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Sith Warrior underpowered?


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Before I start, a note: This is not a rant, nor a complaint.

I am a role-player, since I am 18 I've been role-playing, D&D, AD&D, Auge des Meisters, Shadowrun, Warhammer (the not-40K/not tabletop), Call of Cthulu, ..., all pen-and-paper, except for Vampire the Masquerade, which was a LARP.

Star Wars D6/D20 was amongst these.


Now, I've been playing quite a few SW games on PC, but this is the first time I am puzzled.

I made myself a Sith Warrior, Marauder.

And I came to see, that the damage is 'not there'.

Not at all.

Sith 'spell casters' zap their targets into oblivion, Snipers take a foe out in few hits, I need to hack into that same mob for 10+ seconds, albeit I am in blue (prototype) gear up in my level, and top skills.

I know how to engage an enemy, but the Sith Warrior Marauder fails to do what he is supposed to do: deliver DPS.

And not just in PvE, also in PvP he is owned badly.


I asked around, had many a theory thrown at me, most resulting in: "Wait for level 40 for decent dps."


OK, I can do that, having Vette along, the game is doable, but this way, it takes forever to get anywhere.

Which is not that fun, seeing my friends level like crazy, and myself hopping in the back, being useless, and unable to follow: at 1/5th their leveling speeds in the best case.


You'd probably say something like: "We ALL have this, in any class." now...

But I need to disagree: I made a Sith Sorcerer, he owns.

I made a Sniper... He owns at owning.

The Sniper is nice, the Sorcerer not at all, not my thing.

I prefer close combat, both the sorcerer and the Sniper were a test, and will be dropped.

IF I figure out how to get my Warrior running decently.


And now the reason for this post:

My question is: what do I do to get my Warrior into just that, a Warrior instead of a ballerina?

Because, at this moment, he's nothing more than just that: a ballerina...


Sad, but true.


Suggestions please?


Thank you.

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You're not providing any really relevant information about your warrior.


What level is it?

What level quests are you attempting?

What spec tree are you using?

What lightsaber form?

What abilities do you use?


No way to provide you any meaningful feedback without more information.

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Lvl: 19

Spec: Annihilation

Note: I used 10 points in different specs: 2 in Ravage (Rage)

8 in Carnage: Defensive Form 2, Dual Wield Mastery 3, Defensive Roll 2.

1 Point in Enraged Slash.

Mission: all.

I do most missions with my wife who runs a Sorcerer, in Shadow Spawn for example she goes heavy in the 200+ damage, where I, on the same spawns, have a mere 50, topping 60 damage, and up to 150 with Ravage.

Since both the PC's are next to one another, I can see her damage, and compare it to mine, but well...

I simply do not get her damage.

She runs green gear, I run blue gear, as stated before.

And she just turned 20, so she was in level with me.


Does this help?

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I'm leveling a Sith Marauder myself now level 25 and I've been owning mobs since level 10 and doing decent damage for this level. Are you sure you're using all the abilities?

I'm also leveling a Gunslinger which is a mirror of the Sniper class and I'm taking mobs down at the same speed, maybe a tiny bit faster.

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Marauders probably have one of the best mixes of damage and toughness of all the classes. But not until they get to about lvl 38 or so. Anniliation's self healing is pretty decent damage mitigation. Cloak of pain, great. Obfuscate, very good. Saber ward, long CD, but still good. And of course there is undying rage.
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Lvl: 19

Spec: Annihilation

Note: I used 10 points in different specs: 2 in Ravage (Rage)

8 in Carnage: Defensive Form 2, Dual Wield Mastery 3, Defensive Roll 2.

1 Point in Enraged Slash.

Mission: all.

I do most missions with my wife who runs a Sorcerer, in Shadow Spawn for example she goes heavy in the 200+ damage, where I, on the same spawns, have a mere 50, topping 60 damage, and up to 150 with Ravage.

Since both the PC's are next to one another, I can see her damage, and compare it to mine, but well...

I simply do not get her damage.

She runs green gear, I run blue gear, as stated before.

And she just turned 20, so she was in level with me.


Does this help?


Sorry I'm just now seeing this post. You don't really need defensive roll unless you are going to PvP, because most AoE in the early game is easily avoided. Also, this stops you from getting Overload Saber, which is VITAL to the Anni spec's DPS

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@ Nebbinn: my friend: I run now a sniper as well, and no, the damage is not even CLOSE to that of the warrior's poor dps.

