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I'm a little upset


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As per the thread title I am a little upset and i will tell you why. It is not because of the game or mechanics but of the forum. See I am not sure if many of you know but I am quite a active poster on the forums. I really enjoy the discussions even arguments that occur on a day to day basis.


However recently most notably today I responded to a thread in the suggestion forum about options for solo players. See my opinion on the matter is quite strong and to a degree a bit harsh. But see here is the thing after I responded the person whom i was responding to replied in a very angry way even going so far as to hurl insults at me and attack my character somewhat. Now as time has gone on I have developed a much stronger skin when it comes to these forums so I can take it as much as I can dish it out. Yet some things the person said hit home a little bit so i would like to ask you guys if I am actually wrong if my tone is bad and if so how do I change it.


Thanks for your time


Here is the thread in question. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=609607

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You really need to stop caring what people on an Internet forum think about you.


That is how I act most of the time I guess I wanted to know if my way of responding is in fact hostile or too harsh but I do not withdraw my opinions I just wanted to know if my way of responding needs adjusting.


Thanks for the reply though.

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Yeah some people can be quite unruly and mean when they are anonymous on the internet.


Simple solution, which I myself admit is hard sometime, but it really does work:


Report, don't retort.


If you feel you were personally attacked by the other party, just report the specific posts to the mods. They will review and if necessary take appropriate action.


The one thing you do not want to do is let them bait you into responding in kind. Some folks really do try to bait others so they can /report them. It some sort of meta-game for them.


Another solution to use as well.... ignore, don't deplore. There were times in the "Gunsmoke Days" on the forum last summer when I had a large and growing list of forum members on /ignore because of all the personal attacks and snark directed in my direction.


The Forum really is much much better then it was 9 months ago, and getting better with each passing month. So don't let any forum member get you down.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah some people can be quite unruly and mean when they are anonymous on the internet.


Simple solution, which I myself admit is hard sometime, but it really does work:


Report, don't retort.


If you feel you were personally attacked by the other party, just report the specific posts to the mods. They will review and if necessary take appropriate action.


The one thing you do not want to do is let them bait you into responding in kind. Some folks really do try to bait others so they can /report them. It some sort of meta-game for them.


Another solution to use as well.... ignore, don't deplore. There were times in the "Gunsmoke Days" on the forum last summer when I had a large and growing list of forum members on /ignore because of all the personal attacks and snark directed in my direction.


The Forum really is much much better then it was 9 months ago, and getting better with each passing month. So don't let any forum member get you down.


I am actually really pleased you replied Andryah. I always find your posts insightful and I know you yourself have had lots of negativity thrown at you. I only ask this because I want to know from other people if it is indeed my tone or way of posting that can upset people and if so what possibly i can do to change that.


But in so far as dealing with rude people yeah I ignore or report if i see fit but I do not want to come across weak too I admit a bit of ego there. But most of the time if I see no real hope of a decent discussion I will leave it as is. But perhaps could you read the thread I posted and see what I am talking about if that is ok?

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I have a real problem with "reporting" posts. Whether I disagree with someone or not or even think someone's opinion, argument, or otherwise is absolutely asinine or not I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and reporting someone to me is akin to trying to squelch their free speech. I know plenty of people who disagree with me report me all the time just because I disagree with them they think I shouldn't be able to voice my opinion so that just makes me more inclined to voice it again and again. Yeah I'm a PITA about it I'm sure but it seems more people are inclined to make you be quiet if they don't agree with you. which really seems to be an over arching issue in general these days, not just on here.
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Dont worry about these people, they are just mean and vindictive because they are bored.


Its not your tone.


I just shake my head at some posts and just move on. Dont argue or bother with them, I try to only answer sensible people.

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As per the thread title I am a little upset and i will tell you why. It is not because of the game or mechanics but of the forum. See I am not sure if many of you know but I am quite a active poster on the forums. I really enjoy the discussions even arguments that occur on a day to day basis.


However recently most notably today I responded to a thread in the suggestion forum about options for solo players. See my opinion on the matter is quite strong and to a degree a bit harsh. But see here is the thing after I responded the person whom i was responding to replied in a very angry way even going so far as to hurl insults at me and attack my character somewhat. Now as time has gone on I have developed a much stronger skin when it comes to these forums so I can take it as much as I can dish it out. Yet some things the person said hit home a little bit so i would like to ask you guys if I am actually wrong if my tone is bad and if so how do I change it.


