcerer: Palpatine

Assassin: Maul

Powertech: Boba Fett[minus the blaster rifle]

Merc: Jango Fett

Operative: James bond

Sniper: Agent 47 from hitman.


Why would Dash be the Gunslinger?

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Personally I would like to see an Imperial trooper class since you see them all the time as NPCs and I would also like to see bounty hunters working for the republic since they are meant to work for the highest bidder and sometimes the highest bidder could well be the SIS or the army of the republic.
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