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Petition, straight and simple.


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FYI, in almost all countries underage kids cant enter into legal binding contracts at all (without their parents consent), and therefore EA would have to pay the money back.


Which brings up the question again: How is the kid supoosed to buy cartel coins without the consent of his parents? And what has this to do specificially with SWTOR to begin with?


Even with the law being what it is, you really think EA is going to peek into single accounts removing cartel items and stuff?


What about those sold in GTN? Wanna explain to me how it would work if kid's been using boosts bought from those packs that needed a refund? And god know how many oher scenarios can form up.


Law might be such. But I think any sort of request like that is gonna be sorted with a simple " should've checked better ur kid " or " not our problem u load ur kid with cash, kthx gg bye "


They got it all covered one way or another, with some of those things being next to to the illegal. :(

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I APPROVE OF the implementation of any Cartel Market items that DO NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY.


Not a crafter, I guess.

It affects your game play if you are a crafter.



Edited by Blackavaar
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How about this...instead of a petition...don't support the CM. Don't buy packs, don't buy coins, don't buy items off the GTN.


Which do you think would be more successful? Buncha screaming mad fans who still pay signing a petition, or so few items moving in the CM that they simply don't make the $ they invested in it?


The solution to cash shops and things like this Rep system obvious...and the best part...the solution is 99.99% in the players hands!!!!


TUXs speaks the truth.


That is all.

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


It is pointless, EA have a stranglehold on this game that sickens me to no end. Hey EA why dont you go back to making crap sports games and leave teh grown ups to play without your profiteering.

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


Let's make them hear our voice, community!


Actually, they implemented the reputation "system" and 6 organizations before they ever added the Contraband Resale Corp ("CRC") organization as an aspect of the reputation system. Given that this is just one organization out of 7 (and there's soon to be an 8th in game update 2.0), then how can this be an entire reputation "system" that is "exclusively" based on money? So your petition statement isn't even accurate. It's a loaded phrasing designed to elicit only the response you want. To me, it's ridiculous to suggest that having 1 out of 7 or 8 organizations based on rewards for purchases from the Cartel Market is some great travesty. Without people spending money on the Cartel Market to subsidize this game, there wouldn't be any game. 2 of the 3 vendors for the CRC sell Cartel items that people can buy off the GTN. The 3rd vendor offers a re-colored Voss mystic outfit, a gawdy helmet, 1 vehicle, a couple of armor sets for the Hutt security team (haven't seen anyone suggesting that these are highly sought after outfits either) and there there's a couple of titles based on rank. Not exactly the end of the world....and people can get rep off all the other groups in the reputation system except the CRC without spending any money. So it's very misleading to suggest that the entire reputation system is exclusively based on spending money.


I would bet that 99.9% of the people claiming this is an outrage because they can't get everything in the game without paying money don't even have anywhere remotely close to every non-Cartel item, title, codex, etc. They just hope if they make enough noise, that BW will give them free stuff or make it easy to get things off the CRC. I'm in the community too........so there's my voice.

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An afterthought:


Since this petition is aimed against the "implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure." - does it currently apply at all?


I mean, you most likely can grind your way to max reputation by buying cartel packs via the GTN for ingame credits, so it is not "exclusively" based on you having spending to spent any real money...


How about the following more general and more honest petition then:


"As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a game mechanic which does not exclusively cater to MY subjective preference on how to play the game, which in particular revolves about the expenditure of time and loads of it (which I apparently do have plenty)."


Is this something we can get behind?

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Nope, you cannot give me a false dichotomy.

I do not support a paid gambling system for cartel items.

I do not support more Operations and Warzones over the valued fourth pillar of story.

I do not support the certificate idea.


I do support cosmetic items inside the cartel market. There is already gear for every single planet, flashpoint, operation, warzone and the things crafters can make. I would hope they do not change the rewards to existing content. Already not a fan of removing centurion, champion, and battlemaster.

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Actually, they implemented the reputation "system" and 6 organizations before they ever added the Contraband Resale Corp ("CRC") organization as an aspect of the reputation system. Given that this is just one organization out of 7 (and there's soon to be an 8th in game update 2.0), then how can this be an entire reputation "system" that is "exclusively" based on money? So your petition statement isn't even accurate. It's a loaded phrasing designed to elicit only the response you want. To me, it's ridiculous to suggest that having 1 out of 7 or 8 organizations based on rewards for purchases from the Cartel Market is some great travesty. Without people spending money on the Cartel Market to subsidize this game, there wouldn't be any game. 2 of the 3 vendors for the CRC sell Cartel items that people can buy off the GTN. The 3rd vendor offers a re-colored Voss mystic outfit, a gawdy helmet, 1 vehicle, a couple of armor sets for the Hutt security team (haven't seen anyone suggesting that these are highly sought after outfits either) and there there's a couple of titles based on rank. Not exactly the end of the world....and people can get rep off all the other groups in the reputation system except the CRC without spending any money. So it's very misleading to suggest that the entire reputation system is exclusively based on spending money.