Thanks for your time


Here is the thread in question. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=609607


you should never start a sentence with but,

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If they are going off topic, and attacking you personally- Report them. Ignore them. Freedom of speech is one thing. Taking advantage of the internet anonymity to behave less than human is another. Why should anyone tolerate that? There are too many other people who will agree and/or disagree with you on these forums who know how to use critical thinking and constructive criticism. No need to let the other low-life denizens get you down. Stick with the ones who can contribute intelligently to conversation. Act with dignity regardless of those others. Edited by amaresch
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I think you got what you deserved. He posted in the suggestion box not general discussion. You poo pooed his idea and he responded in kind. I don't think his response was anymore harsh than yours.


I have to agree with this.


OP, you were ok at first, then at the halfway mark in your initial post you were attacking that other poster. You were possibly asking for it.

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I'm surprised that you were surprised the reaction you got. I thought your initial post was quite rude, and if you wrote that to me, I would have been insulted.


Your entire post was being dismissive of the poster in question, and saying things like your quotes below are begging for a flame in return:


"With all due respect you are not forced to do ANYTHING"

"I am getting tired of people saying"

"Does it ever to occur to you that"



I assume you are aware the writing in capitals is often considered rude and to be a form of yelling?


To make a thread about being upset, when it was actually you that started the insults is a little confusing...

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Okay, it seems the majority of you feel as though I did indeed start it. That I attacked him first. Upon re reading my posts I agree that I was harsh despite the fact I thought I was just giving a strong opinion. Some have even said I was asking for it. As much as it pains me to admit perhaps you are right. I did not mean to be offensive and I should remember typing is different to speaking. But there is one thing I do want to say. To the person who said that its confusing that I made a thread after what happend. I made it not because I wanted sympathy but to see if I was wrong and clearly I am. Also I'm upset at both myself and I guess the sheer viserol response I got. So yeah there you have it. I will write in the thread that I apologise and thanks to those who have been supportive and respectful.


Thank you.

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I just read the link. Holy crap you come in, "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT" and then proceed to tell him that can't have ideas and the game is the way it is. Who the heck are you? And now you're butt hurt that the guy insulted you? You insulted him. My god, what the heck is wrong with you. Edited by killmaimburn
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Okay, it seems the majority of you feel as though I did indeed start it. That I attacked him first. Upon re reading my posts I agree that I was harsh despite the fact I thought I was just giving a strong opinion. Some have even said I was asking for it. As much as it pains me to admit perhaps you are right. I did not mean to be offensive and I should remember typing is different to speaking. But there is one thing I do want to say. To the person who said that its confusing that I made a thread after what happend. I made it not because I wanted sympathy but to see if I was wrong and clearly I am. Also I'm upset at both myself and I guess the sheer viserol response I got. So yeah there you have it. I will write in the thread that I apologise and thanks to those who have been supportive and respectful.


Thank you.


Sometimes it helps to write something, sit on it for a while, then re-read it.


Also, should never write when you're mad. At anything. Doesn't have to be what you're writing about but if you're mad at something it will come through in your writing.


Or like me, just resign yourself to the fact that everything you post will likely piss off someone regardless and live with it :p

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I didn't find your post rude at all.


However, I think you forget this game is filled...FILLED...with people who thinkt hey;re entitled to something.


Mind you, I think I'm entitled the MMO of MMO that ends all MMOs as it was totally hyped up to be such a game and I think it fell flat on that :p


But really, have you read these threads? Some of the biggest threads are about "They said...so we're entitled" seriously. And yes, soloist always feel entitled to everything, even group content gear. I haven't seen a MMO yet, who didn't have solo players who thought they needed what all the group players have, when really, the solo players dont need that high gear, because they are in fact soloing.


If they wanted the look of the armors, that I could understand, but the mods? Not really. Sorry, I understand that some of my characters are just solo characters, and thusly, as long as I can look the way I want, I dont need the highest OMG gear, since I dont need the highest OMG mods to complete anything in this game that's not group oriented.

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Now as time has gone on I have developed a much stronger skin when it comes to these forums so I can take it as much as I can dish it out.

Had you developed "a much stronger skin" as you claim, this thread would not be in existance. So please, stop with the attention whorism and play the game.

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Yet some things the person said hit home a little bit so i would like to ask you guys if I am actually wrong if my tone is bad and if so how do I change it.

You pissed him off (packed under rhetorics) and he pissed back. Dont fight if you cant manage the echo...

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Sometimes it helps to write something, sit on it for a while, then re-read it.


Also, should never write when you're mad. At anything. Doesn't have to be what you're writing about but if you're mad at something it will come through in your writing.


