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Dont know If I should worry or not?


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Don`t know If I should be worried of not. I'm a 48 Marauder running a Carnage spec atm, and I just really put out the numbers. Don't know if its my rotation. which starts with Force charge - Massacre - BA - Gore - Force scream - Ravage. Or its its the fact that i'm running with the 40`s pvp Furious assault set? Someone said I should be running Rage spec'd but smash monkey just isn't my style... Can someone please help me out?
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In pvp you should be thinking toooo much about a set rotation as carnage spec just do whats needed at the time.

The 2 biggest burst dmg combos you can do as carnage with your gore window up is

(once you have some focus/rage built up ofc)

Massacre (for ataru proc) >gore > ravage> Force scream

orrrr use berserk and use 2 or 3 massacres into force scream all within gore window.


These burst down an opponent fastest. The ravage combo isnt always the most efficient because people stun through ravage use it on stupid people who you know wont stun you (lots of those in lowbies) and when you have full resolve the main time to use that. Between gore windows keep your focus/rage up and use massacare (also rupture if you really want to) as filler.


Numbers wise you just gotta run around and kill red if you got the rest down. Also gear can have a big impact on dmg in lowbies once you get outdated you will do ok but will be doing noticably less dmg then you would be at gear of the same level as yourself and you'll have like 11k hp if you gear is 5-10 lvls behind EVEN if its augmented :D

Edited by AngusFTW
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No you shouldn't worry, contrary to popular belief, I think that Mara/Sent is prolly one of the hardest class to master and own with.


You might need time to get used to the spec itself, but the guy above stated nicely on how to do the basics. There is no rotation, just priorities. Gore -> Ravage & Gore -> Massacres(on Berserk) then Force Scream is prolly the hardest hitting combo in the game, damage per sec wise. But playing a Mara is all about picking targets, staying out of sticky situations, and bursting at the right time.


This class also dies very easily, hence their many defensive cooldowns. People say that Mara got defensive CDs up the butt and this makes them hard to kill and OP. But how many Mara/Sents they run into that can manage that well?


You're problem is probably the fact you die too fast, and have no time to get out your damage. Manage your CDs, have situational awareness, and know when to put the hurt down.


One rule should be, if it looks bad then it's worse for you. If your CDs are down, then you will be downed. So yeah keep it up, you will see surprising numbers.

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No you shouldn't worry, contrary to popular belief, I think that Mara/Sent is prolly one of the hardest class to master and own with.




Are you serious?


With my combat sentinel i am always first on damage done and can melt any class 1v1.

I am kinda running around like in some kind of trance and i am unstoppable destroying everything before my eyes.


With my Vengeance Juggernaut i am more miserable than a demon in heaven,and struggling like a sinful angel.


If they don't Buf dps speced Juggernauts in 2.0,i am deleting it making a marauder and will have the same advanced class for both factions.That's how powerful mara/sent is.


I am guessing those that complain about marauders and don't do well in pvp with them,have never played a mmo before or have never played another class in swtor before.All you need is some pvp ''instinct'' and swtor experience and you will be a god with marauder.Basically if i wanted pure results and cared nothing for lore or the story lines i would play nothing but sentinel and marauder.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Are you serious?


With my combat sentinel i am always first on damage done and can melt any class 1v1.

I am kinda running around like in some kind of trance and i am unstoppable destroying everything before my eyes.


With my Vengeance Juggernaut i am more miserable than a demon in heaven,and struggling like a sinful angel.


If they don't Buf dps speced Juggernauts in 2.0,i am deleting it making a marauder and will have the same advanced class for both factions.That's how powerful mara/sent is.


I am guessing those that complain about marauders and don't do well in pvp with them,have never played a mmo before or have never played another class in swtor before.All you need is some pvp ''instinct'' and swtor experience and you will be a god with marauder.Basically if i wanted pure results and cared nothing for lore or the story lines i would play nothing but sentinel and marauder.



I suggest you read patchnotes, or log to the PTS.

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Are you serious?


With my combat sentinel i am always first on damage done and can melt any class 1v1.

I am kinda running around like in some kind of trance and i am unstoppable destroying everything before my eyes.


With my Vengeance Juggernaut i am more miserable than a demon in heaven,and struggling like a sinful angel.