I take out mobs a level higher on my sniper in 2 shots, my marauder bites the dust on that same mob on that same level (without companion, I mean. My marauder is totally useless without Vette.)

I THINK I use the right abilities.

Unsure there...


As for the Defensive Roll: I'll respec then, do I keep the other three non-Annihilator abilities, or do I drop them as well?


Thank you all for the replies.

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I play a Juggernaut currently lvl 27, the damage tree am using is Vengeance (Damage). I do find that it has very good dps and lot better then the other two. Plus I use and keep gear updated for Quinn (healer) and Vette (Dps). Since I tend to change between the two in case run into problems with a difficult mob.


Finding that keeping gear update for your toon and companions does help with the dps, since sith warrior main stats are STR and END. Also found that Accuracy helps a lot when using either Quinn or Vette.


Have noticed a few times marauders doing same quests often times get dead facing too many mobs and yet my juggy makes it alive each time. Plus being a Biochem with medpacs also helps.


My advice would be to get Biochem (make medpacs) or invest in getting medpacs to use from a vendor or GTN. Totally relying on Quinn might not be good enough if you get into a spot of trouble with too many mobs, especially if they have the STRONG or ELITE tags. Also being +4-6 levels above your current quest level will help (optional). Getting into a group and doing quests (normal and class) also helps (though still do not understand why majority of players seems to have this anti-group mentality for normal and class quest except for warzones, flashpoints, heroics, and ops).

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anni gets better around 25,

use smash to temporary stun enemies, use rupture on start, and Vicuius slash mobs down.

remember about cloack of pain.

sniper is far stronger on lower levels and gets better bolster, and you start with energy for burst, while mara needs to build it (but you already know that)


after you get 30+ and use your healing companion, you will love it, but intil then, you need to 'stuck it up and deal with it'

Edited by Atramar
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Thank you.


And yes, I get killed a lot as well.

Not that annoying to me, but the fact my friends run out far ahead of me is...

I keep crawling after them at very slow pace still.


As for respec: keep all but the AoE safe roll?

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Thank you.


I was thinking: the Dual Wield Mastery, isn't it a necessity?

I am asking this, since a Sith Warrior Marauder IS a Dual wielder.

And 12% damage offhand per level is, I THINK, a must have?

Level 3 adds 36% offhand damage, after all.

Don't smack me if I am wrong, lol.

But it DOES seem logical, no?


So, drop all and go full Annihilator.

I'll await answer on the Dual wield Mastery.

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Thank you.


And yes, I get killed a lot as well.

Not that annoying to me, but the fact my friends run out far ahead of me is...

I keep crawling after them at very slow pace still.


As for respec: keep all but the AoE safe roll?


I'd recommend keeping all your points in Anni until you can get to overload saber. In fact, you may want to consider putting your first 31 points into the spec. Another option is to get the 11 pts for Overload Saber, then put 5 points into Dual Saber Master and Defensive Forms.

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Unfortunately Sith Warriors are the type of class that start really owning at high lvl because it's one of those classes that require the last skill of the spec to shine, hence why carnage is not as good until you get massacre as you won't get enough ataru procs to make it work the dps. Rage spec is pretty good after 30 when you get shockwave, berserker and dominate which will make your smash hit for high amounts. This is very good against weak/standard mobs, if you use vette with aoe stance and have another player with you to heal if needed as it will make killing packs of mobs insanely easy. Once you get force crush (at lv 40 if you spend all points in rage until then) you will notice how easy it is to stack up shockwave for the next smash. Keep in mind rage is NOT a build you want to use in heroics/flashpoints as it will grab unnecesary aggro on you or get your group killed.
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Nice, I must say that I am using the middle spec with my Sentinel(Combat) and it is very slow. DPs is ok, but I have played with every class to 50 and this is the slowest since leveling my powertech tank. The only reason I have not switched is because I copied my toon to the PTS and I can see what she will be able to do at 50. She will be a beast.


I orignally thought this was going to be a Sith Warrior thread. The Jedi Guardian and Sith Jugernaut are great and they are my favorite force using classes in game.

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You don't know what you're talking about Original Poster.


RAID groups have to have at least one marauder/sentinel in the ops group to succeed. They are one of the most demanded dps classes. Predation/Bloodthirst


This ability right here:




Cooldown: 300s

Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to issue Bloodthirst to you and your group, increasing all damage and healing dealt by 15%. Lasts 15 seconds.



and where in the galaxy have you been? you haven't heard people whine about smash yet?

Edited by Falensawino
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