Or like me, just resign yourself to the fact that everything you post will likely piss off someone regardless and live with it :p


Think that is a wise course of action as it is true you will always post something on the internet someone doesn't like


I just read the link. Holy crap you come in, "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT" and then proceed to tell him that can't have ideas and the game is the way it is. Who the heck are you? And now you're butt hurt that the guy insulted you? You insulted him. My god, what the heck is wrong with you.


I love it when people use the word but hurt lol. Anyway onto your post.. What the heck is wrong with me? Well nothing really I am quite fine. When did I say he couldn't have ideas? I didn't say he could not think of ideas I just heavenly disagreed with the idea he posted. Now mind you, I realize a bit harsh and even a little offensive but no where did I say he could not have idea. I even went so far as to apologize. Was I upset he lashed out ? Yeah perhaps a little I will admit., but the purpose of the thread was to ask you guys what you thought and told me. I was prepared to have both people in support and people whom thought i was completely wrong which is fine by me.


Thanks for your response though.

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I think you got what you deserved. You come off a bit 'high and mighty' like your opinion is the only one that counts. I don't think the respondant came across that badly. I think you need to stop eating sensitivity crackers, or something. Get over it. Let the guy do his suggestion and let the devs decide if they think his point is valid. I personally think stuff for solo players is a good idea, not saying I agree with exactly what he posted, but yeah, solo content is always great in addition to the group things.


So stop trying to create more drama in an already drama ridden place. If you don't like the response you get, oh freaking well. Plenty of people have told me to get stuffed, and I've come to expect it from some of the people here. I don't like it, but thats just how it is.

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The Forum really is much much better then it was 9 months ago, and getting better with each passing month. So don't let any forum member get you down.


Couldn't agree with you more as a lurker. As far as the OP, you weren't out of line, and your apology showed class.

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As per the thread title I am a little upset and i will tell you why. It is not because of the game or mechanics but of the forum. See I am not sure if many of you know but I am quite a active poster on the forums. I really enjoy the discussions even arguments that occur on a day to day basis.


However recently most notably today I responded to a thread in the suggestion forum about options for solo players. See my opinion on the matter is quite strong and to a degree a bit harsh. But see here is the thing after I responded the person whom i was responding to replied in a very angry way even going so far as to hurl insults at me and attack my character somewhat. Now as time has gone on I have developed a much stronger skin when it comes to these forums so I can take it as much as I can dish it out. Yet some things the person said hit home a little bit so i would like to ask you guys if I am actually wrong if my tone is bad and if so how do I change it.


Thanks for your time


Here is the thread in question. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=609607


I reviewed the thread, and from what I could tell, the guy was using his 'multimedia expertise' (which I'm using sarcastically) as a platform to basically say he'd be better at programming end-game content than the people who've put so much time into it already.


If he was really this capable, he would get hired on at BW/EA, or create his own damn online MMORPG that had content for both MMO players and those who prefer solo/casual. Since he has not, I'd bet that his 'multimedia company' is one of these little start-ups that barely has any clout; it might even be him working out of a home office, an independent contractor.


As far as the interaction between you and the OP of that thread: you made the point countless others have made to those who complain, and you did it in a far less juvenile fashion than I've seen some post. You did not say something like, "Go eff yourself, whiny little b***" or some of the other juvenile responses. You made a clear case for why the end-game content is the way it is. IN response, he ignored half of your post and proceeded to go into full rage mode. The post he made following that showed his immaturity and lack of know-how on forums. Whenever i'm on a forum, I make sure people can read my responses.


Anyways, I think you handled yourself pretty well, but personally, if either of the two of you would be counted as a 'TROLL', it'd be the OP. Now excuse me, I need to go make a point in that one regarding his use of the armed forces and their limited time as an excuse....

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I think you got what you deserved. He posted in the suggestion box not general discussion. You poo pooed his idea and he responded in kind. I don't think his response was anymore harsh than yours.
This. You were kinda rude. Try constructive criticism without getting upset.
I think you got what you deserved. You come off a bit 'high and mighty' like your opinion is the only one that counts. I don't think the respondant came across that badly.


Well ok, since the OP realized his mistake, I guess that's that. ;)

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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Greetings Undead. Now you and I have disagreed in the past so I won't blame you if you totally disregard this. But setting aside the past and looking at this particular thread I have to say that even tho I tend to agree with your opinion on changing group content to solo content if I had been the one your post was aimed at it would have made me pretty hot under the collar too.


Whether you intended it to or not what you posted, when read, did sound very high handed, authoritarian, and offensively dismissive of the OPs right to post a suggestion. Your first defensive response didn't come across much better.


However, when you calmed and looked at it all again and apologized for unintentional offense while not backing down from your position, that was a touch of class in my opinion.

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