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Question of the Day- Tuesday 3/12


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Favourite Operation Bosses:


#1. Soa: First boss I ever really got a sense of being a Hero against:cool:

#2. Bonethrasher: It's pure Rot:D

#3. Operator IX: Welcome to Mainframe, I am Tron:p

#4. The Terror From Beyond: It's a BIG boss:eek:


Have to agree with this, even the order, only thing I would change if TFB (A giant squid) and does anyoen see where those tiny ones are comming from?? oh what is that his, it's,:eek: yuck :w_rolls_eyes:

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Not a doubt: Firebrand & Stormcaller Nightmare Mode. We struggled a lot to put them down and I am the healer who stands on the ground, between the two tanks. The challenge of the "avoid umbrellas - purge self - heal others" makes me very happy now I have mastered it.
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I'm a huge fan of operations in Star Wars: The Old Republic. So many great encounters, memories spent laughing through troublesome fights and cheering victories.


Soa is still an amazing fight, I really hope to see EV/KP get some love moving forward. No matter where the game goes I'll never get tired of those fights (Except Fabricator). Albeit, they're a lot more enjoyable now with many of the quality of life improvements.


But I have to say, Terror from Beyond is the new high point for me. Whereas the previous operations had standout fights, TFB is from start to finish a roller coaster. While it doesn't quite nail the personality of Karagga's Palace, it instills a sense of "Epic" challenge and fun on a scale not seen since Soa was the big kid on the block.


TFB also brings some of the most "polished " content that you guys have put out. While hiccups do occur, it is so far and beyond what Eternity Vault was on launch, or any of the previous ops really.


The standout has to be Operator IX, where the other "puzzle" fights always put a lull in the action, this one was just over the top. Even now on the weekly grind, I run into that room with a huge grin ;)

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I love Ops. It makes it all worthwhile when you complete an Ops run.


Now... for me the most notable are.


Soa. He was first and the most memorable because of it. Holy shnikees he was an eye opener the first time through. The mechanics are great and nothing beats a newbies first exclamation as the floor crumbles away before his or her very feet.


Operator IX. The mechanics are very interesting... and every time I run it I wonder... how in the world did the first runs figure him out?


Foreman Crusher. Traditional tank and spank IMO. But when he goes into that Frenzy especially in HM or NiM there is always a doubt.


Zorn and Toth. I always get giddy when I see them switch and one of them comes running back. Lol!


The Dread Trio. Just good fun for us melee dps.

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I LOVE operations. Only thing I do on my 50 now besides rep grinds.

Favorite boss would have to be Operator IX on HM. First time trying that was amazingly difficult to figure out and even when I raid now during the second phase it is funny when the whole raid is yelling "Blue to center... Blue to center... **** **** ******* *******'ing Blue" and then the blue player "oops I forgot I was blue". lol good times :D

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My favorite? Depends on the character I am playing...


On my Vanguard Tank - Hands down: Soa. The last phase on the floor, pulling him around to get him under the pylons to bust his bubble... There are few fights in this game, that rely on the situational awareness of a good single tank quite like that fight... No swaps, no offtaunting... It's just you and Soa, kiting him around like a misbehaving dog on a leash.


On my Sage Healer I would have to say the Dread Guard in HM Terror from Beyond. The raidwide damage getting tossed out, especially with the Lightning Surges will test a healer's mettle, not to mention the INSANE self-control it takes to NOT heal a tank who is debuffed by Kel'sara... Seeing a red bar in the ops frame that's not full, and NOT filling it back up, causes my brain to swell a little bit.


On my Sentinel DPS it's a little more complicated... I can't really pick one Operations boss that is my "favorite"... however, there is a type of boss encounter that I think I enjoy most as dps: The 2 Boss Encounter. (Jarg/Sorno, Toth/Zorn, Firebrand/Stormcaller...) Because, not only is the fight about downing the bosses, dealing with the mechanics, avoiding damage,etc... but it's ALSO a "competition" between the 2/2 dps to see who can drop their boss first. (Forget that nonsense about keeping their %'s even... BAH!! Keep up with the deeps!!)

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Easy question even though there are a number of fun encounters. I play operations a lot on my level 50s and the one which stands out for me from the currently live ops is Operator IX in tfb.


The whole fight is fun, I like the environment design too, and for hard mode your group really has to be co-ordinated and everyone participates equally in the whole fight. It was also interesting working out the best way to set up the colour pairs for our particular group for HM so we could be most effective, a good puzzle.


The balance of this encounter is particularly good imo. I have level 50 toons for every occasion so have tried this as both melee and ranged dps, tank and healer ;). I find it an essentially equal experience on all, unlike some other encounters there is no advantage to ranged dps over melee, although the normal balance of 2 of each is still nice, and no one role has a harder or easier job than the others on this fight and that's great.


When patch 2.00 hits there are some good boss fight coming in scum and villainy but I've not counted them for now as they are only on pts. I'm encouraged by the progressive improvement in ops design in the game though.



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While I like a ton of the boss fights, Soa and Kephess have a special place in my heart for current content. Scum and Villany bosses are a lot of fun. As some people have stated Jarg and Sorno are fun because of the comedy, which i think is a big part of star wars, this has blended nicely in S & V you have fights that feel serious and others that make me generally laugh, Titan 6 for one. The name of of the skills in S&V are great, Titan 6 as an example: lots of missles. and then basically every attack on an Arms Dealer.


Dash is a great fun concept and I think it plants the roots for other fun fights, i like the long distance moving terrain fight of that. Perfect for Rise of the Hutt Cartel would be a fight combining Dash and Gharj and TFB platforms. Have it be on moving barges and have you move from barge to barge and have the former barges crash and burn from like the monster leap or something or some Mandalorians blowing them up. Devs I would be happy to explain all the mechanics for that fight in my head, I've been working on it for a while haha.

Edited by Ramaral
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I still have yet to see TFB unfortunately but everything else i have seen. Out of all the ones i have seen i think i enjoy good old Jarg and Sorno in KP the best. Just a fun fight :D


Oh and yes i love operations and flashpoints.

Edited by Amlici
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I love Ops. It makes it all worthwhile when you complete an Ops run.


Now... for me the most notable are.


Foreman Crusher. Traditional tank and spank IMO. But when he goes into that Frenzy especially in HM or NiM there is always a doubt..



Never really liked the Slavedriver. I think it's because I just find Kintans a bit overused (there must be one heck of an exotic animal smuggling industry in SW;)).


I think that if I HAD to choose a 5th boss (1-Soa, 2-Bonethrasher, 3-Operator IX, 4-TFB), I'd go with Operations Chief despite only being on the PTS. I just like the foreplay (:p) of the fight. It's fun to divide and conquer.

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I actually like Soa best (i.e. since the inital bugs were fixed ;-). It's the most amitiously designed fight, has great atmosphere and doesn't get boring, even if you're sick and tired of the rest of EV.


In 2.0. it will probably be Styrak for similar reasons, although Titan 6 and Operations Chief are strong contenders. Titan is just an awesome looking enemy and the mechanics are very well executed both technically and regarding graphics. Chief is just an encounter unlike any other in the game, kudos for variety!


Toons: Gunslinger Dot Hybrid, Guardian Tank Full Defense (likes Jarg&Sorno), Watchman Sentinel (likes Dread Guard Council in TFB).


And, yeah, obviously i LOVE doing OPs! :-)

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