If they don't Buf dps speced Juggernauts in 2.0,i am deleting it making a marauder and will have the same advanced class for both factions.That's how powerful mara/sent is.


I am guessing those that complain about marauders and don't do well in pvp with them,have never played a mmo before or have never played another class in swtor before.All you need is some pvp ''instinct'' and swtor experience and you will be a god with marauder.Basically if i wanted pure results and cared nothing for lore or the story lines i would play nothing but sentinel and marauder.


If you're playing Veng Jugg, dont expect numbers. But if you're not one of the top Medalists in the match, you're playing this class wrong. This class can stick on a healer like a wedgie on a fatchick. Charage in group. Pop Aoe taunt raise hell on healer. Push and do it all over again. Mara is my favorite, but 1v1 Veng > Mara. 3 Leaps and a Push. If that's not ultility then i dont know what is.

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How good is Annihilation in PvP these days? I definitely don't want to play Smash. ZZZZzzzz. Never played Combat/Carnage on my Sent, I was always Watchman... which I freaking loved. But it's been many months since I've played.
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How good is Annihilation in PvP these days? I definitely don't want to play Smash. ZZZZzzzz. Never played Combat/Carnage on my Sent, I was always Watchman... which I freaking loved. But it's been many months since I've played.


It isn't as good as it was as far as self heals go, but still my favorite spec. With that said, any competent commando (including dps), scoundrel (including dps), or sage healer can effectively cleanse two of your bleeds every 5 seconds and kill your dps effectively since a high percentage of your dps in a pvp situation comes from your bleeds. With that said I still play annihilation more as a social experiment to see how many able people including healers don't cleanse my bleeds (i have an op healer that loves to troll watchman sentinels). Furthermore, you can always do your four bleeds quickly and force choke them after a berserk and they are in a pretty dire situation and finish with a ravage. As far as pugging alone in regular warzones, i play annihilation most of the time and find it much less frustrating to play than carnage when your opponents are the stun bubble variety. I am just not a huge white damage fan but do love to play carnage when I am in the mood. As far as fighting other marauders, I generally win against most carnage and rage marauders i encounter. Then again this is just my opinion as a person that mostly plays annihilation.


I would also say try out combat spec, because you might find you like it quite a bit. It has an extreme amount of burst when played right and is extremely good at killing healers. I do struggle playing carnage as effectively as i play annihilation. but it might make more sense to you and you will be eating people up. Overall, combat/carnage has some of the best utility in the game that greatly benefits your team .

Edited by NickDrakeRoad
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anni is still pretty fun in pvp against pugs that dunno what they're doing which can be.. most of them depending on server :p (as anni you can do 1v2, 1v3 against bad pugs even with the self heal nerf if you know how to play it well). Against premades or a pug with more then 2 good healers it isnt so great if they have a good healer that knows to cleanse or 2 or a healer/tank combo. In those situation the other 2 specs are just better for bursting down a single target when there is heals floating around. Anni is still the spec i find the most fun also but i fear 2.0 is going to kill it completely for pvp with the crit changes (since it really does benefit from crit for the dots which gives survivability and annihilate.. 18% crit chance bb burst).

Anni on live still works best as solo queue spec since even after self heal nerf it still has the best survivability. Rage does more dmg in solo queue probs BUT you will die more unless you have a good healer pref a pocket healer since if you go into a grp of people and smash them for 6k they do all tend to target you and unless they're terribad they will drop you quite fast :p.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I really like Annih, well the concept of it, but i'd rather not play it.


I lose Force Camo debuff, but longer duration..... seems useless since i dont need Force Camo to last long.


I lose predation speed, which is a huge minus for me.


Annihilate cost like half your rage.


Your initial setup for your rotation usually involves a basic attack to get enough rage for both bleeds(which bugs me alot). You can't use fillers alot since you're always trying to build enough rage for your next rotation.


The number 1 thing that bugs me. Is after i set up my bleeds the target dies after two ticks. I guess i need to get used to not always trying to make everyone bleed.


The point is alot of a set up for little results, cuz in pvp switching targets fast and bursting em down is key. Something that Annih lacks. But comes 2.0 with the extra stack on Juyo form i can imagine this changing quite a few minds, even my own. I would def like to play Annih, just for the fact that when i use Deadly Saber the animation looks cool as hell :p

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