I would bet that 99.9% of the people claiming this is an outrage because they can't get everything in the game without paying money don't even have anywhere remotely close to every non-Cartel item, title, codex, etc. They just hope if they make enough noise, that BW will give them free stuff or make it easy to get things off the CRC. I'm in the community too........so there's my voice.


As I've stated before, Jim, my main issue with this is that it displays that BioWare have no plans whatsoever to add any gear directly into the game (by way of new crafting schematics or new Boss drops) ever again. The fact that they further alluded to every future pack having it's own Rep vendor makes it more than clear that the only players they care about are those who funnel money into their Cartel Market. The fact that they added another repaint to the CE vendor makes it even more clear. Subscribers, longtime fans and CE owners are no longer even a concern. The fly by night F2Pers that are addicted to gambling boxes are the only ones they really care about anymore. There is NO loyalty program, there is ONLY enticement to spend more money.


The more you feed the wolves, the more they want.



Edited by Blackavaar
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As I've stated before, Jim, my main issue with this is that it displays that BioWare have no plans whatsoever to add any gear directly into the game (by way of new crafting schematics or new Boss drops) ever again.


So at what point did you make up this completely fabricated thought in your head convince yourself that this was reality, rather than look at things like facts?

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


But I can do more than show my disapprova here. I plan to not buy anything of course as well as plant any seed Of disapproval i can to any gamer I run across about SWTOR and its new buy to rep system.

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Actually, they implemented the reputation "system" and 6 organizations before they ever added the Contraband Resale Corp ("CRC") organization as an aspect of the reputation system. Given that this is just one organization out of 7 (and there's soon to be an 8th in game update 2.0), then how can this be an entire reputation "system" that is "exclusively" based on money? So your petition statement isn't even accurate. It's a loaded phrasing designed to elicit only the response you want. To me, it's ridiculous to suggest that having 1 out of 7 or 8 organizations based on rewards for purchases from the Cartel Market is some great travesty. Without people spending money on the Cartel Market (looks like subscribers have become 2nd citiziens after all... D: )to subsidize this game, there wouldn't be any game. 2 of the 3 vendors for the CRC sell Cartel items that people can buy off the GTN. The 3rd vendor offers a re-colored Voss mystic outfit, a gawdy helmet, 1 vehicle, a couple of armor sets for the Hutt security team (haven't seen anyone suggesting that these are highly sought after outfits either) and there there's a couple of titles based on rank. Not exactly the end of the world....and people can get rep off all the other groups in the reputation system except the CRC without spending any money. So it's very misleading to suggest that the entire reputation system is exclusively based on spending money.


oh nono my problem is only and exclusively with the CRC system. :)



I would bet that 99.9% of the people claiming this is an outrage because they can't get everything in the game without paying money don't even have anywhere remotely close to every non-Cartel item, title, codex, etc. They just hope if they make enough noise, that BW will give them free stuff or make it easy to get things off the CRC. I'm in the community too........so there's my voice.


wow i'm a 0.1% of all this :eek: most of my 3 level 50s have cartel items as in weapons and clothing and mounts and my newest lv.16 alt has also been granted one of the new cannon models, all taken out from the GTN :)


I'm sorry, but mine, is a battle of principles.


Oh yeah and just in case i felt the urge to buy legend rank overnight, I got 550 euros lying in wait. :)


Like i keep saying in other threads, all this can be simply solved by adding dailies like for sec.x, black hole and gree event. And since in a month's time a hutt controlled planet is going to enter our universe, that might be a good place where to put such dailies. :)

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So at what point did you make up this completely fabricated thought in your head convince yourself that this was reality, rather than look at things like facts?


What? Facts? What facts?


You mean like the FACT that BioWare fixed the visual issues with the CM gear and issued a caveat to all players that had said gear free Classic versions while broken and visually wrong crafting gear has been left broken and visually wrong? You mean like the fact that they have added more than 20 new gear sets via gambling boxes while Crafters have not had a single update ever? You mean like the fact that they keep on promising us regular "unique" updates to the CE store and then give us a repaint of something they already gave away for free or added to a CM pack?


You mean like those facts?



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The more you feed the wolves, the more they want.




But who are the wolves?


It seems that there are some players who are simply not content with having access to all important gear and most cosmetic gear and cannot stand the thought of someone having a cosmetiy eyepatch they can`t have without spending real money.


And by "can`t have" I mean "can have", because you could of course buy cartel packs from the GTN.


So yeah EA/Bioware, do not feed the wolves, they otherwise want more free cosmetic gear.

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